Teach Outdoors

How to Overcome Springtime Challenges

Lauren MacLean Season 2 Episode 3

Today’s episode is all about overcoming springtime challenges, especially when it comes to allergen season. I don’t know about you, but my eyes are watery and itchy, even my ears are itchy! That doesn’t stop us from getting outside to explore, we just need a few extra tips up our sleeves. If you have any additional tips you'd like to share with us, please feel free to leave a voice message on Speakpipe. You don't need to set up an account and it's completely anonymous! I'll share out some of the tips you leave me on the next episode! 

We will also talk about how our new garden beds are progressing. What are we harvesting right now? How are the learners enjoying their new garden classroom? One of the best things we've done so far is using a 4-square worksheet to help guide and facilitate our observations. You can download the worksheets here!

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