Multiply Network Podcast

Episode #26 - South Point Church Launch with Matt Bombay from Saskatoon

October 12, 2019 Multiply Network Season 1 Episode 26

In this Take 5 episode we talk with Matt about the journey they have been on in planting South Point Church, things they are learning and what they are excited about! 

Transcript of Podcast by Multiply Network

 Created to champion church multiplication, provide learning and inspire new disciple- 

making communities across Canada

2019 – Matt Bombay


Paul Fraser:  We are really excited to have this great leader, Matt Bombay and his wife Taegan who are in Saskatoon planting South Point Church this September.  Welcome to Take 5.

Matt Bombay:  Well, thanks for having me.

Q.  Why don’t you tell us a little bit ---

I’ve had the privilege of journeying with you so I know a bit of your story but for our audience, why don’t you tell us what led you to church planting and then of course to lead South Point Church.

A.  Sure.  It was about this time last year actually that we got together with our District and they asked us if we would be interested in planting a church, kind of an entrepreneurial plan.  And I think like everybody my first response was absolutely not.  No, we’re not doing it.  We’re not interested.  And then over the few weeks after that God kind of worked on our hearts and we decided okay, this is something we’re going to take a step into.  So with the help of our District we went through some assessments and through some training and conferences and got to a point where we said, “Okay, let’s go.”  So we rallied some teams together.  We rallied some money together and kind of here we are.

Q.  When we talked about this initially, just the dream of it, it is just so cool to see it come to fruition.  Why don’t you give us an update of where you’re at today?

A.  Sure.  We’ve been meeting for three weeks with our core launch team.  Our big kick-off is September 22nd.

Q.  Wow.

A.  We’re just excited.  I jokingly said that we probably have the greatest growth in PAOC.  In the last month we went from about an 1800% growth rate; mind you, we only had three people the first Sunday and then jumped up to forty.

Q.  (Laughter)

A.  We’re pretty excited about that.  We’re just really looking forward to just getting this thing in full swing and see what God does.

Q.  Yes.  So in pre-launch season you’ve got to hustle.

A.  Yes.

Q.  There’s lots of things you were doing.  What people may not know is that are also an interim pastor in your pre-launch in another church while preparing for the church plant.  

Why don’t you tell us some things maybe you learned in this process, maybe working with your team, things maybe you learned about you, how things work, why don’t you just share a little bit because I think there would be some people out there interested to hear about what pre-launch looks like.

A.  Sure.  A year up until this point we’ve kind of been preparing.  So we’re rallying people and things like that.  The first thing that comes to mind is we rallied people pretty early on in the process and found that they were ready to go now!  They were ready to start now!

Q.  Yes.

A.  And we were nine months out.  Right?

Q.  Yes.

A.  So we used the analogy of a baby.  You get to announce that you’re having a baby and then people get excited nine months later or six months later when the baby is birthed.  But in between that time they’re like let’s get this thing going.  So that’s been a struggle trying to keep people excited but also keep them tempered a little bit with their excitement.  

Q.  Yes.

A.  Another thing that has been an interesting thing for us is just really trying to be good neighbours, being good neighbours in Saskatoon and in Stonebridge and sort of, you know, the opposition, that comes from that, the tension of churches and church folk in regards to, you know, another church in the area.  

Q.  It’s real.  This is real.

A.  Others churches down the road.  It’s real. So we’re just doing our best to manage tensions, be good neighbours, be good folk.

And then the other thing is just, you know, just the reality that you’re planting a church and you have a family and a wife and a kid that are all involved and just kind of managing all of that and just making sure they are taken care of just as much as the church is.

Q.  That’s a fantastic word on that because when you are a church planter, it is a church planting family.

A.  Yes.

Q.  Everyone needs to be onboard.  

Hey man, how can we pray for you as you get ready to launch on ---

What is the launch date again?

A.  September 22nd.

Q.  Yes.  September 22nd.  So how can we pray for you, man?

A.  Sure.  I think like every church planter we would love to see people saved and we would love money, just to be able to reach our community.  But I really do think the seeds that have been planted, we really want to see them grow in Stonebridge and in Saskatoon and so that’s our greatest thrill.  We have 18,000 people in Stonebridge and one church; two churches with ours now.  And we really want to see God move and we really want to be able to have opportunities and those opportunities come to us in ways that we never imagined and that God will use us.

Q.  That’s amazing, man.  Well, we’re cheering you on.  We’re happy to share this story.  We’ll check in.  Thanks for taking the risk of church planting and thanks for being on our Take 5 today.

A.  Thanks for having me, Paul.

--- End of Recording