Synapse SNPs

Covid and Vaccine Injury Breakthrough

May 01, 2023 Dr. Troy Spurrill
Covid and Vaccine Injury Breakthrough
Synapse SNPs
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Synapse SNPs
Covid and Vaccine Injury Breakthrough
May 01, 2023
Dr. Troy Spurrill

In this episode Dr. Troy Spurrill, Owner of  Synapse Center for Health and Healing, Dr. Joshua Wallert, Lead Practitioner, and Marque Gant, Clinic Director have a conversation about Covid and Vaccine Injury Breakthrough.

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode Dr. Troy Spurrill, Owner of  Synapse Center for Health and Healing, Dr. Joshua Wallert, Lead Practitioner, and Marque Gant, Clinic Director have a conversation about Covid and Vaccine Injury Breakthrough.

Speaker 0: Welcome to the Podcast, where we explore the power of health and healing On this podcast... We will be talking with health experts, professionals and leaders about hot topics in the world of health, whether it's tools to help you flourish. Successful stories to inspire or tips to optimize your health. Sun snaps is here to help you take the first steps towards living your best life.

Speaker 1: Welcome to synapse up snips. This is Dr. Troy Sp with Dr. Josh Wallet Marquis. We are here today to talk about something that's in the new still and that is a lot of challenges that people are having with long haul Covid or vaccine injury or just from all the inflammation from the last three years as it relates to just stress and diet and things like that.

So we're gonna be discussing some information based on our three tiered assessment of how to determine if you've been injured by Covid or by the vaccines or by the lifestyle that came from the stress of Covid. How's that for Yeah. An introduction? Great. Great.

So let's just start with a quick comment. We have seen a lot of science. Come out recently about some of the consequences of the inflammatory reactions from not just Covid but the vaccines, but also from just the the stress of anything from shutdown downs to what's happening at work and and so there's just a lot going on. And I wanna talk about three different things that we're using to actually assess this damage and then you, in the cost effect of way what you can do about it. So let's start with the first one.

The first one is sorry. Josh is like, itching into the start talking.

Speaker 2: The first one.

Speaker 1: The first one is is our Endo pat machine. K. Yep. So why don't you briefly describe the Pat, then I'll describe my experience at seminar national seminar conferences last weekend.

Speaker 2: Yes. Alright. The Endo pat is really cool.

Speaker 1: What else good. Your talk as

Speaker 2: it over. So the Endo path is a... It's a cutting edge device that's... Alright Not for many places have it. No.

We were talking about this earlier. We believe that we're one of the, if not the only... Clinic maybe in the entire country. Yeah. Utilizing the endo pet with natural therapies.

Yes. The endo pet is a way of assessing the health of your blood vessel. Blood vessel health is critical for cardiovascular health, cognitive health, physical fitness, stress response, whole bunch of things digestion. And we've talked about blood flow on this podcast before. The endo path assess this system, blood vessel health in a few different ways, It's looking at the health of the lining of the blood vessels.

It talks about the elasticity or brittle of the blood vessels and it talks about the brain's coordination of the blood vessels from a stress response. We can go into those more, but that's kind of the basic.

Speaker 1: So what what are why are blood vessels important? What do they deliver?

Speaker 2: Everything. Yeah. Yeah. Actually, knows it's funny my daughter and I have this conversation this morning not on

Speaker 1: the way to floor she did.

Speaker 2: I was trying to explain how oxygen gets into the list. Of course, I heard the blood vessels down with my six year old. A conversation that I have in my car in the world. But You know, without blood and blood flow, and this is why it impacts all of these areas like cognitive health in particular, you're not delivering fuel nutrients, you're not delivering oxygen, You're not getting rid of waste products.

Speaker 1: Yeah. It's like a highway that where the cars in the highway, delivering vital things. Oxygen being the most important. Glucose, blood sugar being the second most important. And if you're basically on the highway and there's a car crash that's kinda like clotting.

Speaker 2: Mh.

