Under The Log - A Podcast about GORUCK Events and People.

Ep. 08 - Grace Burns - 2021 GORUCK Star Course 12 Miler (Richmond)

Ryan Burns, Grace Burns Episode 8

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In this episode of Under The Log we talk with Grace Burns about winning the 2021 GORUCK Star Course 12-Miler in Richmond VA. Grace is only 14-years-old and was a lot of fun to talk to. Though, I'm a bit biased... she's also my daughter.

If you're feeling inspired to do a GORUCK event, you can find upcoming events right here.  In particular, here's a link to the GORUCK Star Course.

As I mentioned halfway through the show, if you'd like some inspiration for your daily workouts, check out the Ruck WOD website at ruckwod.com

The Under The Log Podcast is part of The Rucking Collective, a collection of websites devoted to the sport of rucking.

Ryan Burns:

Hey gang, you're listening to Under The Log the podcast where we talk to men and women who recently completed go ruck events. In today's episode, we're talking to grace burns, who recently completed the go rock star course 12 miler up in Richmond, Virginia. And not only that, but well. She's my daughter. I think she's pretty awesome. Before we get into this episode, I just wanted to say thanks. Thanks for listening to this podcast. And thanks for supporting all our projects at the rockin collective. I mean, you guys and gals are out there, you're doing the rocking challenges from looking challenges calm you. Check out our ruck dot training website. Yeah, read the articles at ruck dot beer. And, you know, I got a lot of websites. So I just wanted to say thanks. Thanks for being a part of this community. And thanks for giving me something to do with my free time. With that, let's get on to our interview with grace burns in the star course. 12 months. Oh grace, Thanks a ton for coming on the episode today. We're gonna be talking about your go rock star course 12 miler up in Richmond, Virginia. Before we get started, if you take a minute, just introduce yourself to everyone you know, let them know all kind of the basic stuff name age, what you do for a living that sort of thing.

Grace Burns:

Sure. My name is Grace burns. I am 14 and am a student. I'm a freshman in high school. Nice. Nice and

Ryan Burns:

like What's what? What's the name of the high school? Where do you go to where do you go school?

Grace Burns:

I am homeschooled. Actually,

Ryan Burns:

wow. What kind of crazy people homeschool. Awesome. So I guess the the crazy people that homeschool is actually your mother. Because Surprise, surprise, you're my daughter. You already knew that. But yeah, everybody on the on the show here might not have known that. So yeah, so Grace is my daughter. And this last weekend, her and I went out and crush the go rock star course 12 miler here in Richmond, Virginia. So thanks for coming on the show today, sweetheart.

Grace Burns:

Thank you for having me.

Ryan Burns:

Yeah. So for those folks that are listening, that might not know what the GORUCK star course is, it's a little bit different than than what people typically think of with GORUCK events. A lot of times people think of the GORUCK challenges, things like that. So grace, could you take a moment and explain to everybody like what, what is the go rock star course?

Grace Burns:

Sure. Um, so a star course is there. It's a big it's a rock. Basically, there's no PT or anything. You at the start get your destinations, and you have to go around the city or wherever you are. And take a picture at each location. It's generally a given distance. So ours was a 12 mile. ruck, and Yeah, awesome.

Ryan Burns:

So no, like, there's no like Cadre yelling at you or anything?

Grace Burns:

No. Which is nice.

Ryan Burns:

Yeah. Does your does your partner ever yell at you?

Grace Burns:

You did not. But I don't know.

Ryan Burns:

Only only if they get you really last? Yeah, yeah. So um, yeah. So Star Wars is super fun. So this was your very first go ruck event, right?

Grace Burns:

Yes, sir. It was.

Ryan Burns:

Yeah. So what made you want to sign up for this?

