Synapse SNPs

Synapse VIP

April 24, 2023 Dr. Troy Spurrill
Synapse VIP
Synapse SNPs
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Synapse SNPs
Synapse VIP
Apr 24, 2023
Dr. Troy Spurrill

In this episode of Synapse SNPs, we introduce our new VIP program and memberships that offer you rewards and discounts on various services. You will learn how to join the VIP program and access the app, how to choose the best membership tier for your needs and budget, and what kind of benefits you can expect from being a part of our community. Tune in and discover how you can improve your health and wellness with Synapse Center for Health and Healing. 

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode of Synapse SNPs, we introduce our new VIP program and memberships that offer you rewards and discounts on various services. You will learn how to join the VIP program and access the app, how to choose the best membership tier for your needs and budget, and what kind of benefits you can expect from being a part of our community. Tune in and discover how you can improve your health and wellness with Synapse Center for Health and Healing. 

Speaker 0: Welcome to the Synapse SNPs Podcast, where we explore the power of health and healing. On this podcast, we will be talking with health experts, professionals and leaders about hot topics in the world of health, whether it's tools to help you flourish. Successful stories to inspire or tips to optimize your health. Snaps is here to help you take the first steps towards living your best life.

Speaker 1: Welcome to Sun Snips. This is Doctor. Troy Sp with Dr. Josh Waller and Marquis. We're here today to talk about our new Vip program and memberships that we're going to be releasing as of the end of April.

So our Thanks for joining us today. And why don't we just start off with Dr. Josh, Just tells us a little bit about the apps. Yep. Perfect.

That's cool.

Speaker 2: Yep. So we've got basically two different things tied into one. The way To I think about this is a Vip, service for our patients to give them better access to the services that you know and love at a related discounted rate. The Vip app is going to be a way for you to gain rewards and the rewards will be you accrue rewards every time you're here for a visit. When as you accrue them, you can use those rewards for services for supplements.

We have different ways that that's going to be working. And that's, you know, that's free. Anybody can access the Vip app and start gaining rewards on the... On the visits that you already come here four. So that part's great and easy.

There's no obligation, nothing like that. The memberships are going to be an expansion of what we already offer, what we know now is our wellness program. As it's existed for a long time, we have a wellness option where people can come in for routine chiropractic. Fixed. And that's what it's been for quite some time in many years.

We're expanding that. We're gonna keep that same option. There's still gonna be the same price for monthly chiropractic adjustments, but we're expanding that to a couple of higher tiers. Those higher tiers offer for offer more options for monthly services. For instance, depending on the tier that you're at you may in a given month be able to do, of course, the adjustment, of a bios cellular analysis or or the Bi test that we that we talked about a lot.

Some services for length for our new Cell device for Iv therapy injections, and every month you get to pick from the the menu essentially and say, hey, I'm this month, I'm gonna do a Myers cocktail.

Speaker 1: Yeah. And some people really have know us that certain therapies really hit home for them. So if as they go through our programs or have experienced different things that we're doing to help them with their diet and lifestyle to maine retain their current level health or our team get healthier. They have found certain things are just home runs for them. And so this makes it a little bit more affordable for people who have identified those and they can add that into their diet life.

They'll to really help undo a lot of the the stress of the current world that they're in or just to optimize their their health status.

Speaker 2: Mh. Yep. So the other portion then of the the memberships is a discount on other products, and services beyond what's even in the, you, the the available things in a given month. So for instance, if you're on our platinum tier, you can receive twenty percent off other packages and services as well as products and supplements as well. So it's a pretty good offer then.

So for the the pricing which is gonna be on our website. I'm not gonna go through all the details now If you go to our website at official synapse dot com. There's a couple of new links and a pop up that's gonna show up that gives you information. The the details of the different the different memberships. Just to give you a quick idea of the scope.

We do have two different membership sections one our full memberships and there's four versions of that. That's essentially what we just discussed with different types of services and discounts. There are also service memberships, service memberships are a few if you really want to engage in Iv therapy or the ms sculpt neo or cell. We have specific memberships for those individual services, and so all of that's gonna to be laid out on the website as well. Yeah, we've been working

Speaker 1: on this for quite some time. So I'm pretty excited to be making the official announcement that this is coming. We've We've been hard at it for a while here.

