Locker Room Talk & Shots Podcast

The Queen of Kegels Talks Tightening Coochies & The Power of the "P" Word!

She Explores Life Season 2

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Meet the woman responsible for the host of Locker Room Talk & Shots Podcast's tight, toned pussy! The queen of Kegels, as she's fondly known, Sarahca turned to pelvic floor exercises after an injury and has since transformed her own life and the lives of countless others. In our conversation, we explore how Kegels, often associated with post-pregnancy healing and urinary incontinence, can have far-reaching benefits for both men and women.

As a published author, activist, and CEO, Sarahca's journey transcends just the physical. Her diverse background in arts and community building brings a unique perspective to the table. In our chat, we explore her ambitious project 'Small Towns Need Poetry' that aims to bring a cultural renaissance to smaller communities. We also talk about her Kegel Crew, where her poetry becomes an integral part of community building, proving that strengthening pelvic muscles and self-expression can go hand in hand.  Watch until the end for a special treat! And erotic poetry reading by Saracha herself!
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Annette Benedetti:

Hi, this Annette Benedetti, your hostess for a locker room talk and shots, the podcast that likes to think of itself as the queer NPR of raunchy women's sex talk. You are about to sit in on the kind of conversations women have on their girls' nights out or behind closed doors while enjoying delicious drinks and dishing about sex, think, fun, honest and feminist as fuck, and always with the goal of fighting the patriarchy, one orgasm at a time. Welcome to the locker room. Today's locker room talk and chots topic is the queen of Kegels talks, tightening Coochies and the power of the P word. I know y'all think I'm talking about the pussy and I swear we're going to talk about the pussy, but when I say P word, I'm talking about poetry, which is one of my greatest loves in life and also one of the greatest passions of my guests.

Annette Benedetti:

Now, my guest today has become my personal Kegel trainer and the personal Kegel trainer two thousands upon thousands of women, I would probably guess globally. And and yes, the goal of this podcast is that by the end of it, every last listener, whether you are a vulva owner, a woman, someone who loves vulva owners or women, you are going to have a clear path to tightening your twat, clenching your kuchi and having a healthy, happy vagina for the rest of your life. But my guest today is so much more than just a Kegel queen, which I think is quite impressive in and of itself. So Sarahca is the spoken word artist you wish you heard a long time ago. She is a mother of three, published author, activist, playwright, executive director of the art of community, founder and CEO of the roundtable project and now queen of Kegels and the creator of the Kegel crew. On TikTok.

Annette Benedetti:

Now. I have two goals for this podcast, so the first one is, yes, to make sure all y'all know how to keep your pussies toned and tight and healthy. The second one is that, by the end of this podcast, my goal is to tie Kegels and vaginal health, pussy power to poetry, and I think if there are any two people in the world that can make this happen, it's me and Serika. Serika, I would love for you, though, to take a moment and tell my listeners a little bit more about you before we jump into all of this.


Okay, so I'm Serika Peterson. Listen, I'm a mother of three and a three year old is really what my schedule revolves around nowadays and I'm a lover of poetry, I'm a lover of people, I'm a lover of love and I love to create, I love to connect and you know, I'm a person that I am blessed to be in a position where I am being used by the most high to help people purposefully and passionately, and that's me, and you have created so much throughout your life.

Annette Benedetti:

What brought you to me, obviously, and my passion, is women's sexual empowerment, and I believe that our sexual empowerment leads to overall empowerment and affects every aspect of our being, and a big part of that is vaginal health, and you are the creator of the Kegel crew, so we're going to kick this conversation off by talking about Kegels, so let's raise our glasses. It's the evening for both of us. We're going to have an evening drink together. Cheers.

Annette Benedetti:

Let's talk about Pussies in Poetry. All right, we just got to jump into it. Look, your background is all about arts and community building and poetry, but you were brought to me because of your Kegel training on TikTok and I really want everyone to go follow this amazing woman because it really has like, especially if you're someone who spends a lot of time doomscrolling on TikTok Like you. Put her into your rotation, your vagina will get a workout. My vagina is in fantastic condition. I actually have a tool to measure that. But can we talk about how the hell did you end up being everyone's personal Kegel trainer?


