Multiply Network Podcast

Episode #32 - Marks of a Multisite Pastor with Kevin Janzen

November 14, 2019 Multiply Network Season 1 Episode 32
Episode #32 - Marks of a Multisite Pastor with Kevin Janzen
Multiply Network Podcast
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Multiply Network Podcast
Episode #32 - Marks of a Multisite Pastor with Kevin Janzen
Nov 14, 2019 Season 1 Episode 32
Multiply Network

In this Take 5 interview we chat with Kevin Janzen from Hope City Church in Edmonton about what kinds of gifts and leadership characteristics  are needed to be a successful multisite pastor!

Show Notes Transcript

In this Take 5 interview we chat with Kevin Janzen from Hope City Church in Edmonton about what kinds of gifts and leadership characteristics  are needed to be a successful multisite pastor!

Transcript of Podcast by Multiply Network - #32

 Created to champion church multiplication, provide learning and inspire new disciple- 

making communities across Canada

January 30, 2020 Marks of a Multi-Site Pastor - Kevin Janzen


Q.  Paul Fraser:  I am so happy to have Kevin Janzen from Hope City Church Terwillegar Campus.  Thank for jumping on ‘Take-5’ today.

A.  Absolutely.  Thanks for having me.

Q.  It’s so great to talk with you, because I know there are some people out there, pastors and leaders, that are thinking about multi-siting in terms of campus.  But why don’t you talk to us a little bit about moving from youth ministry to campus, and maybe some of the differences, and how you were called to it.

A.  Yes.  I wasn’t sensing that I was necessarily done with youth ministry.  I loved it.  I enjoyed that season.  But sensing that God always got something next for us.  So, what could that ‘next’ be, and I would rather my ‘next’ be in front of me before I’m totally done.

Q.  Yes, that would be good.

A.  Yes.  So, knowing that this was kind of on the forefront, and I think within my gift set I know that I work well with Pastor Phil; loved working alongside him, but not needing him to carry the load of vision.  I just felt like it would be a good dynamic of having a certain sense of autonomy, but also submitting to his leadership.

Q.  Yes.

A.  So, we broached the idea and kind of went down the road on it.  

Q.  And the Terwillegar Campus feels like, you know, a Sunday morning gathering at the main campus and a similar feel that way.  What have you learned as it relates to campus pastoring?  What makes a good campus pastor?

A.  I think, in some of the research that I’ve done, the one word that kind of pops out to me is a catalytical leader; someone who can catalyze the momentum and build teams and build energy.

Q.  Okay.

A.  I think that is important.  Someone who is willing to spend the time rallying and building people up; willing to submit to leadership.  If you’ve got someone who is a little too entrepreneurial, being a campus pastor might be tough for them.

Q.  Yes.

A.  You do need a semblance of entrepreneurial-ness – that’s not even a word – (laughter) but you know what I’m saying.  But they have to be willing to submit to the senior leadership and that can be a tension for some guys.

Q.  Yes.  So, if you are more of an apostolic, entrepreneurial leader, there is going to be a rub when it comes to vision.

A.  Yes.

Q.  So, the campus pastor has to come in under the vision of the main house.  

A.  Yes.

Q.  What have you enjoyed about it?

A.  The people, the team, making an impact in our city.  Making some mistakes but learning from them.  One of the things that we’ve learned in the last thirteen months is we started off wanting to be very similar to the Mill Woods Campus.  And the Mill Woods campus is ten times our size.  Right?  So we’ve learned how to act our size.

Q.  Okay.

A.  So, we have grown in our autonomy, but also trust with Pastor Phil.  And the team so that we have the autonomy to contextualize what is the heart of where we’re going, and how do we contextualize to a smaller context and a different community.  So that’s been a lot of fun to be able to take that trust and to run with it.

Q.  What I’ve heard back from churches that are multi-siting is they say, “You can drive twenty minutes in any direction of the city and the context changes.”  So I love that there’s a flexibility to contextualize, because I know, here in Edmonton, you can go twenty minutes in any direction and it is a totally different group.

A.  Yes.

Q.  You guys have a vision to reach 1% of Edmonton.  That’s really what is spurring on this multi-site initiative.  How do you see the tool of your campus playing into that?

A.  Number one, we are going to try to reach people.  We’re also pioneering our version of multi-sites.

Q.  Yes.

A.  We’re figuring out for our future campuses what it takes to launch and to launch successfully.  And so yes, we are going to do our part to reach the southwest corner of the city.  But we’re also trying to figure out that blueprint, that game plan for future campuses to come.

Q.  Yes.  

A.  We’re learning a few things.

Q.  No kidding.

Q.  So just as we’re wrapping up here, what are some gifts you’ve noticed that you are needing to have as a campus pastor?  You’re working on your Master’s, finishing it up in April, and it was on multi-sites.  So you’ve got lots of research.  What are some of the gifts needed for a campus pastor?  You obviously possess some of them.  But what do you think the gift set that is needed for a campus pastor?

A.  Yes.  I think you need the ability to shepherd.  You need the ability to, in humility, submit to the vision of the broader organization, the willingness to get your hands dirty.  One thing I try to do is lead by example so I try to be one of the first people on site for set-up and the last person to leave, for example, on tear-down.

Q.  I like that.

A.  It’s just one of those things that I’m not expecting any of my people to do what I’m not willing to do.  So those are some of the things.  Yes, the humility to submit I think is huge.  Teachability and flexibility.  All the research I did, that was one of the things that came up over and over again - this need to hold everything loosely because it is probably going to change in a couple of months.  So those are a few of the things I would suggest.

Q.  Yes.  Those are great thoughts.  Thanks for jumping on today.

A.  Absolutely.  Thank you.

--- End of Recording