Grace Burns:

Well, it was actually kind of funny, because just a couple weeks before, I'd been thinking about how I actually I really wanted to, I wanted to do a GORUCK kind of since you got into them, because they sounded really fun. But I was thinking that I probably had to wait till I'm like 16 because that was the age on the website. And then you came up and was asked if I wanted to do a star course. And it's like, that sounds pretty fun.

Ryan Burns:

And that was it. You're like, Yes, amen.

Grace Burns:

Yeah. But a week before,

Ryan Burns:

so. So it sounds to me like you've been reading the go ruck website. Is that correct?

Grace Burns:

Yes. I yeah, it was for a couple months. Actually.

Ryan Burns:

And so were you thinking about, like, trying to do a light or something like that?

Grace Burns:

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. But, uh, I don't know. It seemed like there'd be too much. Yeah, like,

Ryan Burns:

there's, there's usually a fair amount of yellow. Which is, which is what is fun about the GORUCK star courses. This is actually the second one that I've done. And just the environments really cool. Lots of people that are out there just to have a good time, get out see the city. And so it's it's, it's fun, the Cadre are chill. We had Cadre, Cadre Matt was out there with us. And it was a lot of fun. So you know, first event, I came up and I said, Hey, you know, this is gonna be in Richmond, I had thought about inviting other people within our family, but kind of everybody had stuff going on, you know, your younger brother had a soccer game. The other one was doing Model UN. And so I was like, man be great if just me and you could do it. And so I was excited when you said that you were into it. Now, for the folks at home. Let them know, kind of like what your training look like before you went to this? Because I mean, 12 miles is not. Not that much. Or I mean, it is. I mean, it's not it's not nothing, right? It's, yeah, yeah. So what what did your training look like for the event?

Grace Burns:

Um, I think I went on two rocks that were about two miles each. I'd been running in the mornings. And so I just for the two days leading up to it. I switched it over to racking instead, which ended up giving me a pretty bad neck cramp. So that was alarming the day before. Okay, so,

Ryan Burns:

like, what kind of what kind of mileage were you running before that?

Grace Burns:

about two miles each morning?

Ryan Burns:

Okay. And how long had you been doing that?

Grace Burns:

maybe a month.

Ryan Burns:

Okay. So you're First off, you didn't even know that you were doing a go rock star course. You're out there running. And then I'm pretty sure I asked you like the Monday before it. So yeah, so you had like five days to get ready. So you, you grab your rock. And you go out for two rocks? accumulated a total of four miles of distance. Yeah. Any idea how much weight you were training with?

Grace Burns:

A my science book and math book. So however much that is?


Are they are they big books?

Ryan Burns:

Well, I mean,

Grace Burns:

yes. But like, probably no more than 15 pounds.

Ryan Burns:

Okay. All right. So you tossed a couple books in there. You went for a couple miles. And then you sprained your neck or something like what was

Grace Burns:

the day before I woke up, and it was fine. And then about around breakfast, I couldn't look to the left and spent the whole day. Like basically like that. And then I woke up the next day, and it was fine. So that was pretty weird. And definitely alarming. But yeah,

Ryan Burns:

yeah. So yeah, your mom or I can't remember if it was you or your mom text me. And it was like grace. Grace can't move her neck to the left. Which is weird, because it's totally like that's an injury that I've had before where I've sprained my neck, like leading up to an event. And I don't know if it's from rocking or just something weird happening. But hopefully this isn't like a genetic thing. Next brains before events, but yeah, so you woke up that next day, and everything was fine. I checked in with you. And you're like, yep, was let's, let's go, let's do this. So, the morning of rolls around, like, you wake up that day, like how you how you feel? And like, Are you nervous about it? Or what?

Grace Burns:

So I was thinking about that, and honestly, I don't think I was nervous at all. Like, I I feel like I would be more nervous to do another. To then to then that was that first time because I just honest, I like 12 miles was like out No, no, I've never walked more than seven miles before. So I didn't really have a good gauge of how much that was gonna be. So I wasn't really nervous at all.