Speaker 2: Yeah. Yeah. One thing I wanna mention about the the app that I think is important. There is a welcome offer. For anybody that signs up for the app and again it's free, no obligation sign up.

Everybody receives a twenty percent off any package for or fifty dollars off a purchase of a hundred and fifty dollars or or more. That's the welcome offer that anybody can receive by downloading the app, in order to redeem that you'll have to come into the office and show that you have that reward available and the staff will know that they taking twenty percent off of a certain certain package or again, the fifty dollars off a purchase of a hundred and fifty dollars or more. That's a one... You could pick one or the other one time. It's a one time reward.

Taking And so then you'll get rewards every couple times every couple of visits that you come and check in, you'll get access to new rewards ongoing. K. And so the... Other than that, those are kind of the basic but really, the reason why we're doing the Vip app and the memberships is more than just trying to... Create better.

I mean, better value for the... Our patients is one part of it, but there is a bigger overarching reason for why we're introducing this. Troy, can you talk more about that?

Speaker 1: Yeah. So the reason why we're we created these programs and this is really the the big big picture idea here. So if you look at our mission statement, many, many years ago, over fifteen years ago, the Was put on my heart this mission statement. And part of the mission statement has become a worldwide agent of change in the fields. Of healthcare and human potentials.

So we wanted to start using functional medicine to help us be the best version of ourselves And so also, what's part of that is actually changing our health care system model. And so we've kind of been outside the system forever and we always put the the the person's body is kinda directing what should be done versus does insurance cover this or you know, being influenced by the pharmaceutical industry or these other agencies that really don't have your best interest at hard as far as what works best for you. So all decisions about your body should be made by you and the doctors who know your body, or your your advisors who know your body. And the biggest problem is our biggest disconnect is that's not happening and we've talked about this before about, even let's take sleep disorders, for example, there are over a hundred and two different sleep disorders diagnosed, but only... Five get tested because those are the ones reimbursed by insurance companies.

That's just wrong. And so when we look at what is a solution, we look at programs. We look at bringing these different things that are good fits for different people. And they can help... When you do that on mass, you can actually start to reduce the cost of it.

So when we compare our cost, to something like mayo clinic. It's not even close, how much more cost effectively we can get results from a functional perspective So with this, it also helps us be able to collect data about you because you can start to... Go through different testing here at synapse. And right now it's just the. So as we get into this, six months and a year from now, we're going to see even more additions.

We're constantly going to be upgrading what we're doing as far as bringing educational material, bringing in, other data points to help you with your health. So you'll be able to actually see and measure how am I doing mentally chemically physically and spiritually, which is all the components of health. So these programs are really meant to at a glance, help you see how healthy am might. At a glance, help us see what do we need to be doing with this person proactively before anything becomes pretty significantly dysfunctional. It's kinda like, and I will say this, this is actually a bit of a plug to the insurance world.

When they started giving people breaks because they... They could get it in a gym membership. Why did they do that? Because the membership to the gym led to healthier outcomes for the people. And then they didn't have to spend as much money in the insurance world for all these d germ diseases that they're getting.

So this is a very proactive approach. Our programs, everything that we do here is meant to help keep you out of the hospital, help keep you healthy as possible. Proactive Some people, it's a little too late for that, and they've already got a diagnosis. Well, we can still work with that. But when you start to educate yourself, about what is going on with you mentally chemically physically and spiritually, you can then do something about it.

And so these programs help to bring a system into into play here. And all we know is the most successful people in life, they do two things. They take a harm responsibility for their healthy, take a hundred percent responsibility for their life, but they also have disciplined routines. And so these programs really help to establish, take a disciplined routine to keep you on track and you... Month by month you can start to look at am I making gains is this working for me.

