Living With Madeley

Series 6 Bonus Episode 3 - Listener Guilty Pleasure Songs

Liam and Andrew Season 6 Episode 16

Ever found yourself sheepishly humming a tune you'd never admit to loving out loud? That's where Liam and  Andrew step in, turning the volume up on those clandestine songs with our latest chat about the music tracks you secretly can't get enough of. 

Our beloved listeners have spoken, and we've curated a Spotify playlist that's a smorgasbord of those delectable guilty pleasures. 

Speaker 1:

Living with Maidalee Living with Maidalee. Living with Maidalee. Living with Maidalee.

Speaker 2:

Hello everybody and welcome to the podcast Living with Maidalee. This is the third bonus episode of series six. I'm one of the hosts. I'm Liam. The other host is Andreas Andrew. Howe are you?

Speaker 3:

All right, mate. All right, a little bit tired today, but you know we've got a great show ahead for you, don't we? A cracking lineup, am I? It's a cracking lineup. So, basically, the guilty pleasure episode that we did last week. We got so much feedback and like genuinely thanks to everyone who got back in touch. This would have just been if we'd have read everyone out or just listing songs when it basically had been boring. We had at least 62 entries. There's probably more since I updated it. So what we've done is everyone's who's put theirs in. We've made a Spotify playlist and we'll share it with this episode and if people want to add to it, they're on Stuff the Camo, so we'll share that. But what we've decided to do is pick out our five favourites of the songs that you sent in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a good summary. Yeah, so the Spotify playlist you'll be able to shuffle through everybody's guilty pleasures and listens, but what we've picked out are five, so that we just couldn't play a clip from all of them, it had gone on forever. So it's our favourites Not necessarily. I think I'm right in this. This is how I've done it. They wouldn't necessarily be guilty pleasures for me we said it's very subjective, but they're just my favourite songs out of the list we got.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's one of mine which I think is a brilliant song, which I've never heard about it as a guilty. Well, none of them are guilty pleasures, but they are guilty pleasures, so we've allowed ourselves to have it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're going to give them a quick listen and see what we think. Yeah, so let's get into the episode. Living with me, the only.

Speaker 3:

Right. My first one is from a good friend of ours, dead Bart, and I'm going to go straight in. I have writes in Fred, obviously don't talk, just kiss as one of my guilty pleasures, and he's gone for deeply dip-a-ed. We've already spoken about deeply dip-a-ed, but I'm going to play it again because it's one of the best songs ever written. Deeply dip-a-ed about the curves. You got Deeply hot, hot for the curves.

Speaker 1:

You got Deeply dip-a-ed about the fun we had. Deeply mad, mad for the fun we had. Oh my love, I can't make hypnotic love. Passion, oh my love, let's go, let's set sail for seas of passion now.

Speaker 3:

So this got to number one in 1992. Enemy I'm really surprised by this. Enemy ranked deeply dip-a-ed number 22 in their list of singles for the year, so it might have been a bit cooler than I thought.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the sort of capture in a moment, didn't they? I don't know about cool, but they were initially a bit of a hit, but then it seemed over time that people viewed them slightly differently.

Speaker 3:

I'm not sure, but yeah, it's a great song, I can't deny that I did a fantastic karaoke version of this, which has lost the time, unfortunately when we went to Chapel of St Leonard's, yeah, yeah, I think I mean the strong words, aren't they?

Speaker 2:

But I think with that I got to number one.

Speaker 3:

It's probably a little bit better. Do you know what I think it actually is? I think Alex Turner, like Monkeys, would do a great version of this. I think it's a bit better about the way you watch. Do you know what? I can imagine him, my group of voice. I think you'd proper pull it off Like legs there go on for miles. I can proper imagine him.

Speaker 3:

This is my second favourite. Right said Fred's song behind the one that I picked last week, which you don't talk, just kiss, and just in front of we Are the Freds. Have you heard? We Are the Freds, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's about that's a brilliant lyric line because it's about how they don't get hits anymore. Brilliant lyrics in it, because we wrote another song at the weekend. It went into the charts at the deep end. Brilliant, yeah, great song.

Speaker 2:

I love the sort of plodding nature that's set out by it. It's kind of just, it's brilliant. I can imagine it being quite good to go on a jog to almost to pace yourself to.

Speaker 3:

But I'm not going to spend too long on this one. It's my love for. I Said Fred and that is my first choice. Thank you for Mr Deadbat for that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, good choice. So my first one, and it's another good friend of the show and actually what I've done. You sent me a list of songs, right, you've kind of picked out all the comments, and fair play to you, but I just got a list of songs and didn't necessarily know whose songs they were. I've picked five songs, three from Berlin Blade and three from JP.

Speaker 3:

Two from JP.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so apart, there are some great songs on the list. I didn't deliberately had an owner might try to mix it up a little bit, but I just picked my five favourites and that's where we are. Number one thanks Berlin. Blade is Melsey and Brian Adams when you Gone.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't think this is a guilty pleasure personally. For me, obviously, it's for Berlin, and that's fair enough. He's a very cool man, isn't he?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you've got a factor in him. When sort of cool customers, probably songs like this might be a bit more embarrassing but yeah, I wouldn't have this as a guilty pleasure. I nearly had Melsey and Matt Cardle with the. I don't know who do you think about?

Speaker 3:

I've heard that.

Speaker 2:

yeah, which is a great song and actually it's the first time that, because I don't know whether Melsey was just badly sort of packaged as the sporty spice, but in that Matt Cardle video I kind of I think she's quite attractive.

Speaker 2:

I never really thought that before then. Even in this she's very sort of spice girl-esque. But yeah, absolutely brilliant song. I think it's a good video, even though Brian Adams looks a little bit ludicrous. He's kind of got a sort of monobrow and he's wandering around his house with a fan blown in his face all the time.

Speaker 3:

I remember this being massive, though, but yeah, I've just typed in Brian Adams. It looks nothing like I imagine him to look like now. Oh, I would never. If you had shown me a picture of him, I'd have never said that.

Speaker 2:

What are you doing?

Speaker 3:

Just search, literally search, brian.

Speaker 2:

Adams Just put him right.

Speaker 3:

Adams yeah, no way am I thinking that's the guy who did Summer of 69.

Speaker 2:

I can see it, but I suppose I've watched the video for this song recently. But yeah, he's aged, time has.

Speaker 3:

Time has had it's wicked way with him, hasn't it? I think we went to a funeral recently. He had Summer of 69 by a brilliant update. Imagine that, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I suppose it would work, though wouldn't it Creaky when you're gone, anyway. So, 1998, november. This was released.

Speaker 3:

How long did you know? I'd have said notice for that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and all of that. And yeah, I mean certainly, I don't know. It's back to that thing in it. When I'm on campus trying to establish myself as one of the cool kids, Would I want this blaring out? I'm not sure.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, it works probably. Yeah, it is a good song. It is a good song we're not going to, obviously spend as much time on this as we're doing with others, Because it's just a bonus and we've got some comments to get through at the end of the episode. My next one is from another friend of the show, I'd say Traveling Blade. I'm continuing our passion for praising words by paedophiles. This is Gary Glitter Rock and Roll, Part 2. Right, I've played that. We've mentioned Glitter before in our favourite Christmas song.

