Synapse SNPs

Core to Floor

October 11, 2022 Dr. Troy Spurrill
Core to Floor
Synapse SNPs
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Synapse SNPs
Core to Floor
Oct 11, 2022
Dr. Troy Spurrill

In this episode Dr. Troy Spurrill, owner of  Synapse Center for Health and Healing, Dr. Joshua Wallert, Lead Practitioner, and Marque Gant, Clinic Director have a conversation about Core to Floor. 

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode Dr. Troy Spurrill, owner of  Synapse Center for Health and Healing, Dr. Joshua Wallert, Lead Practitioner, and Marque Gant, Clinic Director have a conversation about Core to Floor. 

Speaker 0: Welcome to the Podcast, where we explore the power of health and healing On this podcast... We will be talking with health experts, professionals and leaders about hot topics in the world of health, whether it's tools to help you flourish. Successful stories to inspire or tips to optimize your health. Snaps is here to help you take the first steps towards living your best life.

Speaker 1: Hey everyone. Welcome to Synapse SNPS, Dr. Troy with Dr. Josh and Marquis. And today, we're gonna talk about quarter floor It's something that's very important for a lot of different reasons, and so we're just gonna explore the the the core in the floor.

So that sound like a doctor Seuss thing nicely I think. So let's just start with a little bit of when we seek. Core what do we mean and when we say pe floor or floor, what do we mean? So let's talk it once you start with the core first.

Speaker 2: Yeah. So core is... I mean, it's kinda obvious when you think about it, it's the core of your body. Or. It's the abdominal wall.

The abs, it's everything kind of between your hips and your rib cage. And it kind of includes pe for a little bit. Right. As it includes diaphragm. You kinda have this this almost like an egg like a shell of muscle all around your organs, your diaphragm on the top, all the abdominal muscles, bat low back muscles on the outside.

And then the pe floor behind. The the point of this whole system, if you didn't have it, you wouldn't be able to stand up, you won't be able to use your arms and legs effectively, it really stabilizes every type of movement that you wanna do. And so it has a profound effect if it's not working on effectively every other place of the body is for our stability.

Speaker 1: Yeah. And core, like you said, includes the back muscles and with any muscle and any joint in the body, we have to have a balance between that muscle and other muscles and a balance between the joint. So If a muscle is pulling on the back, you want an equal amount of pull on the front. And there's so many things that can actually shut down or or shut down our public floor that are in our general lifestyle and routine that that work against us. And so we want just talk a little bit about how to to improve that.

But before we get to that part, let's touch a little bit on just some of the core and the pe floors as far as how they affect the brain and some of the other areas in the body. Because doing this, I'm just gonna say it this way and doing this for over twenty five years, I have seen a drastic decline in people's core strength. For When I first started, people had pretty good core strength in general, and I would adjust the back and they would get better. They get better faster because their their front core, their abs were actually working better. And nowadays, if we adjust the back the same way, a certain percentage of people, a lot more, you have to do a lot more to actually get that back to actually feel better.

So we're talking with people about a you know, back pain or or problems that way. But neck and head and hips and legs are drastically impacted by the strength of your core, which we're including the and in the and the back.

Speaker 2: Why do you think more people are showing up with weaker core?

Speaker 1: I think we're more inflamed. So the... One of the things that shuts down the core is our intestines and are intestinal inflammation. We have intestinal inflammation that there's a reciprocal inhibition or a referral of Visceral smack reflex or a referral that occurs that'll will inhibit or shut down through the nervous system in the spine. Some of the more important musk In the back, we've got this quad bore and our small little tiny muscles that they get shut down.

And in the front, you've got your core muscles as far as the abdomen, the upper and lower abdomen, the internal external oblique muscles. But when you lose those oblique muscles, then the back muscles that were being shut down, actually re engage and start to spas them. And that's what people come in with with back tension, back spas. And we have with that, probably increased our sit time. Is the other thing.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: So back in the day, people didn't quite sit as much. I mean, we didn't have computers We didn't have phones like we have now. So it it was different. And Many people may not remember this, but I had a phone on the wall with like a twenty foot extension cord. And so I would walk on that phone.

Speaker 2: And all dang it.

Speaker 1: Okay. Yep. That was a thing. Yeah.