Speaker 1: And if there is a fire on the highway. That's inflammation. And you're trying to drive through all of that chaos. Well Covid, like the vaccination process and the lifestyle for the last two and a half, three years have induced kind of a chaotic drive I'm gonna say.

Speaker 2: Yes. All those...

Speaker 1: So your your vascular system has become a little compromised.

Speaker 2: Mh.

Speaker 1: And so the endo path as it turns out is one of the... The key technologies and we're very, very thankful for this technology. It actually comes out of Israel and there are very few facilities in the country that are actually using it. The mayo clinic, I know has one. U of m has one a lot of research purposes for those ones.

But they're looking for medications. They're looking for drug therapies. And so they're going down a completely different road where we're looking at... The natural processes that help to alleviate that traffic jam if you will or or improve the highway. When we at the...

This medical conference, there people from all over the country and and even some other countries that were there. And one of the speakers who was a nationally known for speaker whose specialty is in cardio metabolic disorders the Phd. He asked if there was anyone who knew of the endo pat. And Doctor Nellie and I were the rep saying synapse. And we were the only ones that raised our hand.

Speaker 2: Mh.

Speaker 1: There was over two hundred doctors in the room. And then he says, hey, one have one. We the only ones who raised our hand. So that was kinda nice to see that we're a little bit ahead of things there. And then he went on to talk quite a bit about how they're using it in Covid research right now in their facility and their labs, things So this was very, very good for us to hear because not only have we been using it for the last year and a half almost?

So it been two years? Thanks for two years. Yeah. So... And we're using for cardio metabolic function.

But as it turns out, it is probably the best most cost effective way to see if there's any damage either from prior lifestyle cardio metabolic issues, current lifestyle cardio metabolic issues, Covid, or covid vaccination. So when we combine them with two of the other tests that we do, and we'll kinda go through those we really can get a good understanding of a very, very key component to your health, And that's the arterial system. Mh. So let's just let's break it down a little bit. You talked about...

There's really three areas that it that it impacts. It's our endothelial health, and that's the interior lining of our arteries. And which as you... Many of you know, gets damaged with smoking. I'm just going say this year this way.

This year I've had people who are nineteen years of age come in with complications who have arteries that are consistent with a smoker in their seventy. Or eighties, very significant arterial damage, who are... Who haven't even reached the age of twenty. And then I've had... We had one person last year who had who was a smoker for thirty, forty years and we're able to take them.

To the process and get a full recovery where they're in the red danger zone and it's now normal a here later. Yeah. So those are exciting to see.

Speaker 2: Exciting. To

Speaker 1: So the the good news is there's a lot we can do about it. The other good news is they're starting to teach the doctors to pay attention to this stuff. And specifically, this conference was on Gl, which if you're gonna geek out on the the arteries and stuff like that. The last two years that word gl has exploded in the scientific literature because we realize there's an intelligence there that keeps the the art arterial system healthy. So that endothelial aligning really is important.

There's a lot of other things that that impact that one in one of our future are gonna be talking about uric acid in particular and its impact with blood flow and key ingredient called nit oxide and its relationship to memory. So that'll be a future podcast. But other than Endothelial lining, we've also got house stiff your arteries are. So just like a garden hose, if it starts to get stiff, you can't actually get things flowing quite as well and then and arterial stiffness can present with all kinds of different dysfunction. If you can't deliver oxygen properly, then we start to get certain symptoms like dizziness and brain fog.

We see a lot of these things and and the brain first, because your brain is one of the most is the most metabolic active organ in the body. The brain in the heart. And so brain fog, for getting people's, names, forgetting, where you left your keys, little things like that are signs of of challenges with that auction delivery potentially. So that that stiffness is a big part. And then the d, how's your Are you in fight flight are you interested digest?

And is that system balance at least from a cardio block perspective? Hey a lot of great insight into into the the human body from one simple test. And so a lot of people are starting to say, okay. I went through Covid. I went through the stress of the last couple years, I'm not quite right yet.