I had an injury. Well, it started there. I had an injury the day after Christmas last year and I wasn't able to work out. I had started back saying I'm a workout. I just had my son. He'll be turning 30, august 30th, so you know. I couldn't work out and I was really feeling down, like I'm wanting to get my body back and just get back into being a woman, feeling, living, doing, expressing and I had the injury. I wasn't able to work out and my doctors had already been telling me, like for years, like you need to do Kegels, you need to do Kegels.


And it was just like throughout my life. It just slips my mind, it just keeps slipping my mind to do Kegels. You know, between remembering to pick your kids up and do everything else, women, we just it's just doesn't, it doesn't cross our mind like that. So I said, okay, since I can't work out, I can still work out. And Kegels became what I committed to working out, strengthening my pelvic floor muscle and learning about my sexual desires and natures and me and who I was.


And that's really how it started, like I couldn't work out my my outer body, but I can work out my inner. And I started working on that. And then I just posted it. One day Let me remind somebody, cause if I, if I have a lot of time remembering, I'm pretty sure there's other women out there Now. Did I think it was going to be all these women? No, absolutely not. It has. It has really taken me. I'm a bit taken back by it, but yeah, it just started. Hey, I thought maybe somebody need to be reminded and I started doing it because it was the only workout I can get in.

Annette Benedetti:

How quickly after posting the first video you posted that I saw it's so quick too. It's just like you flip the phone up and you're like give me 50 Kegels Now. You know it's like it's that. It's just very like you're, you know, kind of like us. I don't know like an army sergeant I would imagine. I don't know I was never in the military and like instantly I start Kegeling, like I don't know. I'm like it happened that quick and what was the response like upon that first video?


I think it was like maybe 100 views on the first video. I started doing it in January of this year and I had I was. I was posting it randomly, as I still do now. I wasn't as consistent as I am now and I'm as consistent now because there are other. There are people who are relying on it now, so I'm responsible for that. Honestly, it kicked off.


I had my surgery on my knee for my injury April 24, april 29,. One of the Kegel videos popped up and that I ended up also having to move that weekend and me and my kids that's when we ended up moving and having to stay in the hotel for two months. We literally that move. All of that happened. The video clip the first video went viral and then me moving, the surgery all of that happened within a week span and you know the honestly the Kegel crew like they really helped me maintain my mental health while me and my kids were living in the hotel for two months.


You know it was. It was a really tough time for me, but there was moments I looked forward to picking up my phone, picking in with the Kegel crew and I mean, these ladies are comedians, they're hilarious, some of the comments and it's just like I literally just sit there and I would go from sulking in, you know, my black failures and let downs to being being uplifted, being being told thank you and why I'm appreciate you and all of that and it just really lifted my spirit.

Annette Benedetti:

It's funny. It's something that tie all women together, right, we have this area of our body that needs maintenance and we don't take care of our health moms especially, but women in general. Like we aren't taught to really do the self care. Also, the medical support out there and the knowledge about our sexual health is so shitty, right. So to have someone jump up on an app where I'm like sitting there going this is like I shouldn't be scrolling, I shouldn't be scrolling, and then to give me something to do that I need to do with humor and with purpose, and then to regularly be showing up on my feed. There was kind of this instant bond and then I thought it was so inspiring how so many women all different kinds of women, like got on board with it and we could talk about it and laugh about it. But I do have some questions. First, the most popular question. I know you get it all the time how does it feel to know that the minute so many people women see your face, they start clenching their coochies?


Oh my gosh, I'm still trying to process that.

Annette Benedetti:

I mean, this is thousands upon thousands. Your numbers have jumped on that app. I think you're up in the 50s, some 1000 women Clenching their coochies for you.