Ryan Burns:

Okay, so so we roll up to the event, and, like, did you have anything in your mind of like, what it was gonna be like when we got there? And like, how did that compare to what it was in reality?

Grace Burns:

Yeah, I was kind of intimidated, I guess because, you know, I figured I was probably going to be the youngest person there. And you know, everyone else who is there, like, you know, I saw like different patches and stuff with like the different ruck go work that they've done before. And so it was kind of it was I was a little bit intimidated just because there were so many people who knew what they were doing. But I was really excited, I think. Yes, Lee? Yeah.

Ryan Burns:

So we're out there. And we're getting ready. You know, as I was talking to some of my buddies and connecting with them, and Cadre calls us over, and like you explained earlier to folks, you know, basically, the Cadre gives us a sheet with a bunch of waypoints on it, just a bunch of sites to around town. And they either have coordinates or they have an address. And the idea of the star course is that you get out, you put in some miles, you have a good time, and you get to see different parts of your city. So he gives us our waypoints. And so what did we do once we got those,

Grace Burns:

so we got them, and you started putting them into an app you gotten before, but it wasn't working, because the start and end point were the same place. And the app wanted it to not be the same place. And so it kept making it all weird. So we couldn't get a good a good, like, order to go in. So eventually, just we're like, you know, a little ways away, because we just started walking, and you're like, no, it let's it's a big circle, let's just go in a circle, which ended up being a really good plan, which was nice.

Ryan Burns:

Yeah, yeah. So yeah, I totally felt like a, like a tool. Because, like, you know, I've got all these websites I write about go rock, and I, you know, I pay way too much attention to it. And so simple things like what app to use for a star course and how to, like, I would I would write an article and tell people, you know, use these apps. And, and, like, the number one rule is like, always test your gear, right. So I should have tested this app. But I literally looked at it for like four seconds the day before. Like, oh, yeah, you just put the addresses in, it'll be fine. It will be fine. So I started to freak out when it wasn't working. Because I'm like, everybody's gonna be leaving. And we're just gonna stand in here. And so like you said, I kind of winged it showed Cadre and we just started walking. And it was probably half a mile before I was like, You know what, forget it. It's Yeah. It just looks like a big circle. So. So we kind of set off like, how did you feel as we started going, like, I guess, to two things like how did you feel about me? Not having a clue how to use the app? Like, how did you feel about that? And then like once we started going, like, what was like What was going through your head?

Grace Burns:

So about the app honest, I wasn't too worried because like, you know, it's Richmond. How bad can it get? But I, I think what stood out to me the most was that basically, the moment we started walking, my heel started hurting, and it didn't really stop hurting until it went numb. So that was unfortunate, because I was just wearing my sneakers because I don't have any other shoes. Which is definitely something if I were to do it. Again. I would like to have not my sneakers. Yes, they aren't super comfortable.

Ryan Burns:

Yeah, I remember you at one point. I can't remember where it was, you know, I think it might have been after the coffee bar slash juice bar. That we were walking and I was just kind of checking in with you. And you said, you know, my heel was hurting, but now it's known.

Grace Burns:

Yeah, that was around the third stop. I think the market building. Okay. Yeah, it was like, well, that's kind of nice. Because it doesn't hurt at least. Like sure it won't be nice later. But

Ryan Burns:

yeah, so so I guess it turns out whenever we got to the end point, you were finally able to take off your shoes like you

Grace Burns:

Yeah, nasty blister.

Ryan Burns:

Yeah, pretty huge. Like, is it all like fall skin all fallen off yet?

Grace Burns:

It's mostly gone. It's like a scab. No. Okay. So that's nice.

Ryan Burns:

Yeah, it was it was pretty gross. Yeah. So so like your your heels hurting. So what do you do? You're just I mean,

Grace Burns:

keep walking cuz my heel actually hurts, like, a lot. Different types of hurting. But I just like I don't I mean, not gonna stop, like 10 minutes in so just kind of kept walking.

