Hi i'm Olma, Flynn, March, Ceallach, Shraya
and i'm your DM Ethan welcome to Venture Forth
previously you all had left the cold
outpost where a uh a drow
by the name of kellik had been working
as a medic along
alongside a dwarven man named jarnan
he had been uh recently kicked out of
the uh
the group that was stationed there and
uh amidst packing his things he was
greeted by
a group of adventurers you could call
um by the names of shraya and flynn
um they had a bit of a problem that they
had come across
that uh shraya's commune in the forest
was being attacked by mysterious forces
and flynn was there to
sort of help him out um
a little bit later in the day once once
you guys were finished with your packing
you guys had discovered a couple of
bodies that had washed up on shore
um these were the bodies of alma and
um upon waking up you guys discover
discovered sort of a mysterious past
with them um and uh after a uh
awakening of a couple of the dead bodies
within the tent and
a fight with zombies ensued um you guys
decided to all
gather your things and leave together
for the commune within the forest
you guys left cold crest outpost and met
uh a fisherman an older fisherman
who was able to barter with you guys a
little bit some drawings were exchanged
for a boat
and you guys were able to head up river
into the forest
you guys noticed there was some sort of
mysterious happenings within the forest
as well
uh some shadows that weren't quite uh
adhering to the way that shadows
do and that the branches of the trees
were sort of
reaching out over the water like arms
and limbs and fingers
you guys had continued down the river
and were attacked by
a water weird a water creature that
attempted to
suck some of you into the water and and
attack you but you guys all defeated
that creature and continued moving along
down the river so
moving along the river you guys are sort
of beginning to pick up
pace um the the rapids are sort of
coming back into
uh into effect and there are rocks
everywhere and you guys are
beginning to have to dodge with your
oars all of these uh treacherous waters
you look off on your right and on your
left and
these shadows begin to emerge from the
trees and
uh extend out over the water and reach
out towards you guys and the limbs of
the trees begin to move in
in weird ways and almost begin to look
like they're reaching out trying to grab
at you
and it doesn't look like there's any
anywhere to go until you look off
in the distance to your left and you can
just a a a little bit of a beach there a
little bit of a respite between the
there's some sand and there's a little
bit of an alcove
for you guys to possibly stop at you
guys don't see any other place to stop
on your right and left
so as you guys are moving down this
river what would you guys like to do
i believe that march and alma are
steering where the paddles yes
i have do i have the glowing paddle did
i take that from
kellik you did yes okay yes and it's
still glowing now right
uh it uh dm has it been more than an
hour since i
it hasn't no it's only been a couple
minutes since your last encounter
hey march should we go there
and i point to the little area and i
start kind of like shifting my
paddle to go that way i would prefer
that i think after
our last two experiences involving boats
i'd like to never see one
or at least for some time let's let's go
we're talking we're talking sort of an
outcrop like a like an alcove or is it a
how much of it can we see detail-wise is
as you guys are approaching it and at
this point it is approaching pretty fast
it just looks like a little bit of a
beach um possibly with with some rocks
there and a little bit of sand
yeah uh after you know getting
my uh flesh a bit torn off by the water
it might be nice to be on dry land for
a spell yeah i think we all could uh use
a breather shraya do you see any
of you the symbols you're looking for
over there
i'm not sure let me look shraya i'm
gonna have you make a perception check
for me
oh critical fail
looking around you're you look around
for that that signature sort of glow
that these trees have and you don't seem
to find any all of these shadows around
you seem to be
uh overtaking the area uh nothing i can
make out at the moment
don't know what's going on there's
usually telltale signs all over the
place in this
in this wood you know sometimes whenever
i'm having trouble with stuff
it just you know it's kind of just cause
i'm hungry
maybe we should just take a break you
saw those fish shraya i don't know if we
brought those with us did we leave all
of them with uh
the fishermen i still have two here
however they still need to be cleaned
right and i open my
uh wing out and they're uh two fish kind
of stuffed
uh between some of them you should get a
you should get some kind of
oh no i i have a bag i i prefer keeping
my fish here to dry them out
speaking of stuff stuck in your feathers
how are the crystals
are they giving you any irritation do
you need an ointment
or something and then i open my wing
over on the on the other side and say
yes they are quite uncomfortable uh
i might take you up on that box offer
that you had
mentioned before that's why i put it in
my bag buddy they are quite irritating
all right i'm gonna start rowing
just a little faster just yeah oh my
gosh just a little bit faster look at
each other like
yeah we gotta get to shore uh do do they
seem to be
like does the boat seem to be shifting
easily toward
the shore or or are they having
um yeah it seems to be a pretty easy
task to be able to the the waters are
sort of turning into rapids but
um it's not like extremely treacherous
so you guys are able to
uh sort of maneuver your way over is it
on the southern
side because i know we're going north up
the trail uh
is this alcove on the southern side or
the northern side of
the yeah so this trail you guys are are
heading up the river into the forest
um so it is going to be on your left so
that is going to be
uh the northern side
yes cool good
yeah all right let's uh let's pull it up
over here and uh
i guess we could just leave it here for
now and then if we want to use it when
we come back we can
you know try to maybe turn it up so it
doesn't or just make sure it's
on dry land so it doesn't yeah yeah i'm
gonna go uh
just look for some some wood so we can
maybe start a fire
uh and cook these fish is anyone else
do you need help sure come with me
i'm gonna take the oar with me because
it's glowing
okay it's like my little flashlight i'm
just holding on to it
it's like that it's like twice your
so as you guys as you guys
um are are able to beach the boat pretty
pretty easily and as the boat comes
um you guys hop off the boat and you
guys can see as soon as you guys step
onto the ground around you these same
shadows that are forming around the
trees begin to
sort of uh creep out from around the
trees and almost
start making their way towards you guys
um there's a bit of a moment of panic
uh before you see um uh one of these
amongst the the forest begins to glow
and try you look over you look over and
you see this and
um shray you recognize this as one of
the guiding trees of the forest
um and as you look over the tree begins
to glow and the glowing from the tree
pushes back the shadows there and is
creating sort of a safe perimeter
around this one singular tree and on
this beach area
um that are keeping the shadows that are
creeping in at bay
almost gonna run up and hug the tree
um it's it's warm it's surprisingly warm
there's sort of like a gentle
glow to this tree uh that's providing
warmth ah
that's nice march march come feel this
i i i oh okay i'm just
i'm very cautiously i kind of just go up
to it just
tap it tap it feel it very kind of like
is this am i going to get sucked into a
tree right now because
you know i just watched all the
disappear people go overboard i have no
idea what's going on
i don't trust anything right now so like
i guess like nice and warm i guess
it feels so nice
oh don't trust it while they're doing
that can i just like scan and see if i
can find any
twigs or like branches or something that
i could use to start a fire
yeah um i mean long story short this is
a forest so there's
foliage and branches just about
there is there is um a lot of uh quite a
few dead branches and stuff within
this there it's like a 20-foot radius of
glowing light
um where the shadows are not intruding
and there's quite a bit of branches
hey flynn yeah what's up and try it try
do you think this is one of the
important trees
that help guide us i do believe it
might be an initial entryway
if we find more near it and lead in a
certain direction perhaps that will help
us find
the center of the commune so so flynn do
you think we should build a fire now
or or just try to get to the commune so
that we have more
more beings around us well i don't know
going on in the commune and i don't know
how safe it is so it might be a good
idea to
get a get a rest in now before we run
into some danger
like we don't know how the town is it
could be overrun
we might also run the risk of i mean we
don't know
are are there gaps of shadows between
these wards that we'll have to cross in
order to
to to get to the commune safely like
uh shraya do you know do you have any
sense of how close we might be
we you know we've sailed pretty uh far
into the forest
uh so maybe we're closer than if we just
come in from the front
i've only entered and left this forest a
few times
i like to think i was meant to find
these elves
hopefully we're meant to find them now
i do believe that these
beacons will guide us just they just
like they guided me the first time that
i found them
dm can i can i tell what kind of uh
magic is being used here on the tree is
is it can i assess whether or not it's
the light that's keeping the shadows at
bay or if there's
further uh warding going on
and and maybe if i get recreated uh yeah
make an arcana check for me
uh that is a 21.