Speaker 2: You mentioned the the brain impacts. And one thing that I always see and we test for this too is is diaphragm integrity. If the cord doesn't work in your diaphragm not functioning, and you don't get enough oxygen you're brain. I mean, that's a I think an overlooked piece of this. And so even back pain could be a sign that you're not getting in a box oxygen in your in your body.

Speaker 1: Absolutely. The diaphragm has to literally contract and go down to clear space for the lungs to fill up. So in order for that to happen, you've gotta have good pe floor and diaphragm strength. And people are shocked because we checked helping floor and diaphragm in every visit that we have for twenty five years. And people are usually surprised when we tell them you're not breathing right.

And that's part of it. And And you know, we've been doing this a while, but even if you're new to healthcare care. If you don't have oxygen, there's gonna be problems.

Speaker 2: That's not a new concept.

Speaker 1: No. Yeah. Synapse one zero one. Yeah.

Speaker 2: Yep. Now the... Yeah yeah. One of the other things I think adjacent to that that we should mention is we always check organs also Already mentioned. Abdominal inflammation we've talked about intestinal inflammation quite a bit.

But the two way street, you can often get the core to re engage even by manipulating the the organs essentially, gallbladder. The stomach for a he hernia that il sequel valve down between the large and small intestine. This two way street, if you can get the the intestines functioning more appropriately, you're gonna help your core and and the opposite really true too.

Speaker 1: Yeah. It's definitely a two way street and that... This is the one part I really wanna focus on because people, what we're seeing now is because people have lost their core strengths so much. When you exercise those core muscles whether it be the back or the abdominal muscles, it increases the blood flow to the organs. When we check the organs and we pull down this open up a bile duct, it increases blood flow to those areas and it relaxes and strengthens the core.

So it's a two way street stomach So when you do core exercises, you're actually helping the organs function better. So if you wanna improve your ability to digest. Wanna improve your ability to detox by through the bowel and the and the liver, get your core, it can help with a good healthy diet lifestyle, that combination, focusing on the core is one of the best things you can do. And our foundational programs here, we've always gone right to diet and digestion, And physically, let's get the pelvis and your core firing properly. When you combine that with really getting good deep sleep and reducing stress in life.

That right there is a recipe for a really good healthy body. Yeah. Just just the basics. Yeah.

Speaker 2: So let's go to Pe Floor. That's... I think overlooked, I think the people that know about Pe Floor the most are women who have had kids that have some issues with Pe floor strength. But everybody has the potential to have issues with palm floor. And you mentioned balancing pelvis.

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Speaker 2: We look at Hip flex muscle tone a lot we do a test to assess pe floor. But anything that compromises the pelvis, the movement and bio mechanics of the pelvis and that's gonna shut down the Pe floor, which then destabilize everything else we've just talked about.

Speaker 1: Yeah. It's like that old song, the hip bones connected to the... Yeah. I'm not gonna say it, but

Speaker 2: knock seuss first

Speaker 1: a duck yes. Doctor Seuss and then hip. I'm progressing in my end. Yep. By the end of the podcast series in a year or two we'll be down in nursery rhymes and that's about it.

Speaker 2: Not all out of those.

Speaker 1: They'll get good. Yeah. Yeah. You've got the young one. Yeah.

Then the pe floor, if we if I have someone who has headaches, I I assess pe floor. Because if you don't fix, the foundation as far as what they're sitting on and walking on, then the muscle tone and the head stuff comes back. Mh. And so it's one of the things where it becomes very important. And I'll I'll also say this as we age or have gone through experiences, whether it be women having babies or even sports injuries that affect a hip, all things can actually affect the public floor, but here's the sneaky one.

For guys, in particular, When you gain weight in your core in your gut and you're carrying extra fat and you're carrying extra length, the weight of that is held up by your pe floor. The fluid, every time you sit down, the fluid literally finds a away and pools, around the public floor. And then what happens is you end up having urgency You have to go to the bathroom a little bit more frequently and you have to have You have to try and get rid of, but it might not necessarily be there. That's men and women. So there can be urgency and then all of sudden there's a little bit of a problem starting initiating the urine flow.

