
Ben Edmunds (Wayfair)

During today’s conversation, we speak with Ben Edmunds, Senior Staff Engineer at Wayfair. You’ll hear all about his role at Wayfair, from his day-to-day active projects and how he goes about setting OKRs to the legacy and new deploy tooling he uses, and the method he has adopted to guide engineers. Ben shares ample advice for young engineers and stresses the value of learning more than one coding language. He reveals the finer details of life at Wayfair and the tools he uses to make sure that goals are reached, which include surveys, direct conversation, and partnership. We talk about the role of auxiliary engineering, the templates engineers build for application in partnership with an engineering team, and Ben points listeners in the direction of topics they should research, depending on whether they are looking to improve their software engineering or technical leadership skills. We hope you join us for an action-packed episode today!