a uh 21. yeah let me uh let me see
exactly what this is so this is going to
um so you are you know that this is
uh some pretty strong absoration magic
this is a a spell that has been cast on
the tree
itself um and that it's not
it's not necessarily um originated from
the tree but it was something cast
upon the tree um and very
easy to see that it's obviously keeping
the shadows away um as the shadows are
trying to creep in towards you guys
um are there any limbs of the tree that
seem easy to remove
um you look up and it
doesn't really seem the the ones that
are near to the ground are some pretty
thick um thick branches they get a
little bit thinner once you climb up
once you get up the tree
um but nothing near the base no
uh oma can i can i see that ore
the glowing one just for a second i'll
give it back
yeah yeah yeah i've got a tree and i
hand him the oar
um i'm gonna just walk over to an area
the shadows are with the ore and see if
the glowing ore
um pushes the shadows away like this
tree is doing
gotcha um so yeah you walk up to the
edge of the shadows with the ore
and as soon as you get to the the edge
of the shadows
the glowing ore seems to dim a little
bit as though the shadows are coming up
and almost consuming the light around
the ore um you pull it back after a
second and the glowing
brightens back up but as you push it
into the shadows they
they consume the light around the ore
interesting okay um so this doesn't work
only the tree does i'm famished
i'm gonna start this fire here's your
ore back
there is one thing i could try first
time i came into these woods
while seeing the trees i could feel the
pulsing also from under the ground i
could feel it coming up through my legs
and into my body
perhaps and i look at the tree
perhaps there's something more than just
the beacons that we can see
and uh i'm going to tap the crystal of
my staff
to my forehead and plant it in the
as i reach my hand forward toward the
uh and uh
though there's light that pulses from
the staff and from my forehead
and i'm gonna druid craft my way into
this tree and see if there's any kind of
communication between this tree and
other trees
nice okay um so yeah you drew your crop
you [ __ ] craft yourself into the tree
um and all of a sudden you
your consciousness feels like it's
expanding a little bit as you can feel
this network of trees that's been set up
within this forest you can feel that the
roots of these trees are not
one in the same it's not of the same
tree but underneath the ground
the roots of this tree seem to
intertwine and almost like a handshake
um meet with the next tree and
the next tree and the next tree so you
could feel the energy
moving on beyond this tree and uh you
can feel that there are other trees
very close by that are just like this
one i think i might have a direction
for us
there's more trees well there
there are many many trees in this wood
but i
do believe i might have found a way of
discerning which trees lead the way we
would like to go
and uh and feeling the sort of the
interconnectedness of the trees
um it feels like uh not quite as much of
a web but it feels like there's a long
string of them
heading north it's sort of one tree
connected after the other
uh so i i open my eyes again and
am i able to sense these with my eyes
open or do i have to keep my eyes closed
to get a sense of which
way this is going you
um with your eyes closed you can
feel a little bit more of the direction
of the trees and sort of the path that
it takes
but uh with your eyes open you can look
beyond and actually see
within the into the forest um a couple
um like 40 or 50 feet away there is
another tree that's glowing
i think it might be wise to try to find
my brethren deeper in the forest
there are there are fewer of us
and we do not know the numbers of
whatever these shadow creatures are
uh so uh
the the odds are that this will not be a
safe passage through the
through the woods i i think it's i i
think i'm on
uh flynn's side here in terms of maybe
we should take a breather
so yeah is anyone um works for wear
i kind of took a minute on the boat and
i feel a little bit better but
i want to make sure all you guys are on
tip top shape also those fish
how are they looking i don't know if
they're gonna last much longer
i'm not tired okay you're just
never tired oma don't listen to her she
sleep she's always up and happy and
excited i'm
on the side of flynn here and that
the fish are here we should probably eat
them now before they spoil
and uh i i believe kayla can use
a little bit of a rest at the very least
i'm just tapped i'm uh i'm sapped of any
sort of
uh the use i can be a uh
is as little uh if anything but just a
little nap
isn't gonna help me right no i'd need an
extended time
so do we risk yourself do we just push
on try to get to the common
yeah i think so i mean and then we could
have like a real meal
and a long time to go to sleep and
wake up refreshed unless the towns are
overrun by ghosts
i mean but do you really want to pitch
up a tent and sleep all night out here
that's what it would take if we're let's
let's imagine for a second that we're
moving from
you know warded tree to another warded
tree uh
then we we're as safe here as we might
be you know
three trees down closer to the to
the commune i agree uh
not to mention uh we could get a better
sense of what we'll need
uh when we're there uh
for me i have to anticipate uh the kind
of magic i'll need to use in order to
have access to it wow
that's so cool
yeah i mean that makes sense um i mean i
just want to make sure everyone's okay
uh like no one's cut or or bruised or
anything they don't need to
uh like a bit to make sure they're okay
i feel my burns that were healed
um earlier this morning and i say
just as good as i was two hours ago so
okay well uh try it i guess we're
following you bud
very well let us be on our way
um before we leave i want to put my both
of my hands on the tree
and just like lean my head against it
and whisper goodbye
um it gets about not much but maybe a
degree or two warmer as you say goodbye
uh dm just for uh keeping track
uh yeah while we were on the boat uh
just at the tail end of last episode i
applied one of my healer's kits
so i so uh as you're estimating the
uh livelihood or uh for lack of a better
uh flynn of our group like i i look
wounded but i have been bandaged i'm in
i'm doing well i am repaired
no problem i feel like i'm the only one
that really benefits from a
uh like an hour long rest but right now
i don't really gain too much
back just the ability to heal a little
bit that's true that's a fair point
but yeah that's what you're for right
i know yeah i mean i have i have some
supplies left
uh should we need them so can't be done
great just stay next to me i'll keep you
safe and you keep me healed
you got us stay out of the shadows they
take light away
yes i'm uh curious to see exactly
how where the lines are drawn between
you know the shadows cast in the forest
and the
whatever uh supernatural force is at
work here
so as you guys uh lead off into
the forest itself um you guys are able
sort of get to the edge of this radius
of light that the initial tree is
is casting and you guys can see just
outside of that radius another radius of
is beginning to emanate and you guys can
see sort of this
interconnected pathway from tree to tree
to tree um
you guys see one in front of you and
another one just
beyond um uh another grove of trees
and you guys are able to to see sort of
a clear path forward
so yeah damn what do we
what kind of distance are we talking
like are we talking
when you play like hopscotch like a like
like a nice hop
would get you to the next yeah so
there's uh actually a couple a good
couple foot overlap
between each uh protection radius
so you guys are able to walk freely from
tree to tree um
but uh if you guys you know were to
falter at all
then um you guys would be within the
so like single file line it would pretty
much be single file line yes
and there are points where you know at
interconnected points of light
you guys are sort of having to almost
squeeze past
um these these branches that are it
looks like they're reaching out trying
to grab at you
um but you guys are able to move from
tree to tree
and you guys are moving within the safe
space but just
beyond out into the shadows just beyond
where you guys can see
you guys begin to hear whispers and
and just very very quiet voices
can we have tied like can we have like
tied a rope like
little kindergartners and should be
holding on to it
yeah you can definitely do that okay
okay is everyone cool with that
yeah want to have yeah i feel like
schreier's in the front because he's
leading us through these trees
um i'd like to take the rear just to
make sure
um if anyone gets pulled away i can see
that happen
okay other than that whoever wants i to
be just just
in front of uh flynn there since we
that i would protect him and he protects
me i'll go in the middle and and
um march do you want to go in front of
me yeah i'm going to be directly behind
cheyenne because i am
just not down with you know whispering
shadow tree creature things that i
cannot see
i am absolutely going to have
uh just my my warhammer just ready to go
just at the faintest site of
you know i'm just just just holding it
just prepared
i don't do well with things that that
whisper in the dark
i would just like to imagine that i'm
faintly annoyed by where having to hold
on to the rope
i've barely got a grip on it
just being pulled along all right so
safely secured uh with the rope in
between you guys
uh you continue on from tree to tree to
and you guys continue to hear these
whispering voices
almost calling you into the forest
calling you deeper
out of the light and into the trees
after a couple minutes the whispering
subsides and
you guys begin to hear the sounds of of
but these are not pleasant creatures
these are not birds chirping
these are deep growls of
what sounds like wolves and and just
like guttural roars
of these creatures around you guys
and after a couple minutes only about 15
or 20 minutes of
walking you guys walk into
an open area um completely devoid of
trees devoid of of shadows
you guys open up into a beautiful
forest commune um you guys look around
and you guys can see
that there are these glowing trees sort