I don't know how to honestly explain it, but you know it's a responsibility. Now with that, it's also something I created. So that is also something that I really have to honor. You know I have to honor what that is that 52,000 people are following you and these women are looking to you to help make them better. And it's heavy. It's heavy. It's also very rewarding. We're doing yoga now. So, yes, Miss Tanya from Scottsdale Reiki, who offered her service to do 23 yoga sessions for the Kegel crew. Right, and it's something I always wanted to do, but I didn't have to budget. You know, I don't have. I didn't have the money to put into it. And here comes this woman who's a part of the Kegel crew, who finds value in what we're doing and love it. She brings this service to us to. Now we're doing twice a week, free yoga sessions for the Kegel crew as a community service.

Annette Benedetti:

So explain to my listeners and I am betting you, I'm betting you. A lot of my listeners are already have you in their feed, but will you explain the Kegel crew to my listeners what that means?


So the Kegel crew are women who have the need to strengthen their pelvic floor muscle, be it for health, pleasure, whatever it is yours, you're responsible, you have ownership of it and it's about women being sexually who they are Because you think about it. Kegels are something you don't even know someone's doing. You don't know but at that moment on TikTok, we all know we're doing it and that, to me, is about unity. I think women, especially black women, I think we have to walk more in our power and sexual being, because, as a black woman, my sexuality has been used against me in my own community.


You know, I always was a very plush size, curvy young girl and I always been sexualized by older men when I was a young girl. So me owning my sexuality and me being sexy wasn't something that I did. But this is about hey, this is my body, it's my pussy. I can do what it with it, what I want to, but what I have to do to honor myself is to take care of it in the best way possible. That is what the Kegel crew is about self care and self love. And it's you, it's about you, that is something that you do for you. Please, ladies, take care of you.

Annette Benedetti:

But you've taken this to the next level. I saw the yoga classes, online yoga classes. I didn't realize that that was one of the members of the Kegel crew who stepped up and offered to do that. And so now you've taken, you know, this exercise for your, your pussy, for your vagina, and now you're like tying that to whole health right. Yoga is a whole health which is also spiritual health right and offering on top of it not only the guidance with Kegels and pelvic health. But now you've got someone who's stepped in and joined you to take women who are involved in that into the whole health. You know place of healing, and I just thought that was so beautiful that the two of you joined to make that happen. I also know that. So you do regular online meetups for the Kegel crew. Is that right?


Yes, I do so. On Sunday I do a sip with Sarah in the Kegel crew and that's 9pm Eastern Standard Time and it's just alive. Like I don't come and ask them to come and we're going to do all the Kegels. They literally come and they tell me to do the Kegels. Then is almost like okay, now we get to give you a little bit of a break, okay, now we get to give you back what you've been giving us. So I have to pump them out every time somebody say do so. Yeah, and it's just conversation about whatever. We have a drink, we talk If you mean we smoke and we just vibe it. You know we just talking about whatever and it's a vibe.

Annette Benedetti:

It's a whole vibe. I love it. And now it's you've created a community on top of all of that. It's really kind of a cool thing, yeah, yeah it is.


I don't have, like you know, in person meetups for the Kegel crew yet. We are working on some things myself with my team to. We're actually getting ready to go on tour with our small towns needs for two. I've been talking with them about how can we, you know, wrap in some Kegel crew meetups. I was probably thinking about, like the top cities that support and going to those cities and doing something, but doing a poetry show or something there.

Annette Benedetti:

So to clarify for listeners, you do something called small towns. Need poetry to correct.


Small towns need poetry to. We're coming up on our seven year anniversary, august 28. And I go around take poets, artists, whoever creatives, musicians, to small towns. I'm a small town girl, so I always thought about what I didn't have growing up, and poetry and a place to create platform wasn't there. So the small towns need poetry to, and we're currently in six towns, so my goal is to try to get another town, more towns and get out of Florida with it.

