Hey Julia Woods

#1 Marriage Resource

Julia Woods

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Join me today as I share about the #1 resource for couples wanting to grow their marriage. Breakthrough is my couples communication workshop that guides couples step by step to breaking through a conversation to deeper connection and greater possibilities. If you are in a great place, a tough season, or not even sure you still want to be married, this 2.5-day workshop transforms marriages in all seasons. Tune in, and I will answer all your questions about Breakthrough and share some powerful testimonies that will inspire and encourage you as to what is possible through growing communication.

Learn more about Breakthrough & Grab your seat - https://beautifuloutcome.com/retreat-sept-24


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INSTAGRAM: Connect with me at @HeyJuliaWoods
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WEBSITE: Find more resources at BeautifulOutcome.com...

Speaker 1:

Thank you, and I am so excited you're here. I am even more excited that you are wanting to grow your marriage, and if there was just one resource that I could share with every couple who wants to grow their marriage, it would be Breakthrough. If you are married, if you communicate, if you are in a good place in your marriage, if you are in a tough place in your marriage, breakthrough is for you. Why? Well, that's what I'm going to share with you in this episode. I'm going to do my best to help you understand why this is the number one resource for every couple in a committed relationship. We're going to talk about what happens at Breakthrough, what Breakthrough is, what it isn't and how it works. And if you are wanting to go to Breakthrough, I want to share with you a really powerful opportunity that is going on right now, this week, which is three $500 scholarships are available, which doesn't ever happen Like this, is extremely rare, and so if you are wanting to go as you listen to this podcast and listen to me, share and you're like I want to go, I just need some help financially Make sure you look in the show notes below and apply for the scholarships that will be being given away in the next few days. So let's start with what happens at Breakthrough.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to share with you some really powerful results that have happened for three different couples, all in different places in their marriage. I'm going to change the couple's names for their own privacy. However, each of these stories, I think, will resonate for you. So the first one we have Joe and Sarah, and Joe and Sarah had a great marriage. They have a great marriage. They have been coaching with me for a very long time. They know all the tools. They apply this to their marriage and have been applying it to their marriage for six years, and they decided they wanted to go even deeper and come to Breakthrough. And throughout the years we've been coaching, there has been a reoccurring challenge that they face, in that Joe has been really struggling to find his passion in his work and struggling to hold a consistent job. He's changed jobs many, many times, and Sarah has really struggled, feeling the pressure of carrying the weight of the family finances and really longing for her husband, first and foremost, to get passionate about something and to consistently help provide for the family, and so we had been working on this for quite a few years. But as they began coming to break through this powerful weekend, having the concentrated time away from the busyness of life, away from the kids, they began to break through this reoccurring conflict in ways they'd never done before. And when they came to break through, they, within weeks of coming to break through, they wound up producing results that they never thought was possible. Joe got clear on his passion. He actually found a job beyond anything he ever thought was possible. And Sarah couldn't believe it. She did not think that this would would ever become a reality in their marriage and she couldn't believe the difference. That happened due to the conversations they were having at Breakthrough.

Speaker 1:

Now let's move to the next couple, which is Bob and Michelle. Now Bob and Michelle looked like the ideal couple Three teenagers going on fabulous vacations. You know, beautiful life, everything looks great. And they came in saying you know what? We have a great marriage and we just want to make it a little better. And during the weekend, what began to happen for them is they began to recognize a lot of what was going on under the surface that they didn't realize. When couples come to break through, they come with a specific conversation they want to break through. And the conversation they wanted to break through was what was keeping them from consistently connecting. They had wonderful vacations together and they would take date nights here and there, but they really longed for consistent connection throughout the week and they just couldn't seem to figure out what was in the way. And at Breakthrough they began to discover the small bits of bitterness and resentment that they had built up over the years. That was really what was blocking them from connecting, and they had significant breakthrough and they have been consistently connecting in ways that they both have shared is beyond any connection they've ever felt in their 20 plus years of marriage.

Speaker 1:

Now our third couple is Mark and Rebecca. Now Mark and Rebecca were in crisis. They actually came into breakthrough as the last ditch effort that their marriage could even possibly survive and they really had no hope. They came in and as they worked through the process through the weekend, their hearts began to soften and they began to realize how deeply they loved each other. They each began to work through their own bitterness and resentment and began confessing to each other what was going on for them, and they began to experience love and connection that they thought was dead in their marriage, and I recently talked to them. It's been about three months since they attended and they are continuing to have conversations, weekly, daily, that are blowing their minds. They came in to Breakthrough having barely talked for months. They were really struggling to talk about anything, so they were just avoiding each other. And what began to happen, and has happened since breakthrough, is they are continuing to have conversations and talk through things and work through things and moving towards creating a marriage that they have never had.