making a perimeter around this this area
of forest
um protecting and keeping the shadows
you guys look around and you see um
makeshift but still
beautiful houses made of wood and
almost made into the trees and made with
the nature um you guys look around
and it's it's only maybe 15 or 20 of
these actual structures it's not a very
big commune
but you can see elves moving in between
the buildings moving back and forth
you can see that there are people being
tended to you can see that there are
people making trades and and talking and
you can see in the middle of this
commune directly in the middle of this
this circle of an outcropping um
what looks like an ancient temple it's
made of mostly stone
and you can see it's it's overgrown with
vines but
in this beautiful sort of natural way
and as you guys walk into the commune uh
you guys see
a couple of elves walking around and uh
what would you guys like to do as you as
you approach
i want to drop the rope and sidle
up to flynn and elbow him in the
in the ribs because i'm down there with
him and
and say see have a little faith we made
it fine
yeah i mean it worked out i just you
know i just want to make sure everyone's
safe but
you know yeah it worked out we're good
and i'll stroll up next to
raya and kind of be there at his side as
takes the lead
freya do you see anyone this look of uh
and comfort kind of washes over my face
and my
my body relaxes just a little bit um my
feathers sort of like
stretch out a bit and then go back to
where they were
uh and i approach uh one of the do first
of all
do i recognize any of the elves in front
of me
um looking around you do recognize a
couple of friendly faces
um most of them you haven't really had
any serious time with um make a
uh perception check to see if you uh see
anyone that you know by name
uh 15. so you can see uh walking around
just exiting um the uh the stone pillars
of the temple in the middle
uh you see a friendly face um you see a
very tall elven man he's got very long
brunette hair
very intricate braids and uh beads
all in inside of his hair um you see
he's wearing these brown
and green robes and you immediately
recognize this as uh
farlain autumn loft um your friend who
you had uh
who you had spent some time with here in
the commune and uh he's one of the
one of the only people who you really
know by name here
um but he uh he does not seem to notice
i approach and i say
is that my good friend from the autumn
loft family
and he immediately his head whips around
and he sees you
and his face just lights up and he
rushes over to you and
envelops you in a huge hug and he says
oh my god shraya all of elbor praises
your return i am so happy
likewise my good friend uh i've been
to come back to your brethren and the
rest of these pure of earth
i've brought back some companions with
me that may be able to help with our
impending troubles
i see that oh my you are all
so brave of heart and i am thankful to
the moon and back that you are all here
can you repeat his name please yes his
name is
farlane autumn loft
mr uh autumn loft uh i take it uh
wha what uh
what's going on here exactly uh uh
shreya has given us a
something of a briefing on the effects
the shadows have had but
how recent is this development is it has
have the timberlands always been
uh coursed in this way or is it a new
or is it is it getting worse please tell
the the timberland around here has
always been uh uh
wild to say the least but it has never
been this dark
um this is this is very new um as shraya
i'm sure can tell you this
um only really started happening um uh
just over
uh i'd say six or seven days ago um
uh when shraya left uh things were just
just beginning but now i'm afraid
they've gotten much worse
um dm about what time is it
now um the sun has gone down over the
it was about an hour ago um so you guys
are probably approached
approaching 7 30 8 o'clock
is it a big commune or like how many
buildings are we are we kind of seeing
before us what's the and what are they
made of and stuff
yeah so um looking around it's mostly um
like handmade buildings um most of them
made of a couple of them are made of
like some very rough stone
and um branches most of them are are
made out of um
like uh wood logs and stuff like that
um mostly huts things of that nature
you look around and you can't spot more
than maybe a hundred
elves here
uh mr autumn croft correct autumn loft
autumn loft apologies uh hello
i'm i'm march uh we've just met try
uh we'd love to hear more about exactly
what is
occurring here and get a better
understanding of how perhaps we can help
is there anywhere we could sit it was um
an adventure getting here oh yeah um
yeah of course um
there is uh most of this area here is
um because of the trees they've been
protecting us um
but at night we found that the shadows
begin to creep in once more
and really the only safe place is the
temple at the moment so that's
we're trying to gather everyone to to go
to the temple right now
i guess to the temple we go
yeah i'm like semi-enthusiastic about it
but also very like
yay kind of vibe if you guys would like
to join me i'm i'm heading there
before we depart uh you must meet
my friend flynn uh he is from an elite
uh i do not know how much familiarity
you have with the high elves of
but i met i met one of their leaders
mellaroo cardinal and she dispatched
this short one
uh but they uh they have much experience
with hunting the great
monsters and beasts of this world and
this this one here is one of their ranks
uh it's an it's an honor to have you
what did you say your name was hi
i'm flynn fellow weave uh it's great to
meet you as well and i really hope we
can sort this out as
as soon as possible i did have a quick
question um
are you guys doing this to the trees to
make them uh glow and keep everyone safe
is is there a way
we can like carry that around um
oh i'm i'm afraid this was done a long
time ago um
this uh these trees uh what you see the
the glow of them
is the result of numerous spells cast
many decades um these are um
many spells on top of each other and i'm
afraid this is not something that
that can be done within a day um
otherwise we would have
we would have continued to do this
oh they're they're amazing aren't they
well we'll uh we'll sort this out as
soon as possible
and that's a that's an iron light
i i appreciate your expertise in this
um if you would like to follow me i'm
i'm heading over to the temple right now
and we can uh further debrief there i'm
i'm afraid i'm um uh not quite sure how
much longer the
we'll be safe out here sounds good lead
the way
okay and he turns around and he he leads
you all back into this temple
um it looks like this is um
it's mostly just like a series of of
stone made
into a circle um uh
like a a few vertical pillars of stone
that have been
wrapped in these vines and beautiful
flowers um
it's an open air temple so there's no
real ceiling or anything but uh
it looks like there seems to be um some
sort of uh
there's like sitting areas on the ground
and um
it looks very beautiful and it's a very
warm feeling when you when you approach
can we tell who the temple was built for
old gods new gods um
this looks uh very like a very old
temple but you can make a religion check
to see exactly uh
who this might be too
14. uh
14. so um looking around uh there's no
real definitive iconography there's no
there's no words written on these stones
you personally don't don't know exactly
who this is built to
can i can i tell just from a glance i i
need to make a check if she if she has
sort of done the check
uh yeah i mean yeah you can make a quick
check too if you would like sure
uh a religion check yeah
uh that is a 14. uh 14
you again you don't really see any
definitive iconography
right um but as
far lane sort of um leads you guys into
the circle you can see that
everyone in the commune is beginning to
gather around
um the uh gather around the the center
um and it seems like this is sort of the
safe space
um and as ferlane leads you within the
um he says okay um i i
am at your aid i'm at your disposal um
what will you all need moving forward to
to get rid of this darkness does it have
some kind of source
is there often things of this nature
from some kind of conduit uh
is there what's changed in the last week
or so to make it
expand was there anything big that
right before they started and if there
was anything big
did it come from any specific direction
um there was uh nothing
big like that that i can remember um
about uh eight or nine days ago there
there was a group of uh goblins that got
that came through our camp and and uh
disturbed a little bit but
um there it was it was only maybe three
or four of them and and uh
we were able to get rid of that
infestation fairly quickly
right which direction did they come from
um they came they came in from the west
um and then we were able to drive them
uh in sort of a the northeastern
uh direction but uh beyond that i don't
why they were here i think they were
just lost oh
did it seem like they were drawn to
something or looking for something
um i i could not tell their motives but
it did not seem like they were here for
us it did not seem like uh
we were what they were after you didn't
ask them what did you do to them
no uh we uh we just attempted to drive
them out um
they they came into our camp they
stumbled upon us uh it appeared by
accident and
they uh they began to try and steal uh
from some of us before we noticed and
then um eventually we we were able to
find them and uh
and draw them out i see glenn uh
you're a monster hunter right isn't this
kind of your
your expertise do you know where we
might start
well is it did you guys see any type of
creature i've i've never seen a monster
takes over a forest and makes it dark um
is there any kind of inclination that
there's like a big creature around the
area that
that may be living in a cave that we can
go investigate
um normally these these woods are
inhabited by
the largest thing around here might be a
cave bear um
but maybe some wolves but we really
don't get any
large creatures um around these parts
frame my understanding here
the the forest has always been dark to
some extent yes because otherwise
why make the wards in the first place
if there's it's always been wild to a to
a certain extent as