Speaker 2:

I think it was probably that time in the episode as well, wasn't it where we say we do not condone anything, Do not condone anything.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we have to. Every episode. We have to condemn paedophiles, basically. But anyway, Glitter does not receive any payment when that song's used, because he's sold the rights. It's now owned by Universal Music Publishing Group, so we're allowed to use it. And obviously this is Rock and Roll Part 2 and it was used in the Joker film. Do you remember it in that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, funnily enough, when I used something in the list, I didn't buy name, I didn't know it. And when I searched for it. The video that came up was from the Joker. I'd say it was a fantastic song.

Speaker 3:

It's a fucking brilliant song. It got number two in the UK. It actually His first release was Gary Glitter and by this point he were overweight. He were in his mid 30s. He made all these mad outfits of it. He's promoted, but this was his first date in his mid 30s, so it's still up for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, liam, not saying you're overweight but Well, yeah, it was quite a lot of weight, but yeah, I suppose. So yeah, could still have the rock yet, kind of Like I said, no, well, lost a bit of weight.

Speaker 3:

You didn't answer the paedophile charges, but I do not condone paedophilia.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, anyway, Really good at you. And one of the comments on YouTube that I can't vouch for this. I've seen the Joker film and it's good, but apparently in the first half of the film you see him going up the stairs, which is him trying to sort of deal with his mental health problems, and in the second half this is played whilst he kind of Stomps down the stairs and kind of wallows in his mental health issues, almost so this is the downward slide, but yeah, it's really atmospheric. It's a brilliant piece of music.

Speaker 3:

I think this is basically what Cassavion has been trying to do for 20 years this song. They've always been trying to get this song as good as this song. Yeah, I know what you mean, yeah, I actually know this riff more from the Time. Remember the Time Lord song in 1988? Doc's in the top, Doc to who? Hey?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, do you know what I thought? Yeah, that makes sense, though, because I thought that sounds really like something else. Did they take some of this and put it in that then?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's the riff yeah, a doc. Basically it's brilliant. Klf's Time Lord's basically the same band, they just changed the name. They wrote a book saying how to have a number one single and it was basically about this song going to be called it's going to take a little bit of a.

Speaker 3:

Gary Glitz song yeah, yeah, yeah, and it's a bit of a piss-take song in the sense that they just try to do everything they could to try and get a commercial hit. You know what I mean. And it works obviously to get a number one. I'm sure the lyrics go Doc to who hey, hey and the Tarvis.

Speaker 2:

Alright, I'll just say and Doc to who? Again.

Speaker 3:

It might say and Doc, doc to who, and Doc to who, doc to who, hey, and Doc to who, and the Tarvis Anyway.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to say not, and the Tarvis whichever, whatever it is.

Speaker 3:

It's called Doctor in the Tar. Maybe it says Doc to who the Tarvis.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know that.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, that's song went to number one and apparently unfortunately it made Glitter a lot of money which he needed for legal bills and to continue his extravagant lifestyle. It says on Wikipedia so yeah, go to Glitter, fantastic choice from Travelling.

Speaker 2:

Right number two. I'll play the clip first. Actually, this is a fantastic song. The original is great, obviously Billy Joel, billy Joel, whichever it's supposed to be at the minute, but this is the Westlife cover. I absolutely love this. It's 2001. I like Westlife anyway, and actually again, I suppose this is where you go back to sort of guilty pleasure and things, because this time I was being about 20 March the fifth 2001 20. I was quite happily walking around singing Westlife song, so yeah, you're.

Speaker 3:

You're always a bit of a yeah, bit of a dick.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I would have been walking around singing this. It reminds me of a great time. I remember sort of having a shower, getting ready to go to a lead mill, sort of dancing Westlife, but no one at that all did that before.

Speaker 3:

It's like a prep.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this would be, on my playlist. It's like Jennifer Lopez waiting for tonight as well, but this this would have been on the sort of getting ready playlist. Brilliant song. I like the video.

Speaker 3:

Better than the original. One of your favorite cover songs. This, billy Joe. I always get mixed up.

Speaker 2:

Is it better than the original? It's very similar, to be honest. I mean it is very similar. I think that you can sing very well. I, when this came out Probably before this song, so probably like before Millennium I remember I had a couple of makes at times that sadly I don't see anymore, but Dan and Jabba, that were Sort of quite, quite cool kids here with sort of internet bodybuilding and stuff, but they always used to say I look like the small guy out of Westlife and then yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I remember that year. Then he got voted sexiest man in pop and they never call me again. But, yeah, yeah, great song. It was, like I said, 2001. Originally. Billy Joe said all that. I just think it's great. It's really catchy. I defy anyone is to come on and not find themselves have a slight lifting mood. It's bit like the From the song that I played. Come up and see me that.

Speaker 3:

I really liked oh yeah it reminds me of that.

Speaker 2:

It's a certain it's a certain pace and tone. I just think it gives you a little lift. So if you're feeling a bit down, listen to a bit of uptown girl by Westlife.

Speaker 3:

And on the other side, billy Joel, the. Is it Joel or Joel it's Billy?

Speaker 2:

Joel, I don't know, don't know, billy Joel.

Speaker 3:

I always get mixed up with Billy Ocean. I actually got this wrong when I made this thing about. I might have told you this story. I think I put it into our group chat thing, but when swimming and and it's mad swimming boss I got to, they were like sort of really, really really odd rap music going on. It's like I go in morning so there's loads of like just old people there. It's like, yeah, motherfucker, shit, fucking shit, like this, like like we're having a piss before and he's because what the fucking hell's this like? It went happy at all.

Speaker 2:

So it was really like obviously the life got you go swimming in in Compton, don't you?

Speaker 3:

I do go swimming in Compton, yeah. So, uh, all these old people got together and went to lifeguard I just saw him like I don't know what they were saying, but anyway, it went off About 10 seconds later. When the girl and gets tough, the tough get comes on. So the obviously got, you got it overturned. They've got a bit of Billy Ocean on, well, yeah, I wonder if you wait.

Speaker 2:

That's adding to your confusion, though, because didn't boys own cover that? Oh yeah, they did, didn't they? Because?

Speaker 3:

that's the famous.

Speaker 2:

I've got that's.

Speaker 3:

Yeah yeah. And they both called Billy.

Speaker 2:

Get out my dreams, get into my car. Was that Billy Ocean?

Speaker 3:

That I think it might have been in anyway, tangent. But who is the best play ocean, joel Piper, is that for the listeners or do you want me to answer? You could answer and people can vote in if they want, if they want anything to get involved.

Speaker 2:

Uh, so if I'm going to rank the billies, I'm going to go Billy Joel, billy Ocean, sorry, piper, billy Piper third Piper, first for me, but anyway, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So my third choice was a song that just before we have come on air, you've informed me you don't like, and this is from the egg monster, general. Um, and this is angle bit humbolding with condo, condo, condo.

Speaker 2:

My darling tell me when Couldn't go on with this that we have a rule. So you send me playlists more than I play you. But but we have a rule, don't we? It's like a three play. You can't review something, so you've heard it all the way through three times because you can make snap decisions. I I tried with this. I gave it the full three listens. It's close to to going somewhere, but it just doesn't feel like it does to me. It's. It's so generic. It feels like to me, like an early tom jones album. This is just like track nine that you listened to it. Because you just listened to you couldn't skip in those days on a record. But it's never going to be a favorite. You're never going to be sort of caught Humming the tune to it, I don't to me.

