Hi i'm Olma, Flynn, March, Ceallach, Shraya
and i'm your DM Ethan welcome to Venture Forth
previously you all had left the shadow
timberland after
um helping out tries community of elves
um you guys had solved the mystery and
defeated a villain
and you guys had exited uh
down the river and towards addersfield
after traveling for about a half a day
you guys finally
began to see otters felt over the
you were walking into town when you
noticed farms on your left and a refugee
camp on your right and walls
to the city in front of you looking off
to the refugee camp there seemed to be a
bit of a scuffle where
uh some some uh horseback riders were
possibly intimidating one of these
refugees here
um the refugee was holding a bag of some
sort not giving it over and
these riders were attempting to take it
after stepping in and attempting to to
stop the conflict
a bit of a fight erupted and
after some investigation by alma all
might not be
what it appears to be so with that we
are actually starting
this session in initiative so
with that um shraya
what would you like to do i'm going to
look up at the person who just
slashed me i'm going to look them
directly in the eye
and i'm going to say
the winds are shifting for you you're
off to new horizons
and with that um as my uh
staff has been charging i'm gonna hold
my staff
in between my hands my wings are going
to go out i'm going to
take off toward this person on the horse
and wrap my feet or talons
around them and attempt to carry them
off the horse into the air
okay so that's going to be
your athletics versus their uh yeah your
athletics versus their acrobatics
athletics versus acrobatics great
that's going to be a four on there oh my
god 5.
oh my god yeah so uh they're on a horse
so they're not very dexterous
and you just barely barely grab this
uh and i'm just gonna whisper in their
and i'm gonna attempt to carry them up
and over toward the city walls
okay um as you are carrying someone who
is not flynn and not a halfling um you
are going to be moving at half speed so
what is your flight
50 50. okay so you are able to move
uh 25 feet towards the city walls
with uh with this person in tow
you guys are are moving um is that the
end of your turn uh yeah that's that
that's the end of my turn my goal is to
get to the wall
to the top okay
awesome um next up we have got
actually uh the guy who you just picked
up so he
is going to actually this depends um
so you're traveling towards the wall how
high up are you going i'm going high
my my what i'm attempting is to go high
to and i guess i don't even know this um
if there's an if it's just a straight-up
wall around the city or if it's one of
the walls that people can like
be on uh and like look down from um
but yeah the wall has got you can see
the wall has got a little perch at the
top where people
people that's and that's that's where
i'm going for my my aim is to get to
that point
okay awesome um cool
so he is gonna make since you guys are
i'm gonna say you guys are about at this
point like 25 feet up in the air
he's gonna make a courage check
and he's gonna fail it so he's going to
instead of attacking you he's going to
reach up and grab at your talons where
where you're holding onto him and just
hold on
good um he is you know how to follow him
on this ride
um next up is uh this other guy right
over here
who is next to uh march so he is going
to take a
swing with his pole unconscious yeah
is he is he not unconscious now or is he
oh he is oh that's my bad
back off his horse um so yeah he doesn't
get a turn
awesome great love it um next up top of
the initiative is flynn
um all right so recap real quick
try to just yeah grab someone and flew
off into the sunset
um they're gone i heard omar
uh yell this stuff out about hey guys
maybe we're misunderstanding something
um i saw the person heal
the one that was previously dropped by
kellik and it seems like she's breathing
uh yes she is unconscious though i'm
holding the bag holding my sword i hear
i see that i see try i run away with the
with the person i'm like um
almo what what's going on and i'm just
like unsure what to do now i'm just
take the dodge okay that's it you take
the dodger yeah
okay cool um awesome
next up oma okay
yep um
flynn they're not the bad guys
it's okay i'm gonna i want to go forward
up to where um
um flynn and and um
kellic are like i want to make my way
between them and the guy
okay it's 25 i believe so i can get
okay um like right in between i want no
i want to be in between
um the band one where they're facing
like i want to push them both i want to
like put my hands against both of them
gotcha and like so in a triangle i guess
i know he's there but i would like to
like sneak him in front of him
yeah and and just like put my arms up
to to push both
not like push them down but to like hold
them just to
stop yeah yeah okay
cool make an insight check
14. um this guy that you just ran up to
um still very wary of kalec but
seeing you run up is taking a second
um taking a second of pause
um yeah that's what you
that's what you determine okay
is that your turn that's my turn well i
i don't know do i have an action left
timing wise
um i'll give you an action i will take
the dodge action
okay you take the dodge action nice uh
next up on the initiative is kellik
uh seeing this uh woman prioritize
healing her comrade
seeing the crowd uh
bonus and all this stuff
i am going to uh uh look a boat at the
remain and
then the one that hasn't been dragged
off i guess it's just one guy isn't it
no it's two all right the one who hasn't
been dragged off into the sky
uh and i'll just say all right you're
seeing what we can do
put a stop to this now for more people
get hurt
um make either persuasion or
intimidation check
i'm looking let's go persuasion
critical fail ah
fail okay next up is march
i'm gonna be distracted by looking over
alma and seeing that she has physically
put herself
in between one of these guys and flynn
and is trying to kind of push them aside
and so now my attentions are turning
briefly from this guy that i was trying
to just sort of
hold is i'd like to just
hold an action i i can see that almost
trying to get us all to stop but i'm
not trusting these guys whatsoever so um
i guess can i hold an action
i'd like to hold an action if anybody
tries to do anything
to oma
okay yeah for sure cool
um next up is
the writers they are all
none of them are going to attack they're
all just going to
wait they're all going to hold actions
after that is shraya uh i'm gonna
continue to make my way towards the top
of the wall
uh see if i can get there awesome see
um yeah and this guy's just gonna keep
holding on
um so these guys uh just for simplicity
these guys that are currently in combat
with you
here um they're all gonna continue
holding actions
um so it's it's up to you guys is there
anything that you guys want to do
action economy-wise um
within combat still who's are we who's
up in initiative are we kind of going
out of it flynn
flynn you are up an initiative but i'm
just gonna if
if no one else if everyone's gonna
continue holding actions we can go
out of initiative um well i would see
alma run up and like kind of put her
hand on my sword arm and like kind of
stop me from attacking i'll kind of um
see this and like um
alma what's going on what
what's up did they what will happen
would you find out i think this is all a
big misunderstanding
um um it seems like these people
are are um they do they do take money
but it's more like a tax and they take
it from the people who have a lot like
those people over there
and and they distribute it evenly
amongst the people who don't have as
so at least that's what i was told um
so it seems like it seems like they're
not not necessarily um
i'm trying to hurt anyone or or trying
to take
anything from people who don't have
so i i think that guy over there um
um he doesn't want to want to
um give his fair share
but i i don't understand and and and and
the guards are these people like and i
turn to look at him
and i say why won't you just talk to us
we weren't trying to do anything
caleb was offering to pay for this man's
fees and
and you didn't say it's not a fee you
didn't say no that's not what we're
doing here
we're trying to redistribute you didn't
say anything you just
were like get out of my way i'm gonna or
i'll beat you up that is not the way to
do things around here that's not how you
talk to people
and i'm just like i'm just uh really
small and just like yelling up at him
and saying you that's not how you treat
people as that's going on
i'll kind of like i sigh and i
i i'll sheath my sword as she's letting
this guy have it now i'll kind of
just like lightly push her uh to the
side and kind of step in front and kind
of just
toss the bag at the guy in front of me
i'll also uh
um extinguish my glowing arm uh just as
an act of further theatrics and put my
hands up in the air
um and with that the the woman who is um
kneeling down who just administered the
health potion um
to her her friend there um she looks up
to you guys and
after a second goes what were you not
hired by these people
no we misunderstood as far as i knew
this place was only a place with
those who were underserved not people
who had
well we're we're all underserved here i
mean compared to what's on the other
side of the wall but
but everyone has to have their fair
i i thought you were all you so you
weren't hired from
anyone here oma crosses her arms and
no we were not hired from anyone and if
you guys would just talk to us when we
asked questions
instead of pushing people around maybe
you would have
known that i'll put a hand on olma's
shoulder and
sort of like just pull her close to me
we're travelers we thought we saw
something uh
other than what was occurring you have
my apologies
um i mean
okay um give me give me one second and
the woman who's kneeling down there who
just gave the health potion
um unwraps uh the glove around her hand
and places her hand on the chest of her
comrade and um under her breath goes
and you see her hand begin to glow with
this um
orange orange like glowing energy and
you can see some
um flecks of ash begin to peel off of
her skin
as um the woman laying on the ground um
takes a breath
and and comes back into consciousness
i'm gonna run over to march and the man
who's unconscious next to her
and say hey march march can you do the
thing can you do the thing we
could you gotta wake him up
i'm just gonna go like do a sigh and be
like yeah
yeah and i'm gonna go up to a
to this guy dude thingamajig
i'll go ahead and do a
five points of uh lay on hands
okay cool um and he then comes back to
consciousness his eyes begin to open
and um after a moment of panic and he
trying to
scurry away he looks over and sees that
the fight has sort of calmed down and
and he takes a breath gonna just sort of
hold his shoulder and say my
my apologies as as my friends are saying
here it seems that there might be
some serious misunderstandings here
we're just trying to get a little bit
more information
things you gotta admit from our
things look a little shady but i i
and at this point um the the woman who
uh was initially trying to take the uh
the bag from the man
um she stands up and and she goes
we're uh we're very wary of travelers
who come through
most of them who come here brandishing
your types of
weapons and magics tend to be hired by
people here to to protect them and keep
them from the rules that we have
established here so
so any any misunderstanding was on on
our part as much as yours
and uh march you look over at at the guy
who you hit in the chest and
he's like oh god that was it that was a
good hit i'm gonna i'm gonna
put an arm out and sort of pull to pull
him up like to try and get him
and see if he can get on his feet or you
see if he can get up at all um and if
not then
just be like want some water my bad
yeah he gets up to his feet and he's
he's still a little
beat up but uh he seems to be making his
way back
and uh the the largest woman who seems
to be the leader
of this group um walks over uh
over to oma and she sort of leans down
and and takes a knee and and puts her
hand out
to shake and she says rosslyn
hello rosslyn
she shakes your hand as well
