Fansplaining with Will Fan [From Project Credo]

Fansplaining Episode 4: Is Cow's Milk Healthy? with guest Emily Rosengren

William Season 1 Episode 4

This month's topic:  "Is Cow's Milk Healthy?" with guest Emily Rosengren.

Growing up in the US, cow's milk was marketed as a healthy drink: whole, two-percent, or skim. I grew up drinking a few glasses a day, largely because of the supposed nutrients and vitamins you can get. But growing concern and criticism on sugary drinks has put greater scrutiny on this supposed super drink. Studies and books like the The China Study argue that components in milk lead to greater cancer risk or bone loss. This board aims to consolidate the research on the impacts of drinking milk and its potential health benefits or consequences.

Check out Project Credo for the accompanying Credo board on the papers we've cited.