Ryan Burns:

So your heel hurts all the time. Basically. Just keep walking. Yeah, I guess that's that's a pretty good life lesson. Again, hope you're enjoying our conversation with grace burns. I know I sure had a lot of fun. out there rockin with her. You know what else is fun? Checking out the workouts@ruckwod.com. I mean, you want to talk about a good time. There's a good time posted there every single day. ruck based workouts for you, your friends, your mom, anybody? Go check it out@ruckwod.com. With that. Let's get back to talking to grace.


All right, so

Ryan Burns:

we're going, we're going from point A to point, you know, I think, excuse me, we had a man, I hope I remember to edit out those coughs. We're going from point to point. So was it for you like, was it just like one long, boring locker or what like how to definitely

Grace Burns:

not It was really fun, because a lot of it was, you know, I recognize the places we are going. And so it was really interesting seeing that, like, Whoa, I can walk all the way to Willow lawn, like, that's pretty cool. I never, because we always go on the highway to get there. So I'm like, I didn't know you could walk to Willow lawn, but you can. So that was really interesting. And it was fun to like, see all the different places. And I really liked seeing the different people out to like, you know, running into other records and stuff. In passing them. That was fun to

Ryan Burns:

see you like.

Grace Burns:

Yeah, that was that was satisfying.

Ryan Burns:

Yeah. So I think, you know, I think we got a little bit of a late start because of my inability to work the app, right. And so it was probably about three miles in, we were going to our third checkpoint, and we kind of came over a hill, a little bit of a hill by the baseball stadium. And I looked and I saw the people ahead of us. And I was like, Oh, I was like, I feel like we're, we're gaining on them. And you know, it probably took a mile or so for us to catch up to them. But it was it was pretty fun. Because like, I'm out there. I'm having a good time and all that stuff. But you know, I'm competitive too. Yeah, it feels good to pass. People done it. Like Yeah,

Grace Burns:

it's like, I'm not doing bad.

Ryan Burns:

Yeah. So so we passed a couple people, we got to that way point. And then, you know, we passed, we passed a few more. So we were we were actually moving pretty quick. Like, do you? I'm sure I shared it with you. But like, do you remember what our pace was?

Grace Burns:

I think it was like, hovering around the 15 minute mile. Pull. Yeah,

Ryan Burns:

yeah, I think at the end, like our cumulative pace, including the like once dot one and a half stops that we made was was like 1520, which is like that's, that's a real? That's a real good pace. Yeah. Like, for you, you know, I'm your dad. I'm six one you're like, not six?

Grace Burns:

Not Definitely not.

Ryan Burns:

Do you even know how tall you are? How tall?

Grace Burns:

However tall mom is? I'm like, a couple centimeters.

Ryan Burns:

I think she's five, nine and three quarters or something like that. Yeah. Okay, so we obviously have a different stride. Like, how hard was it for you to keep that pace? Like for me, that's, it's like it's a brisk walk. I mean, I got long legs. So how did that feel for you?

Grace Burns:

So for about the first half, I basically had to take a step and a half for yours. So like every, like six or seven steps, I'd do like a double step and catch up and it was fine. And then we had one more checkpoint to go and it was really far out. It was like two or three miles out, and it was definitely the most boring stretch. But that that that got a little, a lot harder. A def he would kind of add just kind of walk rather slowly and then you'd get ahead and I'd have to jog to catch up and just kept going like that. Yeah,

Ryan Burns:

yeah, there were a few points where I kind of felt bad because you would, it'd be like, step step, shuffle step. And, and then there was there was definitely one point where I was. I just kind of knew that I was walking in front of you, like, yeah, she's not walking beside me anymore, but I'm gonna keep going and see if she'll keep up. Yeah. But, uh, like, did you ever feel like oh my gosh, this is too fast. There's no way that I can do this.