um that was that was something
wasn't it um
i died that happens sometimes
but you're alive now wow okay
i i need to take a second for that um
well um i mean if if we don't have any
further conflict here
um do you have any any business
here um i guess not
um but is everything okay
here it seems a little tense
yeah um things get tense around
collection time
how often do you guys collect
um once every two weeks
and how are you able to judge and i'll
sheathing my sickle as as i do
who deserves uh who
people's earnings they're able to report
them to you
we have uh certain systems in place to
keep track of um
whatever wealth is is uh acquired and
um i'm sure most of it uh on the higher
end goes under our radar but every once
in a while
we we get a whiff of of uh who has more
who has less and we distribute
accordingly hi
um i'm sorry about your horse
that's that's okay maybe you can find it
and yeah she looks around and and she's
like looking for it
um and you guys looking off in the
distance you can just see
barely over the horizon a horse running
running off in the distance
right um why this conversation is taking
place is
shraya still midair i was just gonna say
yeah so she she then looks around
and she says where why can i
can i scream out or try and scream out
to sharaya or would he not hear me
yeah um like you try and scream out
try it have you been using your full
yeah there's yeah i've been burning
toward that i've been burning
at this point at this point you would
have been able to drop this guy off
at the top right about now
great do it do i do i see any other um
are there any other like town guards who
like notice that i'm dropping yeah
there's actually a patrol up on the top
of the wall and
as you um as you approach they have
their crossbows trained on you
as you come in and you drop this guy off
and then you fly back away and
they still have their crossbows drawn on
you but then none of them fire
okay um i'm actually gonna
i'm actually gonna land for a second and
uh as a does it look like
does it look like if i get closer there
i mean i drop the guy off
if i drop the guy off and then also like
stand next to
the person um
i want to just whichever guy with the
crossbow comes up first
um i just want to address this person
really quickly
and say is this
is this man known to you and i look over
at the person i just dropped off um the
the man who's closest to you
uh with the crossbow um
says uh no never never seen him before
um get get on your knees
and uh keep keep your wings down
and uh put your hands behind your back
oh no right i'm i was just turning in
this misfit
who has been causing trouble outside the
wall i was told
that he might belong to your ranks in
the center of the city i mean you no
um oh this has never happened before
um uh put put your hands behind your
you're under arrest
well uh i
very much do not like being bound and
with that
i'm gonna just try to kick off i i i
acted at first like i was gonna get on
my knees
but now when he says i'm under arrest i
kick away from the wall and try to just
and seeing that you're you're flying
away from the city
um none of them shoot at you as you as
you leave
so i've just i've just left okay i guess
and now i'm gonna fly back to it all
right and shraya approaching the rest of
the party you can see
now there's conversation happening um
people are not fighting anymore which is
new to you
yeah uh what's happening
i thought
i don't understand the social norms and
customs of the earth walkers
yeah i don't think i do either rosslyn
and i'll uh pull down my mask and just
and i'll hold my hands up as far away
from her as i can
and i'll just say my name's kellock
i owe you a debt i apologize
um can you tell us
anything about the state of the city
i've been away for some time and uh it
appears things have changed
uh beyond my my knowledge uh
is the inside of the city as tense as
the outside i have i haven't been into
the inner walls of the city in quite
some time i keep my focus out here
um but more and more they're they're uh
expelling people from the city and and
they're forced to come out here so our
um beyond the walls are growing daily
and and it's
becoming a problem as far as
wealth and and food distribution why are
they kicking people out of the city
i could not say i don't know i i only
accept the people who leave
kicking people out that were there their
whole life
um it seems mostly travelers and
and people who don't have permanent
residence within the city as of late
and you're all here because you lost
your homes
yeah most of us are here from from
what used to be the border of ondale and
kaldur and
most of us have been displaced by the
war and they just
kicked you out yeah
our homes turned into
forts and castles and strongholds and
our cities reduced to nothing for
resources and weapons
i'm so sorry
it's not fun to get kicked out
no it's not well what now
you're just gonna live here in in tents
for the rest of your life
some of us are attempting to find more
permanent residents
um to the east but it's
uh it's a lot of people here it's it's a
lot of people to move it's a lot of
people to find homes for
so we have uh we have people going out
and attempting to find other
cities and places that will take some of
us but
i i do not think that this will be a
permanent home for
well i hope you find something everybody
deserves a home
thank you does the city
allow you to be out here do you get
trouble from them
the only trouble comes is is when people
from here
attempt to go into the city they will
not allow any of us in there
oh no what do they do to you if you go
the guards turn us away okay
caleb do you think the guards will turn
us away
i i'd say that's probably a safe bet
but we won't know until we try would uh
would flynn know
about how to get into the city um yeah
you have um a uh
you have a set of paperwork from the
iron light collective to get in and out
of the city sort of like an official
thing um so that's how you are able to
get in and out of the city
um without any official paperwork or
you know payment to the guards um
getting in and out is fairly difficult
hey roslyn yes were you affected
by any shadows recently
no no no like darkness creeping in
affecting your brain creeping in no no
when um like the last couple of days
maybe felt a little more tense a little
more um
um paranoid um
i it's funny you say that um yeah
the uh that's a good word for attention
rose over the last couple days um yeah
everyone seems to be
have been a little bit more stressed um
this morning has been the first calm
in quite some time without any
altercations yeah besides obviously what
just happened here
yeah that makes sense um that makes a
lot of sense
uh it was from the forest but but we
took care of that so it's it's all good
um should be fine now um
do you speak a bizzle
i no no no
no do you read it i no i
don't do much reading awesome
well does anybody here oh my that's not
more of a stink than we already have
yeah i think it's time for us to
head in oh right right
rosslyn um did russell
i'm sorry did ruslan mention who is
basically kicking him out or was it just
a town card
yeah town guard town officials um things
i wanted to just quickly kind of look at
her is it any one particular
individual rosalind that we need to be
looking out for
or what exactly
should we be looking for when we are in
there to avoid
being kicked out
um just not making any trouble
not uh i would i would stay away from
any altercations but it
it seems like you guys might have a
difficult time with that um
um i i would just say you know um
don't be don't be breaking any of the
laws any of the rules
um most of the people that we've gotten
out here um
minor infractions though they may be
they still were enough to have them
expelled from the city from what i hear
from some of the people who have been
coming out the past couple days
it seems that their their jails and
their prisons are
sort of overflowing at the moment so
when they don't have anywhere else to
put them they
they have them leave the city noted tie
calyx hands together
is there any one person making these
judgment calls
or is it everybody you don't really
see that no addressfeld is ruled by
um more of a more of a council
government um there's not any one person
in charge
it's uh a collection um and and it seems
you know it's it's all laws and and
official rules
okay thank you for that information that
helps us
uh are we all uh content to take our
live here or are we
are there more questions for us please
yes no you're
you're free to go oh um yeah i would
ask one more time where there were five
of us
try it where did you put the man
i may have uh uh
left your friend uh up up on the
top of the city wall but i
i i think the per i think they're in
good hands uh and if they're turning
people away then
i may maybe soon that you'll see them
what's their name i didn't get their
no no rosslyn what's their name
um that that was marcus he uh he hasn't
been having
very much luck recently and this might
be uh
just uh another another bit of that um
but with
with uh everything that's going on i i
would not be surprised if we saw him
again within the end of the day
well we can look for him while we're
inside i'll do our best
um just in case we'll try to see to it
that he's returned to you
i'm sure seeing his wares they'll
probably just kick him out anyways oh
well maybe we'll see him on our way if
you see him please
yes any help for him would be i'm sure
right well um
good luck you know i'll look around
with everything thank you
hey i appreciate that uh that gesture
guys uh
and i'll sort of um just lean in
and under my breath just say and
speak in a misfortune the powers that
that i draw from they
uh are somewhat discerning
so i'd be careful the
things beyond our reach as mortals
have plans for us and
something beyond wants you
very badly so take care
and she sort of gives you a wink and
turns around
and begins to walk as she does not have
a horse
um so with that you guys all
um i'll sort of exit away from this
refugee camp
and walk over towards the main entrance
uh of the city
as you walk up you see these um massive
walls that are constructed there
these thick and tall walls
um and you guys walk towards the front
gate and
there are about a dozen guards out
towards the front gate as this is
this is a massive entrance way and
dozen guards are laid out there how
would you guys like to
uh approach as you want to enter the
city um flynn would probably be up front
because he i know how to do this i'm
like i know how to go in and out of the
so i'll like if i i'll get my papers
i'll um hey guys um stay with me i i
papers to get in another city so let me
do the talking
and i'll start walking towards pulling
up my dirty rag
and um yeah awesome
um as you walk up um the one of the
guards approaches
asks for your paperwork takes it after a
couple seconds looks it over
um make sure everything is in order and
uh hands it back to you
and opens up the front gate for you guys
to walk in
um these front gates open out towards
you guys
and the first thing that hits you is the
immediately you smell um burning wood
and you guys smell sort of this ash in
the air and looking in
um you see a main street going towards
the center of the city and off to the
you see um
these run-down houses these houses that
haven't been taken care of in
a very long time made of wood and stone
and you look off and one of them
seems to be partially burned as as a
fire had
caught on one of them and you can see a
couple of towns people with buckets of
water just
extinguishing the last of the flames and
you look off to the right
and you see um more uh
like industrial buildings where you can
see blacksmiths
and woodworkers and
shops of that nature and as you guys
walk in
um i assume either flynn or killik is
taking charge here where would you guys
like to go within the city
um oh i i would like to
go to the castle to turn in my mission
um as we enter in and as we're walking
i'm kind of
at the front some kind of walking kind
of like i'm going to the castle and i'll
just kind of mention
um welcome to addersfeld guys
um weird entrance at the beginning but
hey we made it
um so here's here's the thing
