Living With Madeley

Midweek Madeley - 21/08/24

Liam and Andrew Season 8 Episode 3

Remember that time Steve insisted on calling Andrew "Andy" despite all pleas otherwise? We kick off our episode with a light-hearted chat about nicknames and a quick apology to the Major for missing out on a podcast featuring the ever-entertaining Richard Madeley. Then, we dive headfirst into the land of TV comedy nostalgia with a nod to the Fast Show. Listener Berlin Blade chimed in, and we found ourselves agreeing—some things just don’t age like fine wine. Attempting to identify the stern-faced, short-dark-haired cast member turned into a comedic escapade that you won't want to miss.

Ever wondered why some celebrities seem to be on TV all the time, while others from the 90s have all but disappeared? We traverse this fascinating terrain with viral tweets and listener feedback guiding our way. From speculating about who people find most annoying on the telly to dissecting the absurdity of a bizarre moment at the Republican National Convention involving Hulk Hogan and Trump, nothing is off-limits. Our hopes are high for a potential reboot of "Renford Rejects," and we can’t help but reflect on Judy’s talents, especially in comparison to her husband, Richard Madeley. Your comments and our impressions add a whole new layer to the discussion.

Who can forget the jingles and catchphrases that turned TV adverts into cultural touchstones? We stroll down memory lane, sharing personal memories and humorous critiques of some iconic commercials. Whether it's the catchy Intel jingle or the quirky humor of Mbongo and Fairy Liquid ads, these slogans have a way of sticking with us. Listener feedback enriches our conversation as we revisit classics like Babybel, Green Giant, and Go Compare. The nostalgic trip culminates in reflecting on how these adverts connect us to specific moments in our lives, bringing both laughter and fond memories. Tune in for a delightful blend of humor, nostalgia, and engaging listener interactions.

Speaker 2:

Hello and welcome to the first midweek episode of Series 8. I'm Liam, one of the co-hosts of the TV nostalgia-based podcast Living With Madeley. The other host is Andrew. He sometimes calls himself Andreas and he is on the line. How are you Andre.

Speaker 1:

I sometimes call myself Andre Anderson. You call me. I've never called myself Anderson, but that's one of yours, isn't it? Yeah, I don't know where that. No one's ever called me Andy Ever. Big Steve sometimes calls you Andy. Oh, he does actually, doesn't he? Yeah, like sometimes it works now, then Andy. Yeah, but it's normally. Haig innit like but Andy.

Speaker 2:

I like how your dad calls you by your surname when when he had it first yeah, he does.

Speaker 1:

Hey, like that, are you getting drinks in a walk, like what? What are you talking about, anyway? So this is like a lot of comments and stuff that we're going to go through. Most of them are Jingles Bay, so bear with us, but there's also some other stuff that we need to tick off that we didn't, as they, got round to talking about yet. And I want to start off with an apology to the Major, the great man himself, because he said there's a podcast that featured Maidley and I have to admit I've totally forgot to listen to it.

Speaker 2:

I presume you have as well. I have an even bigger apology because I didn't see the post. What was?

Speaker 1:

it a message or a yeah, we're on. I think it's like Life After 60 or something like that, but I will listen to it. I put it on my to listen to list, but I only remembered that he sent it as I went through the comments for this episode. There's no get an agenda.

Speaker 2:

I didn't see that one, so sorry, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Major also said he's just had the fast show on and, goodness me, it really is the most overrated and crap comedy show of, I think, all time, and that you sort of I don't think it's the worst of all time, but you had like some bad things to say about it, didn't you? I think you had to get rid of it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, was it in that or was it overrated? Remedies?

Speaker 1:

Sorry, you had it in overrated TV. Yeah, sorry.

Speaker 2:

But as I said at the time, a bit like Harry Enfield, it was funny in the moments. It did have something at the time, but yeah, it's just not stood up at all. It's dated really badly. Really it's dated really badly, really badly.

Speaker 1:

Actually, it's awful well, you've ruined it for Berlin Blades. Berlin Blade replied and he put catchphrase comma there. Ever since I heard Liam from Liverpool and Maidley tear it apart, I've never been able to watch it again. But he does say having said that, pretty much the entire cast are genius in their own right. They've just made a shit comma there.

Speaker 2:

Shame yeah, that's a good summary actually, because I would say all of them have kind of had some levels of success, haven't they? I'm sorry, who's the guy who does? Suits you, sir, with? Mark Williams yeah, mark Williams, I know Charlie. Ixson, isn't it? It's not him I'm thinking of then straight-faced man, it's Whitehouse isn't it? Oh yeah, of course it is. Of course it is. Who's the sort of more straight-faced dark hair?

Speaker 1:

man, who was that one? I thought who.

Speaker 2:

He's got. He's a stern-faced man.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you mean Simon Day.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, because I don't know his name. I don't know his name, I don't know anything else he's done, he's good.

Speaker 1:

Is it him who plays Monkfish in this?

Speaker 2:

No, I don't think. So Hold on, let's get the cast, let's solve this one live. We'll do a live, live over there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Simon Day. He did that Brian Pern documentary, Simon Day, which was brilliant. To be fair, if anyone's never seen that Comedy sp documentary about picking, up.