And this is the the type of test that we need to start coming out and there's a lot more to it. But let's let's discuss the next test.

Speaker 2: Yeah. The next test. The next test, Bi, we often refer to it as, Bi stands for bio impedance analysis. Our body composition test for lack of a better term, but it tells us way more than that. And this for this purpose, we're looking at it for cellular health.

It's and cellular health is dictated by all of the factors that we just mentioned by the other test, stress in particular inflammation. And we get a number called the phase angle on this test. And can you place... Explain phase angle to us.

Speaker 1: Phase angles is like a relative age index, so you might be thirty years old, but you're cells may be acting and behaving like that of a fifty five year old. That's important for us to know. We've said in previous podcast, that the Bi helps to measure intra or ne extra cellular water. And the short version of the story is we start life as a grape and we slowly become a raisin. It's And so it's important the healthier you are, the more you can retain water inside your cells.

And that's why this test gives us a good indication of your resilience. So the better your phase angle, the better your resilience, meaning you have more water inside the cell, which then you can assume those intra cellular functions are improved, like your mitochondria, which helps to measure your your energy output and inputs and helps that to give you energy, whether that's in your muscles or your brain or your heart. The other thing is that we we spoken in a previous podcast about just the thyroid that and how the thyroid hormone activates metabolism but can be blocked, if your cell walls are stiff or rigid or there's inflammation outside the cell. All of a sudden, your your metabolism starts to shut down. So people who went through Covid and put on the Covid twenty, remember was Covid ten And then it was Covid twenty.

Then it was Covid thirty. So people that put on the weight. If all of a sudden you can't drop that weight. There's a... High likelihood, you're still inflamed and there's other things going on, blocking that thyroid mechanism getting into the cell.

And so the Bi helps us understand what level of resilience to have? Where's is the water inside or outside the cell? And basically how well your cell wall structures are. And so your protein and fatty acids are very, very important because that's what makes up a lot of your cell wall, And so we we wanna get that Bi and in particular your phase angle. And don't don't freak out if you end up getting a Ba and your phase angle says you have cells of a sixty year old and your twenty five.

Speaker 2: Yeah. That happens lot.

Speaker 1: It does happen. And so it can be reversed and you can actually be in my state where you're in your fifties and you have cells of a... Twenty I came remember away was last time. I it was twenty eight, twenty six. Yeah.

My cells look a lot better than my... Than the wrinkles on my face. I'm gonna say happen. So there's so there's a lot of good value with that, because it can also tell us if you're dehydrated because dehydration is one of things that... Comes with inflammation too.

And so it's very, very important and and we'll get into other aspects of dehydration on that uric acid podcast because there's was a lot of good information there. What else do you like about the Bio analysis. Now the bio analysis, one

Speaker 2: of the main things that I see when we're looking out at the phase angle, but at the breakdown of different of weight and different body components. It breaks it down into three main components in our system, fat mass, body cell mass, and extra cellular mass. The typical situation we see is for a person who's inflamed or stress to come in and they have low body cell mass. That often then relates to what you said of cellular hydration, muscle mass is a big part of that. Yep.

To compensate all that fluid that should be inside those cells is hanging out outside the cells, extra cellular mass. Yep. I I like to think that you mentioned the grape and the raisin, there's a there's an old science class project where you take salt and you throw a grape in it. And because there's so much stuff outside of that grape in the water, it's sucks the water right out of the grape and practically makes a raise out of that grape. Yes.

That happens in your body too, when you have junk inflammation in this in the water around the cells. It's going suck the water right out of it. So that happens all the time, and that's a big point that I make to my patients Is you're basically the bra right now, and part of it is because you need better health inside the cell. A lot of it is because you got junk outside of it.

Speaker 1: And and let me just paint this picture a little bit because that can happen in certain parts of the body and not the whole body. So like, in the brain what does that look like? Well, for some people, if it's a particular part of the brain, it might be the inability to maintain a focus or they have reduced attention span. For some people, it might be, I can't sleep because that area the brain's affected. For some people, it's like forgetful memory or brain fog or there's not quite as sharp So if you find yourself...

