Teach Outdoors

Leaves Under Investigation: A Close-Up Study

Lauren MacLean

In this episode of Teach Outdoors, join host Lauren MacLean for a cozy exploration of leaves in "Leaves Under Investigation: A Close-Up Study." Dive into the spontaneous adventures of leaf inquiries, where students jump into piles, create leaf art inspired by "Leaf Man," and delve into leafy details. Discover the vibrant colors, symmetrical patterns, and unique characteristics of leaves found in British Columbia, from the majestic Cedar to the iconic Maple. Explore leaf veins through activities like leaf rubbings and vein poetry, and even mimic the graceful descent of falling leaves in an impromptu dance performance. Plus, find inspiration in picture books like "Leaf Jumpers" and "Leaf Man" to ignite leaf inquiries in your own outdoor explorations.

As we conclude our leafy expedition, let's recognize the vital
role leaves play in our ecosystem and strengthen our bond with the natural
world. Share your leafy discoveries on Instagram @teachoutdoors.ca, and until
next time, keep wandering, keep wondering, and keep celebrating the beauty of