um i have to go with tria and turn the
mission in
um if you guys want to
meet up somewhere um kellik i don't know
if you
want to take the group and go shopping
or go find the fisherman or something
we can reconvene somewhere if you have a
good spot i think that's sensible that
maybe while you're
dealing with uh your faction uh we can
go see about this uh translation yeah
um do you think he'll need uh backup
where are you going no no it should be
okay um do you want to meet it like the
temple district
or or or something is there like a
specific spot there
let's meet back here closer to the the
outside i don't want to spend more time
uh in the temple district than need be
all right
um well don't kill anyone
agreed not who uh
doesn't deserve it i i i mean to be fair
uh uh nobody stayed dead so far very
true very true we just you know i just
want to make sure
you guys are still here when i get back
we could stand to work on our definition
of killing i think
sometimes it's unclear there is quite
the uh veil between
life and death okay right so as you guys
uh continue to walk into the city
um you guys split off into two groups um
as you guys split off and walk deeper
into the city um
the you guys walk through this
area of the city and it opens up and you
guys can see these
uh these you know more
nice houses um you can see you're
passing through
this there this very poor area of the
um into these nice stone houses
um looks like there's a polished marble
on in some of the
the stores and this um this beautiful
red wood
that is making up the roofs and the air
becomes cleaner
and you guys can see people walking and
and trading and going in and out of
shops and going home and
going to work and and the life of this
is uh is sort of a nice change of pace
for most of you
um first we will follow flynn and shraya
um flynn you are dodging in and out of
these crowds that are going down the
street you know exactly where you're
supposed to go and you know exactly how
to get there
um shraya i'm gonna have you make a
charisma check oh boy
oh boy can i help him with this knowing
the city or is this something he has to
do on zone
i i'm i'm feeling i i feel like i'm
probably just struggling to keep my eyes
on you i'm i'm gonna
i'm gonna keep it to just try it
oh god no no no no no
that that that's a zero that is a total
zero flynn you are dodging in and out of
these crowds you
recognize every street that you're
passing by you recognize
the bakery off to your right that you've
been to um you recognize
uh the um the shoe shop off to your left
with the really nice old lady who helped
you find the right wear shoes that fit
you just right as
as uh you know she had to she had to
modify some um
traditionally children's shoes okay
um but then she helped you with the
leather work and you recognized that
and uh oh up up on the right has uh some
amazing desserts like they've got
they've got this amazing orange cake
with the frosting on it that's that's
exactly how you like it
and i think i'm like saying this like
thinking that your eyes behind me i'm
just like oh
and over here that's where my shoes got
made and over there oh they have some
really good
pastries in there man we should go check
that out after and then you turn around
and shraya is nowhere to be seen
drya uh
crap and i'll turn around and start
dropping and weaving back the way i came
to try and see if i can
and i'll start like try it try it you
are lost in a whirlwind of people
people pushing past you you are getting
shoulder checked left and right
and and you just cannot keep your eyes
in one place and it's it's dizzying
is there is there anything around that
is like
any kind of park area are there trees is
all concrete is this all like is there
any clearing or
i i'm just i my immediate response is to
try to find
some area that's not just overloaded
with people just
make a perception check or you can make
a nature check
15. uh 15. the area that you're walking
through right now
is all stone and concrete and this
polished marble um looking around but
you do see
um out on a little balcony there seems
to be someone growing a garden there
um that's really the only source of
green that you can see around you
uh i'm gonna take a closer look
okay are you gonna fly up and uh it's
it's on a second story balcony
it's on a second story balcony okay yeah
i'm gonna i'm gonna
in in a moment of just desperation to
try to
get some air i'm gonna go up
toward this uh this balcony and see
what's going on there
okay awesome um you go up to this
balcony and
um it's it's some you know
nice flowers of all different sorts
looking through it you can see that
um most of these plants don't belong to
this area
um and most of them belong to different
areas around the world and
so it's nice to sort of take in the
smells from all of those
um flynn you turn around and you can see
shraya flying up above the crowd over to
a balcony
um how far away is he he's not that far
he's only maybe 30 feet
try up and i'll be like waving my hand
up in there like trying to get his
attention try uh
and uh is there anything i can climb to
like because i'm assuming i'm like
i'm like a bit like the the thigh height
of a lot of people in this crowd so he
probably won't be able to see me is
there a thing i can climb maybe
yeah there are um you look and there are
a couple of like
um carts that uh where vendors are
different items um that you'll be able
to climb on top of sure
i'll hop up on a cart and just continue
like trying to get his attention
down here and try u-turn and you can see
flynn at this point
ah okay so i i turn over to the garden
and i look over at flynn and i turn back
to the garden
and then i take it in one more time
and like try to make a couple oh are
there any
flowers in particular that are
particularly brilliant or
like eye popping yeah there's one that's
almost like a neon
blue that that seems to um just shine
beautifully in the sunlight i'm gonna
grab it and then go back
okay awesome um and just
like just as you're flying down um
you just barely hear hey and you get
back down to flynn
um and laying there
hey wait why where where did you go man
like what were you doing up there
ah there was a beautiful garden up on
that balcony i was
i was mesmerized i i couldn't find you
and i
went to the only place that i knew i
could feel comfortable
yeah okay well
we can go back there after if you want
look what i found
i'm gonna show him this little blue
flower that's cool
yeah we definitely need to go back to
get more of those i want one
well there's no short supply of beauty
up on that particular balcony
yeah this city is pretty great speaking
of city i gotta show you
i gotta show you the the place where i
got and i'll start trying to meet him
again and i'll start being like that's
where the shoes are and that's what i'll
just kind of like but this time i'll
like hold on to his uh
his his hand i guess yeah i'll just grab
his hand so i'll grab his hand i'll be
like right over there that's where i got
my shoes made and over there that's
where they're the best pastries
and i'll just continue just to do that
lin why don't we try to go find your
contact over oh we're on the way yeah
there's just a lot of cool places i
wanted to point out oh okay
all right and actually with that um you
approach the front gates of the iron
light castle
um you flynn this is this is home this
has been home for
a while for you so um you are overjoyed
and you're also a little bit nervous as
what's gonna happen um you walk up
and um you see out in the front
is a little like um hand
uh indentation on the wall and you know
that this is how
people within the iron light castle get
in and out um so you walk up to it and
you put your hand
into this handprint indentation in the
and you hear
as the stone wall in front of you opens
up into a doorway
you walk in into this doorway and
um it's the sights and smells of home
um shreya you follow him in behind him
so this is all new to you
um okay you walk in and you can see
um uh these long
stone hallways with doors on either side
most of these doors are shut so you
don't really know what's
what's in each of them but flynn leads
you down one hallway
to the right leads you down another
hallway and then
walks up to one of the doors and
knocks on it and do you guys hear a
voice say
yes come in i don't know before i push
before i push the door open i kind of
just take a pig
deep breath all right
how much ceiling space is there in this
how much above our heads it's it's about
nine feet okay i'm gonna
i'm gonna clutch my staff a little bit
and just
shudder a little bit as we walk through
the space and
uh keep my bearing try to keep my
yeah after i take a little breath i'll
open the door okay i'm walking opening
the door you see
a large um looks like an office space
um you see a big ornate wooden table a
heavy desk
on the opposite side of the room you see
bookshelves off to the right
and you see um cabinets off to your
to the left that are holding um
plants and and different arcane
sitting at that table you see sitting
with um these narrow shoulders
sitting very upright um she's got this
beautiful long uh blonde hair that's
that's almost
almost white hair and you guys walk in
and flynn you recognize this as melloroo
and as you walk in she says ah flynn
wasn't expecting you back so soon
hi um yeah i'm i'm just here to
uh you know we did it uh
tria is here too um and uh
well yeah i don't know if we did it uh i
mean it was
it was kind of a it was a lot uh
it was kind of a great mess uh a party
for a while felt like we were
a big candle burning at both ends but uh
we were uh it was beautiful uh
we accomplished our goal and uh
i hope that uh all the credit
is due for for this little one right
and uh was very brave in the face of
certain doom and uh my people that i was
dwelling with in the forest could
never be more grateful to to the
collective you have here and for sparing
this little one to come help
and she looks down at her her um papers
in front of her and she
she grabs a quill and she goes that's
interesting i uh
i just want to note a couple words that
you said there you said uh
you you did say big mess correct you
mess and you also you also mentioned
having a party so oh um like me and him
me and him as the party oh yes i'm sure
a group
like a group right of course i'm sure
that's what he meant we yeah yeah
we did have there were some others who
helped us that uh
seemed to join us uh halfway through our
that uh we're very they uh we
some of the some of the towns people in
his village that
came to show us where where some of the
stuff was um needed but it was just
it was a great evil it was a great evil
and and
it took every ounce of uh
strength to overcome
yeah and um you know and then we solved
it i mean it was a big mess but it's not
a mess any anymore
uh we we kind of we fixed it just try
and i
and then maybe a little bit of help from
the townsfolk just for directions
needed the help of commoners okay
um this is interesting um do you have
uh any proof of of the evil that you
proof yes uh uh
trophy whatever you might call it
um there were artifacts that we left
oh fantastic then you'll be able to hand
those over and show them as proof
uh they were the part of the evil that
consuming the area seemed to be uh
intertwined with these objects so we had
no choice but to leave them
uh however oh so you left left objects
of great evil
behind that's also very interesting i
will take
my wing and i'm gonna grab these the
dart the the little dark crystals
that have been there the whole time i'm
gonna hold them out and i'm gonna say
these particular uh items though seem to
have some sort of dark energy contained
within them
not sure if it was related but they seem
to have
uh some awful
things possessing them as well and and
i'm looking at them and do they
have they been changed they have not
changed but uh flynn make an insight
check for me
yeah also did i put something in that
box that i had
and camera and who has the bracer bt
dubs not to met a game too hard but
do i never i believe flynn i think i
still post it yeah i'll if i do i'll
pull that out
but i'll do the inside check first but
yeah when she's saying that okay
um that is a 13.