If you're a coffee drinker and you have to have more coffee or caffeine to kinda keep that sharpness and alertness, that's a potential sign. That parts of your brain is slowly become a raisin. So we start to see that reflected in in a larger scale with the Bi, but if it's in the muscles, all of a sudden you are going up the stairs and your shorter of breath, or you you don't have the gains you had at the gym if you exercise all of a sudden, you're starting to see a fatigue in an area that wasn't there before. So it's more obvious when it's bigger areas like the brain and the heart, but sometimes it's certain muscles and then we're more prone to injury. Sometimes it's part of our immune system and we're getting every bug that comes comes our way.

So When we say resilience, it's resilience of the whole body, but also it can be resilience in certain body parts. So that's why I absolutely love getting that test as as a measurement It's great for people to understand when they're trying to improve their metabolism and lean up or lose weight, things like that. But it's also a vital tool for just giving us a sense of what we're dealing with. When I have an ad patient come in and they have cells of a sixty year old, I'm going to treat them a little more aggressively like I would a sixty year old. If I have a patient who's twenty five and they come in with cells of an eighty year old, which I've had, I'm gonna go more cautiously and slow and treat them like an eighty year old.

Speaker 2: Mh.

Speaker 1: It's very valuable information. So when you combine that with the endo pad. Sudden you've got this pretty rounded. Picture of of what's going on with this person and you haven't even spoken to them yet. I love that level of data.

That's depth and breadth to the actual like you're painting a three d picture that already.

Speaker 2: Yeah. We haven't even talked about the third thing.

Speaker 1: Yes. Which is very important.

Speaker 2: So third thing, is a omega. You mentioned fatty acids when talking about resilience and inflammation. The omega quan looks at the status of your omega three and six fatty acid. That's why it's called the mega. This is an easy test.

We have to do it as a finger prick there versions of it that are blood draws. And it's giving you a breakdown. Of those types of fats in your body. Omega threes, a lot of people heard of those as fish oils or if there's different types of those Epa and Dha, I'd like to think of those as anti inflammatory. Some of the do other things specific thing.

Yeah. And then you've got omega six's, and that'll all omega six are bad. But some of them tend to be more pro inflammatory. One of my favorite measurements there is looking at the balance between the omega three and the omega six, It should be in a certain range close to, I believe ten under, I think, that range is different on that. Yep.

I think the record that I've seen and this is a ratio between the omega six and the omega three, the record I've seen is a hundred and fifty to one.

Speaker 1: Yeah. I'm not seen that that.

Speaker 2: Wow. So that means that you're... Yeah. So it should be, like I said, probably three, four six to one. Somewhere we're in there.

It's a lot. Yeah. It's all it's really bad.

Speaker 1: Okay. So I I realized realizing and get the majority of people listening think this won't actually sit back and go wow. I know. But... I want you to pretend like, you are a geek scientist.

Speaker 2: You're like me.

Speaker 1: And doctor. You're like, doctor. Josh, and you just heard something

Speaker 2: that's gonna blow you away. And wow just... Fun.

Speaker 1: Just say, wow. That's crazy. Yeah. Because because that is... That's a

Speaker 2: that's a huge inflammatory

Speaker 1: personal. Very... That first is very inflamed

Speaker 2: Very inflamed and there's two ways to fix this. You can give yourself more omega threes.

Speaker 1: Yep.

Speaker 2: And you can reduce the omega. And omega six is are really high in the standard American diet. Yes. That's why most people that we test to have a bad ratio of these things.

Speaker 1: Yep. And a lot of people... I'm just gonna say this a lot of people we've processed food will increase their inflammatory omega six's. And then we also get a conversion. Guess what your body does people when you start eating processed food and you get this or omega a three to make make six inbound.