Speaker 2:

No, not Samaday, I know him. He's gone on to do other stuff. Yeah, I mean, it's not him I'm thinking of, but Jeff Harding just did like the American voice guy it's not him, yeah, yeah yeah, Rory Jennings was in it. What as Toby I mean, the guy I'm thinking of was that kind of unimportant. He's not even on the cast list.

Speaker 1:

Oh, what that fucking hell? Right, according to this, rory Jennings played, you know, the competitive dad's son.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I can kind of see that now. Yeah, wow.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, brilliant.

Speaker 2:

No, he's a talk sport. He is a presenter, isn't he? He does a few of them the one who played clips of him completely contradicting himself in the World Cup. I'm just trying to find him now. So it's not a great podcast at all. I'll look into it.

Speaker 1:

I'll have to let you know in the next midweek we're looking for a stern faced man who you don't think went on to do anything.

Speaker 2:

No, he had dark short hair. I almost think he might have been bald.

Speaker 1:

You do this quite often on this podcast, where you describe someone that could be about a billion people Short, dark hair with a stern face.

Speaker 2:

Could be Webbo, couldn't it?

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, every single person Looks like everyone, ever doesn't he.

Speaker 2:

Now I'll look into it. He's like a posh voice.

Speaker 1:

Posh voice stern-faced man.

Speaker 2:

It's like the worst description ever, isn't it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm looking at him posh, stern-faced. Imagine going into like I don't know, like I don't know someone's like assaulted you. What do you look like? You're very stern-faced.

Speaker 2:

What Posh voice? Stern-faced man Short hair, short hair. Anyway, ted said I imagine him kind of being in.

Speaker 1:

Let's drop that. Let's drop it, drop it, leave it. It's a terrible start. Ted got involved as well and he said this has always been the crux of his argument about fascio catchphrase humour. He says sorry, but it's for dullards it's like watching a panto which is going to upset a lot of people listening to this, to be fair, because obviously we are a nostalgic podcast and that was one of the big shows.

Speaker 2:

How have people got funnier, do you think? Do you think part of it is because people did just use to say catchphrases to each other, didn't they? Do you think that would wash these days?

Speaker 1:

It took on this podcast, judging by this?

Speaker 2:

no, that was like sort of humour, wasn't it? Like I know we were, we were younger, but I'm sure people just said to each other like suits you sir, suits you sir that was like as a joke.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, or only me. Don't believe you want to do that. I don't feel the use of repeaters in the old time maybe it'll come back.

Speaker 2:

Maybe it'll be one of the things like the miniskirt. Maybe it'll come back.

Speaker 1:

Catchphrases this was interesting. By the way, bill and Blake tagged us in a comment by Anon. Do you know that Anon account where people send things in anonymously? Yeah, I don't know why they put this in anonymously, because loads of people say it, but the tweet was everyone knows who I'm talking about when I say why is this cunt on my telly again? Now, obviously he's tagged us in it thinking, you know.

Speaker 2:

On the assumption.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, on the assumption they're on about Big Rich Madeley Not actually that many mentions of Madeley in the comments. Loads of James Corden, some said Farage, some said Clarkson, but I read through all the replies to this tweet so many funny ones. Someone said Johnny Vaughan. I don't think he's ever on TV anymore, is he? What do you mean?

Speaker 2:

He can't get on TV for love nor money anymore, can he Well?

Speaker 1:

on that thing, schofield. Someone said who literally can't get on TV for love nor money, and then someone followed that up with Barrymore. Last time you saw Barrymore on TV, yeah, not at all yeah go on. Sorry sorry, because this is like why is this coming to my telling Sam? Yeah, go on. Sorry, because this is like why is this coming to my telly? Sam Matterface? You don't see Sam Matterface and he's a commentator. There's a YouTube thing, don't they?

Speaker 1:

But yeah, you very rarely see him, you won't be asking, though why is he on my telly? What is he doing here? These are good ones, Craig Charles. He's in Craig's never-on-TV Joe Pasquale.

Speaker 2:

I can't remember the last time Joe Pasquale were on TV no, these are all, unless somebody's, like I don't know, just turned on to like gold TV or something, because these are all 90s, aren't they?

Speaker 1:

these next two. Well, the first one's Katie Hopkins, who you know she has. I'm pretty sure she's been pretty much banned from TV. And then someone's put Mrs Brown's boys. What is this cunt on my TV? Who am I talking about? Mrs Brown's boys, why is he knobbing? Yeah, that's who it'll be. That's who it'll be.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm trying to think who I have down in that chair.

Speaker 1:

It's got to be Berlin Blade's man. Eh, what's his face? Oh, come on. Oh. What's his name? Oh, come on. Oh, what's his name?

Speaker 2:

magician man Muller, oh yeah, that makes sense, wouldn't it?

Speaker 1:

Stephen Muller. It's got to be Stephen Muller, like he's on TV more than like anyone I've at the moment.

Speaker 2:

I don't know Alex Scott, he's on.

Speaker 1:

TV a lot, to be fair, alex Scott. Yeah, you're probably right, unless you say not seen. A lot to be fair, alex Scott. Yeah, you're probably right.