okay um so yeah do you pull the bracer
yeah i'll go into my bag when she
mentions when trial mentions artifacts
i'll go in my bag i'll grab the
bracelet yeah this is um this is
something that we found uh that seemed
to hold
a lot of sway in there and there was a
puzzle we had to solve and
you know try and i solved it and uh
mostly me
and you know we we got this and this is
something that we think was
part of the problem and so we figured
we'd keep it safe and bring it here
because you guys would be able to figure
out what it does
fantastic um as per uh
iron light tradition um you would be
able to turn this object in
for a gold reward or you would be able
to keep it which would you like to do
with this uh this particular object
um i'd like to know what it does first
and potentially keep it
well that's for you to find out i i
don't care much about this item
right right you sorry yeah and i'll put
it back in my bag
so did it pass
pass is so far from what you have done
and that i think just shows exactly
how you're gonna fare in all of this
i i think that's very telling with that
but either way you did return
if you want to call it successful you
did return alive i will say that
you did return alive so
you may uh go find chat i believe he's
around here somewhere still
um if you want to go and find him
he might have something for you but for
for now uh get out of my office
well dude definitely uh and i'll i won't
let you down
and i'll kind of like nudge try it with
my arm and kind of like all right
try it let's get let's go paid the wind
thanks again meloru thank you
may the wind be at your back always good
and i hope to never see you again thank
you yes
and i'll go out and as soon as i shut
the door
hey man we i passed i
passed yes congratulations to you
yeah oh thanks man
that was she's scary to talk to but you
know i think i'm really coming over and
i'm coming around
you know i think she's starting to like
me a little bit with any luck uh
i don't understand the customs as well
as i could
but uh i think you made some
sort of good will uh eve be it albeit
we'll just call them baby steps or in
your case just steps
i'm gonna i'm just i'm gonna let that go
because i'm just too excited um
because that means that i get some cool
stuff now so i don't know if you're
allowed to come with me um but let's go
check in with check in with chad
and i'll lead him that way would i know
if i'm allowed to bring him along
or is this something i need to do alone
um i mean you can definitely bring him
through the castle you don't know
exactly when it's going to be sort of
independent time um
okay well i'll just head that way then
okay with with him um
so you and uh shraya head down
um again another long hallway and
you guys uh open a door on your right
and it opens up into this large
courtyard area um this is the center of
the castle and it's sort of an open-air
courtyard in the middle here
um you see set up all sporadically
um everywhere this is this is probably
like a hundred foot
circle um you see sporadically set up
combat dummies
and you can see some of them off to the
left are a little bit more
um elementary they're just sort of like
set up there and you can see off to the
right um
you can see some like more ornate
wooden statues that have
these uh these iron
sort of holes coming out of them flynn
you know these as
the more advanced combat dummies to
where uh magic effects and spells will
will protrude from these dummies as well
and in the middle of five of these
practice dummies um twirling in and out
and moving stepping in tandem with some
of these dummies
making strikes here and there and then
taking a massive sword out from behind
his back
lopping off the head of one of these
dummies you see a hulking red
and you see his muscles like are ripping
through his shirt this is a
massive dude and try you immediately
see this this red dragonborn and this is
ferocious warrior you can tell right
away um
he with one move um turns and and lops
off one of the heads of these
combat dummies and then turns around
and from his mouth fire spews out and
lights up another one of the combat
and you see across the courtyard is uh
your combat teacher chat i'm like as
soon as i see him uh
i'll just start running up to him like
chad chad i passed i passed and i'm like
like all my stuff is like jangling and
like i'm holding on to my sword as it's
kind of dragging on the floor and i'm
like jeff chad i passed a pass and i'm
just run up to him
come on i did it and he pushes two of
the two of the combat dummies away
and walks up to you and leans way down
as this guy's like 10 feet tall
he goes all right give me some and he
reaches out his hand to give you a high
yeah i'll give him a good high five man
i wasn't man it was it was it was
hard i i i think melloroo still doesn't
like me though
yeah she doesn't like anyone yeah that's
that's true
well i mean she said i passed so i i
guess that means i get to
get to do the ritual right yeah oh yeah
you haven't done that did you just get
back i just got back oh
man all right yeah let's let's yeah
let's get you started
all right what what do i do oh this is
he's uh he's the person i helped fix the
problem and he's kind of been tagging
along with with me and we have a
we have a party together um because you
told me to
you know kind of get that together but
they're kind of somewhere else
oh amazing hey try how's it going
earthworker what's your name
uh my name's chad um i've i've known
flynn here for quite some time so uh hey
you want to get uh
started on that yeah can can tria come
to watch uh i don't think he can be in
the room
for this um he can come i can hang out
with him for a little bit he seems like
a cool guy
yeah yeah he he he can fly
oh no [ __ ] that's what those wings are
oh right yeah well i don't know try can
you you want to hang out here and then
i'll just come back when the ritual's
yes i i think i could hang here for a
i'm gonna look around the courtyard and
just take in uh take it in
all right it's you and me my man let's
do it
right and with that we're going to uh
back real quick to um march
alma and kellik as you guys are uh
heading through the city um is there
anywhere that you guys would
like to go specifically
i'd like to sort of like gather uh the
three of us
into a shaded area and just uh have a
bit of a pow wow
uh so marge explain to me
i don't you don't have to share the ins
and outs of your relationship i
you know that seems private but
how is it that this girl knows nothing
of the gods have you not taught her
i mean caleb
have you seen her do you feel you can
quote unquote teach alma
anything she's one of the brightest
children i've ever met
yeah and she learned all of that on her
she learned everything on her own oliver
am i hearing i can hear all this right
you're just talking about me
and also you can just ask her i
i didn't learn on my own per se
um yeah
um but where where i was they didn't
talk about it um it just wasn't really
important well from what i understand
our best hope of getting our questions
with any amount of adequacy uh
would be uh to ask people who
may be dressed like me but probably
and maybe happier uh in appearance
so uh that is where i think we should go
i think it might be worth explaining a
bit about
you know what's been going on for the
last uh 30 years or so
uh so that you're not going in unarmed
as it were
sure sure i mean it's always been like
this though right i mean as far as i
i guess if it's been 30 years yeah that
makes sense as far as i know it's always
been like this
um yes um
um also like we were in the mountains
so it didn't really it didn't really
affect us
i see uh the mountains where do you know
yeah like that way and i just point to
the east
ish area to the east which region of
mountains she might be referring to
let me see i'm pointing towards the
raging peaks that would actually be to
the west
yeah that way i you know what that
you're right yeah
that way to the west do i know
if it would be like which country it
would be in
um yeah you guys are on like the
pretty much the westernmost border of
the only place that it could be would be
right well you might find it interesting
to know
that before there were mountains there
nobody knows what was there and the
reason those mountains exist
is because of a god named fenra
and she birthed that land and
uh she's a very uh powerful
and just god very concerned with uh
things being aggressively right and
wrong that makes sense to you
uh a woman birthed a mountain
hi ah that tracks it's mostly mostly
and uh does that happen often uh should
i be worried about that
uh i would not be concerned necessarily
that exactly there's many things to be
concerned about regarding the gods but
that is not one of them
so you have fenra to thank for those
mountains and
for the forests that we've recently been
inside of
many many many forests but especially
the freywood you can count
on ildoria for that she was the one to
uh that region and uh as it extends i'll
try to keep this brief as
uh i don't want to be in the city longer
than we have to you see
alma's face like glazing over as you're
explaining just names and things and
and that
at the mention of uh fenrir as you're
having this conversation with alma
uh i physically bristle
and i kind of uh
kick a rock and start to try and
tune you out slightly and just
yeah you can have a physical reaction to
and uh for the place we're in now ondel
uh uh a uh old dwarven god named a tear
i was responsible for that so as
uh you're probably getting now i'm like
completely ignoring the fact that she is
glazed over
as i'm sure you're gathering and uh
gleaning from this
uh everywhere on this world
uh has had some progenitor some
great being that is responsible for its
creation and its protection
and those are the old gods eldoria fenra
laurus atir and at the top of them all
the sun and the moon and the stars
is vermeer the lady of light
those are are the old gods those are the
old gods
and those and i sort of gesture to the
skyline of temples
uh that we see uh as the temple district
begins to like um overlap with the
place we're now uh are represented by
temples in this district
uh and uh men like myself uh although
like i said probably not quite like
um and uh those people
uh just like me has dedicated their
lives to studying
uh the ways of the gods and the ways of
the things that the gods
uh have qualms with uh which i
think might be where the answer lies
with this abyssal text
if there are old gods
why do we need new ones
the cowlick blanches and and just
like his face just like freezes
that's a good question alma
um and that's what we're here to find
out to some extent
so uh if you'll be my representative
no offense march who i imagine has her
back turned
oh no i'm muttering i'm literally
