Body Literacy Podcast

Jin Shin Jyutsu with Katie Falk

Jen Mayo

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Katie Falk joins me on this episode of the Body Literacy Podcast.  Katie and I met at a Native American sweat lodge retreat where we talked into the late hours of the night about our father's health journeys and the various "alternative" healing modalities we learned of in the aftermath of both losing our dads. Katie shares with us her own healing journey as well her father's battle with cancer and how grief and emotional stress following his passing impacted her own health.  Years later she learned of an energy healing modality called Jin Shin Jyutsu which she now practices and helps others learn how to integrate for their own health.

Katie is an 8-year student of the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, also known as JSJ for short. JSJ is often considered a form of alternative or energy medicine among many ancient healing arts that are making a resurgence in the modern landscape of chronic disease that has failed to be well addressed by the conventions of Western medicine.

Katie describes JSJ as a simple, effective, all-encompassing approach that enables people to assist themselves, or assist other people, back into a state of harmony within their physical, mental, and emotional bodies. This is done by using gentle and strategic placement of hands, referred to as flows and holds, with a focus on relaxation and exhalation.

Katie currently hosts her own podcast, Pregnancy JSJ Meditations - Hold For Healing,  where she shares meditations specifically for pregnant women to help them feel better and relieve common ailments during pregnancy. She draws upon her own life experiences to create these meditations and uses a creative non-fiction approach when creating meditations and course topics. Feeling called to create unique meditations, she combines teaching JSJ self-help practices with breath and relaxation awareness, emotional freedom techniques, affirmations, and personal content.

You can find Katie online at

Her podcast, Pregnancy JSJ Meditations, can be found at

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The Body Literacy Podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Any statements and views expressed by myself or my guests are not medical advice. The opinions of guests are their own and the Body Literacy Podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. If you have a medical problem, please consult a qualified and competent medical professional.

The Body Literacy Podcast may promote, affiliate with, or partner with other individuals or businesses whose programs, products and services align with mine and Body Literacy, LLC may receive commissions or compensation for promotion of those products or services.

Theme music for the Body Literacy Podcast is provided by Big Wild, .

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