Speaker 3:

I like it, I do like it. It's my pick to it. But it's a bit of a poor man's backer act, in a way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely, it's got. In fact, I look to see if it was written by backer act. I kind of felt it had that feel to it. It's not, though, is it?

Speaker 3:

I didn't write it, not unusual. I wrote what's new. Yeah, yeah, yeah, a bit trivia about Engelbur. He's from Leicester and has a tax exile. He's only permitted to stay in the UK for a maximum of 90 days and the rest of the year At the year lives in Los Angeles. So a bit of a tax swerver. Is one of the wealthiest musicians in the business, is worth 100 million dollars. He's a Guinness world world record holder for achieving the largest selling album of the year In the United Kingdom in 1967 With release me. Think about how much shit we're going. In 1967, beatles and Stones and Kings and this fucker Was about the biggest selling album of the year. Unbelievable work for him. I think it was white album route for Beatles that Release me. The song kept strawberry fields off number one as well. Please release me.

Speaker 2:

Let me go. That's a better song, but I mean I absolutely agree, by the way, like Back to our rules, that I get why. This would be a guilty pleasure. It'd be an odd one to be listening to when you're sort of trying to get in with the jocks on campus, wouldn't?

Speaker 3:

it. Well, that's a little bit of trivia for him and he's not Not in there. On a positive note, he was found to be the father of a four year Four-year-old girl in 1988, but he refuses to see her, although he does pay child support. In 1988 the mother of the girl accused him of having AIDS. Ridiculous, that one angle bit up will think triviacom. They're all sloughing in there with that end.

Speaker 2:

We do not condone accusing people of having AIDS.

Speaker 3:

Now watch your next one, dude.

Speaker 2:

Number three. So and I forgot to say last time and I didn't do this deliberately, I did but my first three are all berlin blade. So the last one obviously was berlin blade, as is this one. I absolutely don't think this Would ever be a guilty pleasure. But obviously you know, man about town in berlin feels differently and that's fine. I absolutely don't disagree. But I, I love this song. Even at the time I wouldn't ever have considered this a guilty pleasure. It's all saints with pure shores music.

Speaker 3:

William Webding actually commented under when Bill and Blade posted this as one of his choices and he said pure source, pure source, pure source is inarguably a perfect pop song and anyone who doesn't like it is the guilty one.

Speaker 2:

Right, strong words from the middle, but yeah.

Speaker 3:

So some strong words from Webding. But I agree, though it's a great song, nace, I don't think it's a great song?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but as a pop song, as a song that's going to appeal to everyone, everyone's going to like this, aren't they Like? Certain songs you kind of feel like, ah, yeah, that's for the kids. Or your last one, that's for the sort of the cleaner generation like it.

Speaker 2:

But pure source is just a great pop song. I mean, I think somebody mentioned it actually, but there's another great one. A guy on site I used to work with mentioned which is ah, who did Waterfalls? Don't go to the hospital, that's not. I don't think that's it. That's a great pop song though.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it lasted me. A couple of years ago, though, they were in a ten and they had to shut like people trying to get into because there were that many people trying to see TLC. Yeah, but it's proper on.

Speaker 2:

Earth, though, really a glass to my soul, no, but I think it's people who sort of you know, remembering back to happier times. You know, I kind of get it, yeah, but they could have watched Skunk and Anse on another stage. Yeah it's a choice, star. I like both.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I see. I think I saw Supergrass at the same time, but anyway, I can't stand Supergrass.

Speaker 2:

I think, Brilliant and Band Super underrated.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, carry on.

Speaker 2:

Just as we're talking, I'll do my research, so I'm just going to type into Wikipedia to see what year it is released.

Speaker 3:

Also, do you think this is better than Never Forget a few questions that I want to know?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because I don't like that bit. Yeah, I just wank, that bit when it gets into song, it's alright, but I don't like the sort of stalled speaking bit. Pure Shores was 2000. I'll tell you what's a fantastic song. By the way, mel Black does a song with Artful Dodger, I think.

Speaker 3:

I think it's called, did you not rewind?

Speaker 2:

with the crowd say Bo.

Speaker 3:

Select. That is Artful Dodger, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, now I might be wrong on that and I might have got something mixed up there. But Mel Black so, who was one of Old Saints just again doing live research here?

Speaker 3:

I'll go re-rewind. When the crowd say Bo 24-7,.

Speaker 2:

Artful Dodger featuring Mel Black is a phenomenal song for anyone who wants to check that out.

Speaker 3:

Mel Mel Black, when the crowd say Bo select.

Speaker 2:

When the Artful Dodger says Bo 24-7.

Speaker 3:

What's that. Lurico for the streets, first album where he says alright, what is it? Alright, classics, not bangers or something. Leave that for the Artful Dodger Right. So my fourth one. This is from Real Bobby B. I'm just going to play it.

Speaker 2:

Informa, he's got a lot of showbiz on the radio.

Speaker 3:

Remember when we still got the mail? I'm not embarrassing here this one. We were really young, to be fair, because I've wrote this song and it was Informa, remember that. But we'd not heard it. Yeah, they're just like singing it and I think a friend of this goes it's just Informa. I have a vivid memory of hearing this on the word when it came out and I'm mesmerised by it, purely because I lick it bum, bum down.

Speaker 2:

It is good, but is it kind of ironically, is it not really very good? I don't know. I remember a time quite catchy, but it's not a very good song is it?

Speaker 3:

I think it's alright. I don't think it's one of the greatest songs ever written. It was in jail when this was a big hit around the world, so it was banned from touring due to its criminal record. Yes, it's snow and it's Korea lost momentum, so he's known as a one-it-one, but even though he's got seven or eight albums or something like that, this is off the album. 12 inches of snow. So that's get it.

Speaker 2:

Take what you want from that.

Speaker 3:

This is interesting. In fact, actually Informa hit number one in America on March 13, 1993 and the following week it stayed on top. Meanwhile in England, o'carolina by Shaggy was hit the number one, which means it's the first time that different reggae songs were number one in both the US and the UK. Is this reggae?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know. It's pop reggae, isn't it?

Speaker 3:

Dance, all more than anything but yeah. O'carolina is cool. That's a good song, but that's a cover song. But yeah, I mean, what's your favourite Shaggy song? I've seen Shaggy, by the way, I've said that I might say this song yeah, he's fucking brilliant live, I've been kissing on the sofa.

Speaker 2:

it wasn't me, that's easy.

Speaker 3:

You know, I thought you'd like darling. You're my angel, you're my darling. Yeah, same song, it's not me, it's not me, it's not me. Of course it's not my peeps you are to me. Yeah, then he doesn't say it wasn't me, he doesn't even make sense darling.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't me. Should you are my? Yeah, you're right. Actually that is my favourite Shaggy song. Yeah, angel Boom Bastic.

Speaker 3:

Boom Bastic.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I worried you'd make him bandana. When I went to see him, which I presume spurred him on Probably looked down and thought I'll just give this song an extra oomph.