A lot of times, guys will think of a swollen prostate or hypertrophy prostate, but it can happen just from lymph fat excess and congestion and I've had a lot of patients, my male patients say once we get their their core in their digestive system working. They've lost some of the lymph fat toxic weight and some of the fat that they're able to have better bowel movements and better flow when it comes to the urinating as well. So it becomes very, very important. And that muscle The bigger and thicker you can get your pe floor muscle, the more blood flow to that area. So that means healthier bladder function.

Healthier healthier sexual function, healthier elimination function. So there is a lot of benefit to getting the pe floor, stable, but not just stable, but strong.

Speaker 2: Yeah. You mentioned something that I that I come across lot one of my favorite things to to have happened because the patients never expected. So we're doing our muscle testing assessment of a visit every once in a while, you'll get somebody that even if you adjust the neck and everything that area is still dysfunctional. Yeah. And we think, oh, what else is going on in the neck, but more often than that, it's the it's the tail bone.

I guess find like, the cock or some other pe floor related thing where for some reason, well, we can we know the reason why that dysfunction then sets up bio initially. You all the way up into the head. Yeah it's all... I like it just because patients are like, how did you know that it was gonna be, you know, tail because that just happens, you know, that's that's a very common dysfunctional pattern is the the ox put the top of the head being dysfunctional because of poor core and pelvis.

Speaker 1: So I got question for you.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Do you ever just make stuff up? Do I like just go grab their pinky toe and say, this is this is the problem. I try

Speaker 2: not to. Although one of my trying One of my other favorite things though just as an side, I like... If the person's got a tight neck, adjust their ears.

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Speaker 2: And then people always think I'm joking with that. I'm not, you know, you could...

Speaker 1: That's a real thing.

Speaker 2: If you stretch and pop yours, you you release tension in the middle ear and the eu station tube when you get some pressure release through those muscles, but that's another.

Speaker 1: I do like when patients are speaking to their spouse and talking about, like Vi go and then they they pushed on my lower right I abdominal quadrant. My vertical went away. They'll say it like that. But the trans explains. Yeah.

It sounds crazy that the that. Pushing over here and the problem over here goes away. But that that is how the body works. Sometimes it's a connect changed. Sometimes it's a reflex from a nerve scenario, and sometimes it's just opening up a pressure valve of some sort that reduces the the pressure and the burden of the lymph system.

So the body is quite amazing.

Speaker 2: Yeah. Well, let's talk about. We have a couple of new tools here for Rehab of this area. I think before we get too much into, we should mention, these tools are meant to build muscle, and we'll go into that more. You can't have as much of a benefit with these tools.

If you don't figure out some of those underlying issues that we just talked about. Yep. If there's dysfunction in the pe, floor because of imbalance in the pelvis or if there's dot or intestinal inflammation or vagus nerve dysfunction, things like that, This these tools can help, but those other areas need to be addressed to.

Speaker 1: Yeah. We... One of the reasons why we got the new equipment and there's... We're gonna talk about two of them today. The m sculpt and the m seller.

And so we have other technologies that we have in house and are working with right now and developing best practices as far as how we use them in functional medicine But to my point earlier, we are seeing a trend of chronic illness patients who have lost the ability to maintain a pe... Floor or a core and are unable to actually exercise to get it back. So one of the things we did is we brought in the M sculpt, which is basically helps to contract and build muscle for the the abdominal muscles and a pellet for s which is a chair you sit on fully cloth that actually reestablish the pe floor strength. Increases the muscle thickness by twenty three percent, which is actually very significant. Mh.

And so we originally got that for a lot of our really compromised patients. So my mindset was one of my line page. My line patients have been suffering for five years, bedridden ridden some of them for five years. Well, they're muscles of at atrophy. They don't have a lot going on there.

So it it can be challenging to have them get up and start exercising their core and their pelvis us without injuring themselves. And we're seeing more and more of that where people start to re engage in an exercise routine and they get their setbacks, too many setbacks. So the Seller which is the chair. When I saw that, you know, sitting on a chair for thirty minutes was equivalent to eleven thousand ke. I knew that was good.

Speaker 2: We can't get patients to do eleven thousand goggles.