any forest can be we choose to live out
here to live
amongst the chaos um of just uh
nature but mr ottomoft forests being
does not mean they're covered in shadows
right so so that is correct
when you say wild does that include the
encroaching darkness from all sides or
is that
is that has that be begun
in the last week or so uh the shadows
have come within the last week um as as
long as i have been here
which has been a considerable amount of
time many decades
i have never seen anything of this sort
so the forerunners
of this forest they put these wards up
uh knowing that this might
occur do you think
um from the stories that have been told
to me um
the original founders of this commune um
set up this place
as um sort of a halfway point uh for
travelers coming through the forest for
people to
uh come and rest and for people to be
safe so
these trees were imbued with magic to
more along the lines of wild animals um
just for uh for safety i would like to
um actually
farlane in the
morning and daytime i i know we're in a
forest so it's
pretty shadowed do the shadows kind of
recede a little bit like is it safer to
the sunlight overhead definitely um
uh helps dispel some of the shadows um
they seem to be drawn back during the
day but at night
the the shadows really um are able to do
whatever they want it seems
and the trees are the only thing that
protects us but um
i i'm afraid since centuria has left um
some of the trees have begun to go dark
and uh some of the magic has begun to
um well guys i don't know about you but
we try to
get together with everybody tonight and
and learn more about
the shadows and what's happened and what
they've what they've experienced
with the shadows so that we can prepare
ourselves for tomorrow
and and go into the forest and try to
pinpoint a source of this
it definitely tracks that we should make
our move at sunrise to maximize on
the amount of light available to to put
these shadows at bay at least slightly
i would be curious to see if there's any
correlation to
where the uh goblins
were headed and to where the uh wards on
the trees had begun to dissipate because
there might if there's
any uh connection we can draw and that
might give us a place to start
i think we should definitely start where
the wards are starting to dissipate
we also should probably try and find a
way to safely
walk through the shadows it seemed like
the whispers are probably not a good
thing i was
um maybe we get i don't know some kind
tree branch that has this glow on it i
don't know maybe they have some kind of
way that they travel through the forest
it doesn't seem like a great idea to
walk into that without knowing more
about it so i guess yeah
actually during the day yeah let's go
sorry hello
also it's okay flynn you're new to this
it's okay um experience alma is uh
quite the monster under herself it would
lynn kind of slowly walks away and picks
a rock
whenever i would have trouble amongst
the inhabitants of my original tribe
where i where i come from i
we would always look to our elders we'd
always call
call our tribe together when we had
like like this we never experienced
anything quite like this
though i don't know what the affairs of
the commune are
at the moment but perhaps before we
retire perhaps we could call
call a larger meeting of of the larger
commune and
and uh and see if any of the elders had
anything to say
i think that's a great idea also do you
guys have any like
hunting parties that could join us maybe
anybody who is
very brave and and could walk with us
through the forest maybe maybe as an
extra hand
um well i most of the commune here
um we are um very against any sort of
violence so
um we do not have anyone who uh who
could have necessarily defended us the
trees have been doing that for us
um the some of the most able-bodied of
us uh
went out into the forest um just the day
after shraya left
and um they were they were not seen or
heard from since
um only only one of them has returned
and he has not spoken a word since
where is he uh he's off in the temple
um he's actually uh just right over here
and he
he points over to um sort of the
opposite side of of this temple
and you can see a couple of people um a
couple of elves crowded around
um this this other elf who seems to be
sort of shriveled up onto the ground
how did i not notice him before i i'll
rush over to him that's
okay um you you push push two of the
elves aside
um and and take a look at him how are
you gonna
try to assess this guy um i would like
to see the source of his
his injury or if he if he's ill
or um yeah i just want to see
um if if he is wounded externally first
but then
i'd be curious to see uh if there's
anything farther
deeper yeah uh make a medicine check for
that ten that's a ten um
you look and he is laid down on the
just in a ball and he seems to be
and he's sweating and um he's just
sort of taking in very um very quick and
breaths um he seems to be
hyperventilating a little bit
uh as he is laying there on the ground
uh how how old does he appear to be
um he's an elf i take it
he's an elf um yeah so he still looks
his features are
are still very young um and
so you you get that he's probably a
younger elf
um but you know in elven years that's
still pretty old
son son
how you doing in there
he continues shivering on the ground he
doesn't even open his eyes
to recognize that you're there i'll um
i'll pull from
my bag just a cloth to wipe up his brow
and i'll um uh i'll look
if he's got any if it if there appears
to be any like
muck or disturbance to even just uh
his appearance or anything else i'll
i'll try to clean uh any any amount of
that as well
just trying to just try and make him dry
safe and clean yeah there is there is
quite a bit of dirt on the side of his
face that's
that's laying down on the ground so
you're able to clean him up a little bit
and he
um he's just laying there in a ball he's
hunched over
sort of um arms at his chest just
trying to seems to make himself as small
as possible
what did you see lad what did you hear
he continues shivering and doesn't even
appear to
notice you there
um can i can i lift him to be
into a more like seated position and
help him get like braces back against
the wall
sure um yeah you can you can definitely
do that um
but his head doesn't even raise as you
do that his body seems
almost frigid and completely tensed as
you do that have i
seen anything like this
in my experience at cold crest or before
um make make a history check
see if you can remember anything like
it's not that's not a good day for me
guys eight eight
uh i mean this looks like maybe
it's like very similar to just like a
common um common like cold except
everything is very heightened
uh i'll sort of do my best to just get
on the same level as him
like make our faces um
on the same plane and just say
what have you right is rain it's gonna
be all right figure out what's happened
listen my name is kellick gray
and i'm here to help you so
the moment you find your senses
come to me tell me what's happened
tell me how i can help and uh
uh are the people around him are they uh
do they appear to be of any kind of
medical profession or or uh pre-sleep
profession uh healer types you look
around and there were four elves
surrounding him and you could sort of
hear the chatter as you were talking to
and they were wildly speculating they
were going back and forth on
oh i mean maybe if we um oh do you think
t would help him i i don't know i've
never seen anything like this i
um do you think we should should we wrap
him in blankets no he
looks like he's sweating he's too hot he
needs to be cooled down and you can see
that there's sort of a debate going on
on how they can help this man i will um
uh reach into my bag
uh and just pull from it
a few uh herbs and
hand it to the who who among them is the
is the least distressed looking is the
most keeping their coal the most
and just say uh it's a
little bit of bark uh and a few of these
roads if you if you brew them in tea
or just have them chew on them uh it'll
help abate the favor a bit
uh i don't know if it's if it's from the
shadows themselves
there's only so much we can do in the
material sense
to ease his suffering uh but
the least we can do is obey the symptoms
and uh you hand this to um it's an elven
woman who
who takes this from you and says okay i
i'll uh i'll take this i'll make this
into a t and i'll bring it back right
away thank you very much
of course uh just as a quick
a quick thought that i will um sort of
with uh as surreptitiously as i might
i'm going to um just turn and glance at
him and whisper
and uh cast eyes of the grave to just
look at him uh
through the uh burning amber gays
of my patron uh and to see if i can
detect any undead
about them the young man okay
um you look at him
with eyes of the grave and
as your vision expands to see if you can
see any undead
you get this stench of undead coming off
of his body
but it's not him himself
um it's almost as if uh he's been around
undead um as if the scent of undead
lingers on him but isn't emanating from
right i don't dismiss it
i think he'll be all right but look
after him
if he says anything tell us
we're here to help i gesture to the rest
of my motley crew
we will yes damn would we
would i know how long march and i had
been on the boat for
since the big explosion um
yeah you guys have been on the boat just
pretty much overnight
okay so so that that whole thing just
happened like a day before this not six
days okay
yeah um trying to draw some parallels
uh flynn's probably not with the group i
think after
after that little shot to his ego he
stumbled off and started kind of like
just walking around
um and got to like the edge the
outskirts where
where the the shadows kind of meet the
the the force starts meeting and he
wants to kind of like he'll just like
be walking around like it's okay man you
can do this you'll you'll get there you
just you know just practice and then you
know once you
once you get a little bit of practice
just like mom said you know things take
um and he wants to just kind of like
start looking on the ground
for uh like acorns or
anything unique uh in this like
forest that he can maybe put in his
pouch and uh and also kind of look out
into the shadows
as well so kind of look for those two
um yeah so there are actually um