Speaker 2:

It's not the reason he's successful, it's just that extra few percent, isn't it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This song in form that was included in Pitchfork's 2010 list of the seven worst number one singles of the 90s, which is a bit harsh, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but then when you actually think about it, and it was at the Real Bobby B centre stage, so yeah, yeah, but music is subjective. So this is no criticism of the Real Bobby B, but it's not a good number one, is it? If that's the best song in the UK.

Speaker 3:

Do you think if it didn't say I lick your bum, bum down, it wouldn't have been a hit?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know what you mean. It was a bit like novelty value innit. I mean, is that what?

Speaker 3:

it actually says I lick your bum bum down. I'm pretty sure I don't know what it means. I lick your bum bum down. I mean Can't be that, can it? It can't be. It's a lick, a licky, boom, boom down. It means knocking. Oh, he's basically having to go an informer or a snitch, so I've never even thought about it like that.

Speaker 2:

So it's about a grass is it?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's about a grass. So a licky-licky-bum-bum down. I mean he's having to go with the informer. A licky-bum-bum down Snitches get stitches. It reminds me of that. What's fucking Miracle Gangster murderer? Does he actually say Miracle Gangster? No, I'm a lyrical gangster.

Speaker 2:

I thought he said Miracle Gangster. No, I'm a lyrical gangster. The best bit about that is if you're a Mr Officer.

Speaker 1:

Do you love it like?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Excuse me, Mr Officer, I love that line.

Speaker 3:

I love the Mr Officer. No, we don't we die. Yes, we multiply Ch-ch-ch-chai brilliant song. That's a Reggae song, isn't it, I suppose? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, that's. It's cool, isn't it, Mr Officer? That's a brilliant song Anyway no offence, I don't love that song. I'm afraid I'm feeling you really won't like my next song either. By the way, I've switched from Berlin Blade to JP now, so my number four and thanks JP is Come what May from Moulin Rouge.

Speaker 1:

Come what May.

Speaker 3:

I've not heard this. And then I listened to it, obviously when people were sending me stuff and I have listened to every song people sent in and I can see why people like it. It's very much up your. I'm a bit of a poms.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's up my poms street. It was released in 2001 in September it got to number 27, so it wasn't a massive hit. I just think the whole soundtrack to that film is fantastic. I love the version of Elton John Yorsung. I love the elephant song. Medaly is absolutely fantastic. I've not seen this before. I've not seen this a couple of times.

Speaker 3:

I just like to say to people might be surprised that I've not seen Moulin Rouge.

Speaker 2:

No, but yeah, I don't think this is the best song in the film, but I think it's a very good song and again, yeah, it probably would be a guilty pleasure. You've got a kind of you've got a dissing cell from people like me and I think I think Ben the same in it from blaze pod, who then sort of writing so I don't care, like what people yeah, yeah music to.

Speaker 2:

So but I think for the, for all the cool kids out there, this probably would be a bit embarrassing. So yeah, I get why it's on the guilty pleasure list. You mean that's a?

Speaker 3:

really good name for a band, by the way. Pond street An amazing name for a band street. Yeah, like a boy band.

Speaker 2:

I don't like the sort of the double s sounds, so ponds street.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it sounds like pond street in it. Pond street, it sounds like pond street.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't, I don't like it actually now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, not on Street, the street of ponds, pond, pond's life. Yeah I, it's alright. I can see why people like it. It's not for me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've not got loads to say about it. Really she's just a good song and if you like this sort of thing, the the soundtrack is fantastic, like, say, more than this song. I love the medley wedding mix loads of different songs together. I'm not. I'm not gonna sing any of it because it's, I think, sometimes podcast feels like An excuse just for me and you to do some singing.

Speaker 3:

K a sentence, a message, and she won. Well, she said one of you to do a version of color blind by Darius is one of her choices.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's nearly nearly on my list.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm not gonna do it because I can't remember it goes properly. But if you want to, I'll give you the floor. We want to do a bit of color blind by Darius Feeling blue so blue and a thought of you creeps into my mind.

Speaker 2:

I don't actually know much of it.

Speaker 3:

No, that's Mocko in it? No, it's not that it's, that's Clementine in it, clementine I feel yellow when you change your mind.

Speaker 2:

He's walking about in a desert with like a banjo strap to his back, I think in a shirt.

Speaker 3:

Quite, quite cool looking chap actually, darius mentioned on a previous pod, which you didn't know about, and you've since researched Shady goings on with that man's passing.

Speaker 2:

Well, no, yeah, that that blew my mind a little bit that that might be one for a mysteries episode. Actually, what happened with that? I'm sorry.

Speaker 3:

But in Darius conspiracy death is brilliant. It's better than those Kate middle ones.

Speaker 2:

I think I was doing it and genuine, if you listen in thinking like I just be, some daft thing is a bit, is a bit odd.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's not it again, is it? Keep singing Different song. My final one, and it's another one from building blade. Bit right, people might think you're siding a bit here with building blade.

Speaker 2:

He sent us about 400 songs, so it's not in the in the right in tune with the the mainly ethos as well in his A lot of us are people who've sent loads in.

Speaker 3:

You haven't got your mention. We're not just sight, we're not just saying all let's give Bill him. He just sent loads in and a lot of them are good and this one in particular is the best of the lot that I think we got sent in and I don't think it's guilty pleasure, pleasure at all. This is the proclaimers with cap in hand.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Messaged from America. It's not that song and that's now the right, let me just say so this proves why we instated the three listen rule, because the first time I listened to this so I kind of thought, ah, don't get it. And obviously you sort of it ties into my Celtic roots. I've not mentioned it before, but I've an Irish.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I never mentioned it ties into that. So I kind of thought it's got all the ingredients, but but they've not baked a very good cake. It's not come together. But by the third listen I think, particularly the bit from about two minutes on where one of them sings and the other one kind of Does the echo in the background.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's really brilliant. Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. They are absolutely superb. Like is about this is a sunshine and leaf the album. Listen to the album J John over leaf. Isn't it Sunshine over leaf?

Speaker 2:

sorry, no, sunshine only for me is that the film sunshine over leaf, mate, I know.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, yeah, sorry, sunshine on leaf. The album Sorry JP mentioned this as well. What all, what album could be like on it? It's absolutely me, obviously the song you know, sorrow, sorrow, you know what do you mean, sorrow, just more of a lyricist in that book.

Speaker 2:

Um, I just if I didn't speak, if you just keep doing that.

Speaker 3:

Sorrow, sorrow, sunshine on leaf. My favorite song of the album is uh, what do you do? It's brilliant and it's so Scottish how it starts. He goes uh yeah, I know you're right, she goes like that. It's so Scottish.

Speaker 2:

I think at first listen it reminded me a bit of, uh, billy Bragg's sort of political song.

Speaker 3:

What is it? It's about Scottish independence.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and it's a bit like Steven Merton said about Billy Bragg if you can kind of get away from some of the politics, it is actually a really good songwriter in there and that this feels a bit like that feels like there's a really good song in there and I don't know the background of what it's about. Politically I don't want or need to know, but it it actually.