We live in a snap decision society right now And the reality is we need time to be able to assess. Is what I'm doing working for me. And when you're constantly checking in and being consistent, it works a lot better. Some people will come in for an appointment, and I'll see them six months later and I'll say, what have you changed? And if they say nothing, then I'm like, okay, let's go back to where we were.

Speaker 2: Yep.

Speaker 1: So when you have a a program where you can have these things at your... Fingertips, monthly, it really significantly improves your focus on your health and well being. And we know this. When you are healthier, then you will make better decisions for you and your family. When you're healthier, you'll be more efficient with your family with your your friends and at work, Part of this is also if you're listening in your Private corporation, we will be working with corporations to educate them on what's working with their within their body as well as what they need to work on.

So very, very cost effectively, we can make huge impact with people through all of our different programs. Perfect. So as

Speaker 2: we launch these initial programs here the Vip app and the membership programs. The best way to sign up is to go to our website. In order to get the app, there's gonna be a Qr code that's gonna pop up on the very first screen that you that you... Get to on our website, and then there's also going to be a spot in the menu area to find the the Vip app, if you don't know what

Speaker 1: a Qr code is, ask your kids or grandkids kids. And I'm just gonna say it it... If this technology is new to you, just hang with us. It it looks really pretty. It is really easy to navigate once you learn it.

So I know I have some people in their eighties right now I'm working with. And just spoke with one in particular, and they move... Someone moved the couch in her house and it threw her for a loop because it was changed. And so we understand that we get that. So I want you to take a breath, and just kinda breathe it all in and know that you can do this.

You can change with with us here on this one and it will serve you. And the younger generation, they this they grew up

Speaker 2: with it.

Speaker 1: So they're not gonna how know how to use it pretty much right away.

Speaker 2: Yeah. Let me explain though the Qr code. I'm glad you brought that up. In order to use a Qr code, You have to open your phones. Camera, point your phone's camera at the Qr code, and then there will be usually a link button that that shows up that you click on.

Speaker 1: It's

Speaker 2: you can't find this app in the App store. So you can't go to Google App Store or Apple App Store and find this. You have to use. Our Qr code and click on that link on your phone's camera in order to get there.

Speaker 1: If you have a flip phone, don't point to that the qr code.

Speaker 2: Not work.

Speaker 1: Because it's not gonna work. So you have to have an updated phone for that with a camera. Yeah.

Speaker 2: I should mention once you once you do that, there will be in instructions that the app brings you through as far as registering. One of those steps is making sure that you get the app icon on your phone screen. If you miss that point and can't find it, everybody here, that our office is gonna know how to do that. So just bring your phone in next time you're here and we'll help you figure it out too. I...

It's a good point, because I know that it is a several steps that are kind of intuitive for some people, but not always.

Speaker 1: Yeah. I'm here for all the people who remember not having the Internet and when you when you think of phones, I think of when I had my phone on the wall and I could take it off the hook so that we wouldn't get to disturbed. So just know that I'm here for you people. I remember you are my people. So I appreciate anyone who has that memory.

And know that we have entered a new stage and age and we... Although we're we're kind of using this technology the point is to make things more efficient, and we do wanna slow things down for you. Mh. So you can really access pretty much the majority of everything that we do in one spot. So it's going help clear up a lot of the the clutter and confusion.

One of other things that why this is so important because the future of health care, and I've mentioned this to my team many times, there was a time in healthcare where we didn't have enough information. I would go and spend the full days in the library looking through medical research and then come out with some conclusions or hypotheses Now you can Google it and you can search and there's sometimes thousands of searches at that pop up. So discerning to that information becomes very, very challenging. And that's one of the main reasons why people come to us is to help problem solve, a lot of the the information that's out there. Well, through these programs and through this app, we are actually going through sift through those thousands of documents, simplifying it organizing it and then getting it to you in a way that is su synced and clear and that it's going to help you understand what's going on with you and just health in general.

So there's a lot of education that'll come from the experiences first and then that over the years as we populate the data and keep it up up to date, you're going to get more clarity on what's working for you and what doesn't and really understand the body. So we talk a lot about how important education is when it comes to our our health, and I am very proud of of our patient population because they come in here and they know what works and what doesn't. And when you build your knowledge, you can discern because when you don't have discernment, I mean, what do people talk about. People talk about what they know, people talk about what they don't know. You get a lot of that.