acorns littered everywhere um if you
want to reach down and pick one up
um this this little commune seems to be
um sort of in an area that's been
all the trees have been cut down in this
area but there are still sort of
um the remnants of where the trees once
were so you can you can reach down and
grab one
i'll reach down and uh and i'll pick up
a few and just kind of like hold them
and like look at them
and just to myself a whisper oh yeah i
think i think mom and dad will like
and i'll pull up in my pack and i'll
throw a few in where i put the uh
a stamp i believe that i got from yes
cold crest
i'll just kind of throw them in that
same pouch like put a few in there and
as i do that i'll kind of look up and
just kind of calm myself down
get back to center and just kind of take
a look out into the
into the shadows like right up against
the outskirts of it and just kind of
peer out for a few
years as you look out for a few seconds
um you are
once again again greeted with that
feeling that you had felt a couple days
of looking into the forest and the cold
chill runs down your spine
and just this this deep-seated
unease forms within the pit of your
do i see anything um or is it just
completely still
completely still and at this moment
completely quiet
and it's this feeling of remind me
say again wanting to go into that forest
and unease
he said an unease you're not necessarily
into the forest okay but there's just
when you look into it for too long
there's this emptiness
that forms within you can i reach down
and grab
one or two more acorns off the ground
after putting a few in my bag and can i
take one
let's look back see where my party is
and then look back and kind of smile a
little bit and throw one into the into
the shadows
all right and the acorn tumbles and
and just sitting there i look out
no movement no movement
i'm kind of like whisper interesting
i'll turn back and head to the group
wherever caleb is uh
helping the fallen comrade just kind of
head over that way
um i've either called the rest of the
group closer or just returned to them
uh and just reported uh what i was able
to observe which isn't much
uh the i've seen trauma uh before i've
uh people shell shocked and you know
deeply troubled by the things they've
seen it it's almost reflective of that
but he's got a bad fever there's some
kind of illness that's overtaken him and
i believe there's there's someone death
going on um is uh
for elaine still with us dm or is he
yeah he's right with an earshot of you
guys i'll say uh
farlane have have there been deaths
in within the commune uh that have
happened or has it all been
outside in the shadows um all of it has
uh outside in the shadows um
uh ildori has been able to keep us safe
here within
uh the temple for the most part but i i
her magic is um is failing
at this point interesting
her magic is failing
have you seen any have any of the people
that have gone out and died or
disappeared have you seen them
come back have you seen them attempt to
return so to speak
we have not seen them physically
but um every morning uh
a few of us wake up and um some people
claim to have heard their voices out
within the shadows
i'd like to get a sense of how
eldoria might be taking in
all of this darkness
i shall take my leave for the moment and
attempt to commune with her
and then i'm gonna start toward the
and uh try to find uh
whatever the center of the energy is
in with it to to try to find a place to
yeah so there's there's sort of this
central stone
um that's within this temple
and it seems to be right at the center
of the temple and it seems to be
sort of a meditating stone
for people to sit on it i would like to
sit on the stone and
touch the the crystal of my staff
to it before i plant it in the ground
and and raise my eyes
up toward the heavens and and dig my
talons into the floor
and uh begin meditating
are you uh what exactly are you
meditating on are you meditating on
the focus of my meditation is to attempt
uh commune with ildoria and
in a as humble of a way as i can feel
out and attempt to become aware
more through her
and with her uh and
see what i see and feel what i feel uh
as it relates to
the forest as a whole
okay so you begin your meditation
um it's probably gonna take a little
while um for you to sort of get centered
and and all of that after seeing the
sort of chaos that the forest
uh has to offer um farlane walks up to
the rest of you guys and he says
um if if you guys are planning on
starting in the morning
um we have sort of a designated sleeping
here within the temple um i can show you
guys to that area i'm i'm going to start
getting everyone else ready uh to go to
sleep if that's okay
um if you would you guys like me to to
sort of bring you over to that area now
or would you guys like to begin your
at uh at the present moment i could use
a rest myself
i don't know about the rest of you as
could i
yeah i think arrest is a good idea uh
caution your people
against any wistful sentiment the voices
they hear in the darkness are
not benign and uh
while that may seem obvious it's worth
i will tell them but i i must say when
when those voices
are the voices of of a father
or of a sister or of a daughter
it's it's hard to keep those temptations
at bay
i understand actually
on our way to our area of respite could
you maybe walk us over to those wars
that seem to be down i feel like maybe
taking a quick look at them might be a
good idea just before we go to bed
um maybe we can fix them i mean if it's
if it's the line of defense and it's not
working i'd feel better taking a look at
them before i
lay my head down to rest i can point you
in the direction but
as the sun has gone down i do not feel
comfortable leaving the temple at the
moment um the temple has been the only
safe place that we have found at night
it's up to you guys
i mean we can i thought i thought that
the wards that were down were within the
um there are a few to the north uh of of
the coming that protect the commune
um that are beginning to fail um their
their glow has
begun to diminish the ones that have
been completely snuffed out
are ones deeper within the forest yeah
that's sorry um that's what i mean i
mean like
the ones that are here that we can check
out the ones that are weakened let's
just take a peek at them maybe glean
anything before we
maybe we can fix them or to know if this
town is going to be overrun
in the night if these are weakened
i'm going to bed i don't really have a
to be able to protect myself if i
go out of the temple okay i mean
flynn if uh if farlane is advising that
we should not leave the temple he
is here you know he lives here he stays
here if he advises to not leave the
temple at this time i
suggest we go by what he says okay i
yeah i'll do whatever you guys want to
do um
it's very it's very brave of you to want
to go out there
well i maybe i'm misunderstanding i i
was thinking that these wards are
not in the forest they're like right
over there in
in the town they are they are in the
town but
they they're the circle they they
encircle this this whole commune but
according to farlane he said that even
the commune isn't very safe anymore that
the only place that's safe is the temple
at night at night
i guess we just check them out in the
morning then yeah because farlane just
said that sometimes when you're in the
commune that's when you hear the voices
and they could lure you into the shadows
all right but we can check them in the
yeah that's that sounds good
um is there i i watched um
kellick have that conversation with that
man is there like a fire in front of
where he is like a man-made um
fire in front of him yeah there at this
point there are a couple of campers
campfires that people have set up um
around the temple one of them is pretty
close to where he is
okay i would like to um before
going over following um farlane to where
the sleeping area is
i'd like to walk over there and um just
kind of like right next to him um with
my leg kind of
touching his body and um
i'd like to um reach out to the towards
the fire in front of him
and um as i do so it um
doubles in the amount of bright light it
um and i just kind of like touch his
and walk away as the bright light
begins to glow brighter he
winces and and tenses up even more and
sort of kicks his legs out and tries to
push himself away from the fire
oh i lower it again i dim it
um the same amount that it glows i
actually i can dim it
by half okay
um and as soon as you dim it by half his
still very tensed up but begins to relax
just a little bit the shivering um
barely okay
interesting and as the rest of you guys
sort of uh getting ready for your
night's rest
um farlane uh steps up
on the meditation stone near where
shraya is
and looks out to over uh the entirety of
the commune
and uh everyone sort of takes a moment
to look up
at him and he uh he speaks to the entire
and he says now i know
that these last couple of days have been
trying for all of us
but for tonight i know ilduria will take
care of us
and we will wake in the morning again
we have new adventurers who have come to
our commune who are going to help us
and who are going to fix this problem
they will find our friends and our
family and they will bring them back
i know that this has been very tough
but we now have hope so
everyone get a good night's rest
and i will see you all in the morning
good night
and he steps down off of the meditation
and uh begins to go over and set up
where he's gonna be sleeping
um after he walks away i'm gonna walk
kind of like walk up to kalec and and
tug a little bit on his robe to bring
him down to my level
i'll kneel
um do you know who eldoria
is she's gonna protect us i don't i
don't who is that
alma i don't know the ins and outs of
what's going on here
but i can tell you for sure
eldoria will not protect us
who is she
you don't know no
huh uh for a time she was uh
very powerful but uh
that time has passed i
think we're on the brink of something
the world is changing in ways i never
thought possible
and uh
i'm afraid
and i don't like to be afraid
but uh i think i have a right to be
given the current circumstances
so uh let's uh let's stay safe tonight
um calic you looked at that man
do you think we should be worried about
him do you think
maybe he could turn into something like
