Art Seeker Stories

EP 37: Johannesburg, South Africa: Hug a Cub, Art & Conservation: 22:09:2000

Episode 37

Art Seeker Stories: A postcard from Johannesburg, South Africa :

My artist journey and travels as an art seeker, a culture vulture, a 20 something trolly dolly. My diary edit, nostalgically looking back, 22 years to the day - today.

Today, I don’t seek art, instead I seek Johannesburg’s wild animals. I hug a cub and seek South Africa’s finest wild animals at The Pilenesberg National Park. So many years later realise how art engages with us, shouting it’s plight to save our endangered animals.

Art Mentioned :
Andy Warhol's Endangered Animals
Artworks For Change: Ethics, Excess, Extinction
The Endangered Species Mural Project by The Wildlife Federation , USA

Recommended Listen:
 EP 20: Art 2 HeArt : Skye Holland, Creatively Paving New Ways in Art, Passionately Making a Difference in Wildlife Conservation.

EP 10 Cat Coulter : Eco Trash Artist - Beach Trash Blueprint for Cyanotype Photograms.