Speaker 2:

Unless it's Lineker. A lot of people don't like Lineker.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but anyway, moving on, Nelson said he wants a full review of the speech for the opening episode, which we didn't do, and this was about Hulk Hogan. Do you know what the Republican National Convention? I presume you saw this.

Speaker 2:

Where he ended up ripping his shirt off.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and he went like Hulkamania brother. And then Trump ridiculous, Absolutely ridiculous, I mean I think it's probably as long as he's gone. Well, he did lie, I suppose, because he said Trump were great for America. But yeah, I'm not going to review that. No offence to Nelson we do not condone or condemn.

Speaker 1:

I do not condone or Hulk Hogan for that matter, but I think there's better Hogan stuff out there that we might get to later on. The I can never pronounce this the Yagdra, yigdra system, yigdra, yep, whatever he said. He didn't have 2024 West and Sent as Renford Rejects are apparently coming back, so we've gone from killing people to getting things back. He says there'll be a Threads remake next Reincarnation.

Speaker 2:

Is it like rerun or remake?

Speaker 1:

No, it's a remake which I don't know if they're going to do it. I don't know if it's going to be like the original cast, which I think it'd be better, I think, if could make a decent comedy. You know, like sort of going to see what they're up to now and they're all quite downbeat or whatever, because they never made it. Yeah, and they reform like a pub team or something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that genuinely could be a proper, proper good show. I think just rebooting it with you know young kids now it's not going to be as good. On the Mavely episode that we did the first episode of this series, navdeep said he was more of a Judy guy, which is interesting. That, to be honest, not many people say that do they. She's just sort of I don't know.

Speaker 2:

She doesn't really offend anybody but I don't know if she's got huge fans at the same time, kind of seen as the sort of straight man, isn't she? But, as we discussed, and I think actually very talented journalist in her own right and actually nurtured him through the process, didn't she? So, yeah, which?

Speaker 1:

was his mother. Anne said the impression of the doctor asking about someone's scrotum was an unexpected gem. Yeah, that was. I don't know why I said that. I said two weird things. Someone else has commented as well about mine.

Speaker 2:

I told you this is going to sound like the most narcissistic man in the world. I do not go to bed or to sleep listening to our podcast. I promise that, no no idea.

Speaker 1:

As soon, as soon as this one's done, I bang it on even before you release it. Just go through it.

Speaker 2:

I went to sleep listening to a podcast, don't know what it was, can't remember. It could be frank skinner, who knows whatever it was. Can't remember. It could be Frank Skinner, who knows Whatever it was. Anyway, and if it keeps running, it skips through random things that I've played previously and I genuinely woke up in the middle of the night to you from our mysteries show saying oh, what did he say? He said it was shortbread and heroin.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, my it caught me off guard.

Speaker 2:

It sort of shocked me out of my sleep the way that you said it.

Speaker 1:

Sean. Ben Meakin's dad said that he would same thing. He would listen to a podcast that wasn't us and he fell asleep he would walk up to oh, mysterious girl, brilliant, yeah. Wemthing said he'd love to get his bow from a tufty club and get sweating about vagagra usage and porn habits. And obviously this is about me saying that I wasn't going upstairs to watch porn when I was sick. I was playing games. And obviously you saying that you didn't sell Viagra or use Viagra. I think that's fair to say.

Speaker 2:

I never said I never used it. Oh interesting, yeah, admits it. I never said, I never used it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, interesting yeah admits it.

Speaker 2:

I never said I hadn't sold it either. I just weren't walking around a lead mill selling it. I was passing it on at cost price. I think, this is another one of my, For a restricted amount of time. Let's not go into it. Let's let Red Pink interrogate us one day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll go on and let him do it. Jp said we missed a fantastic opportunity of, I imagine, you doing this as well. Blame it On the Weatherman Bewitched, because obviously we're talking about. You know what's his name the pedo weatherman. It was all there, wasn't it? It was an open goal. Open goal. And he said I could have done it in a Jamaican accent as well. Like, blame it On the Weatherman.

Speaker 2:

We're not playing the clip, but you've still got that in. Got it in.

Speaker 1:

Got it in anyway. We're going to Chapel St Leonard soon. I don't know exactly when, but we've got two microphones this time Roadshow. Yeah, I am going to be recording some, but I am genuinely hopefully going to record some Jamaican versions of popular hits as well.

Speaker 2:

it's like a sort of speaker system, so in theory we could take it out live.

Speaker 1:

Who remembers? Who remembers? Well, that's the thing guys, who's winning that at the moment?

Speaker 2:

Because obviously we put a poll out, didn't we? Yeah, I meant to. I mean, we had a huge amount of votes. If I'm honest, We've had 12 votes. Well, I voted and you voted, so we've had 10 votes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's 50-50. Literally can't separate it. What a pointless vote. If you've not voted, did you vote from?

Speaker 2:

the Maidly account, by the way. No, you're not allowed to. You're not allowed to. That would be interesting if that swung it.

Speaker 1:

But it's interesting that 181 people have seen it and not bothered to vote.

Speaker 2:

Maybe they just think they're both that good. They just can't yeah, just like waiting until the last minute, technically what we could say is that we've had 181 votes, just the 50-50s just couldn't press a button. We didn't have a draw button, did we?