we saw earlier
it's just that he was scared of the
and there's nothing to be scared of
there unless
you're preferring the darkness
there were some there was some
shadow clinging to him
and i i couldn't tell whether you know
it was
with adam or just a residue
of something else there's things i could
do for him but i need
i need energy i need time well do you
maybe we shouldn't all sleep at the same
time and we could
keep an eye on him i think that's um
wise especially considering your age
huh i just i'm impressed the amount of
in a forethought what do you mean
forget i said anything okay
you're weird
i can't argue there um
just as a cursory thing uh dm i would
like to
um just uh uh
maybe even retroactively have you know
just um
given the the man a case on the forehead
uh said uh non-dom and and cast sparrow
the dying
on him um
it uh it won't do anything really
but uh just as a an act of grace
okay um and when you did that
you saw no visible change i i didn't
think i would
all right
alma uh i don't know what you know
of the gods and their workings not a
whole lot i mean
i learned a little bit but we we're very
select like i don't know how many there
are and i don't know anything like that
i would like just know what i know more
every day
it would seem uh is that normal
well what's normal ulma you cast a spell
and you blinked out of existence
and i was here the whole time
of course you were uh so
uh the short answer is no it's not
normal but
it is uh the way it thinks
uh just be on your guard and don't trust
the gods
it's not worth it and i without
i like completely uh like
whip away almost like
do you think i upset him i touched i
turned to march
and be like i'm gonna kind of just shrug
like let's just
go to sleep i'm just
i'm pretty much just gonna put all my
stuff down
um but keep kind of almost almost like
in a
ready-to-sleep kind of area but have my
warhammer like it's
like it's a baby
uh deep in my meditative like dream
trance trance-like state uh i'm going to
these words in my head um
ildoria ancient one
sacred one your light traverses
all the corners of this wood
where where what might i know about
how the edges of your light might be
how can i help heal this land
okay um you continue to repeat that over
and over and over in your head
um you uh you feel that it might take a
little bit more time
to get any sort of answer
but you are deep within your meditation
and you've sort of found your zone
there um with that um
is everyone choosing to go to sleep i
think um
sorry shraya is away from us we were led
away while he was in the center of the
communing so now we're kind of off in a
different area
and he's not with us you guys are all
sort of within
the same area the temple itself only
about 50 feet um so it's not it's not a
huge huge thing um it's mostly just like
a circle of rocks basically um but yeah
you you are
pretty much always within sight of
okay uh i think flynn um realizing
everyone's kind of
going to sleep um i think he would kind
of turn to the group and kind of just be
um guys i think we probably should have
at least some kind of watch
um should we double up i mean i'm down
to stay up a little bit longer i'm i'm
feeling okay does anyone want to watch
uh with me caleb march
i've basically uh gotten into bed and i
have like a pillow over my face like i'm
just a wreck march then march would you
like to
stay away from me march is snoring
alma are you awake i'm a i'm awake
hi i'm awake um do you i do think we
should watch
um but since it's just you and me we
probably should split it up
and just be you and me and then maybe i
can like wake march up after
yeah he gets once he gets a full sleep
yeah just us two and then we wake other
people up to watch no
no like you and i watch
but we watch at separate times so that
you can also get enough sleep and i can
get enough sleep and then i'll wake
somebody so you'll watch
and then you'll wake me up and i'll
watch and then i'll wake somebody else
okay i just was the you know looking
forward to kind of chatting with some of
the party members and getting to know
him better but
yeah i guess that makes sense um we can
get to know you later
like tomorrow morning when we're all
traversing through the forest that's a
really good time to get to know people
yeah when we're when we're trekking
through a
force is trying to lure us to our deaths
we can learn about ours
all right i'll wake you up in a few
good night and i'll just kind of stand
up and just
start walking around the oh before i've
gone to bed i say
hey um can you keep an eye on that guy
who's uh shivering
i'm a little concerned yeah that was one
of my reasons for doing a watch i feel
like keeping an eye on him is a good
um yeah
okay i'll wake you up in a bit thanks
i'm gonna curl up next to march and get
some steal some of her warmth
just like my head is completely covered
by a blanket
and it's just like up against her side
i'm very instinctually
march now kind of is going to do this
thing where she's got kind of alma and
one arm and her war hammer and another
like these are my children i protect
yeah flynn probably doesn't say anything
but he's just kind of walking around and
one of the thoughts to his head is like
is that is that a mom and a kid like is
that her daughter
but he doesn't say anybody he's just
thinking of that
so uh flynn as as you're walking around
um you're
starting to sort of take the perimeter
of the temple yeah just doing a little
patrol kind of like a round down
yeah um after you know a lap or two
um farlane walks up to you and uh
everyone else seems to be
resting at the very least if not fully
asleep and he walks up and he says uh
so uh you can't sleep either
um yeah i mean it's mainly just i feel
we should keep an eye on things
especially that guy over there that
seems to not be doing
too well we saw some weird stuff um at
cold crest
where we met up and you know i'm kind of
wary about any type of weird
stuff going on how you doing
uh as well as i can be doing um
my health has not left me um thank the
gods but
um i i i fear for
these people here hey man we'll we'll
take care of it we'll figure out the
problem we'll sort it out don't you
worry a bit
um side note i took some acorns from the
forest is that cool
am i going to get like smote
no the the the forest uh the forest
provides for
all of us i'm sure that's uh
not going to upset any of the trees if
that's what you're worried about yeah i
kind of am because they seem to be
reaching out a lot sometimes anyway
um yeah i mean i don't know
i guess what so
i was kind of off walking around
what what happened a week ago that's
when this all started and you didn't
notice any changes
yes it started not as intense
as this is now um we could not
see the shadows creeping in it was
a little bit more subtle unfortunately
we uh we had a couple people disappear
before we
understood what was going on
it uh it's it's
difficult because i i really i do not
know how it started
but um i
i do not wish to speak ill of anyone
but um the uh
the man i don't know if you've seen the
man over there who's laying on the
ground uh
in in a pile of his own sweat yeah what
what's his name by the way i don't know
if we got that
that might be something we should have
just in case he wakes up
um yes uh his name uh is alithar
he was one of the first to go off into
the forest
um just before this this all
began happening um
i i again i wish not to speak ill of
but the timing is
suspicious hmm
so you think he may have something to do
with this he might be the reason why
this shadow stuff has happened
i i truly have no evidence um apart from
the timing he uh
he was one of the few who insisted
that uh we continue chasing the goblins
out from our camp um to the north he
thought that uh
they they got a taste of of what goods
we had here and and he thought that they
might bring
more back so he he was of the mind that
we must continue chasing them
um so him and him and two others um
went north for a day or so
to chase the goblins further away to
ensure that they didn't come back
um and when he finally stumbled back to
camp he uh
unfortunately was in this condition and
the other two members never
returned oh i have not seen them since
um well i have a feeling that
uh some of our party members might be
able to
remedy his situation in the morning so
maybe we might be able to
glean some information from him and see
what's going on
um as uh
someone of your profession um what
what is your opinion as to what we
should do with him
i i over these last few days
i have tried to think of things i
i do not know but i am now
almost certain that we we must give him
back to the shadows
he he belongs there
he is not doing anything for anyone here
i fear something might come of him
yeah it's it's definitely a predicament
i don't know part of me thinks that
you know if if it was someone that i
cared about and i'm assuming you
care about this man he's part of your
group he wouldn't
want to just necessarily let him die
maybe we put him in restraints or
something if
because we were kind of thinking maybe
something might happen like he turns
into a
crazy monster um maybe we tie him up
make sure that he doesn't lash out
or transform if that's even what's going
on here which honestly
anything's possible at this point this
place is weird
i just simply fear that the darkness
within him will be contagious oh
i didn't think of that yeah
well maybe we'll find out in the morning
i don't
i don't want to do anything right now
except keep an eye on him
okay as as the expert i will take your
yes i know these things and
that's my expert opinion oh
you're doing okay um
i don't know maybe i'm just getting
tired maybe i do need to sleep
i think we all need a little bit of rest
all right well if i think of anything
i'll give you a wave but i'm just going
to keep walking around in circles and
you know this small temple until i fall
okay i will see you in the morning then
and he walks off and uh and sits down
back in his little cot that he had set
and uh lays down um during all that
could i
glean if maybe
i don't know uh if he was maybe trying
to push blame onto somebody else
for something he's done uh if he felt
like maybe
us being there is
worrying him yeah uh make an insight
check sure
all right okay it is a plus
oh that's a little road that's a rule
total 20.