Speaker 1: And then just the the change in the ultrasound before and after as far as the thickness in the pe floor muscles. And then to see what happens with that and one of the things, one of the benefits, the top benefit that women know right away is in incontinence as far as if there's any leakage, and a lot of women who have had a pe floor injury, they have to wear diapers or extra pads just because of the challenge that comes with and And if you're one of those women, you'll you'll know when you hear this, some patients have said they've already passed the sneeze test without crossing their legs. Which is a good sign just after one session. And so it's very important to to look at all of the different things that the this new technology brings. But for me, just getting that that speeding up the recovery of the muscles for the pelvis and then for the M sculpt, it's the equivalent to eight weeks of high intensity interval training.

So you're you're getting value just from getting the the actual muscles built up right away. And you... Not that we want people to be lazy, but when you're laying there, for thirty minutes and you've just built the the core. And then you get all the other benefits. And so we've brought this into play for our chronically ill patients for for our patients who are healthy, but also want to kinda take that next level of health For busy lifestyles, it works beautifully for what we're doing and it...

And we've taken note of some very special benefits that haven't initially been promoted, but we've we've been seeing already.

Speaker 2: Yeah. We haven't had it very long, but we've had a chance to trial it with quite a few people both. Devices. And for the most part, we've seen more. I think more improvements in different areas that we didn't fix aspect.

Yeah. As as well as the obvious stuff, like you said, the incontinence was as a big piece. But for the the m sculpt In the am sculpt, we should say too, we can... You can use it on the on the core and that's where we use it the most. But you can use it on arms and legs as well for for muscle building.

Speaker 1: Batteries legs yep. Glut. Yeah.

Speaker 2: Because that's one of the only technologies that non invasive will will stimulate and contract the muscles, and it's not that you're even just getting the benefit during the session. The research is super interesting because after just four sessions, even if those four sessions are weak, the week apart. Right? For one month. Yeah.

They followed people for six months afterwards, and they were still making gains six months after. Yeah. We're seeing a benefit what we think is my of mitochondria health and blood flow to these muscles long term that's allowing people to continue to build core musculature after these trainings or the pe floor even if they're not sitting on the device every day.

Speaker 1: Yeah. So we've already seen even the short time the after effects. And we know there's increased blood flow. Because we've seen change, positive change in bowel. We saw people who are cons all of a sudden be able to have bowel movements and we saw people had loose stool, all some be able to have normal bowel movements.

So that's increased blood flow increased nutrients. So that's a that's a good thing. That's a good sign. We've seen improved bladder control. So one of the things I'm gonna highlight because I've have two patients that are going through one of our programs.

And one of the things I highlight as a priority in treatment that's early on, so I can't comment on any successes yet. But sleep was one of the things that we identified was a problem. And we did find a sleep disorder that we treat here. We've talked about on our podcast, the upper airway resistance scenario and that that we're correcting, but this person would get up four to five times a night to go to the bathroom. And so after treatment and after working with Cell and Ne, they were able to sleep through the night for the first time without getting up That's a win.

For us, if we can keep them sleeping through the night and getting into deep sleep, that's part of the healing process for everything else. It's early on. It happened once, so we'll see if we can duplicate that. That's always the that's always the the key in our world is, you know, one one night is good, but we're looking for making a little more permanent change, especially when it comes to sleep. So improving the sleep, and decreasing the frequencies that you have to get up at nighttime to go to the bathroom or just wake up is very, very important.

So one of the thing I'd like to comment on with that is the M sculpt I've had to tone now with some of my more compromised patients because it's inducing a detox reaction. So which is great because we want that, but think about that for a second. By exercising your core muscles, you're improving flow to the liver and the bowel, but you're also helping them eliminate some of the toxins that are in the body. When you combine that with a healthy diet lifestyle, And like I said, our other programs, we're seeing good results with that part of it. So you're building muscle and and the strength is there and they feel that pretty quickly.

But the detox part of is what's gonna to change their life. Yes. Yeah.

Speaker 2: You know. And I think we're the only place probably in the country who's using it for that purpose.

Speaker 1: We are right now. They've they've asked us to observe and write up the paper. So we are we are the the functional medicine clinic that's doing it. And the the technology comes out of prague and it is Fda approved in the United States. For med spas.

Basically, it's the old tummy tuck and a non surgical tummy tuck and butt lift and stuff like that And while that's great, and I'm sure some people will come in just for that part of it, we also were what we were interested because of the... The physiological implications it had. And the company that started this was a physical therapy company. It was Pt devices. So I think that was their initial intent.