Speaker 1:

do you know what you were on about just before we get to my adverse? Do you know when you were on about Secret Lemonade Drinkery in St John and Jimmy Greaves? Yeah, yeah, I come across a YouTube video yesterday and I think you've watched it at my house before, way back when. Do you remember Jimmy Greaves' it's a Fanny Game VHS. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I saw it re-uploaded to YouTube. There's a bit in it where someone just scores and I'll just flick it through it scores a normal goal. You remember this? I'm sure you do, yeah, yeah. And his face comes up in corner and goes it's a funny, it's a funny old game.

Speaker 2:

It's something like a slightly missed time back pass, or like it's not like a it's not a.

Speaker 1:

There's one where a ball goes in Crazy goal, is it? But goalkeeper on air like so slowly and he goes. It's a fanny hole. Yeah, it's the shittiest video I've ever seen. The comments underneath are brilliant. Someone said Jimmy has definitely not watched this video. They've just said go in a studio and just say it's a fanny hole. Yeah, yeah, but onto adverts. We We've got a lot of feedback for this. Thank you very much. Travelling sent us a message. He put a few in here that I'm pissed off that I didn't think of myself. Ba, ba, ba ba. Baby bell, that's a good one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, good, definitely. I mean to be fair. We only did three each. Yeah, it's a good shout, though.

Speaker 1:

I do like that one. This one I really wish I'd have.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if I'd have had it, but erm ho, ho ho, green giant yeah, which again I suppose a bit like cow gun, if I said to you I need some sweet corn half a piece is it sweet corn?

Speaker 1:

I think so. Is it green? It's got to be green giant. No green giant. Why is it green?

Speaker 2:

I think they's all sweet. Colin, I think you have not got the advert right here. He's got vegetables.

Speaker 1:

He's all different. He does them all, he's got them all. We might do that actually I've written this down actually for maybe not this series, but Best Advert Mascots. This guy's quite an imposing character. Autoglass repair, autoglass repair, autoglass replace. Yeah, good, go compare. Eggie said this one to me as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is one I've. Someone said to me. This one, yeah. The only thing I'd say with it, though, is because I was thinking about this. Everyone knows that tune. Do you know exactly what they do? No, why? Because, again, this is a failed advert, isn't it? What is it they're comparing? I know he's comparing something?

Speaker 1:

Is it just a website where he can compare everything Like sort of for prices?

Speaker 2:

Well, I think it might be comparing like it's, it's, it's oh, insurance quotes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's insurance, car insurance, home insurance, just insurance, any insurance.

Speaker 2:

But I didn't know that. Well, you think you should say then go compare for your insurance like quick like Well, no, I just wondered your prime example there. I wasn't sure what he's comparing and we were doing. Catchy tune is great, so it ticks that box, but is it a great advert if you don't know what he's comparing?

Speaker 1:

well, this is one as well here, cavonia. You know the cover, cavonia. I don't know if he says it like that, but you know what I mean. The advert is that like a throat spray or something. I think it's a throat spray, so maybe that one does work. I'm going to play this one because he sent us the link. So I think it's only fair and I'm like, yeah, we missed a trick here, actually. So this is a suggestion from TJ Fern is it?

Speaker 1:

yeah right, finish land, Is it? Yeah right, Finish Land. Maybe she's born with it, Maybe it's Maybelline. Obviously, we should have said maybe it's Maybelline. That would have been fantastic Instead of I don't know. We should have come up with that last week. I'm disappointed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we didn't even think about it, did we? But yeah, has that been done before? Maybe it's made Lee. Maybe it's made Lee I doubt it.

Speaker 1:

I don't think many people talk about it as much as we do to be fair, I can imagine him doing it to Jude.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it's well to yeah like off in front of his kids or whatever. Wb Yeats, which is a brilliant username. Yeats and Keats are on your side. He said washing machines live longer with Calgon. Obviously we mentioned Danone, which we'll come to later because he's mentioned and this one here. I want to play this because I didn't know what it were. This is Kanika. Colours Are Calling Me. And he said he used to know someone who would go to whisper something.

Speaker 2:

Cornica colours are calling me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll play it because I can't remember it. So I thought it's a good one to play. But he said he used to know someone who would go to whisper something secret and highly important in your ear and then say the second like this Cornica, colours are calling me.

Speaker 2:

Carnica colors are calling me.

Speaker 1:

Carnica colors. Are calling me Carnica colors.

Speaker 2:

are calling me Carnica colors are calling me, calling me, calling me, calling me, calling me, calling me, calling me. I'm a man.

Speaker 1:

I knew that one there's another one here, actually Chimpman. I know that's not his name, but that's what he's going for. That's what we're going for. It's the Chimpanay, isn't it? Yeah, it is yeah. But you know, chip?

Speaker 2:

oh no, it's Chipman, chipman A we can't believe it's from from Chimp, from Chimpanay to Chimpanzee, so it's Chimpanay.

Speaker 1:

Chimpanay. That's it. Anyway, beaverbrooks, can you remember this one For the special time? It doesn't go out, I'm going to play it. Fuck it, I'll play it.

Speaker 2:

I thought this was going to be clip light. I thought I was going to be putting loads of clips in this. I don't know what's going on here.