Annette Benedetti:

Yeah, and and so then you were saying you're kind of thinking about how do I tie in the Kegel crew stuff with that. Yeah, it's an evolving thing right now and you have, as I said to my listeners early on, you have all of these other projects that have been your lifelong Passion and sort of came into the Kegel crew and I love the way it all is coming together before we get to tying the poetry, which you're obviously tying the poetry to the posse is, and the Kegel crew yourself in your own work. But I know that listeners will have questions about Kegels. So I'm going to ask you and and you do always say when people ask you that you aren't a doctor, obgyn, that we all know that, but you clearly have more knowledge about Kegels than the average person with a vagina. So can you tell my listeners a little bit about why should they even bother with Kegels, like why, what are the benefits that they offer?


So there are a lot of benefits for Kegels, but I'll have a pelvic floor. Muscle is what holds our urine and what keeps the moisture in. I really got into it. There's this woman I follow on Instagram, a T Gina, and she calls it moist women's Wednesdays and she talks about women. You know she's older when she's like in her 60s and she's talk about like listen, women need to keep it them. Keep your pluses moist, like don't be a dry.


I'm glad to do that and so when I started looking into that and the Kegels are actually how we hold our urine in, but it's also a muscle I learned that it's a muscle and, like any muscle, anytime you work at it, it's going to strengthen. So how do you strengthen that muscle to be able to hold your urine longer or not? That you should hold it as long, but if you're not in public and somewhere where you can use it, being able to do that also sneezing people cough and sneeze and if, after you had a child, that becomes something that you have to work on to tighten that back up. I had an incompetent cervix when I had my second daughter and my son. I had to be on bed rest the entire time and I had to have a circulage because my cervix was incompetent. And when I found out that makes you feel bad, like to hear my cervix is incompetent.


So I was like OK, so how can I fix this? And he was like remember the Kegels I've been telling you you know you need to do? And I was like, ok, so that, that is that. And I always tell people, when you're doing Kegels, think up, not in pull up towards your neighbor.


That is how you're going to strengthen more and you know people say well, what if you moving your butt or whatever, like that's almost unnatural because those muscles are connected. It's natural. But once you learn to, once it's strengthening, you'll be able to isolate that muscle and only move that muscle. But that's typically what happens with beginners, that you feel your sphincter moving more than your actual vagina. But as you keep moving and keep going, you'll be able to isolate your vagina muscle from you know, your anal muscle and be able to just focus on that.

Annette Benedetti:

Oh, that's a good tip. So when you start it's been a long, long time for me, but you're right and especially after birth after birth, like nothing feels like it's moving down there, right, yeah, but it does feel like you're just clenching your butt. But if you keep at it, then eventually you'll start to feel the difference. It's like any kind of workout, right. You start to feel new muscles like come into action, and stuff like that.


And it's nothing like it's not. You're not doing it wrong. If that you're not doing it wrong and there's actually I'm going to post it. I actually just saw a really good stimulation video, so I'm going to post it. I'm just trying not to get flagged or banned by Tik Tok and I know that. You know there's some kind of really skeptical on it. But I do want to, you know, give a visualization of what the inside looks like, why you're doing it. I know we are all nowhere doing it, but I saw a really good video for that and it definitely will really visualize and teach you what you're doing.

Annette Benedetti:

Right. So if someone is just getting started for maybe for the first time in their whole life, or just had a baby and trying to get started, are there, do you have any tips for, like you know, just getting started?


So I honestly I my first place of getting started when I first started. I started when I went to the bathroom to pee. Like, okay, how do I know I'm doing it If I have to pee and I go here and I stop midstream and I do that a couple times Now I know I'm working that muscle, so I do that you know I have.


I have had times where I do like a water fast, so I'm in the bathroom a lot, so I'm really working my muscle out because I know I'm going to be urinating quite a bit while I'm on this water fast. I mean, if that's something that you're committed to doing to like, make sure you're you know you're doing the, using the right muscle, to identify the muscle, because some women may not have ever done it and you need to identify what that muscle is. You know, go, go, go pee and try to drink a lot of water one day and just go pee, and every time we work that muscle out.

