The Manifesting Latina

Unlocking Your Potential: Overcoming Mindset Blocks to Manifest Your Dream Career with Dr. Norma Reyes

Norma Reyes, PhD. Season 3 Episode 93

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Are your career beliefs holding you back from reaching your full potential? Tune in to this transformative episode with Dr. Norma Reyes, as we examine how to identify and overcome the mindset blocks that might be keeping you from manifesting your dream career. We promise you'll walk away with actionable steps to help you break free from limiting beliefs and create a new mindset that supports your career aspirations!

Join us as we share our personal journeys and lessons learned on the path to success. We'll guide you through three essential steps: identifying your current career beliefs, letting go of what no longer serves you, and creating empowering beliefs that open the door to your dream job. Connect with us on Instagram at manifest your career to share your new beliefs and affirmations. Don't miss this opportunity to take control of your career and unlock the potential within you!

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Speaker 1:

Are you ready to stop feeling stuck, lost or confused about what to do next in your career? Then the Manifest Your Career Podcast is just right for you. With me, your host, dr Norma Reyes, The Manifest Your Career Podcast offers you career advice that integrates your mind, body and spirit. It's time you start listening to your own inner guidance. Learn in each week to learn how to combine your intuition, strategy and logic so that you can manifest a career of your dreams. Hey everyone, welcome back. This is episode 93.

Speaker 1:

Today, i will be talking about how to overcome your limiting beliefs. How to overcome your limiting beliefs. So you may or may not already know your beliefs are what are holding you back from manifesting your dream career? If you are not in alignment with manifesting your dream career meaning you're not taking the steps, you're not seeing the opportunities, or the opportunities come and they seem to pass you by It is because your limiting beliefs or your beliefs, your current beliefs, are limiting you and they're limiting your career opportunities. So one of the things that I do with my clients is working on figuring out what are those limiting beliefs, what is keeping you from manifesting your dream career, to overcoming them? Can I call these career mindset blocks. You can call them limiting beliefs. What they are doing is stopping you from manifesting your dream career. So here are three steps on how you can overcome your career mindset blocks, your career limiting beliefs, these beliefs that are holding you back. And knowing that it's all up to you, you have the power to make a change in your career and manifest the career you want, and that power is within you, not with anybody else. You may have been giving away your power to someone else. You may have been believing someone else's beliefs, thoughts or what people think your potential is, and, in reality, only you decide your potential. You decide how successful you are, how successful you can be and how successful you will be. You decide that no one else does. Your beliefs are the deciders of that. So here are the three steps that you are going to take today to overcome your limiting beliefs. Step one identify what your current career beliefs are.

Speaker 1:

Ask yourself what do I believe about my career growth? What do I believe about my career growth? What do I believe is possible for my career? What do I believe is possible for my career? Next question What steps do I believe I need to take to have the career success I want. What are the steps I believe I need to take to have the career success I want? So those three questions will give you the beliefs that you currently have And be honest with yourself.

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Don't just give cookie cutter responses, Don't just put responses that you think you should be believing, and really put down what you actually believe. What do you believe is possible for your career growth right now, this moment? And it's okay if you are thinking I don't think I have any options, i don't think I have any opportunities in front of me, or I, you know, don't think I can be successful without a degree, or I need a new degree to be successful. Whatever those are, it's so important to write them down. Write down at least 10 beliefs that you currently have. These don't all have to be negative. Perhaps you believe that one day you can have the career success you want, but your belief is in the future, thinking one day, one day, one day, i'll visit Egypt. It's very like one day. It's very future oriented. It means that it's not possible right now, and so, while it's not a negative belief, it's a belief that it's not going to happen now, that other things have to happen for it to happen, and when will that be? It's uncertain. So make sure that you write at least 10 beliefs that you currently have about your career growth, your career success and what is possible for you in your career.

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Now, as you look at your list, some of them might be positive. Some of them may be like I believe that my dream career exists. You may have some limiting beliefs, thinking that you have to have a degree, that there's not opportunities, that you need to switch fields, that the job you want doesn't pay you enough. You may believe like you can still have your dream job, it just may not pay enough. So, as you're looking at these beliefs, decide to let go of the beliefs that are not serving you, that are not supporting manifesting your dream career. Now there might be some beliefs that you want to hold on to, but you just need to change them up some. Perhaps, if you're saying one day I'll have my dream career, you can start saying I'll have my dream career. And as you become more comfortable with saying I'm going to have my dream career, you start to say my dream career is finding me, my dream career is coming. You know opportunities for my dream career find me every day. So you start to shift that and you create these new beliefs. That's actually step three creating new beliefs that serve you better and support manifesting your dream career. Then, as you begin to say those, then you can create those opportunities.

Speaker 1:

So, for example, something that I say often is I'm going to be a millionaire, i'm going to be a millionaire, so that is future state. That means that it's not current And most likely I will not become a millionaire until I begin to change how I phrase that. Right, i am a millionaire. So I know internally I'm still not there at the point to say I am a millionaire, but I know that I want to be a millionaire and I know that I'm going to be a millionaire, so much so that apparently I've told my neighbors a few times already that I'm going to be a millionaire. And these neighbors, i love them because they're like a little bit younger than my parents age, but they're my parents. You know they're immigrants, they weren't educated, but you know these individuals have the opportunity to graduate high school and have better jobs than my parents did and different upbringing. They're Latinos as well And I just I love them because they are a different of a different mindset still not like for my generation, kind of in between me and my parents, so it's like I can add an uncle, kind of that I wish I had growing up, because they're just fun, and I just think it's funny that I, when they told me they're like you know, you've told us that several times already And I'm just like dang, i didn't even remember telling them the first time, but that's how excited I was to share that with them, you know.

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And so my plan is to become a millionaire, and I will. I will definitely make it a goal that over the next next months I won't say a few weeks You gotta be realistic with yourself and your beliefs on how well you can transform them, because it takes time, you know. I don't even know when I started believing I could become a millionaire, but I know that I keep saying I will be a millionaire. So definitely we'll start changing that belief to be I am a millionaire, you know, and what you need to do is start affirming your new beliefs. However, it is that you want to start. You can start off with that.

Speaker 1:

I will, or I can, to help yourself go from those steps of like this isn't possible to maybe this is possible. You know you have to go the baby steps. You can't go from being $30,000 in debt and then be like I'm a millionaire. You can't say that because your mind is going to say, no, we're not, we're not, we're not. Not only are we not a millionaire, we're $30,000 in debt. And so you have to be able to take the baby steps and maybe, if you want to be a millionaire who doesn't want to be a millionaire you begin to say that I'm overcoming this debt, right. So the same thing with your career.

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If you want to manifest your dream career, you could say I'm overcoming my career challenges, i'm overcoming my career beliefs.

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If you're having a hard time affirming yourself, you can begin with those. I'm overcoming my limiting beliefs, i'm overcoming my career beliefs, i'm overcoming my career challenges, whatever it is that you feel is right for you right now. And then, after a few months, work to transform those two more affirming and more positive and more like right now, right, more like I'm manifesting career opportunities every day, or career opportunities are finding me every day. So again, this is the three steps that you can take to overcome your career mindset blocks, and that is, identifying what your current career beliefs are. Decide to let go of them, the ones that are no longer serving you or supporting your career dreams. And the third one is creating new beliefs that better serve you and support you in manifesting your dream career. I would love to hear your new beliefs, your new affirmations that you are creating for yourself. Send me a DM at manifest your career on Instagram. I want to know what your beliefs are and what you are manifesting. I will talk to you guys on the next episode.

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