Speaker 3:

once you kind of get into it, the melody is very good actually, I think it's brilliant, lyric, like, even if you don't agree with the thing, because it's like it's obviously about Scottish independence and obviously the chorus goes I can't understand why we let someone else rule our land. Carpinhand the really political. I thought you're a joke, I'm not gonna lie. For a long, long time I thought they had I didn't know what letter, letter to America were about and it's that's good, lyrical as well and obviously the most famous. For when I wake up and I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man, um, and I just thought, because they look ridiculous as well, but they're a fucking good band of climbers, yeah, yeah right and I get again.

Speaker 2:

You know, tying it back into guilty places. I get why probably wouldn't be that cool to be blasting this out with it Not.

Speaker 3:

If you're in a fucking Rangers pub, I could tell you that probably I would have thought um, because they're very British, aren't they, the Rangers boys? Yeah, I know you're right. Anyway, what's your last one?

Speaker 2:

My last one. I'll play it first.

Speaker 3:

This. This is not a guilty pleasure, this is a fucking absolute. This is brilliant. Yeah, I mean, obviously we had to comfort what we're gonna have for this one, uh, for this episode. We don't normally do that because we didn't want to overlap and we're both, we're gonna have this. Well, I think it's the only one that we're both maybe you'd have had.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was on both our list, yeah, and I think you had sort of more that you really liked. You happy to sacrifice it. But yeah, it's brilliant. But I said to you and this is a question I suppose for the listener Did did you know of this before Partridge and has that? Is that what's put it? Because? Because I think I probably was aware of it, but I'd never really known it as as a great song until partridge is singing it in the film. And then I thought, although it's a really funny scene, actually this is a fantastic song and that's kind of why I've started listening to it.

Speaker 3:

When I got into this song weirdly. Uh, talk sport, um, and the gold steamer one song late night and he, uh he interviewed roachford and I thought, the fuck, roachford. I heard of his name but I think it's obviously most known for that and I thought fucking out of my the song since like 1998 or whatever, fucking brilliant. And that's how I got into this song anyway, and roachford I don't know what we're doing.

Speaker 2:

I got to number four. This released in 1988. When we talk about sort of things like pure shores and and ultimate pop songs, this to me is more like in the westlife bracket of just uplifting pop. I just think it's brilliant. It's such a good song I think. Lyrically it's about I think I told you this and I don't know if I've read it or if I've invented this story in my head, but I think it's about a guy who's working away and his misses is accusing him of sort of cheating. He's saying no, I only sleep with a cuddly toy. That's all I've got with me. If that's not right, then someone please correct me. But I think that's what it's about. It's just, it's just brilliant, isn't it like? Right from the first? I love songs that hate you from the first beat, the very first bit. When it comes in, you know you kind of know you're. This is going to be good this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I, he's a brilliant and I'm just looking on his twitter now. He hasn't posted since 2020, madness, like he's posted about. He seems to post I don't know, not not often at all about three times a year. One of them is a picture of him and nolgallagher In what looks like devinums or something. He's just put bumps into this guy Brilliant, um yeah, obviously on the partridge film there's a brilliant song at the end as well sparks number one song in ever, which is amazing, but not really guilty pleasure. I want to thought sparks is.

Speaker 2:

I'm not sure with this one. Where do you think this one sits? Is this? It's too good.

Speaker 3:

I think. But I can it's. It's on the borderline, it's not cheesy in it, it's a little cheesy, but it is fantastic.

Speaker 2:

It really is good, this song, and I think if anybody Obviously you've heard a clip of it already if anybody goes to listen to this or actually goes on our playlist and skips to it, I think this will be one of them songs that, when you come to it, you think you know I've forgotten how good this is. It's brilliant.

Speaker 3:

Apparently leon gallagher I'm not typed in this Um, I've just put in reviews and so I said. Leon gallagher in 1994 said roachford cuddly toy man, tune of the fucking 80s.

Speaker 2:

So Is a cuddly toy.

Speaker 3:

It's a cuddly toy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that'd be good.

Speaker 3:

But anyway, thanks for everyone. We're gonna I'm gonna read some comments out now from last couple episodes. But thanks to everyone who's like say I'll share the the playlist you can add to it. Sorry if we didn't read yours out, but there were just that many, it'd have been a fucking six hour episode.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and and oh yeah, as we said, some subjective ones in there, I think. Uh well, you're gonna read the comments on you, so actually I'll save, just in case you don't mention anything at the end.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's fine. Well, there's some comments on it. They're not. Well, this mentions the songs, but stories behind them. Real bobby v said um, he thinks reach by s club sevens a bit of an anthem. He says Ace cricket clubs end of year's. Piss up in blackpool one of the lads that's the dj in a manchester pub to play it. And the and the dj said sheffield has gatecrash out some of the best music in the country and you're asking for s club fucking seven because? But then the whole place was bouncing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can see that. I see it's a good sing along song. I mean, yeah, yeah, in fact that's fine. It made me think of another song, not, but it might be in your comments. So I'm gonna backtrack on that and see if you mentioned it or not, I'll make a note for myself.

Speaker 3:

Bobby B also said that he once pulled up to the lights In his car with informer bikes now blasting out, and he said the woman next to him give him a. What the fuck look.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well you got, well knows moments, aren't you, I hope?

Speaker 3:

you got it. Ross not really Understood what we're talking about. His guilty pleasure is the diehard soundtrack. Everyone on it.

Speaker 2:

I can't even imagine, because it's a Christmas film. In it. We've well, we've had that debate, whether you think it is or not, but the songs in it are Christmas related, aren't they? So?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So that's.

Speaker 3:

Christmas songs.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

About Jane Stacy Stacy. Jane said blame it on the weather. Man is an amazing song, obviously one of your pics last week she goes. He's definitely not a guilty pleasure and he's on a par with waiting for a starter, for which I Were gonna have that. And then you said now you know, waiting for a starter for by by me, it's good. I said brilliant for it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I personally just thought that was too good.

Speaker 3:

I'm baby. Yeah, but which you know? They row the band boy meets girl row. Oh, I want to dance with some bar, but she actually sounds exactly same.

Speaker 2:

No, I didn't know that.

Speaker 3:

The Whitney Houston. Yeah, the other Whitney Houston track the row as well. Come on. The other one that sounds like Bermie's girl. Oh, come on. But that does sound right, similar, doesn't it? Oh, I want to dance with some waiting for a star, so I must have done a mix for that. The other one they wrote forever how will I know if she really loves me? Yeah, yeah, um, yeah, anyway, she says she don't know?

Speaker 2:

will I know if I'm waiting for a star to dance with somebody?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, easily do it. There's brilliant Milo mix of the way for a starter fall and Betty Davis eyes you learn a sooner sing. Well, brilliant anyway. Um, she says anyway that, but be which to probably not taking seriously, as they should be, because it comes from the band who gave us the line. I'll show you mine if you show me yours, remember.

Speaker 2:

Fight like me, dad as well. Show you mine if you show me yours.

Speaker 3:

It's also obviously. I picked Chelsea, chelsea by sucks and she's sent in a song by heart, the pool Up and away by the fuck. It is talk about the ball, not on Spotify. So she goes on Spotify and it's not on this, because it's not. We're not, we're not.

Speaker 2:

This is called something else. We have looked for it. Well, you've looked. Yeah, yeah, another name.