total of 20. um definitely happy to see
you guys there
good um he is very paranoid
at this moment of this man or just in
in general he is he's looking for
answers he's desperate and paranoid okay
yeah he's he's putting on like a pretty
brave face
um like he's sort of taken up the
leadership role
here um so he's sort of trying to keep
everyone cool calm and collected
um but deep underneath behind his eyes
there is
some some intense paranoia okay um
and then during my patrol i just like to
take a look outside and just kind of
periodically through my my watch and
just kind of look and see
the progression of the shadows getting
closer and maybe see if i can spot the
that seem to be dimmer yeah make a
perception check
for me
that's better but the role's not eight
eight um looking out into the forest um
you're once again just met with that
cold um sort of abyss
that that you see out within the trees
just very surface level what you see is
um the trees to the north
are just very slightly getting dimmer
um the glow isn't as tense intense and
you can see the radius of light sort of
and you look to the south just sort of
and the the trees to the south are much
brighter you can see
the glow is sort of emanating from the
very tips of the leaves and the very
tips of the branches
um almost like this this golden dew
that's collected on the outside of them
and you look off to the north again
and just very less intense um
you said farlane went to sleep right he
he or is he still walking around
he went to he went and he laid down on
his cot okay i'll
deal with that tomorrow morning i'll
just keep walking around just keep an
ear out and then whenever my watch seems
to be kind of coming to a close i'll
walk over and uh whisper to
alma kind of like wake her up
i'm not like a starfish like i'm just
spread out and i like lift my head up ah
what hey
you dream about anything cool
i dreamt that there was water everywhere
and i was in the water and there was all
these little
little things swimming around me and
then they had tentacles like we saw
earlier in the day
and they started smacking people and
then i grew tentacles and i started
smacking people it was
it was crazy felt pretty
powerful though it's kind of cool
man you have a cool mind
thanks anyway i guess
here's your ore i don't think it's
glowing anymore but
i figured you might want it just to kind
just to keep your patrol um
uh thank you yeah i'm gonna get some
thanks wake us up if any trouble happens
uh okay and don't go out in the darkness
yeah duh okay just make sure you're safe
all right you don't have to like look
after me just go to sleep
yes i do and i'll go to sleep
okay um oma you are now
up and awake uh is there anything you'd
like to do as as your watch begins
um first i'm going to put down the ore
and look at the man who's shaking has he
fallen to asleep
is she shaking in his sleep is he still
awake does he look
what's going on there um at this point
he seems to be
unconscious in a state of
unconsciousness still shivering still
sweating still
curled up in a ball um but for the time
he seems to be unconscious okay
um so yeah while
during my watch i'll i'll keep an eye
out but i will also
you know play with the flames around me
just kind of
putting them through a rainbow of colors
and and
just watching them watching them change
while i kind of keep an eye on
nice okay um make a perception check for
as you're looking out and around to see
if there's there's anything out there
no dm there's nothing out there i will
not look
i refuse i refuse um
18 18.
you uh looking around you don't see
anything out into the forest
into the forest is just this cold dark
of nothing no sound no movement
nothing um but looking over at the
the elf that is shivering on the ground
at this point he seems to be going in
and out of consciousness sort of
startling awake and then falling back
into unconsciousness not really sleep
but just passing out okay
um and that's all you are
able to sort of discern
yeah i'll just continue to watch and
just continue to
continue to look out at him and so like
between my like keeping the colors going
um i'll just kind of like look up every
once in a while and look out at him
otherwise i'm just staring into the
okay um are you going to be staying
awake for the rest of the night or
no um this is my question for you
yes this is a community of elves i'm
assuming they probably sleep less time
than everyone else
or are they going to sleep until sunrise
or will they start kind of moving around
a little earlier um yeah so
a lot of them when they sort of bedded
down for the night
um it didn't really seem like a lot of
them were going to sleep
it was just sort of like a general rest
so it seems like they might be doing
that until just before sunrise
okay um that's sort of like meditating
and they're not focusing on anything so
so yeah i will um
at the end of my rest i'll go and um
poke kalec
kellick on his nose
kellick hey calek
yeah what what hi
um i think you've slept
for enough time maybe you want to wake
up and
and and watch and i can get a little bit
more sleep
i yeah that's uh that's not simple
were you here were you what taken watch
on your own
why i'm surrounded by all of you what do
you mean why i don't
because because you're right
alma yeah okay all right
we should talk about all a little i've
seen a whole lot of the world
more in the world than any of you have
go do your watch i'm going to bed
i give her a wry smile and just
just nod solemnly and and uh
and give her a pat on the head
as i as i walk past i shake my head a
little bit
go back down pull the blanket over my
head and fall back to sleep
uh so before i take uh my wash damn i
want to go
uh over to alithar
okay um does he seem is he
s is he uh like thrashing or is he just
uh like like a dog like panting
uh yeah it's it's mostly heavy breathing
shivering it's not yeah it's not like
full on spasms
all right so i will uh approach him
gently and i uh
i will uh
uh i'll take a bit of um
uh from my bag a bit of uh graphite
just like uh graphite powder
and uh i will uh um place it
uh on the corners of his eyes
uh and uh
and i will uh whisper uh
and i will cast uh protection uh from
good and evil
on him um to see if i can obey some of
suffering okay um would you be able to
read the exact wording of that spell
so what it does is or what it will do if
he is currently afflicted with something
it can't cure it but it gives him
um advantage on his savings rules
for it uh uh
one woman creature you touch is
protected against certain types of
creatures aberrations celestials
elementals faith fiends and undead
uh the protection grants several
benefits creatures of those types have
this advantage on attack rules against
the target the target
also can't be charmed frightened or
possessed by them if the target is
already charmed fighting or possessed by
such a creature
the target has advantage on any new
saving throw against
the relevant effect nice that's great
interesting okay um and then uh
just for me how long does that spell
i have to maintain concentration it's up
to 10 minutes you have to okay up to 10
that's right so you cast that
and immediately he
jumps up
to easy life
talk to me who are who are you
who are you where am i it's all right
it's all right uh my name is kellock
i'm a healer uh i'm here to help you
uh wha wha what uh what are you are you
are you feeling uh okay can you can you
make uh heads or tails of where you are
um oh ah and you can see his hands are
still sort of clutched around his chest
holding together um sort of just
near his chest um what's your name
give me a second right
i can't i can't remember all right all
right what's what's
uh what day is it what's uh what's your
favorite color
right green
pink that's good green is good it's
great color
it's gonna be all right what's the last
thing you remember
oh well there was
ah goblins oh
okay there were goblins um
and then they uh
it was the red wolf the red wolf
oh my god oh
the red wolf you saw you saw a wolf was
it a a an
animal uh or something something else
something more
it was i don't know what it was just
it kept it kept it's it's this this
vision in my head of the red wolf
red wolf all right and it did it i
couldn't i couldn't shake it
it it just it was i couldn't understand
it it was whispering to me
mm-hmm so in in a language or just in
in growls it was a whisper i
i don't know i couldn't understand it
though what did it want from you could
you tell
i don't i don't know right
take a deep breath there you go
there you go oh i like your your boots
here uh
uh where'd you where'd you get these
made uh thank you thank you
um they were uh they were passed down to
me from my father
oh your father that's good that's good
do you like your father he's a good man
yes uh yes that's good he taught me a
can you can you feel the stone here on
the wall
and he reaches out and ah yes
how's it feel it's it's nice it feels
ah feels warm yeah it's nice in here
uh what's the texture like on that stone
it's uh it's it's smooth
yeah it feels very comforting
good good you're all right here
you got people here care about you
and i um i'll sort of i'll i'll wipe his
temple again with the
rag okay
are you do you think uh uh
you feel all right do you feel uh
uh can you breathe steadily
yeah that's good let me just
just give me give me one second and
still sort of clutching at his chest he
he moves in closer to the stone um
that's right next to him and sort of
just huddles his body right next to it
and he leans his face up against it um
i will um uh
pull is it a torch or a sconce that's
that's um
the nearest source of light to us
um there are a couple of campfires um
there are uh
there's some like loose wood that you
would be able to to grab that have flame
on it
i would um i'm gonna pick up one of
those and
and and bring it uh over to him
immediately it's like a knee-jerk
reaction he tries to get away as fast as
possible he starts scooting away
and uh begins shivering once again all
right all right all right
so it's fine i'll i'll put it back
lad you saw the red wolf do you remember
what happened to your companions
out there in the shadows
i don't
how did how did i get here where did you
where did you find me
you were you were out uh at work
doing doing good good work i
i'm inclined to believe trying to
protect this place
and uh something happened to you and
your uh your group out there you're the
only one to return
you stumbled back here
i i don't remember coming back
worry ascent do you remember something