And what we're doing now How we're using it. It works great for that. And works great for that. So so we're that's what we're using it for and we'll be the ones submitting those papers and observing carefully as far as what it can do in that way. So I do think it's gonna open up the world, to just a lot of different ways to speed up and improve pretty complicated scenarios.

That come with our current lifestyle and levels of toxicity and all the challenges that people having with their life. And there's certain there's certain people that I'm gonna say this is going to really help. And those are the people who are you'll work in their nine to five busy diet busy life cells, they do take care of themselves They eat pretty well most of the time. They do go the gym most of the time. And maybe a little stressed out, but...

And they're feeling a little burnt out, little sluggish, and there's gonna be a large group of people like that where when they get something like this done and combine it with what they're already doing, they're gonna see some pretty good benefits as well. Because it does... I want to get into this a little bit more to, it does impact the brain in a positive way. And then then the desired outcome of the good functioning brain and how communicate the rest of the body, that's start to see some of the benefits afterwards. Mh.

We have so many people right now that their metabolism is shot. They can't lose weight to they have low energy is because their brain and their muscles are not firing on all cylinders. They're basically not communicating properly.

Speaker 2: Yeah. This is our way for some of those patients to try to break that cycle. It'd be difficult to break that cycle for people. If you can't exercise and you your compromise them a lot of ways is where do you start and this is a way for us to get in and try to just get an initial improvement that kick starts the rest of the system.

Speaker 1: Yeah. So for people who already have a strong core strong floor. Let's talk a little bit more about some of the benefits that they they can give us. Because I wanna also encourage people who are going to the gym and who currently do a good job with core in their floor. I want you to know how much it's impacting your overall health and well being.

And the back in particular fires greatly to the ce. That's sort of the ab muscles. And like we said before in intestinal inflammatory problems. So problems with their food or conditions like Cb, which we've talked about in previous podcasts. Those things can shut down our core muscles, and then eventually lead to some Ce Mh problems.

So let's just spend two minutes talking about what the Ce does and some of the things that it's involved with.

Speaker 2: Yeah. You don't hear about Ce much because it doesn't do anything that would be considered conscious. Alright? So if you're decide to do something if you're making a decision, that the ce is involved, but it's not the thing initiating that. The ce is a behind the scenes actor that's you know, coordinating muscle movements, coordinating blood flow, coordinating a lot of your rest and digest and autonomic function.

It even has impacts in mental health and cognitive issues too. That's one of the things that I think about is The the increase in... We've had podcast podcasts about this Alzheimer's and dementia. Yeah. There's a lot of factors there.

But one of them is the lack of movement that we get. Because prop reception from these muscles, that's the muscle feedback to the brain keeps the brain active. It's the don't... If you don't use it, you lose it situation. So using these muscles or these devices is giving you a high amount of proper perception into that ce to kick start a lot a lot of this unconscious brain function.

Speaker 1: Yeah. You'll... And again, it's the sitting and the lack of movement and the lack of physical activity. And one of the one of the people that we were working with had some pretty significant ce issues. Dizziness and one of the things that surprised me was getting the the ability to get up the stairs.

Easier and better after some treatments but after some core work. And so ver and dizziness and light can all be impacted in the way by improving your core and public floor strength, but it's not just coordination of muscles and strengthen the muscles in the legs that can improve is coordination of thought as well. So a lot of our ability to problem solve because the brain starts getting more blood flow. The brain stem starts getting more blood flow which helps our organs absorb nutrients better. So it really is a good starting point to get the body communicating very, very well.

If we can improve our ability to sleep, and ability to detox and eliminate and absorb nutrients instead of the toxins, then that that's just gonna make some overall changes in a deposit way that that help people just, you know, feel stronger, feel younger. It's been it's been great that way. Yep. It also controls eye movement. So we yeah.

Yeah. We've had one interesting bit of feedback where the Ce it gets stimulated and as well, people... Their prescription may change. So I had that reported once already. So...

Speaker 2: I know

Speaker 1: that. Yeah.

Speaker 2: That's cool.

Speaker 1: Yeah. When So Jen, that's just core work. And usually that happens over time that can change. I can some people go into the gym and stuff and you're in your forties fifties and you're start to lose some of the eye stuff. While this happened like within two days.