talking to myself like
like oh god's no kiss but new gods
i'll just i'll just look askance at her
and she says
yeah so i think it's okay you have my
confidence on my that you you can uh
do this um because i i can't be seen in
this area
right it wouldn't end well for us do i
have to follow
a god uh
the gods the gods give to those who
serve them
but they don't take from those who don't
the answer i think would be no it'll
depend on who you ask
right this all
making some amount of sense to you
um sure
sure i will talk to the people wearing
and i know everything about the gods
you don't have to know everything about
the gods i just didn't want you to have
to go in and be like
what's the point of all these temples
why are these
great buildings here oh
that makes sense and just
you know i wouldn't bring this up but
the change uh that's been occurring uh
let's leave that let's leave that out of
the conversation
yes it's not a comfortable subject for
the people here
oh okay
uh and that is the redux of uh a lesson
i've taught
manny many times uh people older than
uh as well so you feel good you feel
um i don't remember any of those names
you'll do fine okay so i'm not gonna
be tested they're not gonna ask me what
i remember and like make me recite
because that used to happen and i wasn't
very good at it
when in doubt uh
just uh say praise the old gods
hey remember that right
easy i can remember that easy easy
you're a little girl no reason you
have all of the names and locations
uh memorized i mean i could write them
down maybe
if i write them on my hand then i can
like look at it
and see what i wrote and then i would
uh whatever makes you comfortable um
maybe later if i don't need it i don't
need it right if i if i'm if
if you told me they're not gonna give me
a test then i'll be fine i mean
it depends on how you ask some some
clergymen are
taller than others oh yikes
you don't think anyone else would speak
this language like in a library
do we have to go to a temple
the temple has libraries but
uh dm would i know of a library
alternative um
really the only places that you would
know of would be within the temple to
have this sort of knowledge
um i mean you would know the magic shops
off on the other side of the city um
might be able to interpret it in an
arcane sense
but not like a direct translation
i think this is the best place to
get your question answered
and manny of mine right
and my question is can you read this
yes and why do we need new gods
oh but don't ask that question
no it was i was speaking oh you know in
a global sense of
the answers we'll find as a result of
asking about the text oh okay
that makes sense don't ask that question
okay i'll remember
right i can remember that
dm does she look like she can remember
that make an inside check
17. homer yeah i'm gonna
i'm gonna remember yeah i'm not gonna
i'm not gonna
although maybe i should roll to see if i
all right um so uh oma you're gonna head
off and
try to talk to some people right
is that yes yes um but we're still
walking all the way to the temple
district together
yes okay awesome and i'll i'll linger
just at the outskirts of it i i'm i
don't know if there's any
proper dividing line but i would have
some understanding of that
um kellogg i'm going to have you um
make you can either make a stealth check
or a performance check
um and this check is just going to be
for the entirety of the time that you're
here in the temple district this will
sort of be an overarching
um hide i guess oh boy
all right uh that is a ten ten
okay so now uh we're gonna go
back to flynn
um shreya you are just sort of hanging
out in the hallway here
um as chat just took flynn into
a room and closed the door behind them
so you're just
sort of waiting out here in the hallway
for the time being i'm gonna set my mind
meditating and focusing very hard
on the center of my staff the crystal in
the center of my staff
and uh i don't know how long a short
rest takes but i'm gonna try to get one
yeah um a short rest is an hour okay um
and i mean if you this is a possibility
it's totally up to you
um attuning to an item also is a short
so you would be able to find out what
the bracer does
at the end of that hour if you would
like to do that but if you would also
like to meditate that's fine as well uh
yeah maybe i maybe i lean over to flynn
and ask
if you'd like i could go to work on
finding out
the true nature of this and i refer to
the bracer
um i don't know you seemed
kind of weird about the
gem i do like it very much i like
looking at it
yeah that's that's kind of what i'm
worried about um
just don't put it on promise me you
won't put it on
my mission will be purely fact
okay good enough for me and i'll give
him the bracer yes
okay flynn um chaff ushers you into this
small circular room um only about 10
feet in diameter this is a room that you
have not been in before
but there is a just a very small
circular table
in front of you um there are a couple of
wooden um like
little tiny wooden stubs that come out
of the table
um perfect distance and a perfect
placement for you to place your sword
um as you walk in chat sort of takes a
step back
and sort of presses his back up against
the wall and
instructs you to sit down in the chair
um at the table
yeah i'll um take off my backpack take
off my
my bow i'll take off the
the sheath for my sword set everything
down kind of in the corner
and um i kind of know what's coming
right for everything in the ritual like
i have an idea generally this part you
you have a general idea of what's gonna
happen cool
i'll uh once everything's off i'll
unsheath my sword
and take a look at it
it's like mess with the hill like fine
little pieces of
ink that are still kind of left there
and i'll
kind of give a smirk as i think back to
all the times i would draw on this thing
practice for this moment and
look at it clean it off a little bit
maybe flick off some of the ink
locks that are still there and i'll walk
over to the chair and sit down
and put the put my sword on the little
pegs it
seems like if that's what i know how to
do yeah so you put your
sword down and this the the wood
pegs right there as you put your sword
down they
seem to warp just very slightly to
accommodate your sword being held there
and it holds it perfectly in place
you look down and you see on the table
are two sort of inset areas
and you can see it's sort of
resembling an arm inset
into the table and you reach your arms
out and your
your hands perfectly fit into these
little insets on the table
yeah before i actually put them down
let's look at my forearms
look at my i look at my right arm
i kind of like just move my fingers
around practicing some of the
motions with my right arm that i would
late at night when i couldn't sleep
smile look at my other arm
look at it one last time both of my
all right i'll look over at chad
nervous hey there's nothing to be
nervous about
i know now it's just waiting for this
just like i guess maybe i'm excited too
place my arms in the insets
he walks um around the table and off to
the other side of the room
and the stonework on this in this room
is a little bit patchy there are some
stones that
are sort of made of different materials
and one of them seems to be marble one
of them seems to be just regular stone
one of them seems to be like a dark clay
and he walks over to one of them and
it's this
uh this beautiful white stone and he
grabs it and he takes the stone out of
the wall
and you can see now as he takes it out
the stone is hollowed out
and within it are
these um flowers
within it um these flowers that seem to
neon almost like the flowers that shraya
saw earlier
um these these neon
flowers and he lays the stone
on the table and he walks to the other
side of the room
and picks this this light orange clay
out of the wand you can see that that
one's also hollowed out and you can see
two um like thin tools
one of them is sort of like a hammer a
small hammer shape
and the other one um sort of has a hook
on the end and has several needles
into it and he walks that over and he
puts that on the table
over the next couple minutes he takes a
bowl that's on the table and crushes up
the flowers
into this um into these uh three
separate dies
and after one of the dies is done he
dips the needles
into that die comes over to your forearm
that's laid out onto the table
and begins to tap the needles into your
slowly moving it over your your skin
creating this
this beautiful circular design
and as he finishes up on one arm you can
this ink is is very dark black
almost like absorbing the light around
like more than natural black and and
process hurts each time he taps the
needle into your forearm it is painful
how how long does this take jeff oh this
is gonna take a while
oh all right keep going
so he finishes the black on your left
and then he goes over to the
the bowls that are out there on the
table and you can see he's made um
a a bright blue ink and he cleans off
the needles from
the black and and he dips him in the
blue and he goes over to your right arm
and he begins to tap again
creating a very a very similar but also
with like distinctive
marks making a blue circular design
on your right arm and that takes another
couple minutes
man this one feels like it hurts more
yeah it's it's gonna get worse
just you just gotta hang in there is the
is there
is the next one gonna be worse than this
oh probably
is there anyone else in the room is it
just me just you and him okay i look
around to make sure that no one else is
in here because i don't want them to see
struggling it's a small room chatham
here being the size that he is
another person probably couldn't even
fit in this room if they try hey um
give me a second give me a second let me
hey um yeah take it everywhere
whenever we're done with this can you
tell him that i just like
jumped don't tell my you know everyone
else here that i just like
i took it no problem yeah hey i got you
man i got you
thanks thanks jeff you're the best all
right ready
okay go oh god okay
and he he continues tapping and um
finishes up with the blue
and he goes back uh over to the bowls
and you see there's
um this neon red uh die that he's
created and
and once again he taps a very similar um
but unique
circular design on your right arm as
once he's done with that he puts all the
bowls back he puts the needles back into
the clay uh the clay bowl that he has
he puts the the rest of the flowers that
he didn't use back into the white stone
and pushes them back into the walls
looking around you see that these the
the stones that he pulled from the walls
were not the only unique ones here these
walls are
lined with dozens and dozens of these
unique types of stones and
and your mind starts to wonder what
could be in them and what