Speaker 3:

I don't think it's on there, so unfortunately, yeah, nelson backs her up anyway and he says blame on the weatherman. Would genuinely have won an Ivan the velo award if fucking Chris Martin has written it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. As I said last week, I agree with the first sort of YouTube comment, which was, if it was a, you say fleet would mark or abode. This should be seen as a great, as a sort of all-time great.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah another bit, another comment that we got actually on that was Carl, who said he desperately needs to hear the hot ship cover Of Cliff Richard. Now he says why would you do this? Because obviously we were doing it's so, it's so, it's so funny.

Speaker 2:

Now yeah, well, the door's open. We don't. We won't claim any rights that I thought chip want to do it on Cliff.

Speaker 3:

Richard, I, obviously. I said he's done more shit tracks than anyone ever in the music industry. Give me. Why is it give me? Always get this wrong, like you know. Anyway, I think so. Yeah, yeah. Anyway. He says Madonna rivals Cliff for ratio of absolute shite to decent tracks. That's an in.

Speaker 2:

I'm not early enough Madonna to yeah, I don't know where he's coming from. I Like, I like Madonna, but yeah, she has done a lot of bad stuff. So so, yeah, be interesting to have a look at that and just see. I Think a close close got the sort of longevity though, hasn't he's been? He's been turning out shite for decades.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I'm actually so yeah.

Speaker 3:

Nadine said it's sad that FA Cup final singles are a thing of the past. It's funny seeing professional football is pretending to be rock stars. He says John Barnes being a rapper was particularly hilarious. That's a what is it coming right? Starts after the Rob Liverpool of sea are as hard as hell.

Speaker 2:

And that's so that Chelsea's I think you mentioned this in the previous episode, but Chelsea, chelsea song them was that that was done for an FA Cup. Was it final?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that was over the FA Cup final. Yeah, yeah, I think it was. But yeah, and don't do them anymore. They should do them Same teams every season. That that's the biggest tragedy in football, it's not the money ruining it. So no FA Cup final songs, because it's just the same fucking bag of shit. Teams man say every week oh man, they should do one over in the final again.

Speaker 2:

We built this club on oil.

Speaker 3:

LJD said you mentioned, if they they being chef your way into, which I mentioned last week, and I was wondering whether they had any chance. That could be guilty pleasures, I can't think about any. But he says they walk out to walk from by simple minds, or they did anyway. And he says he fucking loves that track and the bastards for doing it a Fitting song from simple minds a fitting tribute to the, to the men Matt said could we talk about this? The chest feel going on the girl, the chest feel chance.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I said in the last episode, someone at school Told me it just feel like a chant went ziggers, I get ziggers, I get chest of field.

Speaker 3:

Ziggers, ziggers, ziggers. Like a chest of field. Yeah, matt says it was a legit chess song. He says you see a ball boy as a kid and it made him laugh every time. So the bloke's out ziggers Like a, ziggers like a, and all the crowd shout just a field. Then the bloke shout to all the people and this crowd shout we are the people. And then he says who are the shit? And the crowd shout they are the shit. And then they all together. Now they go chest to field. La la la.

Speaker 2:

I said we try and reenact it, but I've not got it written down in front of me. Do you want?

Speaker 3:

to try and do it. Well, yeah, we'll try and do it. Lost today We've got a mist of fucking dorking. Don't get a wolf, don't you gonna do the response or the main bit. Well, do you want me to ziggers like a? Ziggers like a?

Speaker 2:

Well, I, think we both do that bit, and then you could say who are you gonna?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you shout who are the people, and then who are the shit for them you want me to do that bit. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, ziggers like a ziggers like a chest of field. Who are the?

Speaker 3:

people. We are the people who are the shit. They are the shit. Yeah, I nearly said crowd. They are the shit, but now, anyway, that's a fucking disaster. Yeah, they've lost the dorking today, and I love every time Dorking are away because it reminds people have mentioned it before. It's not your music, so you know. Haha, dorking away.

Speaker 1:

Dorking away.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah we'll always think of it.

Speaker 2:

Um, if you were, we're gonna go on to mysteries next, so, uh, if you want to talk about whatever songs you're talking about, then yeah, so last couple of things is so one thing I wanted to add personally I think you've not mentioned it there, so that there may well be some comments that we haven't read out. So we've read everything, even if we have read everything, yeah um, I think somebody put a step song in there.

Speaker 2:

I might be wrong, it might be on the chat, but I regret. I regret not having steps um, because it's one of my probably all-time favorite songs actually the way you make me feel so I regret not having that in my five.

Speaker 3:

I regret my past. Who's that that's?

Speaker 2:

uh, John for John for.

Speaker 3:

John say Right, I'm not about imagine if you were about not picking a step song for you guilty for God to pick a step.

Speaker 2:

I regret. Yeah, I'm like steps video in the background.

Speaker 3:

Um, it's about every addiction in it. But anyway I regret not having hate from steps.

Speaker 2:

It's the way you make me feel. There's some ridiculous lyrics in that, but what's that, is it? Uh Gotta, let you know, I'm a resistable Mind, you know, but it's brilliant song.

Speaker 3:

You know what? I always have a spice girls. Uh. So you'll be there, I'll gerry you. I will because if you so like so low building science. Yeah, put two and two together. She obviously can't sing and she's up against, I think, bunt and that verse. Who's an all right singer?

Speaker 2:

So there's a bit in that step song, by the way, and I don't know other than h, which is funny really, because I know like he had the same name as the we actually.

Speaker 3:

Enough web thing. We're talking about this, about uh. I mentioned it on one of the I don't think we're in there, I don't know. Anyway, he said the um, ian walkings. He said there's no such things as a guilty pleasure, but then he backtracked because he said he had lost profits on uh on a show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, it's different criteria, don't it yeah? You have to turn it off the last summer was a brilliant song, but, yeah, you can't listen to that anymore.

Speaker 3:

But I mean realistically yeah, no, you can't, but anyway back to that the steps that there's a bit in that song.

Speaker 2:

So the the dark-eyed girl I went through different phases alike in different girls Is that Lisa scott lee? Yeah, I think that's right. Yeah, there's a bit in that song. That's when she sings it. Particularly when I'm watching a video, I kind of fall in love with her a little bit. Every time it's that, uh oh, I go weak inside, baby, I just can't hide. I absolutely love that, the way it's short, the way she sings it. So yeah, that's. But letting you into my weird mind. All, all members of steps? Certainly not now.

Speaker 3:

Lisa Scott Lee Claire.

Speaker 2:

Faye, what's the guy called? He's the one who says I'm a resistable.

Speaker 3:

I've just looked, so if you want to have a guess, I'd never have got it. Is it Lee something?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Is it hatchford. Yeah, the latch for devins right, it's all going on. I think it's still yeah.

Speaker 2:

They are still in the reform recently.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, um, you know why? Because they are resistable. I don't know, I didn't even claim his voice. My bank balance is empty.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's why they reformed.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, carry on. Oh, what else did you want to mention?

Speaker 2:

So the other thing that I want to mention is somebody mentioned a comment in the melsey and brian adam song, which Is an absolutely brilliant lyric, which I'd never noticed. I thought this sang something else. Even food don't taste that good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, that, that stood out to me, that lyric even food don't taste that good, but I still taste alright, it just doesn't taste that good anymore.