Grace Burns:

I didn't ever feel like it was too fast. Because, I mean, it was just walking. And by the, by the time that I was getting really hard, we had like, maybe two miles left, and I really, really Didn't want to stop because about a mile back I'd kind of stopped and like sat back on my heels. And I don't really regret doing it. But it was very it took a good half mile to like be like, okay, walking. Yeah, again. So

Ryan Burns:

yeah, I find like when you do long rocks like that, like whenever you stop, it's everything just kind of locks up and it's like, like walking here feel good after that.

Grace Burns:

Yeah, so I guess mostly I was just like, I really just don't want you to be like, let's stop. Please. No. So.

Ryan Burns:

So, um, so you said it was probably on, like the last two miles were hard. So up until then, like you felt pretty good for the first like, nine 910 miles.

Grace Burns:

Yeah, it was kind of like at the first mile, things started hurting, but it never really hurt any worse than that until the last one or two miles. So it was it was just kind of like, Oh, I guess I can just keep going.

Ryan Burns:

And so once it started hurting, like, was it was it just more I don't want to stop to because I don't want to feel the pain? Or like, what was driving you to keep going? And like, you never once were like, Hey, Dad, let's slow down. So so like, What? How? How are you able to just keep pushing it.

Grace Burns:

I don't like slowing down. I don't like being the one who's like, we have to go slower. And I really like those, I really like long distance events and stuff for swimming. Because there's just the grind and you just kind of think about don't really think about it. And it's just, you just kind of keep going. And it's really fun to see how long you can keep going. And I've always enjoyed the like, trying to push more and not be the one to stop.

Ryan Burns:

Nice. So I like that. Yeah, that's kind of how I am too.

Grace Burns:

He's always like, he's probably never gonna stop. It's gonna keep going darn. When I fixed such a good part.

Ryan Burns:

Well, I mean, it was funny, we got to that first checkpoint at the Art Museum. And I was like, Alright, well, let's just stop at each thing. We'll take off our rocks, we'll get some water. And then we'll get going. And then like, we got to we got to the second point, there was just tons of people. They're

Grace Burns:

all just kind of stop. And I was like, I

Ryan Burns:

was like, in my head. I don't think I said it to you. I was like, if we keep going, we're gonna pass like, five or six groups. Like, let's go.

Grace Burns:

I think I mentioned something once we were about a block was like he's past like, 20 people. Yeah, that was exaggeration. Not trying.

Ryan Burns:

It felt good. Yeah. Yeah. And after that, I was like, Well, I mean, let's just take our picture and keep going. And I was like, I really had no idea how you would do like you said, I mean, I knew that you had never gone 12 miles before. I know that I walked fast. And so I was, I was just kind of going and I'd check in with you every now and then be like you Okay, and you'd be like, yep, I'm good. And, and I was looking at the pictures from all our checkpoints. And it's funny because like, you know, the first two or three, like, you've got a big smile on the fourth one. It's like you kind of you're like, Okay, we're here. And like at the last checkpoint is just like, take the picture. Let's go.

Grace Burns:

Yeah, like, and I'm sure it's like, sometimes someone's gonna be like, oh, let's go to the gardens for your field trip. I'm like, nope. Never want to go there again.

Ryan Burns:

Only if we drive.



Ryan Burns:

Awesome. So did you have any idea like how well we were doing while we were out there?

Grace Burns:

No. I mean, there was one. There was one point where I was like, when we were we were almost to the last checkpoint, I think. And it felt like we're almost there. But we weren't. And there was this group that we passed, and I don't remember quite what they said. But it's something like do you have Do you have three or four checkpoints left? We're like, one, they're like, what? That was like, Wait a second. they've they've only gotten like, one or two checkpoints?

Ryan Burns:

Yeah. I think they had to. They had the potato building. And I think the the juice bar. Yeah. So yeah, that was definitely one where I was like, mentally trying to do the math like, okay, where, where are they? How much? How many miles is that? Um, so I mean, that that kind of leads us to the finish where we crossed the line. And like, like, how did that feel? I mean, I know I guess we could tell people like towards the end maybe the last half mile you know, you were doing so well. I kind of wanted to push you a little bit so we well, what was kind of that strategy for like that last half mile?