ritual could those be used for
but he finishes up the the the process
and you look down and you have
three new tattoos on your forums yeah
does flynn know exactly what they do
not yet not yet no
all right the hard part over
oh no man this is just getting started
and he goes over and he pulls
um he pulls another one this one looks
like a sort of like a standard
just smooth stone and he places it down
on the table
and you can see within it there is uh
and on the part that's been hollowed out
um you can see that there is ink and
um a quill and also a a very thin
like paintbrush and he says
all right now uh you know what to do
from here iso
and he steps towards the door and as
he's about to reach towards the door he
goes oh
oh [ __ ] wait one second one second and
he reaches up and
it's it's one of the taller stones it's
tall for even him he has to reach up and
and sort of struggle to get this stone
from out of the wall and he places it
down on the table
and you see a stack of very thin
notebooks these like very
intricately bound leather notebooks only
a couple inches by a couple inches and
he looks through him and he opens up one
on it he puts it back and then he opens
up another one ah yeah here it is
and he puts it down on the table in
front of you and he reaches up and he
puts the stone back
and he says all right man it's you
from here on out and he walks out
and he opens the door shraya you see
this dragonborn walk out
you see him close the door behind him
you see him put a bar
over the door and you see him lock it
um is he going to be all right yeah
man i sure hope so
oh no i hope so too he seems like a good
guy oh my god
and he walks down the hall and out of
your sight
so flynn with uh a notebook
some ink and a paintbrush and a quill in
front of you
what would you like to do i
quickly look at the notebook and i just
kind of like flip through it a little
um am i familiar with what this notebook
is or
what i need to know like to look at it
to know what it does what it is um
just flipping through it real quick you
illustrations of different hand
and you see notes off in the corner of
verbal components for spells and you see
specific instructions on how to place
your hands in certain ways and you can
different notes on how to cast spells
i will excitedly flip through it and
kind of almost get lost and like oh man
this is the this is the one i've been
practicing um
and i'll keep flipping through like oh
i've never seen this one before and i'm
like wait
i gotta i gotta get this first so i'll
take the book and i'll excitedly put it
um near my backpack just like sit it
down over there
i'll get back to that um pull the ink
over to this
to the side pull out the paintbrush and
look at my sword
look at my hand my left hand that i'm
holding the paintbrush in
with the tattoo right on my wrist this
black tattoo that's in a circle
on these little intricate designs going
in a circle around my
like right on my wrist on the inside of
my wrist and i'll look at it
all right here we go and i'll dip the
paintbrush in the ink
and i'll start delicately painting the
on my wrist the black symbol i'll start
painting it
all over the sword i'll put a circle
do the description move up a little bit
put it there i'll
basically begin covering the sword in
this black ink
of the symbol on my left arm
and over the next hour you
delicately and intricately as you had
many times before you put these symbols
all over the sword and
at the end of the hour you finish your
final brush stroke
and you can see the runes
now they don't glow but they they deepen
in their blackness
and they inset themselves permanently on
the sword
i don't look at it because like this
doesn't happen when i was doing it
earlier so i'm like
oh it worked and i'll like i'll rub my
hand on the sword
to see if i can take off
you rub your hand along the sword and
you look down at your hand and
now your hand is covered in ink as
you rub the ink off of it but you rub
the ink off
but the symbols still stay there in this
deep black
you just wiped the surface ink off of it
but now these symbols are permanently
etched into the sword
yeah so this this sword is basically
covered in these circular
runic symbols just covered from head to
toe and all these little black symbols i
love it
um well would would would fling done
i mean i'll i will essentially i'll try
i'll try and focus
actually i'll run over the book and i'll
grab it
and i'll flip through is there is there
anything that
says how i should do this any
instructions the only instructions
are instructions on how to cast spells
when you pick up your sword however from
the table the table
sinks down into the floor oh crap oh
and the stones in front of you within
the circular room
they seem to fold back and open up in
like this weird dimensional
shift oh god as the the stone
peels away and moves back and folds back
in on itself
as a door appears in front of you on the
opposite side of the room
i reach over as i'm like i'll be looking
at the door but i reach over and grab
the book
of spells that has like the hand motions
in it and like a little
training journal and i'll put it under
my arm oh my sword on my other hand
i'll look at my hands look at the sword
all right i guess
word from here and i'll go through the
okay i'm gonna have you make an
arcana check as you are looking okay
all right
let's see here
that is okay that is a
15. okay
okay um so you sort of take a couple
minutes and you try
and and memorize as much of this book as
you can
do you step through the door in front of
um before i step through i'll flip
through one last time i'll set the book
and i just want to try and figure this
out so i'll place the sword on the
ground and i'll take like
a look at it i'll take two steps back
hold my hand out my left hand with the
black tattoo on it i'll focus
intently on my hand and i'll just try to
summon my sword to my hand okay
roll an arcana check okay
oh that's really good uh 22 a 22
nice in a puff of green smoke
your sword appears within your hand
you can see for the brief half second
between you summoning your sword and
your sword actually being there
the runes the runes appear in place
first and then the sword appears within
your hand in this puff of smoke
sick so i do that
oh man i wish jack could have seen that
oh or kaelin
i have to show them soon i'll look at
the door pick the book up
and go through baby okay as you walk
through um you open up into
uh more of a larger room it's
still circular in the middle
of this room you see this like
stone well going deep down into the
you look around and off to your right
you see some spikes coming off of a wall
but just in in one section of the wall
you look down and you see that that
the ground is is this sandy dirt
beneath your feet where the rest of the
castle is this
immaculate stone you see dirt beneath
your feet
and you also on the opposite side see a
sort of a a port cullis type of a gate
and you see it begins to shift and move
revealing darkness and black on the
other side
and from the other side bursts forth
whipping and and moving in every
direction uh
these tentacles of plants and vines
come whipping out from beyond this gate
and they begin to
to move out and and pull itself out
towards this open area
and it attaches itself to the wall and
as as soon as it came out it attaches
itself to the wall
and completely still
it's just one it's just this one plant
oh boy it's just this
ball of of writhing vines
um hmm
am i i'll step into the sand i don't
know if i did already i'll step into the
center of the room
and like i'll have my sword out
pick the book and set it down on the
ground like i
hope i practiced enough i'll look up at
plant thing
okay and charge in okay i'm gonna have
you roll initiative
let's do it oh i wrote a
seven seven all right
terrible freaking terrible
down when rolled a seven
let's go flynn yay let's go
okay um so this thing um
sort of sensing that is coming towards
you it um
whips out two of its vines and as you
are moving towards it
it plunges them deep into the ground and
the ground around it begins to crack a
little bit and you can feel
the dirt underneath you begin to shake a
little bit as right from underneath you
these vines burst out from the ground
and take hold of both of your wrists um
plant is going to attempt to disarm you
okay um is this an attack role
this is an attack rule to disarm you
okay okay cool go ahead
that is a 23 day
yeah it definitely hits but
um yeah it still would hit
now as an eldritch knight bonded to your
you are now not able to be disarmed oh
yeah that's right
ah so i'm holding onto this thing and it
tries to rip this
the sword out and you see the the black
circular symbol on my left hand glow
with like a pulse and the sword stays
steadfast in my hand as you see the
runes on the sword also glow
can't take it out and i'll just look at
the thing like ah ain't gonna work
okay and that it's gonna is gonna be its
um glenn you are up what would you like
to do
um is it still trying to hold on to me
or did let go after
um it was trying to get the weapon out
from your hands
but you are not restrained in any way
all right i'm gonna hit it so what i'll
do is
uh oh boy it's just one thing so what
i'll do is you are
um technically currently on the opposite
side of the room it just sent over
through the ground can i get in can i
get up to it yeah sure
all right i'm gonna run up to it and i'm
gonna attack this thing
okay make an attack roll sure so i will
i'll look at my blade i look at my hand
my i'll look at my
right hand and you see on the wrist on
the inside you see the two tattoos you
see the first one it's the blue
circular with the designs and then you
see the other one that's red right below
uh on the inside arm with the red and uh
here we go i will quickly rub
my thumb and two fingers together on my
right arm
and the red tattoo and my two fingers
begin to glow bright red
i rapidly tap the hilt middle and end of
my sword
on the flat end of it on each tap it
seems the small rippling aura
sends it sends a rippling aura like and
thunderous sound
transferred to the blade and with the
final tap the blade becomes encompassed
with a pulsing aura of arcane energy
and i'm gonna strike it i'm gonna try
and hit it okay make an attack roll
actually before you do that okay
i'm gonna have you make another arcana
check sure to see
how much information you got from that
book so um because you rolled a 15
before that means that the difficulty
the dc
of this arcana check is five
to correctly cast this all right so i
already rolled the hit but i'll just put
that aside and i'll roll
another one for that okay let's go plus
eight plus so like nice yeah you
successfully cast this spell
okay cool all right so and then i rolled
a 16 plus
oh boy uh what is it to hit
uh it's uh 23.
