Pandemic Survival Part 2
Marriage Is Tougher Than Woodpecker Lips
Marriage Is Tougher Than Woodpecker Lips
Pandemic Survival Part 2
Nov 02, 2021 Season 1 Episode 31
Bryan Hooks , Paul Sargent & Harlan Tabron

Welcome back to this deep diving episode where our friend John tells us a lot more about the way he dealt with the ordeal of the pandemic.

We want to thank John for being as open and raw with all of the details of his experience. We would also like to thank his wife Heather for being the "Real MVP" while helping our close friend and her husband through this tough time. I'm sure you've had plenty of struggles of your own during these times which is a testament to your strength!

Thanks again we love you both!

We hope you enjoy!

Please reach out to us at:
IG: marriageistougher

Let us know if you would like to be a guest on the show or share topic ideas

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This goes a long way to help us get our message out to more men ready to be better husbands!

Thank You,
Paul , Bryan and Harlan

P.S.  If you've read this far, be the first join us on Facebook and leave a message about what topic you want to talk about. We will arrange for the first three (3) people to message to be on the show or you can just give us your topic that you want us to discuss if that's more your speed. Either way, reach out and be part of the community!