Speaker 2:

even food don't taste that good. I always thought that was even fools, take 10 seconds. I always thought the lyric was.

Speaker 3:

No, that's a don't yeah, which I don't know quite what that would mean. But I kind of in my, it's good that that good. It's like it's alright. I, I'm still enjoying it. Is it good? It's not that good, but it's alright. It's not as good as last week's, but you know it's not like I still eating Absolutely devastating.

Speaker 2:

It's wandering around his house all day wondering what the hell to do. But you know it's not time to eat, you know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's finally time to eat. He's getting his fucking, probably getting his five a day in it. Yeah, if you had any more on the music thing, liam.

Speaker 2:

No, so that we can move on from there. I'm sure there's other comments that we've not read out. So, like I said, yeah, really apologies. Like me Really good hearing from everyone, and it was particularly good feedback on the last episode. So thanks, don't don't think if we haven't read it out we won't read it out again. Keep, keep sending us stuff.

Speaker 3:

Keep sending us stuff. Yeah, like I say, we tried to make amends by doing a fucking play unless we ever own songs on it which did take ages because Some people sent us stuff on screenshots and so, anyway, don't, don't an award. If you want to give me a word, then you know, give generously. Give us a fucking rating on apple. I was in topoccus yesterday and they were saying, um oh, it's really good when people give us ratings on Apple music because it gets us open Fucking. We had a, we had a rating on apple music for a year.

Speaker 3:

Get, get right five out five I think we're all five star, though the ones that have reviewed so.

Speaker 3:

I've looked at Spotify. Actually, yes, there were four point nine, so someone's obviously like you see, someone's not happy. Let us know where we're going wrong. Let us know where we're going wrong. Yeah, anyway, onto the mysteries episode which we did before the guilty pledges. One Lgd is back again and he said you mentioned the steel community in Corby, uh, during one of the christmas episodes. And he says the big country album steel town is 40 years old this year and the title track is exactly about that, about the scots moving to corby for work. I sent you this. I'm gonna guess the dude and listen to it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I missed that, yeah sorry, I wouldn't listen to that as well. That's not. You sometimes send me stuff, I just think there, but now I would have listened to that.

Speaker 1:

I will send it you again.

Speaker 3:

To be honest, because we had all this guilty pledges, shit, I forgot myself, and so I've just read it out just now.

Speaker 2:

I imagine it's been a bit like a factory strange on house. What would I think you've?

Speaker 3:

you've sent me forward.

Speaker 2:

I mean, don't see, I imagine it being like houses, the playgrounds of my youth.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, he went about richie edwards Obviously the manic street preachers mystery that we're talking about the rich edwards going missing. He says he wasn't much of a guitar player. It says there are new newspaper article where an eyewitness claims to have seen him on a beach playing guitar and nicky wire basses and manic said what was he fucking playing? Fucking fall songs before. You know, yeah, don't have guitar, you know no you don't have to be great to play their songs. I don't know much about the fall.

Speaker 2:

I know Frank Skinner was a big fan. I know they're leading a dive, but I couldn't tell you any songs.

Speaker 3:

Very is the same guy who can you remember on an. Oh, what's he called? Not football, oh, because grandstand it will have been at the time. But the results come in and he read them out and he kept like adding in united after every get, after every name and stuff. So he said self-empty you were reading it scores off some reason. Self-empton, united two, rexham, united three. And he will giggling like he loved it. I don't know why. Um Ben said you left out loud about me solving the mostly I can never pronounce this the de-taulty pass. They outlawed the whole the tall, the outlaw from the outlaw. Um, I laughed out loud about me solving that incident using my time working at sainsbury's. So I was talking about if you get putting, you can mad if you, if you get locked into a chiller, um, he would do do more to it than that. But you know that work, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But you know that we have. The way we solve these things is you know it's you can't. You can't from the outside, you can't unpick it, can you? It's just, we just zone in and we just solve them.

Speaker 3:

Well, you say this webo is not happy with us. Webel says right, it's on for pretty much every incident here the rattling. But if you don't, if you know what we're on about here I'm not going to go into everyone because it's boring, but if you know we're on about, listen to the mysteries episode a couple episodes ago. Webel says the rattling bowl incident. He says do you, are you sure they weren't?

Speaker 2:

Sounds like a poke song or something.

Speaker 3:

The old red land bowl a roll incident. You sure they weren't accidentally activated remote control beads Um, which they weren't um either way. For you to do nothing else is poltergeist in the last 20 years. That's the laziest poltergeist in history. I want to pass this to you for everyone.

Speaker 2:

He said here Uh, yeah, I see what you're saying. It could have done more stuff. But like, say that I did see videos fall off shelves sometimes. I think it could have done. It certainly wasn't active, was it like? Well, we're not even say, did we say poltergeist? I can't remember how we solved it. Uh, I don't know, he solved it, did we? I don't think we'll write that one.

Speaker 3:

He says it's people in a bad state of mind Misinterpreting stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, which I think is kind of where we came to, isn't it?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I think so I think he's, yeah, he's right without. Uh, richie Manic came off his pro's act and set up an elaborate set of circumstances for him to either do a regi pairing or do himself him, he said the death is not a both ways that's what a mystery is. Yeah, he said death is more likely as it's a simple solution and less ridiculous to plan and it's probably preferable to uh lanseroy yes. Okay, yeah yeah, uh, Mary Celeste is simply put wet mad on Legdirt.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think we've said like exploding fumes, didn't we, or something. But yeah, I think the summery is. Yeah, they just they decided to get out of there, didn't they, the dancers.

Speaker 3:

Gas leaks or poison water supply or a dodgy batch of wine is boredo after all. Is that everyone mad, including those who hired a fucking band as a cure, which was basically what he said.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, fair point.

Speaker 3:

Uh, russian campers, he says. One of the group goes.

Speaker 2:

Like the band is a cure.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the russian campers, these people keep dancing.

Speaker 2:

How do we stop them? I'll get a band to go get the guitar.

Speaker 3:

Uh yeah, russian campers, he said. At least one of the group goes mad and he's actually putting brackets, vodka and all conditions and all, and it attacks people. Everyone likes it, gets confused, one falls in the campfire. Mystery solves.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean. I like where he's coming from, though, because it's kind of similar approach, doesn't it unpick through all the nonsense and just think right, what's the simple solution?

Speaker 3:

John hello pairs she he thinks he's an in joke from a daft drunk person based on a shit photo Like him, sending in a comedy pig of someone who looks vaguely like me to a columbian tv station saying here is andress panceiro missing. Someone at the station may be in on it, and then he's putting brackets and on drugs.

Speaker 2:

You know he's right. I think he's good at this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's good. Yeah, he's made me doubt myself, Anyway, um.

Speaker 2:

Carl was just similar conclusions, though Like I don't. I don't think he's a million miles away from where we are, I think you know, if anybody wasn't sure that we'd nailed it, we've now got second opinion, so it's been validated, I think.

Speaker 3:

Carl said we're shit. He wants to solve this. We're shit. But how burnley have completely escaped any commentary is a mystery that we need to investigate on the next podcast. But it's simple, isn't it? The reason burnley are not getting as much thicker chef on tonight is because burnley are managed by vinson company.