Speaker 1:

This is just a small glimpse at the power of breakthrough. So what is breakthrough? Well, sometimes the easiest way to explain what it is is to start by telling you what it is not. So, first of all, it is not a workshop to fix broken people. I don't believe there are broken people. Breakthrough is a workshop to develop the leadership in each partner, in each relationship, because your relationship is based on one conversation at a time. Each conversation that you have is moving the marriage in a certain direction and each of you are leading each of those conversations. And if you can develop your leadership abilities, your ability to lead conversations, no matter how difficult, to life, to possibilities, to discovery, to negotiation, to partnership, to love, you will lead the marriage to the one that you dream of A few other things.

Speaker 1:

That breakthrough is not. It is not a workshop where you're going to be talked at. It is a cup, a workshop where you're going to be worked with. You're going to work in it and you know, my husband and I come and we are leading it, and yet we are in it with you. We are working to break through a conversation conversation just like every couple in the workshop is working to break through.

Speaker 1:

A conversation which leads me to the second thing, or the third thing that it is not which is a group of gathering of couples who have it all together. Not one couple is there on the leadership team or in attendance who is there, acting like or talking like. They have it all together. All of us are there because we love our spouse and we want our marriage to work and we want to develop our leadership, because we've all got some days where we show up as the leader we want to be, and then we have those days where we are not anywhere close to the leader that we want to be in the conversations that we're having, as life is going a mile a minute and we're stressed and overwhelmed and chaos is pursuing. And the last thing that I'll share.

Speaker 1:

That breakthrough is not is. It's not a bunch of concepts that sound easy enough to apply and then you go home to actually start applying them and you have no idea how to actually apply it, because the presenter made it sound so easy, but when you try apply it, it doesn't work like that. No, I went to many of those types of workshops and I left or experienced more misery afterwards than before I'd gone, and that was one of the biggest reasons I wanted to create something different. I wanted to create a practical application workshop where you were actually workshopping the tools, and so the way that I do that is every couple comes in with a specific conversation they want to break through, whether it is what school are the kids going to go to?

Speaker 1:

Or you know what, what? How are we going to start connecting more regularly? Or you know, how are we going to better divide household responsibilities? Or how are we going to, you know, create a financial budget that we both can agree with, right? They're coming in with the conversations. They keep going round and round that they can't seem to break through. That's the kind of conversation couples come in to break through, and what happens is, as the weekend goes by. You're using the tools you're being taught to break through the specific conversation you came to break through. Throughout the process, you're going to get hands-on support. That's what breakthrough is. It's a place for you to come and get the hands-on support that you need for what's going on in the conversation you came to break through.

Speaker 1:

The beautiful thing is is, once you learn how to break through a conversation, you're going to be able to take this home and break through the next conversation and the next conversation, and one conversation at a time, you're going to start reinventing and reigniting and creating the marriage that you've longed for and deepen what you already love about the marriage. And the last thing I'm going to share about one of the most beautiful things that Breakthrough is is it's an exhale. It is on this most beautiful property, set in the cutest town of Lexington, virginia, and it is an exhale. From the moment you drive onto that property, you, the cares of life just float off of you and there is this amazing, incredible 3 million gallons of fresh water every day come into this massive spring that is at the heart of the property and it is a. By most weekends it's a wedding venue and on breakthrough weekends. It is where we house breakthrough and you will have outdoor activities to enjoy the property and the spring. And wow, it is just incredible your meals are taken care of. Everything is there for you so that you, too, can just focus on each other and working through what you're learning and breaking through this conversation and falling deeper in love and connection. And while that sounds very kumbaya and there's plenty of couples who have come in in really hard places who thought there's no way that's going to happen and it happens for couple after couple after couple it's like a romantic getaway that actually produces significant results in the marriage. So how does all this happen?

Speaker 1:

Well, about four years ago, after years and years of coaching couples, I started thinking about what could happen if I could get couples together, move them out of the day-to-day chaos of life, because coaching calls only happen every week or every other week. So there was a lot of space happening between our conversations, and I wanted to remove the space and create a bigger space where we could go deeper much quicker. And so I thought what if I could get couples to choose one conversation they wanted to break through and then I could walk them through some series of transformational tools that are the most powerful tools to break through a conversation, and so that's what I created, and I was. I'm blown away by how incredible of a resource it is. But what happens throughout the weekend is there's five rounds, what I call a round, and a round is made up of four parts.