So it was a significant change. So Yeah. Things like that are always exciting because if it's reproducible, and it makes sense because we know that the the server coordinates the the movement of the eyes, but then also can improve blood flow to the area. So Yeah a lot of exciting things happening when it comes to core and floor, not that I wanna to get into this too much, but exercise in general and physical activity, including intimacy was spouses also are things that when you're corridor for are better improved. So we had one of our doctors here.

This isn't in the gym. These guys

Speaker 2: look like.

Speaker 1: You guys to see with their spouse. One of our. One of her doctors does crossfit fit and was able to double her personal best. On her lifts as far as what was the exercise she's was doing the the pull ups? I think she's doing pull ups.

Yeah. So she's able to double that crossfit the crossover weren't. Yeah. Across it. Pull up.

Speaker 2: I. I'm not part of that call. Pull We make fun of her for that. That's yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1: The better strength is good. We're stronger. She's stronger than all of this Yes. So one of the things that that in general, I'm gonna talk a little bit about how to strengthen your your core, if you're at home. And and what to do because it's something you can actually strengthen anywhere and everywhere.

So I tell my patients This might look a little silly if you're in the line at the grocery store, but anytime you're balancing on one foot, you... That's working your core. So just lift one leg up off the ground and balance a one foot, you're exercising your core, then change feet so that you can get a little more equality there. Anything where you're putting your arms up over your head and then kind of lung forward or balancing, also gets your core quite a bit. So these are things you can do at home.

So if you can't get here or for our M sculpt ce or quarter four program. Or if you can't get to the gym to work with the trainer to start working on your corn floor, start at home with just balanced exercises. And make sure though, if you're un unhealthy that you have someone there or you have chairs in the kitchen or something like that that you can actually grab onto to. But if you're pretty confident and just want exercise your your core, bring up one of those legs and bring your arms up over your head. Do a lung forward with your arms up at shoulder, height or above your head.

And those types of movements really help to strengthen your core as well. And if you can keep your core strong, everything else kind of feeds off of it. So your your neck, your head your arm strength, your your leg strength, even speed of being able to run can improve. A lot of things can improve. So don't hesitate to to start working on your quarter floor at home.

Ke goes, like I said, work. If you do eleven thousand kilos in thirty seconds let know because that would... That's not thirty. Thirty minute minute to build us Yeah. Yeah yeah.

Yeah. Let us know. But we're so far we've been pretty happy and we've been looking at different things to help with the exercise part of our programs for quite a while. And with a lot our compromised patients, this has just been a blessing. So any other final comments, One final thought

Speaker 2: I've had this question a few times on these devices. Do you have to keep using it indefinitely. Yeah. And a lot of it is... The recommendation is to do four to six treatments?

And then... Yeah waits several months even to see Yep. What those results are. And that depends on the location and the person. Location of the body and the person So there are other circumstances where you could do more.

But typically, like we had said before, six months, you'll continue to receive benefits. So it's not... Not one of these things where you gotta do it every week to maintain benefit. This is something that might need to be revisited you know, yearly or something like that. But the benefits are profound and and prolonged.

Speaker 1: Yeah. And I was told by someone who had been using it a little longer than us I reached out to many many different doctors and spoke with them. And the general rule is the older the person is, the more they need to get the same results. Someone in their twenties, you can take to the bank the research that was... That's out there, and then they wouldn't need as much for follow ups.

The So then some people it's permanent. They are able to keep it and maintain it, They don't even need to come back. Some people needed to come back. Annually once a year or semi annually twice a year. And there were some people who just felt better doing it monthly, and they tended to be the older group that didn't necessarily like to go to the gym.

I'm gonna say it

Speaker 2: that way.

Speaker 1: Yeah. So just have to pay attention your body, but be aware that there is a delayed effect as Doctor Josh was talking about, which is which is great. It it... There's a huge benefit for a long time afterwards. So thanks for listening.

Work on your core to floor and we'll be back with more synapse snips.

Speaker 0: Thank you for listening to the Sun Snip podcast. If you like what you heard, Subscribe to the podcast and share the podcast. To learn more, check out our website at w w w dot official s dot com. Until next time, this has been s Snips podcast. We'll see you on the next episode.

This podcast is for information purposes only and should under no circumstances be considered medical advice or sub institute for medical care. Any information given in this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. And is at the user's own risk please first consult a licensed health professional.