Speaker 1:

Well, there's only three.

Speaker 2:

I do remember that yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, in fact there's another one coming up, who remembers? But then he says, and he's put musical notes inside of it, but I don't know what the tune is there's something really different coming your way the taste of a high life, the Caribbean way. It's Montego, montego, hey, montego. Then he put Cadbury's Montego. That's another, and I thought, I don't remember that it might have been Roundtree.

Speaker 2:

I cannot think of a Montego. It's making me think of Montel Williams, but I can't think of a Montego.

Speaker 1:

I presume it's Montego, it's Mont ego.

Speaker 2:

Montego. Montego Bay is a place in Jamaica.

Speaker 1:

Montego yeah, that makes, yeah, but I don't know what he's on about so Montego is.

Speaker 2:

do you remembercom? Do you remembercouk Jacobs Montego, so it was Jacobs.

Speaker 1:

Jacobs, that's why I tried to to look for it. Last night I put Roundtree and put Cabras in.

Speaker 2:

Nothing, jacob, yeah well, and underneath that it says Roundtree's Montego. I wonder if Roundtree's is part of the Jacob's branch. I don't know, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, over to yours, Liam. Alright okay, in fact, liam, I've put play on the Monty Python sketch. Don't bother, there's only four clips, I think. Go on.

Speaker 2:

So we've actually had some feedback today, but the stuff that we've got to read out from before today. So Bill said you mentioned Atkinsons of Sheffield, a friendly family store on the moor. Tried to find it on YouTube but can't. I have no memory of that being.

Speaker 1:

I can't remember this, I know the shop.

Speaker 2:

Do you remember Atkinsons?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, of that being, I can't remember this. I know the shop. Do you remember Atkinson's? Yeah, but it's still going. Atkinson's is still the only. It's the only. Oh, come on, how would you describe Atkinson's? Department store, yeah, department store. So blah, blah, blah. It opened in 1872 in Sheffield-on-the-Moor and it is the only store. The family-owned store is now the only department store left in Sheffield.

Speaker 2:

Makes me think of a Ron Atkinson song. It's fat, he's round, he bounces on the ground, Atkinson.

Speaker 1:

He's taking Wednesday down. Another long one isn't?

Speaker 2:

it Couldn't get away with that these days, Couldn't get away with it not these days, no, but yeah, I do remember Atkinson.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, I went in not so long ago.

Speaker 2:

I do remember. I mean I'd be intrigued if Bill could. I suppose he can't find the video, can he, but I don't? Was it a Christmas advert? Is it a recurring song that I might remember? I've got no idea. I typed it into.

Speaker 1:

Google myself. I mean, I'm not doubting Bill's research skills, but I couldn't find anything myself. I had a jacket potato last year and it was bloody lovely, I have to admit.

Speaker 2:

I think of it as going there to get a key cut at Timpson's.

Speaker 1:

I got my mum an air fryer from there last Christmas. I think, yeah, they do it all, they'll do it all. We're not sponsored by them, but if they want to get involved, give generously. They probably.

Speaker 2:

yeah, I mean, it'd be interesting to go and try and catch them out. See what you can. I sometimes like to do this at Jeff's DIY in Drumfield. Sometimes, if I need something, I like to go and see if he's not got it, and it's very, very rare that he's not got what I need.

Speaker 1:

Why do you go places and see if you've not got stuff?

Speaker 2:

It's like a little old-fashioned hardware store.

Speaker 1:

And do you know, like one I'm a bit bored. I'm going to go to Jeff's DIY.

Speaker 2:

I bet he hasn't got one of these, he's got one again. He's got most things. Again, no sponsorship in place. But yeah, jeff's DIY for all your DIY needs. Carl sent us a message, not listening yet, and he's asking about the Maynard's wine gums, about the Maynard's wine gums. Does it get a shout? And we've actually got a clip to play.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the reason I asked to play this clip is because I didn't remember it, but then, as soon as it came on, I knew it immediately. Maynard's original wine gums are filled with delicious juicy flavour just waiting to be set loose. All you've got to do is chill, set the juice loose. About this house, about the goose the guy you were used to with him as well, John Wild Goose, and he once got really, really angry because people were singing that to him. Boots a juice, a bootless goose, and he was so angry about it. It's not offensive, is it?

Speaker 2:

No, ljd he sent us actually we were going to play it, but I don't think we are playing it now. I think you're in control of clips for this one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but the only reason we're not playing it is because the entire thing's nine minutes. I think you might have to. I don't think a clip would do it justice.

Speaker 2:

I have watched it, but so legendary Monty Python sketch that's a piss take of Robin Hood. The lyrics changed from the original song and he's wondering if this was an influencer.

Speaker 1:

Don't know the.

Speaker 2:

Weetabix guys may well have seen that and taken inspiration. Yeah, webding. So back to Mr Webster. He's pointing out that I didn't understand the brief for what we were doing, even though I'd set the brief always the same mind blown and it weren't, even though I'd set the brief Always the same, always the same yeah, mind blown.