yeah a 23 for sure okay so
okay so when i hit him uh the energy
from the sword seems to transfer
uh as i slash through it'll it transfers
into the wound
and the aura slightly pulses inside this
seemingly held at bay and i will roll
my damage okay uh that's this
oh man that's low uh oh but i get a
possibility good plus uh nine points of
uh piercing damage okay nine points of
piercing damage
and uh as i'm looking at this pulsing
wound i'm like oh
yes it worked and not knowing how the
spell works i will
oh man i don't know if i'm i'm going to
just take a few steps
back if i have the movement i'd like to
just move back a little bit
okay out of its reach you will be taking
an opportunity attack if you do that
that's okay
okay move back it's going to take an
opportunity attack
and that's going to be a nine to hit it
doesn't hit
okay it swings one of them vines wildly
and misses you
and i'm kind of like a becking i like do
the link back in it towards me like come
come get me okay it
now leaps forth from the wall that it
was attached
and it is going to
move its vines all the way around you
circling you
leaving you no place to move it does not
encompass you yes it does it does move
okay so
here we go guys when it moves oh yeah
the energy in the cut that is pulsing is
from its movement and the thunderous
sound emits from the wound as it is
stretched and torn larger from the force
of the energy escaping
and uh i do some damage to it as this
energy just pulses out of the wound
it's the only role for that boom and
blade baby
boom and blade geez all right
man that is a d8
all right so it takes five points of
thunder damage as it moves you just
and it rips the rips the wound a little
bit larger nice oh my gosh
okay um next up it is going to
whip two of its wire its vines towards
that is going to be a
17 and a 21 to hit
yeesh um
i will
i'm gonna catch i'm gonna i'm gonna do
it okay so uh as a reaction
um because i can stop one of them as a
reaction i will
with a quick motion and a quick whistle
like a like a high pitch like
i i raise my forearm in an arcing
fashion upwards
with an open flat hand and as i do the
blue tattoo
uh on my my right arm glows trailing
uh and pass my uh forearm upward
a glowing arcane barrier that like holds
steady around me
and uh i'll catch shield shield that's
so the first one will make it first one
misses but the second one
may get through so as the first attack
comes in i'll do that and i'll like
raise my hand up
and then it glows and uh the one the
vine slides off and then the second one
kind of pushes through awesome
okay so now i'm going to roll the damage
for the second one that hits
that is going to be 12 points of
bludgeoning damage
as this thing whips around and hits you
ouch fighter fighter hp let's go
um okay okay next up uh it's your turn
what would you like to do
um let's see
i'm going to
hit it again um i will
yeah i'm going to hit it so i'll i mean
i can't do much else guys i'm gonna hit
it again so i'm gonna do the same thing
i i take my fingers and i do the same
motion i tap tap tap
and my sword becomes pulsed in energy
and i'm gonna strike down at the
at the enemy okay
okay just making sure that i don't have
to like add more damage
okay oh wait that's wrong guys
i have to roll for attack oh my god uh
uh 16. 16 hits yeah roll your dick
okay oh that's max damage uh dude that's
so much damage
13 points of piercing damage i was like
sticking to it
you can see the the vines begin to wrath
around um
it did not enjoy that and uh
i will do it again
i'm gonna back up again if i can you
said that wasn't completely encompassing
it it is completely surrounding you you
cannot move no it isn't work out
yeah you cannot move oh that's that's it
that's my turn
okay nice okay it is going to make two
more attacks towards you
that is going to be a 19 and a 4.
um i'll cash actually i'll take it i'll
take it okay
four misses the 19 hits that is
that's going to be 16 points of blood
all right okay are you still standing
wait am i okay
oh that's a lot okay um yeah i'm up okay
and that's gonna be its turn it is still
surrounding you jesus
does it how does it look i mean i don't
know does it look like it's written most
of its vines are now like shedding and
falling to the ground
i'm going to oh boy oh my god
this is where we lose flesh oh man
i hope he's gonna be okay in there he
seems like a nice guy
i'm gonna i'm gonna like i'm really
[ __ ] up after the last hit and i'm
just like
oh man and i like take a second to kind
of just focus
and slow my breathing
when i'll use second wind to heal up a
little bit okay
a little bit um i think it's a d10
i have to look quick
oh boy yeah d10
plus my level which is three now
that's nice all right six seven eight
points okay that's
good i guess it's not enough okay so i
get eight points back of healing nice
and as i finish breathing in slow i look
at it
i'm going to oh man i want to get more
extra damage
i'm going to take my action to to
disengage uh
can i i can't get out you can't you are
unable to move then i'm just gonna
i'm just gonna i see that i'm surrounded
in fines
all right well this is it this is it
i'm gonna go out swinging and i'll do
the same thing oh
tap tap tap and strike it make an attack
12 12 hits yes okay come on come on come
on kill it
kill it now kill it now that
uh 12 points of piercing damage and with
that you swing and this thing goes
as you have now a circle of dead and
withering vines around you the green of
the vines
slowly um turns to brown and and it
dries up and withers around you
i'm like i just like after that happens
and it's dead i'll just kind of
poop just plop down on my butt and just
i'm just sitting there breathing
i did it i did it i look up
what's above me do i see any people um
no you just see
a um a like impossibly tall
uh cylindrical room you can't even see
where this thing
ends at the top you don't know if it
goes out to daylight it is
it looks like thousands and thousands of
feet tall you can't even see the top
oh wow this place is cool
and now after i look up i look down at
my arms
awesome and i'll look back over at the
door i don't know if it's open or closed
you look back at the door that you came
through and it is closed the only
door that is open is the one that the
vines came through
oh boy there's more um
i'll steal myself and look over at the
door and walk through it
okay you walk up and there is um just
beyond the gate that opened up
there is just a a very simple wooden
and as you reach out you grab hold of it
and you open it
and it opens to a hallway and you look
out and
right there to your left you see shraya
hey hey man
i did it and i went over to try it try
you see flynn running out of this room
uh black eye blood dripping from his
um he's beat up
looks like you've seen some great uh
challenges behind you uh my little
friend it wasn't a problem
i took care of it without a problem i'll
look around is chat there anyone else
out there
no just try yeah man
and i'll cough a little bit i'm good man
yeah it was super easy man
let us commence into the courtyard
perhaps i can
perhaps i can help what hail's you here
have a have a barrier i saved one
okay i'll eat mountain okay take a bite
of the berry
oh man yeah that's that helped
what you get up to
i've been focusing all of my energy on
and i hold up the if i
you now know what it is so yeah
i'm gonna send you this item's
you may disclose what it is you don't
have to disclose what it is totally up
to you
amazing i'm going to send this to you
right now
tell us
i was getting v worried for a second
depends on how shiny these let me know
if you got that
oh i got that okay nice okay
um as you guys head back out into the
courtyard um
sharya now having an understanding of
what this object is
um would you like to tell flynn about it
or do you want to keep it
by yourself
i've noticed certain things about it
that have deepened my understanding of
the earth for beings
and where we go once
we leave the earth i'm very excited to
see how it might impact my understanding
of the things we do
as we move forward
i'll be honest man i don't know what any
of that means um
i kind of feel like i could i could use
a nap
sure well perhaps i can demonstrate it
the next time
we come into an opportunity we can see
it firsthand
i'm feeling very good about what i can
do with it now
i think it will be a great help oh
um hey check this out and i'll take my
i'll just chuck it across the room
whoa oh wait no no that's not it no
try it and i'll focus and i'll summon
the sword back to my hand
and it bursts into your hand with a puff
of green smoke
cool huh that's quite a trick yeah
well congratulations on uh on
remaining alive it looks like you had to
go through quite a few trials since we
saw each other yeah it was it was a lot
but uh
i made it
here let's take a little bit of time
rest in the courtyard perhaps there are
some of your compatriots who
might want to see you now that you're
clearly in one piece
yeah where's chatham i'm not sure he
he left quite a while ago okay yeah
let's just hang out here for a bit
all right and i'll just chill and take a
short rest as you guys
uh chill out there um oma
kellick and march you guys are are now
deep within the heart of the temple
district um do you guys have anywhere
specifically that you
would like to head
or anything you're looking for do you
know which one we should be going to
are there a lot of temples here vm are
there a lot of temples here um
yeah there are temples left right and
center um
you enter this sort of this district and
you can see everywhere the iconography
of the old gods
um through here it's pretty pretty
diverse in
the gods that they worship um of the old
gods um
but with a heavy lean towards
familiar okay caleb do you know if
there's one
temple or god who who might know abyssal
more than the others
uh uh atir
might be the one who would uh he's sort
of a keeper of knowledge
although he can be a little you know
shaky as far as uh he can be a little
bit nebulous
if you will uh so uh but
i think that might be your best bet if
there's a there's one to him he's an all
dwarven man in his presentation so look
for directions of that sort
uh on the outside of the building
and i can uh i can sort of point her to
the to the one yes dm if the
would i know of which one it's here yeah
you would know
all of the the temples around here
and that is that's correct right that a
tier would probably be the one
most linguistically inclined probably
yeah oh yeah for sure
first okay okay unless there's one that
is a t fling
there is not there is not
um so oma you walk up to this this um
temple again a very nice white stone
um and it's got accents of of red wood
all over it um this one seems to be
sort of taller and skinnier in
whereas the other ones seem to be a
little bit wider at the base
you walk in and you walk in and it's
pretty much a library in here um you can
tables lining the sides where um
you can see people in robes um not
sermons but giving lectures on how to
to craft intricate little technologies
and working with um sort of like uh
mechanical clockwork
elements and you can see that there is
one head priest
um at the the front of this temple who
um scribbling furiously in his notes you
can see behind him
um plans and blueprints for some vast
and uh they're sort of overtaken by the
the books and and all the technology
that's going on in here
wow and i'm alone right i came in alone
yes okay i'm gonna walk up to
the man scribbling and look at the
blueprints what do i see
um you can make a
straight intelligence check oh
really good um 21.
