Synapse SNPs

Dizziness and vertigo a hidden cause

July 06, 2023 Dr. Troy Spurrill
Dizziness and vertigo a hidden cause
Synapse SNPs
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Synapse SNPs
Dizziness and vertigo a hidden cause
Jul 06, 2023
Dr. Troy Spurrill

In this episode Dr. Troy Spurrill, Owner of  Synapse Center for Health and Healing, Dr. Joshua Wallert, Lead Practitioner, and Marque Gant, Clinic Director have a conversation about Covid and Dizziness and vertigo a hidden cause.

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode Dr. Troy Spurrill, Owner of  Synapse Center for Health and Healing, Dr. Joshua Wallert, Lead Practitioner, and Marque Gant, Clinic Director have a conversation about Covid and Dizziness and vertigo a hidden cause.

Speaker 0: Welcome to the Synapse SNPs Podcast, where we explore the power of health and healing. On this podcast, we will be talking with health experts, professionals and leaders about hot topics in the world of health, whether it's tools to help you flourish. Successful stories to inspire or tips to optimize your health. Snaps is here to help you take the first steps towards living your best life.

Speaker 1: Welcome to snap snips. I'm Doctor Troy Sp with Doctor Josh Wall and Marquis. It's been a while since we put out a podcast. Wanna I apologize for that right out of the gates. Sorry.

We've been busy. Wait to see what we've got coming though. It's it's all good. I just wanna So with that, we're gonna do a brief talk today about something we've been seeing quite a bit lately. That's dizziness and ver.

Yep. And then I've got announcement at the end My your job is to remind me of the announcement at the end. Alright. So digits and ver, so you've been seeing a lot of this two, Josh.

Speaker 2: Yeah In the last, I don't know a month or two, probably. And it's not the traditional ver when people come in with dizziness. Spinning business like Ver, We often find the crystal in the ear problem. Yep. Bp.

That's an easy fix usually put a person on their back with their head in a certain position and it clears that issue really quickly for most people. The people that we have coming in lately, with the same symptoms they'll get position or change in position triggers of dizziness. They're not having the crystal in the ear problem. They're getting that from but I found a lot of infectious stuff. Yeah.

Know You're what you're seeing.

Speaker 1: I'm seeing a lot of inflammation and and in some infection too and there's some there's some caveats to that too. So... Yeah. And some of my patients have even done the ep maneuver. So the maneuver you're talking was the ep maneuver, you can actually Google it some of them have done it at home.

And they get some temporary relief from it, the if it is truly a crystal scenario, you will get full relief. Yes. And so that's how you kinda know. So you can Google Ep maneuver. And if That's e p l e y.

Yeah. Maneuver. And that can give you some guidance if you've got some actual disney or ver. Because you can do it yourself at.

Speaker 2: Can be hard. Because if it's if it's positive for that, you're gonna feel like you're on a roller coaster in.

Speaker 1: That's true Hard to do stay there.

Speaker 2: Usually tell people. I'm gonna forcing you to stay there because that's the fix.

Speaker 1: Yeah

Speaker 2: yep. It's hard to force yourself to stay in that.

Speaker 1: It is. Yeah. I have a few patients try that though and and it's working the pass But besides that, we've been finding different things. What are some of the infections that you were running into?

Speaker 2: Well, I don't know if it's some sort of seasonal infection coming through. I've had a a couple people either with. Seems like a viral of a... One of the one of the person that I just last week saw a patient where she was Covid positive and had this. And I know we've seen this with Covid.

I don't know if it's a... Mild Covid strain going around or if it's some other viral infection. But I've seen that post viral infection for a week or two, people have some of that dizziness. I've also seen it in a few of my lyme patients. Yeah.

Recently too. And then also with stress and neck tension. I've had a... Like you said, a a big... Uptick in this recently.


Speaker 1: And I've seen consistently neck tension. And they all say it feels like it's coming from my neck. Mh. That's like... Or the majority of them are saying that.

So it's been it's been... It's unique. I'm gonna say that because in thirty years, I've not seen this type of... Scenario with dizziness indigenous on mass like, I'm seeing it right now. So in the last month, yeah and I agree, there there's definitely been like almost like a flu like scenario.

Yeah. Attached to it. Mh. And then recently, we've been checking a lot of people with Em type scenarios and they're all Em active. To either just general electric currents, but more so, all of them except for one, I think we're also reacting reactive to their cell phone which is like a four g five g type of thing.

Yeah. And I just want touch base on that just a little bit because there's something to that, the short version of the whole Em thing that has come in our radar a little bit more is very, very intriguing because when it comes to just how Em ems work. Em ems stand for electromagnetic frequencies. And so basically, it's different frequencies that you can't see, that get put out. And so we have all kinds of different things that can do.