Grace Burns:

Yeah. for about about the last half mile we would do like we just pick a tree and just shuffle to that and then walk to the next one in the new shuffle so it was a mix of shuffle walk for a little while

Ryan Burns:

yeah so just a great little way to shave off some seconds i think at that point like i was trying to drop our average pace a little bit yeah i really wanted us to be under the 1530 or so we

Grace Burns:

were like 1529

Ryan Burns:

like let's go let's go yeah um so then then we get to like the last you know couple 100 yards or whatever and i was like alright once we get to the path let's just let's just go for it and oh my god like he took off like i was trying to like film it or whatever and i was like oh she's like running real

Grace Burns:

yeah i really like that final sprint and honestly i'm a little annoyed i didn't go faster because i was tired so i kind of misjudged how long there was so i was like i don't know i like sprinting but not like for the only event yeah but so just yeah just finished really really strong


yeah like going

Grace Burns:

up i saw a couple people i was like okay so but like there weren't a lot of people there so like oh it must have done pretty good

Ryan Burns:

so so we crossed the line and Cadre match there and he he gives us the patch and he tells us something like like how did how did that feel like talk me through that experience

Grace Burns:

yeah so we get we get there and kind of i just throw my rock off because my shoulders are really bad and he gives us a fashion like oh that's so cool and he's like congrats you won and i was like thanks like you know yeah we finished yeah and you were like whoa what i was like wait oh we won and it definitely took a couple seconds to sink in but like we'd gotten first place the people who were there had done the 26 milers so yeah we got first for the 12 mile

Ryan Burns:

yeah that was that was pretty cool that was really really cool like i knew that we were moving on i knew that a 15 minute mile you know in that range would be good but like if you know i knew that definitely there could be people going faster than that so i you know i was like it's it's gonna be a really good time but when he said that we were first like i couldn't believe it

Grace Burns:

yeah i just kept kind of like a couple hours we're just sitting there i just get like it's kind of cracking up cuz i'm like i cannot believe that i like i'd see these people come in i'm like i beat you yeah how did how did i beat you thanks sense so those groups with like you know like really fancy gear and like her and it's like how did yeah it took a while to like be like really nice oh wow i actually did

Ryan Burns:

yeah and and i mean you earned it like you know it's you went out there you didn't stop i mean outside of that one vmfa quick stop like you know you threw your ruck off at the end because like you said you hadn't taken it off and whatever it was like 10 miles or something like that so that was really cool and i enjoyed sitting around and chatting with people and you know hearing stories from from folks that have done the 26 miler and all that stuff

Grace Burns:

eating possibly the best orange i've ever had

Ryan Burns:

orange every everything tastes a little bit better at the end of an event doesn't it so let's see when when you look back at the event as a whole like what was what was probably like the hardest part for you and how did you deal with it

Grace Burns:

it was probably we were coming up on the aircraft gardens and there was a hill and i hate hills which is why i like richmond because there's not a lot of them and so i kind of was we were walking and i noticed and i was like we're on a hill and like we'd been looking back we'd been on the hill for a while but i just noticed it then and that was i was just can we just pause for a minute but i guess kinda like what i was saying before like i don't like asking to stop and so and i knew that we were like about half a mile away from the checkpoint and i was like no that we can i was like all right at the checkpoint or kind of sit down and if i need to we'll stop but uh i kind of sat down i was like i'm not stopping but but yeah that was definitely that that point was pretty hard

Ryan Burns:

yeah so overall do you like it

Grace Burns:

yes i really liked it it was super fun

Ryan Burns:

so was it was it kind of all you thought it would be or was it better Yeah,

Grace Burns:

it was definitely more of a, of a go ruck than I was anticipating which was nice. Like I was saying, like, you know, like, yeah, to your claim, like, it really did feel like it was a GORUCK. Like, which was, which was nice because now I can it doesn't feel like I saw an ad one. It's like, No, I did one.