People talk about what they've been told,

Speaker 2: what they think they know.

Speaker 1: And what they think they know. Exactly. And so it's very important to build that knowledge, and experience and then you can discern. And as you see stuff pop up, you'll be able to say, I know that doesn't work for me. Mh.

I know that might work for my cousin or it just allows you to be able to make decisions for your health. Much much faster, but also, you don't to spend time wasting it doing things that really don't serve you. Yep. Mh.

Speaker 2: Last thing on the memberships then. So we talked about the app and sign it up for the app to sign up for memberships, you can do that within the app. You can go to the marketplace section in the app and it'll show all of our memberships. You can also... Sign up for those here.

And so whatever works best for you, the everybody up front here is gonna know what the memberships are. How to get those activated, but you can do that like I said on the app as well. So the the easiest fastest way, download the app like we described if you wanna sign up for the membership, do so on there, and then the... We'll have a backend end processing to get that set up for you. Or talk to us when you're in the clinic.

We're gonna have information around in the clinic in order for you to to learn more.

Speaker 1: One of my favorite things and we can maybe touched on this a little bit. But one of my favorite things is if you see something that you want, and we have different things within the app that some of our processes are very, very cost effective under a hundred dollars and other things that are some are more price your programs, there is a way instantly for you to be able to purchase those programs through financing and things like that. And so we've worked with the company that's negotiate a consistent finance program. So a lot of these other programs have helped with healthcare, their rates can change and fluctuate all over the place. And with our program, they have a very consistent rate that we end up fluctuate absorbing and they can actually...

You can get these programs that are needed in a very cost effective way. So it can literally be budgeted out to something that may cost four or five thousand dollars can be budget out to a hundred dollars a a month and some stuff that fits your budget. So I do love that about this. Until we get to the point where a healthcare system and insurance reimburse you for proactive health. This is the best we can do.

We are really getting things down to a very, very cost effective approach. Be able to to help you make things are good for you affordable. And so I love that because this happens. You can be looking at this an Saturday evening when the clinic is even open and making decisions. And that that serves both you and us to be able to to get you that information right away and have it be nice and automate.

So that's actually one of my favorite things because it really makes everything more affordable for people. Perfect. Alright. With that, anything else that you guys wanna speak to? Mh.

I don't

Speaker 2: think so I mean, this is our this is the first step in us developing more of these tools. So we're excited and work with us too as we learn about this app with you. And I think it's gonna be great for everybody and we're really excited. Yes.

Speaker 1: So I'll leave you with this. Little teaser, if you will, when it comes to changing the healthcare care system. I want you to also know that there are a lot of things happening behind the scenes, lot conversations being had. And this week alone, I've had meetings with medical doctors, Congressman, and other people of influence I'm gonna say from around the country that are very interested in our in changing, updating, upgrading our healthcare care system, so it's more for the people. So again, as you support systems like this, And as we support you and make the systems about the patient, we're going to have a voice to actually change a healthcare care system so it really serves the people.

In a proactive way. And that is been on our heart for years that is our mission. And so I I want you guys to really hear how much is happening behind the scenes. And we were actually pretty excited this is a first step towards a vision that was implanted many, many years ago. So thanks for listening.

We appreciate all of you for coming to synapse, working with us here And as always, if you have. Podcast ideas, send them to us. We have a list of twenty five that we're gonna be working through in the upcoming weeks, and months. And so we appreciate you all and look forward to hearing your take on the new Vip Synapse program Take care everyone.

Speaker 0: Thank you for listening to the Sun Snip podcast. If you like what you heard, Subscribe to the podcast and share the podcast. To learn more, check out our website at w w w dot official s dot com. Until next time, to This has been Ci snip podcast. We'll see you on the next episode.

This podcast is for information purposes only and should under no sir... Circumstances be considered medical advice or substitute for medical care. Any information given in this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Circumstances and is at the user's own risk. Please first consult a licensed health professional.