Speaker 2:

The company I was going to say. If you want to answer his company in, it is one of the.

Speaker 2:

Expand, expand where we're, on the other hand, Well, and also I think, like there's, we're just not very good. I think that they're almost a bit stubborn and, in fact, that they're trying to play a style of football that doesn't work. I think that it's almost like you could argue Well, they probably will develop into something that might compete at this level, but we're miles away, so I don't. Yeah, company is the answer. I think. Dance here.

Speaker 3:

A final cap a said about 25 years ago he was in his rented lap pad with a mate when a clock jumped about three feet off the wall in the lounge when they were watching TV, hit the floor and it broke, put it in the kitchen, talked about how weird it was, then carried on watching tv, went to the kitchen and noticed the kitchen wall clock wasn't working, yet it stops at the exact same time as the broken lounge clock had fallen off the wall. Nobody believed me.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, I can't explain that no, yeah, well, yeah, I mean, I mean, obviously we weren't there and we need more details, capo, we need more details. I don't know what else you can give us, but I think it's to me that is. Coincidence.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, capo probably correct me with some more facts, but as it stands, I think that's coincidence. I think it it probably stopped around about that time. It might have even stopped the day before and nobody noticed, I think it fell off and and it seemed like, oh my god that that matched. But yeah, because, because, what's the suggestion then? What would it? Is it ghost, is it?

Speaker 3:

maybe, if you think him.

Speaker 2:

But if you want to go, take that down the conspiracy route. And what is he saying? That that's hot. I suppose we did the same thing with the beads, didn't we? But I just wonder what if he sort of said, right, take it to its most ludicrous, then what do you think did that? Well, it's the clock ghost. They break one clock and stops another.

Speaker 3:

Let us know if anything else happened in that rented pad or if you know anything more about it, and we'll investigate. We all throughout one of our failed sitcoms actually didn't we about a ghost on there. Yeah, quite a kind of camp high voiced character when he tried to paranormal investigate it yeah, yeah, based on a real person, but we're not going to say his name in case he listens.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, that's everything. Hbo get in touch if you want to make that show.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's fantastic, right. Thank you, liam. Long one, mark. Thanks for everyone who's got in touch. I'm really sorry again if we didn't read out the stuff that you said, engs. You just didn't have time.

Speaker 1:

Then we've made a relief.

Speaker 3:

So next the new series, and we're doing something a bit different. It might be a bad Series 7.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're going to.

Speaker 3:

That would be shit. Might be good. Hopefully people listen. We're going outside. Basically, we keep seeing him and Building Blade again. Actually, he's a big factor in this. He's one of the people who tagged us in here. He wanted us to do our favourite sitcoms or whatever. So we keep seeing these lists go. I watched the best sitcom of the past 20 years and all that and blah, blah, blah. We're going to do a series on and try and find the best sitcom of the last 30 years from the UK Currently. I'm you. Carry on, I'll tell you how we're going to do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we the full series, series 7. So Series 6 was Christmas themed. This one is sitcom themed. By the end of the series we're going to be able to tell you and actually we're going to need some input from the listener as well. So, that's going to be good to get you guys involved, but we're going to be able to tell you what is the best sitcom of the last 30 years UK sitcom of the last 30 years. That's what we're going to do over the full series.

Speaker 3:

So if you listen to this, we've already got 32 sitcoms that we're going to put into a hat. But if there's any suggestions that we think, ah yeah, actually we should have that one in, send them in. We've got a lot. We've got ready some tough choices, not necessarily our favourite 32. We've looked at the most critically acclaimed. We hadn't done mouse watch because obviously we'd have to have Mrs Brown's boys in there and that is objectively shit.

Speaker 2:

So we've tried to make it the 30s and also, yeah, by the way, on that. So, mrs Brown's boys, we're not doing the obvious thing of just saying, ah, yeah, shit, neither of us watch it, do we? So no, they are things we are aware of. So there might be some things out there that you think I can't believe they've not had that. But I think we're both quite, we're quite interested it comes. We have lots of things.

Speaker 3:

And there's other stuff, like Fleabag, which we think is too drama based to be classic. It's hard to put Fleabag up again, something like the in-betweeners. There's completely different shows, if you know what I mean. So we're trying to keep it as pure sitcom as possible. We've already had a couple of suggestions, actually from people we've talked to. If we haven't seen it, we'll do our best to what. If enough people want this particular sitcom to come in, and you know we get four or five and we haven't seen it. We'll watch it. So it's in there, but give us some suggestions.

Speaker 1:

So what do?

Speaker 3:

they do. Next episode, sorry, go on. Yeah, yeah, next episode, we've got 32. We're going to put 32 sitcoms into a hat, draw them out and we're going to go into groups of four and then, once they go into these groups of four, two's going to go through to the knockouts and you, like the people listening, are going to vote for what they want to go through.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and we said, actually are we going to do a video of the draw? We scrapped that out.

Speaker 3:

We might do a video of the draw if we can be asked to meet them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you might see if you follow us on Twitter. Just so you don't want anyone thinking it's fixed.

Speaker 3:

We want the video.

Speaker 2:

We absolutely don't want to fix this because we don't know. We've got favorites, we've got things we hope get through? We've. But at the same time, we're going to be trying and be very unbiased in this and very fair. And also, this is where the listeners come in, because we're going to give you our opinions, but then the decision is going to be made by the votes from you guys.

Speaker 3:

So when it goes to the knockouts, for instance, let's say it's going to be like a wall cut where second place, first place and all that sort of stuff in the groups and then in the knockouts. So let's say, like the first round is, I don't know, alan Portridge versus League of General then, which we're having as a sitcom, by the way, because it technically is a bit of an odd one, that. But and then we're going to give like for the first one. We're going to give like an outline of what each sitcom, how long it were out, how many episodes, just a bit of background on it. Then, if that one gets through, we're going to go more in depth and as it goes on, obviously the more in depth we'll go until we get to the final.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so keep an eye out Twitter. If you don't follow us already, follow us on there at Living with Madeley. Is it at Living with Made1, actually, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we're going to have a Live with Made1. Yeah, so follow us on there. You might see a video of the draw. If you don't see the video, we haven't fixed it, we can assure you that but you might see that. And, yeah, get involved till your pals.

Speaker 3:

I'll look at it. Oh yeah, get a check because he doesn't want to listen. Even if people don't listen to this, the more views, the better Like. The more votes, should I say, the better, to get the bona fide.

Speaker 2:

I think yeah but I think, if you listen, to us pick through the info, you'll have a little bit more depth. So, if you want to listen to us, read a little bit of Wikipedia before you make your decision. Tune in for the episodes.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely exactly Right, Emily, and thank you very much for that, sir, and I will see you for the big draw soon.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, definitely. Thanks for listening. Thanks for liking. Thanks for all your comments.

Speaker 3:

Leave us a review, you fuckers.

Speaker 1:

Living with Made up.

Speaker 2:

If anyone wants to get in touch with us, send us anything. Find us on Twitter at Living with Made1. Or you can send us an email at livingwithmadeleyatoutlookcom. Living with Made up.