Ryan Burns:

Yeah. Yeah, it's it's a real event. Like, I've talked to some people, and they're like, you know, the star course doesn't really make sense. It's like, you know, it's just going out. But like, especially, you know, depending on where you are in your fitness level, like, I was kind of in that camp, and went out. And when I did the 50 miler in DC, it was like, Oh, no, this is really hard. Because I probably trained for that, like you trained for this.



Ryan Burns:

So awesome. And so any future GORUCK events for you?

Grace Burns:

Well, there is one in DC in three months. So if you're interested, I'd love to do that.

Ryan Burns:

Yeah, I have. So couple things. First off, check my calendar second off I, the DC the, there's just such a high likelihood that they're going to make us go on the C and o canal. Which is just the worst thing on the planet. But I would be willing to go on the CNO canal to do it with you. So as long as long as the calendars open, I guess we'll go up to DC for for your first 26 miler. That's that's like a marathon.

Grace Burns:

But But you weren't running. See that's that's the difference. rucking is so much better than running.

Ryan Burns:

Yeah. I think a lot of people that listen to this podcast are gonna agree with you right there. Yeah. So you know, any any advice for like the moms and dads out there that are listening? And they're like, Man, you know, my kid would never do this. Like, any advice for them to get their kids involved in rucking Ah,

Grace Burns:

tell them how much cooler it is to get a patch over a metal because it's a lot cooler.

Ryan Burns:

It's true. Grace and I When did we talk about this?

Grace Burns:

Right up Willow lawn when it was it was a going right past me. Yeah.

Ryan Burns:

So we were we were out on the on the course. And Grace was like, patches are so much better. Because like, what do you do? You can't like walk around wearing your metal? Like, you know, so I was like, you just get our medals and like, walk around with them. But But yeah, like patches are way cooler, because you can put them on your backpacks and wear them around all the time and be reminded of what you did. Which is pretty awesome. Well, Grace, I've got to say just how incredibly proud of you I am. You know, look, I know that I'm six foot one. You know, whenever I go and ruck with people, inevitably people complain about you know how long my stride is. But you know, you you dug deep you never once complained. Like even though you couldn't feel your Hill, you had a giant blister you you push through the whole event. And you know, you you earn your patch, and you earn the respect of all the men and women that were out there. And you should you should feel really good about that.

Grace Burns:

Thank you.

Ryan Burns:

So, with that, thanks for coming out on the show. I look forward to doing an event with you again in the future. That that dc 26 miler. Maybe sometime in the near future, we can look at getting a go ruck basic. It's not called by it anymore. Yeah. So Well, we'll see about what it might take to get you and one of those and maybe someday we can be Under The Log together.

Grace Burns:

Yes, sir. Looking forward to it.

Ryan Burns:

Oh, and I love you.


Love YouTube dad.

Ryan Burns:

say that I'm a proud Papa would be, it'd be a bit of an understatement. I mean, getting to do the go rock star course with my daughter was an amazing experience for me. To see her and all that she did. Just it warms my heart. But the truth is, it's just a drop in the bucket of how amazing she is. As a young woman. I'm so proud of her. And I can't wait to do more events with her. And more than that. I just can't wait to see her grow up. Be all that God has created her to be. She's pretty amazing. And you know what? You're amazing too. I mean, not like something My daughter, but you're pretty cool. And I hope that you enjoyed this podcast if you did, I'd love it if you took an opportunity to share it with some of your friends, maybe your ruck clubs folks that you know that are out here doing GORUCK events. If you're interested in show notes, links to things that grace and I talked about today, or just want to check out some other episodes, visit us at Under The log.com. And I guess that's it. We'll see you next time Under The Log.