telling you to go
i i i don't know
all right
well uh
i wish i could help you more a lot are
you do you feel are you hurt
do you feel injured or is it just
fear i i just
feel very cold
right i know the feeling
uh and i'll grab a blanket uh from a
even from my own uh bed that i was using
and bring it over to him and
uh put it over his shoulders
and as you do that he he sort of
shaking again um
definitely subsided from his initial
shakes but uh still just a little bit of
a shiver
all right uh well uh
do me a favor if you start to feel
scared or or or uh like you're being
pulled in one direction or another
you touch this stone again you touch
anything close to you touch this blanket
just focus on
how it feels what temperature it is what
color it is
and i'll keep an eye out for you thank
by the keeper i bind my oath
i will do my down just
to abate what ails you
thank you
and he clutches onto the blanket and
continues wrapping himself up
within the blanket
after a couple more minutes caleb
you begin to see the sun just beginning
to rise
over the horizon golden
casts of light come through the trees
you're greeted without that warmth of
the first
light of the day um
you look around and you begin to see
these elves begin to
to come out of their sleep or their rest
or or whatever state of rest
they're doing and
the commune begins to to become lively
once more
you look over to the rest of your party
as they also begin to awaken
diem would it have been possible towards
the end of this when
um kalec was doing this and speaking
to um elthier
al elizabeth
i wrote down his name but i definitely
put letters in the wrong position
um is it going to be possible
that i have sort of just woken up and
was just sort of
sitting on the edge of my cot and just
observing what was happening
or is that can i have been able to do
not saying anything not not interacting
or not wanting to but just
observing that they were speaking
yeah um i'm just gonna have you make a
straight constitution check
okay to see if you were able to uh
stay asleep
so on this if you roll low you're gonna
have woken up if you roll high on your
constitution then you would have been
able to stay asleep
okay yeah that came out to er eighteen
yeah so you all begin to awaken with
the light of the early morning um as the
commune begins to
uh wake up around you
good morning folks dm just to confirm i
was able to get along
rest in right yes at this point you have
all gotten in a long rest
well that felt great how's everyone else
oh is that fish still good do we think
maybe no notes
what does that mean fashion visitor
smelling three days so we got we have a
i mean where's where's try it's my
feeling his feathers
right they seem like a hearty enough
lass so
i don't know worth a shot well that is
the nicest thing anyone's ever said to
me thank you sir
i'm so sorry marge that's
quite the life you've had i mean
i wasn't except for alma almost says
nice things to me every day but
you know yes
shraya um as you have
also completed your long rest and sort
of keeping that
chant in your mind for an entire night
you had experienced a couple of visions
throughout the night
nothing very powerful but just just
visions you saw a vision of
a candle going out you saw a vision
of walls beginning to close in
and you saw a vision of a red wolf
and you're only now really able to
process exactly what you saw
now that you are coming out of your long
i'm gonna approach the group
and unfortunately uh
the dreams i had were quite disturbing
and i feel not very much closer
to divining through the divine what the
source of this darkness might be
did you turn into a water creature with
tentacles too
uh i can't say i i
have any sort of experience with that
kind of dream
yeah that's what happened to me last
night in my dream so i just i thought
your dreams might have been similar you
know because you said they were
and and it's pretty disturbing to grow
it's also very disturbing to
see images and creatures that do not
seem quite so friendly
a candle being snuffed out and i felt
the walls closing in around me
and i saw this image of a red wolf
also a red wolf did it seem
friendly it was just omnipresent
dared not go further or back away
only to keep my focus on the red wolf
uh dm by the way uh this is kind of a
up till this point kind of question has
the moon been waxing or waning uh as
been going through our nights
now obviously i know what waxing and
waning means but for sure so don't know
what wax
could you please explain that to them
you see in my world
the moon doesn't wax or it might be that
there's the cycles of the moon where it
looks like it's getting bigger
growing fuller uh might be waxing and
shrinking to almost nothing uh might be
oh okay well obviously i knew that so
let me answer that as if um
if i didn't know that um it was
in the so slowly coming is that the
right way to say that coming uh
nothing it is waning over the yes yeah
period of nights nothing
yeah if there's no moon then it's the
new moon
yeah yeah yeah i mean
it's doing that one so very disturbing
indeed it seems the light is
um starting to grow dimmer
and dimmer all around
try you said something about a red wolf
in your dreams
wolves are usually friendly to me
i and i my head sort of my
head turns and i sort of trail off uh
did it did it say anything to you
were there were there not that i could
make it out
this red wolf seemed to stare at me
i don't want to say mockingly or
tauntingly but with this
glow about him that i was gazing into
certain doom
the uh the afflicted man uh alatar
uh he he encountered
uh whether in this plane or another
i i can't say but he encountered a wolf
of the same
same variety it could be coincidence but
i'm inclined to believe there's
uh wait you you talking to me no
oh i just yeah we just had a
but is he do i look over there is he
still shaking like is he has he reverted
back to
actually as soon as you look over to him
you see him sort of huddled in his
blanket for a second
and then his head is thrown back and he
and he falls over to his side and begins
shaking once more no
well can i do something
he's cursed there's i don't have the
i'm not i'm not powerful enough but you
stopped it for a little bit
how were you able to speak to him i can
there's something hanging on to him
there's some spirit some other
is this like violent shaking flynn runs
over and tries to help this man
yeah you run over and his his shaking
um you can see he's once more in a cold
sweat and he's completely abandoned the
blanket that
caleb has given worse than what it was
just about the same okay i thought it
sounded like a seizure okay
all right yeah i'll just go over there
sorry no it was it was all of all of his
previous symptoms were just brought back
very suddenly upon him it's like a
but it's not of this world it's
something else
and and when you talk to him what did he
i couldn't remember much um but he
uh he told me of a red wolf that
spoke to
it may stalk amongst the trees
ugh and i uh i start i i start freaking
out a little bit myself
as i try to calm myself down
so they were heading to the north right
yeah so maybe we should start that way
i could not agree more we have we
the sooner the better i can't speak to
how long uh
an even body can stand the stress that
he's under
i'm gonna reach into my pack and pull
out um
like a piece of rations and i'm just
gonna like start eating that um as we as
i kind of like prepare myself to get out
okay so you guys all look out to the
uh commune that is waking up you see
that the the elven man
is now um shivering once more and you
look to the north where
the trees are beginning to dull in their
and looking out and wondering what you
guys are going to do uh over the course
of the next day
that is where we're gonna end this
um that was a lot of fun i had a lot of
fun with that one i hope you guys did
um but we're gonna call it there and
we're gonna see you guys all again next
hey everyone it's ethan thank you guys
so much for listening to that episode of
ventureforth we had a ton of fun making
it so i hope you guys had
some fun listening to it as well um we
are on a whole bunch of social media
platforms including twitter
instagram facebook and we're also on
patreon so if you guys want to help us
out uh keep this thing going
uh we would be so grateful if you guys
headed over to our patreon and just
checked it out um we've got a couple of
great different tiers on there
um that gets you some really cool stuff
from like uh
shout outs to creating an npc in a
monster with me that will actually
appear on the podcast
um so if you guys want to go check that
out please feel free to and thank you
guys so much again for listening we
can't wait to see you all next week
Venture Forth is a Dungeons and Dragons podcast. We play 5th edition (5e) Dungeons and Dragons in a home-brew D&D actual play setting. Our campaign takes place in the high fantasy realm of Elbor. A world of monsters, heroes and epic tales to be told. D&D is a TTRPG, a tabletop roleplaying game, also known as an RPG. Our gameplay is perfect for beginners to Dungeons and Dragons from episode 1.Olma, Flynn, March, Ceallach, Shraya
Venture Forth, Dungeons and Dragons podcast, 5e, actual play, actual play podcast, d&d, d&d 5e, d&d actual play, d&d campaign, d&d episode 1, d&d for beginners, d&d game, d&d gameplay, d&d podcast, d&d podcast for beginners, d&d podcasts for beginners, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd campaign, dnd podcast, dnd podcast ep 1, dungeons and dragons, dungeons and dragons 5e, dungeons and dragons campaign, dungeons and dragons for beginners, dungeons and dragons gameplay, role playing game, rpg, ttrpg, Alma, Fin, Finn, Fynn, Sharaya, Shraya, Shiraya, Shraia, Shraiya, Caylek, Ceylek, Cayleck, Caylick
Venture Forth, Dungeons and Dragons podcast, 5e, actual play, actual play podcast, d&d, d&d 5e, d&d actual play, d&d campaign, d&d episode 1, d&d for beginners, d&d game, d&d gameplay, d&d podcast, d&d podcast for beginners, d&d podcasts for beginners, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd campaign, dnd podcast, dnd podcast ep 1, dungeons and dragons, dungeons and dragons 5e, dungeons and dragons campaign, rpg, ttrpg
Venture Forth, Dungeons and Dragons podcast, 5e, actual play podcast, d&d, d&d 5e, d&d actual play, d&d campaign, d&d gameplay, d&d podcast, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd campaign, dnd podcast, dungeons and dragons, dungeons and dragons campaign, rpg, ttrpg