#18 - Maximize Your Website's Profitability: Essential Strategies for Conversion Rate Optimization w/ Drew Himel
Growth & Greatness eCommerce Podcast
Growth & Greatness eCommerce Podcast
#18 - Maximize Your Website's Profitability: Essential Strategies for Conversion Rate Optimization w/ Drew Himel
Jan 27, 2022 Season 1 Episode 18
Right Hook Digital

Feel like you've tried everything to boost sales but just can't seem to shift the needle? One of the most overlooked ways to scale your brand is by optimizing your website for increased conversions and customer retention.

In this episode, Scott & Ray are joined by Drew Himel, CEO & Founder of PCR Agency, to talk about conversion rate optimization (CRO) and the strategies that can boost your brand's profitability and retain those hard-earned customers.

With more than a decade of experience leading PCR, Drew shares powerful insights and actionable tips including the oft-missed, consumer-centric elements of a website that keep customers coming back, ways to improve your website’s performance, and the specific strategies to maximize retention for DTC brands.

You’ll figure out where to begin in your CRO journey, which tools to use, and discover how to avoid some of the biggest mistakes eCom brands make when setting up their websites.

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Full episode transcript & chapter markers for this episode are available on the Growth & Greatness eCommerce Podcast Buzzsprout page!