Speaker 2:

And it weren't even one where I was overthinking it. I just kind of couldn't really decide what I thought we should be doing. I couldn't decide if it were best jingles or most effective jingles, I suppose. So we went effective. Hopefully that was okay with everyone. And I also can't believe that the midweek thing that we did, where I you'll have heard it on the intro to this episode we didn't really record a theme. I just said midweek. Over the top, he's saying that we stole that from Dixon's, I think well, we've mentioned this before.

Speaker 1:

He's very much like Bob Monkhouse. Bob Monkhouse never accused people of plagiarism, but he used to carry a joke book around with him, didn't he?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and there was always a danger. When you said a joke, monkhouse had got there first.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So if anyone made a joke Of you could say, no, hang on, he's dated here. Webding's very much like that. He's not actually accusing you of a plaguer Him this time, which is progress, but yeah, plaguer in a Dixon's advert instead.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if I did it it was subconsciously, which I suppose is a great.

Speaker 1:

The advert worked great, I'll bat for you here, because I know Well I'll say a no for a foul. I say it could be subconscious. When I played you the clearance, the sale, should I say, dixon, that was the first time you'd ever heard it you said anyway, unless you're lying to me as well, it's all on the act.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, um, yeah, and andrew messages which confused me because I thought, even though I never referred to you as andrew, I thought you were saying this is, this is your comment. But andrew had go for broke. His nan thought his gambling was immoral. She had no problems with uh, rapacious capitalism. So she liked monopoly, and panchero's fact was correct. Game of Life is an older game turned into a board game in the 60s. It's a game, it's all a game. A book by Tristan Donovan covers it.

Speaker 1:

So there's more evidence out there.

Speaker 2:

But I mean to be fair, Andrew's given you the credit. I think we were both right there, because what I was saying is it can't have been a board game in 1960 or 16 or whatever.

Speaker 1:

I'd like to know how it didn't. How did it work before it were a board game?

Speaker 2:

Be a winner in the game of life.

Speaker 1:

Just thinking that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know. Do you want to go to uni? Yeah, here's some money.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Another comment from Degontier. I don't know. Another comment from De Gontier. I don't know if that's how he likes it to be pronounced, in a mock French style, or I don't know. Radio is always better for cheesy jingles. I'm glad you mentioned Cold Seal as they were masters of it and this is brilliant. So initially he sort of said oh yeah, we used to have a tape of all the old Cold Seal adverts. He's actually sent us a link on SoundCloud. I think he's put it on Twitter so anyone can find it.

Speaker 1:

I've re-chatted it on the Maitley account if you want to see. It's every Cold Seal jingle Brilliant yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Fantastic bit of nostalgia there. I think he's right as well. Radio were always better. It's not my favourite advert because I'm sick of hearing it, but I don't think I think when I've lost my mind in my 90s I will still remember I've forgotten it.

Speaker 2:

Is it Kid Talks Paul.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what's it called Selco? It's where the trade go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, ridiculous. How many times I've heard that advert. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Selco, it's where the trade go. Yeah, they were better jingles on radio to be fair.

Speaker 2:

Well, they have to be, don't they? Because there's no visual stimuli, so they have to get you with the jingles. So yeah, I mean it's not a jingle in any way, but I always remember Bruno Brooks I think's quiz, where it was whack, whack, oops.

Speaker 1:

The Slop it. No, they were. They were a radio. They had the sloppy bit as a feature and they had like a, a jingle for it. People will remember this. I'm not going mad. I can't remember where it were. It might have been Not so Sloppy bit. Radio 1 Hang on, who did your song?

Speaker 2:

Gary Davis, my.

Speaker 1:

Sloppy Valentine. It was called.

Speaker 2:

No, I've got no memory of that. I remember we used to use. This is a local based one, I think so. I think it was Radio Sheffield or Hallam, but Scotty McClue came on for a bit and he used to play there's a moose loose about this moose. Da da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da da, scotty.

Speaker 1:

McClough did a few. It wasn't just obviously based in Sheffield. So people who aren't based in Sheffield- you just move around local radio stations might have had him. Yeah, I used to find him so funny when I was younger and I watched, but he's again. You can look at YouTube videos from him from the 90s. So unf, unfunny, it's unbelievable yeah, yeah, yeah I used to phone him up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, some people did at our school. I think I tried to get through, but I don't think I ever spoke to him I once phoned up and he said what do you want to talk about?

Speaker 1:

and I said shredded wheat. And he said and I even got it wrong as well, because I said shredded wheat and he said what do you want to say about it? And I said, because I was panicking a bit, I went hunger strikes bomb to the bomb da-da-bomb, da-da-bomb, da-da-bomb. But it's just Shreddy's advert, so I got it wrong.

Speaker 2:

Oh no. Don't embarrass yourself on my clue. Yeah, oh well, chimpanay's back in business. So he was telling us, his first job ever bargate. And I must admit Webbo kind of got involved to clear this up, didn't he? Because?

Speaker 2:

I thought, what does he mean? He's using a long stick to turn TVs on with a remote. That seems like an electrical store completely misunderstood the use of a remote control, didn't it what we do? We put on any stick and push that button over there. But yeah, apparently there was a risk from a distance of turning on and off different bunches of TVs. So I'm still not completely sure, but I think he's given enough evidence to back up this. Well, I never doubted him, to be honest. But yeah, it checks out. He was using another stick to press a button at closer range to the TVs. I think Absolutely ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I like how he put.

