Crime Time FM

THE REVIEW SHOW September 2024

September 16, 2024

The review Show September 2024. The latest selection of new releases.

Peter May The Black Loch 

Simon Mason Missing Person: Alice & The Case of the Lonely Accountant 

Doug Johnstone Living is a Problem 

The Torments Michael J Malone 

Murder in Constantinople AE Goldin 

A Reluctant Spy David Goodman

The Exopotamia Manuscript Maxim Jakubowski 

The Best Crime Stories of the Year ed. Anthony Horowitz & Otto Penzler

The American Mission Matthew Palmer 

Paul Burke writes for Monocle Magazine, Crime Time, Crime Fiction Lover and the European Literature Network, Punk Noir Magazine (fiction contribution). He is also a CWA Historical Dagger Judge 2024. His first book An Encyclopedia of  Spy Fiction will be out in late 2025.

Because this is recorded live there are occasional background noises hopefully it won't spoil your listening pleasure.

Produced by Junkyard Dog
Crime Time

Produced by Junkyard Dog
Crime Time

Crime Time FM is the official podcast of
Gwyl Crime Cymru Festival 2023
CrimeFest 2023
CWA Daggers 2023
& Newcastle Noir 2023
2024 Slaughterfest, National Crime Reading Month, CWA Daggers