It stores fat. Your body is going to store fat. When it start storing fat around your organs, it starts suffocating the liver and the intestinal tracks you become less and less able to deliver oxygen, damage your blood vessels. And damage your blood vessels. So it is a complete.

You cycle of dysfunction when you combine a poor diet, and then you go through a couple years of inflammatory stuff. So the omega threes like you said are very, very important for anti inflammatory, but they're also the building blocks for our cell membranes. And a lot of people, you start getting this inflammation built up, you actually decrease the ability to use fat for energy. When So if you can't use fat for energy and sugar is causing an inflammatory reaction, what's left? Protein but most people under severe stress for a long periods of time can't digest the protein properly.

This is one of the reasons why we see people going to ketogenic or even car. But if they're at an end stage of dysfunction with the fatty acid metabolism, they're not even breaking down the fat properly that they need for the car. I just ran into this with my a patient review that I did this week, and they are not having... They were not having any success on carbon diet. And when I ran a fatty acid organic acid test on them, they had a profile that suggested a car and B two deficiency and an inability to break down fats.

The same person had insulin resistance and and pre prediabetes and what's called hypo, which means they couldn't actually break down I shouldn't laugh. It was horrible, but you they couldn't break down protein fat or sugar. This person was struggling. So we mapped out how we're gonna correct that down to get them to the point where they can start using food for energy and then start the this process of healing. And I'm I'm gonna say right now you do not get your vascular system better, you will not heal.

One of the doctors at the this... If talk this last weekend said that healing does not begin until nitric oxide is balanced, which is part of the inflammatory system within the cardiovascular arteries and veins. And so... And I I agree with that There are other aspects too. So we we see other components, but from cardio metabolic doctor, you would expect him to say something like that.

But it is very true. You will not get healing, if you can't deliver oxygen properly. Mh. The brain needs it.

Speaker 2: Yes I

Speaker 1: don't want you to do this at home, but if you go ten minutes without oxygen,

Speaker 2: you're not gonna do her very well.

Speaker 1: You're not gonna do very well. Well stated. Yes.

Speaker 2: I'm on it today.

Speaker 1: Yes. So this this is what... One of the reasons why when you just look at those three tests instantly, it gives you... A instant picture as to potential damage that is either going on. Definitely going on right now.

But could have come from previous diet lifestyle don't get me wrong. You can induce the same thing by smoking for ten or fifteen years, having stressful lifestyle not sleeping and eating fast food. But what we've seen is the last three years, that mechanism that would take ten, fifteen or twenty years happen within two years.

Speaker 2: So this

Speaker 1: is one of the reasons why we're doing this podcast today. And if you're local or can get this in ass. We are gonna be within releasing within the next couple weeks, a process or the ability to actually get that that we're gonna fast track that that testing if you will, just to make it a little easier for people and and discount try and get it out there. Just because there's such a a demand And when I was at the seminar one of the doctors I was speaking to said you need to equip your clinic to start doing this because they... Their flooded.

They have too many patients trying to get in the research... Be research, basically as to what's going on tens of thousands actually. And so they can only take a couple hundred at a time. So so that's what we're gonna be doing and we'll be releasing that in shortly after this podcast. But you guys heard here first.

If you're a doctor a practitioner from how to country or out to state feel free to get in touch with this and we'll help you understand what we're seeing what we've been working on what we're doing as well just to to put that out there as well. Any last comments on what you've been seeing this far as just the inflammatory components, the endo pad, the Bi. And the mega or or simply just what are some of the symptoms that are coming in with that that might actually be this problem.

Speaker 2: Yeah. It's it's varied. I mean, it's it's anywhere from people cardiovascular symptoms themselves, heart related issues, blood flow, high blood pressure, blood clots, especially after Covid related issues and vaccines, fatigue, chronic fatigue, difficulty with the muscles, kind of energy and robustness and neurological issues, the brain fog,

Speaker 1: the anxiety exciting mental health changes.