Speaker 1:

So what happens first is I will give you a transformational tool or a transformational distinction that will help you, like, think about what you're listening for in the conversation, or you know things like that, and then what will happen is I'll open up what's called the communication lab, where you'll have an opportunity for me to coach you on applying that specific tool to the conversation you came to break through. And then you'll go into what's called the couples connections, where you'll go out around the property and you'll have an opportunity to you know work. Take the conversation starters or the prompts that I'll give opportunity to you know work. Take the conversation starters or the prompts that I'll give you to you know, break through the conversation that you're having while you're taking a walk in on this gorgeous property, or while you're in a canoe canoeing on the spring, or while you're sitting at a picnic lunch, and then you'll come back in and you'll sit with a couple, a few other couples, and you'll debrief what worked about that couple's connection, what didn't work about it, what's wanted and needed for the next one for you to break through the conversation you came here to break through. That is what a round is, and we go through five of those in the two and a half days and what happens is mind-blowing. These tools are layered and very intentionally ordered and they are like a chisel breaking through what you didn't even know was blocking you from breaking through the conversation.

Speaker 1:

So what you experience at Breakthrough it's not possible in any other option that I offer. It's not possible in coaching calls, it's not possible in any of the courses that I offer, because it's unique. It's unique in regards to it's an immersive, hands-on experience that will open up new possibilities beyond anything that you have ever experienced. And it is couple after couple after couple that reviews Breakthrough as a 10-star, gives it a 10-star rating, and here's just a glimpse into what just a few of the things people are saying about Breakthrough. It was transformative in ways I couldn't imagine were possible. The weekend exceeded all my expectations. My experience was beyond my expectations and they were pretty high. It was such an impactful weekend and I am leaving forever changed. Breakthrough is exactly what we needed. It was filled with tools that have taught us new ways to communicate and to connect like we never have before. These are the kind of results that Breakthrough offers, and it is a powerful opportunity.

Speaker 1:

Currently, I offer Breakthrough three times a year. I offer it in the spring, in the summer and in the fall, and as it grows, as more and more couples catch on, my vision is for it to grow beyond that, to grow into a global opportunity where I offer breakthroughs in other countries and in other parts of this country. And if you are listening right now, our next breakthrough is coming up in September September 27th through 29th and currently we have a few spots left and we have scholarships available for them. So there are currently three scholarships. My husband and I just celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary this week and we want to offer $500 off for three couples, and there what will happen is you will apply for the scholarship and then the winner will be selected based on the couple who seems most ready and most eager and most in need of this financial aid to help you get there. So if you are listening and you're like I want that, please sign up in the.

Speaker 1:

In the show notes underneath you will find the link to the breakthrough website where you can learn all about it and you will see any dates that are coming up, and you will also find the first thing you'll find in the show notes is the scholarship option, while that is available. You'll find in the show notes is the scholarship option while that is available. If you're listening after that and you're like I really need some aid, I could really use that, just message me and let me know and I will put you on a wait list for the next time a scholarship opportunity opens up. It's very, very rare, but occasionally it does open up, just like it's opened up right now. So I hope this has been helpful for you and if you have any questions about Breakthrough, I love talking about it. It is the most exciting thing I get to do and I'm blown away by what happens in that room over two and a half days.

Speaker 1:

So if you have additional questions beyond what I've shared here and what's on the website, please do not hesitate to email me and let's connect, and I'm here to help you create the marriage that you long for.

Speaker 1:

That's going to do it for this episode of hey, julia Woods. Now I have a quick favor to ask of you If you've ever gotten any value from this podcast and you haven't already, please leave us a five-star rating and a quick review in the app that you're using to listen right now. It just takes a couple seconds, but it really goes a long way in helping us to share even more valuable marriage growth tips and interviews here. This episode shares the power of what can happen when a spouse takes responsibility for who they are, being one conversation at a time. And if you want the marriage that you long for, click that first link in the show notes and this will take you straight to the resource that's going to solve that for you. I can't wait to connect with you inside my membership, where you can get the support you need to grow the marriage you long for 24-7. All right, that's going to do it for the show. My name is Julia Woods. I'll talk to you next time.