Annette Benedetti:

That's great advice. That's a good way to feel it and know it's happening. How many should someone start with? How did I mean? I think I kicked in on your. I think you asked me for 50 the first time you popped up on my FYP and and you it was in a limited amount of time. I can't remember what the time was, but do you think you could share maybe a little workout plan for the beginner and intermediate and like what that looks like?


So I started doing 10, but I didn't start posting TikTok videos till I got to 20. When I 20 was the first number I started with. So I started with 10, like doing the whole water fast and making sure I started with 10. And every time I would go I would try to do at least 10 while I'm in the bathroom. And that's where I started. I knew, okay, I'm doing it right, I'm able to hold, I'm able to control, because you'll even notice too where you are with your muscles. If you're going to the bathroom and you're actually peeing and you're not able to stop the pee, like that's how you know your muscle isn't as strong because you can't stop it. It's still coming, whether it's leaking, whether it's still in full string. You got to strengthen it. That you know what's your doctor's advice if your doctor tells you that. But that's how I knew and you know my doctors had already told me you need to do kegels. So I would say, start with 10 and do it, commit, commit, like a self care Sunday and just work on it.

Annette Benedetti:

How many times a day?


So I've read some articles that say you know you started at 5, 10, 30 a day. If you're missing days, if you can knock out 40 and 50 today, that'll probably keep you for two days. But I would say me, I try to do at least 45, 50 a day, and especially after sex not that I'm having any, I'm honestly just really in a drought but especially after sex, give yourself time to rest, to enjoy the sensation of it, but after to really strengthen it back.

Annette Benedetti:

Yeah, yeah, so I had never thought about that, but that's a great idea after sex to do a good set.


Like, you know what I'm saying, Go to the bathroom. You're going to go pee after knock out a couple.

Annette Benedetti:

Definitely go pee after sex. That's like one of the rules. You also created a playlist for the K-Globe crew. Can you talk a little bit about the music part of it, your playlists?


Yeah. So I had a few women like I started incorporating music into it because I started out doing it with no music so it was just me and whoever was on the other end. I started incorporating music one day because it was just playing in the background and it sounded good. So I started being intentional with the music. I wanted the music to be very intentional for us Speed, groove, a vibe energy and I had quite a few people ask me what a certain song is or they want a playlist. So it's like, okay, I'm here to serve.


So I love music and I created a playlist. It's called the High Sacred Vibes and the sacral energy is connected to sexuality and sensual and creativity and I wanted to really focus on that, like our sexual nature and being who we are with this as women. And it's just music that I love, that I listen to it when it makes me feel a certain type of way. I'm not a dancer, so music that's able to make me move my hips without me telling it to move, it moves me. I would share that and that's what's on the playlist. You know it's very intentional to you know, make you love on yourself, feel yourself, feel your body and, you know, feel sexy.

Annette Benedetti:

Guys and Kegels. Can guys do Kegels or should they do Kegels? And you know what is that a thing?


Yes, men can do Kegels and men should do Kegels. And the benefits for men doing Kegels are, you know, same thing, sexual pleasure, endurance enhancement, possible, you know, growth of the people Like there's benefits for these muscles, like use them, working them out. And now I couldn't tell a man how to do a Kegel. But there is this one guy that comes on, mr Boatye Fly. I remember him, he always comes on, mr Boatye Fly.


Yes, he comes on and every time we're posting I'll notice him, because he'll come on and he'll say he did it and he's descriptive of how he does it. So yeah, men can do Kegels and they do them.

Annette Benedetti:

Well, fascinating. I'll have to look into that. I had never even thought about it, but it makes sense. I mean, we basically men and women, all humans have the same parts just put together differently essentially in our body, which I think is a beautiful idea. So we all have to do that sort of upkeep and stuff like that. So we have gone over how you got into this. We've given my listeners some tips for getting started and then working it into their daily plan. They can follow you, obviously, to get a reminder, because it is like I don't know, I never. I have a hard time prioritizing Kegels. I do more. So now I have three children as well and when I cross the street or I'm walking and I have to sneeze, I always stop and cross my legs and people are like why are you stopping? And I'm like because you know you sneeze after three babies.