Speaker 2:

They were 1987, a different time technologically side note store was officially opened by Norman Collier and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Again, I don't quite. I don't quite get that, because I don't know who Norman Collier is. And Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is a car, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

yeah, you know who Norman Collier is, don't you?

Speaker 2:

is he in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is a car, isn't it? Yeah, you don't know what Collier is, don't you? Is he in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?

Speaker 1:

I'm guessing it's like the lead actor of that. Do you know what? I've heard his name man, and it's not the person I thought it were. But it says here he was most famous for his faulty microphone routine and his chicken impressions.

Speaker 2:

I mean to be fair, actually now routine and his chicken impressions. I mean to be fair, actually now a fair play if Chimpanay's covered himself again. Yeah, chitty maintained a dignified silence on the pavement outside.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 2:

Does anyone remember this?

Speaker 1:

Now, I mean 1987, a little bit too early, I think it's not impossible.

Speaker 2:

We'd have been there to see it, but I don't remember it.

Speaker 1:

No, if you know anything about Norman Collier, let us know.

Speaker 2:

And final one from Nav. So Peter Reid also appeared in the All Whites advert. He was standing by the fridge door with an empty glass in his hand. I don't remember that. No, I can't say I do. Shredder Wheat adverts were far more star-studded than the Wheatlebyx ones, brian Qu ones, brian Quilfe, brian Robson and Sir Ian Botham yeah, this is where Ian Botham used to say bet you can't eat three.

Speaker 1:

And then Brian Clough's one, where I think the Brian Clough one where his team were going out to play football and he had his famous green thing on and he said to, and Shelton's coming out, he goes hey, have you had your shredded wheat or something? And he goes, oh, no boss. He goes right, get back in there. Something like that. Well, young man, I think you should have your shredded wheat. It's not anything like that.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, young man, if I had your shredded wheat, it's got him a clue.

Speaker 1:

It's got him a clue, that one. Yeah, we've got some stuff after as well, actually, which we're not going to play because we've just got too many clips. But Anthony sent us he said he can't believe we didn't mention the Shaken Vac ad and he has sent us something that sounds like the Dixon Sailor. We might share that later, but I can't play it.

Speaker 2:

Well, you say that a little bit. It's like I don't get the context of that. It made me laugh. It's some sort of like duck things with some music behind it, and then it's just saying things like Dick and flange Grotum. Yeah, it's like it's crazy. Yeah, we might share that. I don't know what it is, but yeah, thanks for that. And I was, if you. I don't know if I said the words out loud or if I just thought it, but Shaking Back was very, very nearly one of my three.

Speaker 1:

My, yeah, I just I don't really remember it being on.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no, yeah, I do, I remember that.

Speaker 1:

You could shake him back, put the pressure on his back.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Webding said he can't believe that the kids these days won't have the advert frame of reference growing up. They're almost like a secret code to figure out someone's age.

Speaker 2:

So what it means by that is if you go to someone you'll say, if you buy, one.

Speaker 1:

What would you say? You get one free. Any mention of the word ambassador. Someone would say, with this Ferrero Rocher, you are really spoiling us. And then hang on, he's got another one here, exactly, yeah, exactly. Go on, he's got another one here, exactly, yeah, you know exactly. Go on, give us some. Go on An insurance cost. Stupid, you're stupid, which I don't really know that one. I don't know that one.

Speaker 2:

So is this like? Is he proving his point? Is that one slightly?

Speaker 1:

Slightly yeah.

Speaker 2:

Webbo's a little bit older than us, isn't he? Yeah, he is. Yes, have we just missed it by a year or two?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm not sure about that one. Berlin Blaze a great episode. Really enjoyed it. Thank you, berlin. Also, getting the I'm Irish and I've got this Braxie double in within the first 12 minutes is impressive and perhaps a record. And he's picked out quickity, quick microchips, which is one that I will get. Like it were on my list at the beginning, but I didn't go go for it in the end.

Speaker 2:

Has anyone else ever done a version of microchip? Nobody, ever kind of cracked that.

Speaker 1:

That's the same one, though. How about it? Yeah?

Speaker 2:

good on that. Is there another one?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. He actually says that is the greatest two words, Like it's a piece of art. He thinks I can't.

Speaker 2:

Not how you're doing it. It's like a. I don't even know if I want to attempt it. It's done like as a I don't know. It's like a French female singing voice like have. I got this wrong then it's not a bloke going Mm then on.

Speaker 1:

What am I talking about then? Mm then on.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, it is that. I just think it's a bit more sort of sing-songy doing it. Do you know what it is?

Speaker 1:

I don't know what the thing. All I remember about this is Sheffield United used to have a player called Ben Doan, and when he played which weren't very often I used to go. Mmm Ben Doan, that's it.

Speaker 2:

It was not an advert for him, no, it was like for yogurts.

Speaker 1:

Yogurts, yeah, mmm. Ben Doan, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, he loves it.

Speaker 1:

Berlin Thinks he's absolutely fantastic.

Speaker 2:

Well, his last one there is the Intel, isn't it Boom, boom, boom.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, classic, that isn't it. Boom boom, boom. Is that Jingle? I don't know. If that is that, I don't know. I suppose if Calgon is it, I don't know yeah.