uh 21. you see him scribbling into his
it looks like a machine that would be
able to
like better optimize farming and crop
and he uh he looks up at you as you
and he goes oh hello
hi and i'm still i'm not even looking
i'm still looking at the blueprint yeah
that's cool oh yeah i'm hoping it will
how big is it gonna be oh it's it's
probably gonna be about the size of a
by the time i'm done with it wow
that's so cool thank you
can i help you with something oh right
yes you can um i was traveling
uh with some friends and came across an
inscription that i couldn't read
and i was hoping maybe um because you
guys are so intelligent here and and
you've got so many books maybe you could
help me read it or or point me in the
right direction
oh yes um that's
that's something that i can definitely
do um i i
there's rarely a language that i don't
know um
if if you want to come back to my study
with me um
we can discern exactly what this is i
just i just
i i'm sort of in in the middle of my
process here so i didn't want to
i don't want to disturb the the flow of
my thoughts up here
oh sure sure that makes sense
okay thank you um i'm also um
uh would you would you mind if i brought
my assistant i don't know how delicate
this is but
um my assistant is is um sort of a
linguist herself and i'm
i'm hoping that uh i can i can teach her
some things here and there where i can
uh sure sure yeah hi i'm oma
um my name is vincent by the way i i i'm
sorry i didn't ask your name my name is
vincent ratley i am the head of um this
church to
a tear and um i am i'm the head uh
the head here hi head
and and your assistant oh she's she's
actually coming over right now her name
is rory
rory rorsk
that's a fun name oh it is
part of the reason that uh i took her on
as my apprentice
my last name is marsk and so it's kind
of similar
look at that anyway okay um and and you
can see his assistant approaches
she's got like 10 books in her hands
this is like
she they're they're leaning and she's
trying to you know maneuver around
people without
knocking these books in these papers
over are they both human
they are both human yes
um pretty much everyone that you've seen
in this whole city so far has been human
like 99 of people
thanks so much vincent i appreciate your
help you're welcome
any opportunity for knowledge i can get
um so yeah if you would like to to join
me and he
they go back into um sort of this little
back room area and you can see um as you
approach it looks like a private study
more books more books but these ones
are like thick and you can see looking
they've got loose pieces of paper coming
out of them um
probably lots of notes taken in these
um but then he sits down at his desk and
he ushers
uh rory to pull up a chair next to him
and he says all right uh what what would
i be able to translate for you
um so so i said we were traveling and
and we came across
across um um this graveyard
and this was written there and and most
of everything i could read but i
couldn't read this and
and i know that um the town around the
graveyard was having some trouble
recently not anymore they're okay now um
but i just figured maybe this would help
so that in the future it doesn't happen
oh uh i i applaud your noble pursuit um
yeah if i can see the writing i would be
able to translate it for you um
i pull out of my like the pouch of my
um i pull out um the folded piece of
that we've um like um highlighted the
the words in the shaded the words in
from the
from the wall of the tomb and i hand it
him to read okay um
as you hand it to him um it's still
sort of folded up he hasn't really
looked at it fully yet and
he said now i just
curious as to what your level of
knowledge is do you do you know
anything about this um
about the scribbles yes i mean the
language um i don't speak that language
so no i don't know anything about it
oh okay would you like to learn i can i
can teach you
at least at least at least what this
says here i can sort of
uh i i enjoy teaching people that's
that's why we have uh
rory here is is i enjoy teaching so yeah
yeah if you would like to okay and he
unfolds it and immediately his
eyes go wide and he says
oh maybe not
um where did you say you got this from
uh it is from a graveyard a graveyard
okay has anyone else seen this
um anyone else like who
um anyone anyone that you've shown this
to anyone who
was also there at the graveyard
just me just you
okay um well first off um
this is this is a very old
dialect um this is this is written in
infernal inferno can i can i insight
check because we
thought it was written in abyssal uh
yeah make an inside check
natural 20.
for sure this is infernal um
okay and he says
yes this is um infernal um
and he actually says um infernal um
the old dialect is often mistaken for
abyssal as as they are are very similar
in structure
um but this is this is very definitively
infernal and this this is
a very dangerous language to know i i
would caution you of the people that you
show this to
but yeah if you would still like me to
read it i can
um please because we don't want um any
more problems to happen
for our friends and he sort of pulls it
over in between him and rory and you can
see he takes out his quill
and rory takes out her notebook and he
sort of takes some notes in in the
translation and it takes about a minute
and he says it's not a perfect
translation but i i think i got the the
general nature of it it says
in death as in life i shall serve the
may my end be the beginning
and then i see down here below you also
something else here um it seems to be
sort of the same part as the larger but
this one down here just says
in death as in life i shall serve the
in death as in life i shall serve the
and then and then the second part of
that may my end be the beginning
and with that we're going to end this
oh snap right there
what does it mean what does it mean
all right so with that we're going to
end this session um and we can't wait to
see you guys all again next week
bye nerds bye easter
goodbye hey this is russ and i play
on venture fourth thank you for
listening make sure to follow us on
instagram facebook and twitter
adventurefourth dnd for updates and
previews of upcoming episodes
also check out our patreon if you want
to support us and get cool perks
like building a custom monster with the
dm to throw at us
thank you again for listening to this
episode i really do hope you enjoyed it
i'll see you in the next adventure
Venture Forth is a Dungeons and Dragons podcast. We play 5th edition (5e) Dungeons and Dragons in a home-brew D&D actual play setting. Our campaign takes place in the high fantasy realm of Elbor. A world of monsters, heroes and epic tales to be told. D&D is a TTRPG, a tabletop roleplaying game, also known as an RPG. Our gameplay is perfect for beginners to Dungeons and Dragons from episode 1.Olma, Flynn, March, Ceallach, Shraya
Venture Forth, Dungeons and Dragons podcast, 5e, actual play, actual play podcast, d&d, d&d 5e, d&d actual play, d&d campaign, d&d episode 1, d&d for beginners, d&d game, d&d gameplay, d&d podcast, d&d podcast for beginners, d&d podcasts for beginners, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd campaign, dnd podcast, dnd podcast ep 1, dungeons and dragons, dungeons and dragons 5e, dungeons and dragons campaign, dungeons and dragons for beginners, dungeons and dragons gameplay, role playing game, rpg, ttrpg, Alma, Fin, Finn, Fynn, Sharaya, Shraya, Shiraya, Shraia, Shraiya, Caylek, Ceylek, Cayleck, Caylick
Venture Forth, Dungeons and Dragons podcast, 5e, actual play, actual play podcast, d&d, d&d 5e, d&d actual play, d&d campaign, d&d episode 1, d&d for beginners, d&d game, d&d gameplay, d&d podcast, d&d podcast for beginners, d&d podcasts for beginners, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd campaign, dnd podcast, dnd podcast ep 1, dungeons and dragons, dungeons and dragons 5e, dungeons and dragons campaign, rpg, ttrpg
Venture Forth, Dungeons and Dragons podcast, 5e, actual play podcast, d&d, d&d 5e, d&d actual play, d&d campaign, d&d gameplay, d&d podcast, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd campaign, dnd podcast, dungeons and dragons, dungeons and dragons campaign, rpg, ttrpg