Annette Benedetti:

Sometimes, yeah, you might lose your level of squirt. Level of squirt, it's an ugly truth, but also it does increase pleasure and for me it increases my libido, right, the more in shape that part of my body is and I feel like this all really ties into it. I don't know if you've noticed it in yourself, but it is like the sacral area and if you are into yoga, if you're into chakra stuff like that is also the area of creativity, right, and I have noticed that when I'm feeling healthy and sexual and turned on and empowered in that way, like I feel more creative. Have you noticed a tie to that in yourself? You're a writer, you're a poet, you're a spoken word artist. Do you find that since you've created the Kegel crew, that in your own life you've felt more of that spark of creativity, or do you see a tie into that for yourself?


Honestly me. Having a partner, me having someone that I'm sexually involved with it does inspire me. I'm creative when I'm sexually involved. That's where my creativity come from. I write some of my dopest shit when I'm being fucked, right. Let me be just very clear, like I do. But even still now, what I'm learning is about being able to hone that energy and who I am by myself. Like I wouldn't need that, I can desire it, but I still possess it in myself. So you know, the Keele Crew has definitely been a another baby of mine that I have to care for. So I don't know what's coming. I'm really hoping that the group of women that we've been talking and working on putting some things together, that you know the community, come together and embrace it and then we build this community together. I don't want to build a dictatorship, or would that be a pussy-tatership? I don't know you could build that.

Annette Benedetti:

I would be on board with that. Do you see poetry becoming part of that, as you build it, as you build the Keele Crew? I mean you've brought yoga in. You've brought music in. I am so, do you see?


Yeah, poetry is definitely a part of it and it's going to take. It's going to be a big part of what we do, because I talked about earlier on doing erotic poetry night for the Keele Crew and it's just a matter of when and how to set it up and different things, what platforms and where, but it's going to happen. Poetry is a part of the Keele Crew. Now I just need to share it more.

Annette Benedetti:

Oh my God, I did not know about the erotic poetry Night idea, manifesting, but it makes so much sense. You were just saying that, yes, when we're into someone and we're getting fucked, well, certainly I can be extremely creative, I can pull out poems left and right when that's happening. But I love that you are working on manifesting that within yourself without the outside, which I think Keegles are a big part of that. Right, it's building that sexual energy and it's that sexual energy that gives birth to, hopefully, poems or music, depending on who you are and what your creative outlet is. That's such an exciting idea to use that energy that you're helping to manifest in so many women to write poetic fantasies. Right, listen, we're adults.


We're women, we have stories, we have lives and we have things that we enjoy. And I don't know about anybody else, but I enjoy sex. I absolutely enjoy sex. I wish I was having more. Honestly, it's just, that's the truth of it. And I think when we are not able to really say that, without it being any shame behind it, without it being some type of just taboo conversation, we're able to fully be ourselves creatively and be true to ourselves and our partners. I should be able to tell you what I want and it not be taking the wrong way. I grew up in the South, so the Southern Veils and what's Ladylike has really plagued the community, but I mean, I'm a rebel so I don't mind. Yeah, that's, southern Veils are not having good sex.

Annette Benedetti:

No, they're not, they're not. I think they're really deprived, really yeah, absolutely, and I think, and you must feel, that, by having the conversations you're having starting with K G Lillian with women, is you're helping them to feel more comfortable talking about their sexuality, and a lot of women can't even say pussy comfortably, can't say vagina comfortably, and you have created the space where they can start talking about that part of their body and then come together and celebrate it and take care of it together. And that is a huge part of the community.


That is a huge step towards stripping the shame away from you know, I never thought about it like that, but oh yeah, I did.

Annette Benedetti:

I mean, it's a super empowering thing that you're doing and I think it's wonderful. I am wondering if you would like to share some of your poetry with my listeners tonight before we log off here.