Speaker 2:

I suppose it's a little tune associated with a brand, isn't it? So yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, good one.

Speaker 1:

If you will indulge me, then I'm going to tell you some what I had on my list that I didn't say Wamba Rumbongo, which I'll make Jake and recite word for word. He once did it on a train in Italy Mbongo, mbongo, stick it up, your jongo. I don't know what it.

Speaker 2:

I can't do it. What is it Fairly sure it's not that they drink it in the Congo. I think it is Drink it in the Congo, Don't they just stick it up?

Speaker 1:

your Django. I don't think Stick it up your Django and you were going to have, so I didn't have it. Oh, vitalite, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Morning drinking some breakfast.

Speaker 2:

Everybody. Come back here, mark, here's Well. Actually, just while you say that, sorry, I'm just going to jump in there, but something that makes me think of that was I nearly had, and people might think what the hell is he on about here? You might even, do you remember, grab an outspan, small ones on what do you see?

Speaker 1:

naturally, Don't think so.

Speaker 2:

So that was. They were for like little satsumas, I think, but I can't quite remember it and I thought if I can't remember what it is, I can't really have it. So yeah, outspan, I think, was one Famous one, trio, yeah, trio.

Speaker 1:

We want a trio and we want one now. Another one I've just thought of actually is 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. It's not really a jingle, because it's just a song, isn't?

Speaker 2:

it yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

This one, I think, is quite creepy. Fairy Liquid With my dream fairy liquid.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you put it that way. It used to be like this guy's done some washing up, but this scout has done 400 times more.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it used to be quite Ones. I remember is like a mum would be washing pots or something and a kid would say can I feel your hands? I don't know why he'd say that. Anyway, he'd touch her hands and then he'd say let me put your hands on wrinkly, and she'd go yeah, you know why. What is it?

Speaker 2:

my whatever fairy liquid yeah, one went where a kid would wait to build his bottle a rocket from a bottle but it took longer so he couldn't have it.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I think it's a Scout one With my fairy liquid, my green fairy liquid it used to be green didn't it.

Speaker 1:

What are the words for fairy liquid? All that now. Hands that do dishes can feel soft as your skin With mild green fairy liquid, mild green. Couple more. If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit, join our club. Didn't think of it, but yeah, good, I should have had that. And then the other one I had on the list was you can't get better than a quick, quick fitter. Can't get better than a quick, quick fitter, quick fit, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and that concludes all the well. We might have got some more, but they're the ones that I wrote down.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, even the midweek episodes are more sporadic.

Speaker 1:

So if you do think of any great advert jingles, we might still mention them in future midweek ones so don't don't be afraid to send them in, don't be afraid, get them sent in, get them sent in, um. So next up, as we said in the last episode, it's tfi friday. Um, liam's already watched it. Um, we're not going to give any spoilers away, but we're going to use what we, what we're watching, which is the best of 1997 tfi friday as just sort of a almost like a reference point to talk around it. I think, aren't we?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sometimes if we watch a documentary we kind of say, oh yeah, if you kind of want to be on board with what we're talking about, watch the documentary. You absolutely do not need to watch this, because the best of 97 skips through so much stuff at such a fast pace.

Speaker 1:

So we're not going to be going. And this happens, and this happens, and this happens.

Speaker 2:

No, no, but we'll use some examples from that. We might play a few clips from that. But yeah, we'll talk more about the show in general. So don't worry if you haven't got time to watch the best of 97.

Speaker 1:

I mean, to be fair, it's only about 45 minutes. If you do want to watch it, do you reckon? Instead of having midweek Maylight. We could have called this it's your comments, it's your garments.

Speaker 2:

It's your garments well, yeah, we we could have called it that, but there's no way that we can make people read it like that would. It would just be called it's your comments yeah, quite boring points of view works.

Speaker 1:

What do you mean? It's like that's a boring name for a show, but but I like Points of View. I think it's a good show.

Speaker 2:

I don't even know if it's still a thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we should cover it. There's no point now, is there? Except we're just going to get on Twitter and say it's fucking shit. But I used to like it when they'd say, but whatever, wasn't happy with the.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Mr Winchester from Rotherham said he was really disappointed with the way they covered it.

Speaker 1:

There were one. This weren't points of view, but this were. I can't remember where it went now. Then it goes. And now let's go to Kevin from Sheffield, and it was Kevin McCabe talking about it, weren't TV, it was something else Like. I can't remember what it was.

Speaker 2:

Was it actual Kevin McCabe? Yeah, it was actually him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can't remember where it was during lockdown. I can't remember what they were talking about. It weren't like anything to do with what he's involved in with his Scarborough.

Speaker 2:

Aldies, he was just thinking of like a news show where they say now we go to this place, no, no, no.

Speaker 1:

He was just like he was put on as a member of the public. He weren't like he was, but anyway, thank you for sticking with us with that. We're going to have TFI Friday coming up very shortly. Yeah, and I'll see you next time, leroy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, see you soon. If anyone wants to get in touch with us, send us anything. Find us on Twitter at livingwithmade1. Or you can send us an email at livingwithmaidley at outlookcom.

Speaker 1:

Living with Maidley.