Speaker 2: For sure. Yep. Digestive issues. And you could pretty much name any system. And this is where with Covid now, because of Covid and the vaccines, that paints such an interesting kind of layer over.

A patient's full history. Yeah. Because if they have a full history and then you say, oh by the way, did you get the vaccine or Covid? Said oh, yeah. I got two boosters and Always treated me really poorly and never since then I felt up.

That happens all the time now.

Speaker 1: Yeah. It's a new filter where we have to put we have to do our normal work of. A couple years ago and then the filter of the Covid filter. Yeah. Covid vaccines.

And so it it becomes a very important talking point. So make sure if you're from if you're working with a doctor who knows about covid exam I'm also gonna say there's still a lot of doctors who aren't the vaccine injuries are even on the radar. Mh We happen to be contact it because we're we're open about that recognizing. And and we don't care if it's Covid or the vaccine. We don't for us, it's how are you presenting and we wanna get you better.

Yeah. And so we can measure the damage from the spike proteins, and I'm sure that's the lang that be brought out and stuff. But work with the the doctors who mentioned to them that either after Covid or the stress of the Covid lockdown downs and or the Covid process or at work or or the vaccines just see if you can put it together yourself because even even patients or were not seeing them kinda realize that the reason why they are more moody or not sleeping well is because of after effects of Covid or the vaccines or just the stress of of changes in the last couple of years. And and little things like not being able to lose weight or of one of my patients came in and Hers was peripheral neuropathy. Mh Mh.

And then have anything to do blood sugar or diabetes or anything like that, but her... One peripheral neuropathy actually improved drastically after we, she stayed here for a week, but improved drastically after we got the endo patent and realized what we're dealing with and it wasn't a blood sugar regulation issue and started working on the cardiovascular system right away. Mh So there there's a lot of symptomatic things that we know. But I would say brain fog, some of the mental stuff, physical aches and pains, the inability to lose weight, the inability just stay hydrated. Has been another one I've seen.

Where you're constantly drinking water, but not but not getting that... That satisfaction from it.

Speaker 2: Mh.

Speaker 1: So with that, I wanna thank you again for listening to the synapse snips and thank you for sending in a lot of the questions and information. I've been speaking to some of you who have been listening. And so I appreciate the feedback. And stay tuned for future episodes after Doctor. Josh says one more thing about it.

Speaker 2: Yes. I waving my hands weight. As a reminder, we just recently launched our Synapse Vip program, Yeah, which is a new app that we have that tracks visits. And offers rewards for those visits. It's free to sign up.

All only I have to do is go to our website and use your... The camera on your cell phone to scan the Qr code if that's confusing, you can either talk to our staff. Or we had a podcast about it where we kinda joked about it for a little while.

Speaker 1: Yeah. Ask ask a child or grandchild.

Speaker 2: Yeah Exactly. But it's free to sign up for the first time you sign up and have a visit, you get a twenty percent off discount on any of our packages or a fifty dollar off a purchase of a hundred and fifty or more. For So that's kind of our gift to use for free. All You gotta do is sign up and and come in and claim that during your next visit. The other thing that we should mention briefly, this is on our website we are expanding our memberships.

We talked about that during the last podcast too. But our memberships now include a lot more than just chiropractic adjust. It includes this Bi for instance, for some of the different types of different tiers of membership. But there's a lot of information on the website everybody here in the clinic knows a lot about that too. So just as a reminder, that's all new and exciting.

So check it out, please.

Speaker 1: Alright. Thank you for that. Take care everyone until next time. This is Dr Troy sign off.

Speaker 0: Thank you for listening to the sam snips pipe. Cast. If you like what you heard, subscribe to the podcast and share the podcast. To learn more, check out our website at w w w dot a fish s dot com. Until next time, this has been ci podcast.

We'll see you on the next episode. This podcast is for information purposes only and should under no circumstances be considered medical advice or substitute for medical care Any information given in this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. And is at the user's own risk, please first consult a licensed healthcare professional.