I sure would, and I want to thank you for opening your doors to me and I am going to do a poem. It's called Jim Life. Lately I've been focusing on my health, Only consuming things that are good for me. I tend to swallow the substance that oozes out of his motivation. His dick encourages me, makes me want to do better with myself, so I hold my own legs up. He lets me be an independent woman in that position and I play my role as the queen that I am. I am careful but certain of the power my tongue possess for it to has traced every vein that covers his dick Extracts over nine inches of road, not often traveling sandy, never seen it disappear. He calls me Houdini. Now he's my trusty sidekick, always knowing when to pull my hair to reveal it again. Valah dick again.


I keep coming back for more of his nutritional value. I've counted the calories no sodium in his content. His preservatives is deeply rooted in melanin. He's sweet as the fruit on top of cheesecake. He's my go deeper and deeper bae. This, this ain't no diet. This is a lifestyle change.


I'm fully committed to making sure I push myself beyond all that I thought was possible. I never knew men could ride faces. Here I stand, a proud and accomplished woman due to him. I watch what I eat. I watch as he eats my pussy. Portions Isn't enough for him, but he shares it with me anyways. He kisses me after he eats me. It's his meal prep, full of protein and lots of veggies and fruits for desserts. The only carbs we have is the bread we get together. He and his dick supports all this ass. He makes a ripper from the back, takes his two hands, smacks it like that.


Ladies, have you ever had a man massage your shoulders? I fucking you from the back. It's similar to the hydro bed at Planet Fitness. You're going to need a few minutes to recover. He's like no other. We taste good together. Our flavor be that of warm caramel drizzled across homemade bluebell ice cream. We cream together. We dream together Overnight so passionate, loving the way he's fucking me.


I lose the body fat fucking with him. He's my muscle, my waist trainer, the way he controls and guides my waist when I'm doing the 30 minute squat challenge on his dick. He's my get fit and healthy, my do better, because you are better than you know. He tells me how dope I am and I make sure to tell him that he's a dope ass, black man, a king, a God. I believe in him and I just want you to know that if I should ever meet you and a time and a place that we are both willing to go the distance, understand that I have already loved you and fucked you before I had you. I've been working out some of the life's issues, getting my mind right to fuck with you, trusting and loving and knowing myself so I can teach you how to treat me. So trust me when I tell you I'll be just as committed to you as I am to the gym.

Annette Benedetti:

Thank you, oh my God, that was amazing. That was amazing. Thank you so much, no problem, thank you, thank you. I feel so honored that you would give us that gift. This is definitely the first time poetry has ever been spoken on my podcast and it's like a little dream come true for me. And that would be erotic. A poetry if I've ever heard it.


God, it's you know it's so.

Annette Benedetti:

I guess it's a wonderful thing about poetry you can take something like sex and it's like sexy and it's sex, but then it's like so much more.



Annette Benedetti:

And I guess that was one of the things that was exciting about having you on here, because, yes, today we talked about pussies and we talked about cagals and we talked about sex, but it all ties into, like our heart, our soul, our you know passions, poetry, music, our whole selves, higher levels, right, deeper levels. So thank you for having this conversation with me and thank you for giving me a stronger, tighter, more toned pussy. It's all thanks to you.


Oh, all the things I've been thankful for. I've never been thanked for that.

Annette Benedetti:

Well, this type pussy is a gift from you. I love you, for you to take a moment and please just let me listeners know all the places they can find you. I am going to be listing all of those in the notes of this episode. I will be sending it out via e-newsletter and, of course, there will be a full article on you that will help everybody find you after this is posted.


Okay, okay. So yeah, you can find me on TikTok and Instagram as sericaink. That's S-A-R-A-H-C-A, underscore I-N-C. And yeah, I mean, if you're still on Facebook, you don't have to, but I'm Sarah Kapiterson on Facebook and, yeah, my website is theroundtableprojectorg. And yeah, those are all the places you can find me. Thank you so much for joining me today.

Annette Benedetti:

Thank you, I appreciate you, thank you. And to all my listeners until next time I'll see you in the locker room. Cheers.


Re sebelair pirates. Thank you.