That radio waves, microwaves, cell phone towers electric currents coming into your house. And so I'm gonna use that as an example. When you have electric current in the house, you have to ground the house. So at some point, the electrician comes in and grounds everything down into the earth.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Well there is a reason for that. It's because when the sun shines, it breaks up the molecules in the atmosphere in the air, into protons and electrons. And so we end up getting these electrons in the cloud formation, everything and lightning and thunder and rains storms rain down and electrons go back down into the soil. Yeah. That's important for us because we need those electrons.

We need electrons to produce energy. So when we touch the earth with our bare feet or our hands or in the soil. We're in the grass and the dirt, we get those electrons. And we've talked about... On this podcast many times before about how important mitochondria is.

But mitochondria basically the energy of your cell And this is where I'm getting to the viral part of it. Here. Hang with me. For the mitochondria to work, you need... First and foremost one oxygen molecule and one glucose molecule.

Together, they they'll make thirty seven Atp. Mh. That's the energy that powers it set the cell. You also need your thyroid working properly to turn that on. You need reduced inflammation so that the inflammation is not blocking all of these things to get into the cell And then once those things get into the cell, they activate your mitochondria through the electron transport chain.

Mh. So that just picture if you can. The electrons being passed down this chain and each time they like cycle up the mitochondria to produce the energy. So if you're oxygen deficient like with anemia or glucose deficient like with diabetes or thyroid deficient like autoimmune thyroid, then you can't make that work. But if your electron deficient, same thing happens.

When of the first responses with the mitochondria is it... It activates your immune system to protect the Dna. It's inflammatory initially, and then there's a high level of antioxidants, So one of the theories is that if your mitochondria is working properly really well, you don't get viral infections. Yeah. So And so that is one component of our immune system response that's not really talked about.

So for whatever every reason, we're seeing a lot of people recently I am, with the dizziness and the ver, where it is like a neck tension thing and they get some relief temporarily from treatments. But there's also some other scenarios going on. And it's a lot of our mitochondria compromised people.

Speaker 2: Yeah. So that way, it can be either... A muscle specific mitochondria problem. But it could also be a brain specific inflammatory mitochondria issue. Yeah.

I've seen both. And sometimes in combination.

Speaker 1: Yeah. Right? Exactly. So it's very tricky. I've not really seen this a lot in over the years, but we're we're seeing a lot of mitochondria stuff.

And maybe it's

Speaker 2: on a radar a little

Speaker 1: bit more because people are not responding to the traditional things as efficiently. It's taking longer to to correct what used to be like a easy no brainer.

Speaker 2: Typically a change in diet and better exercises and I think get those mitochondria. Go ahead.

Speaker 1: Yeah. Reduce your

Speaker 2: information inflammation. Yeah.

Speaker 1: Yeah. And so I've had to... I've got more people actually walking on the the soil and and the beach and Yeah. In the sand and and we for each. We do have beaches in Minnesota.

Yeah. For the two months of the year.

Speaker 2: That's the problem. I tell I tell people that because they said, can I just go outside and and that is good? There's benefits to that alone, but here in Minnesota, eight months out of the eu, really camp.

Speaker 1: Yeah. And unless you are a Canadian Minnesota like myself, where I do go out in the wintertime, bare feet.

Speaker 2: Yeah actually. You are the accepts

Speaker 1: Yeah. So... But I've also not missed day at work from Mh. Viruses in thirty years So maybe there's something to that

Speaker 2: yeah. Probably.

Speaker 1: Yeah. My weird Canadian habits have paid off.

Speaker 2: Yeah. So we all go outside barefoot. Yeah.

Speaker 1: Treat the frost later. Yeah. So with that, yeah, reducing the inflammation is very, very key, but there is a component. To the old to the whole scenario as far as just reducing inflammation and then just getting some some actual attachment to the to the ground and into the air, clean air. And just...

I'm gonna put this out there here too because I heard somewhere in... I think it's Congress or something like that right now. Where Bill Gates is proposing to actually block the sun. To help with the world climate change stuff. I'm just gonna state this right here.

That is catastrophic that That's a bad bad idea.

Speaker 2: We need the sun.

Speaker 1: He needs to stick to computers, I think. Has that... That's horrible. We need we need those electrons. So we have been referring more never than I've ever referred...

I've been referring lot to grounding mats.

Speaker 2: Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 1: And there's some pros and cons so that's still as far as some of the electromagnetic components that can come from that. But being outside in the actual earth and grounding that way is pretty.

Speaker 2: Yeah. I I think the grounding mat is a good middle groan. Yeah. Because I've been recommending probably more than anything sleep mats.

Speaker 1: Yeah. Me too.

Speaker 2: And they can be pas over the bed or different things like that and, you know, twelve, eight hours, six. So depending on how long you're in bed lane in bed, you're grounded. Yeah. Usually, you're not at all. Right?

Because you're

Speaker 1: Yep.

Speaker 2: On a mattress on a bed frame, you know, in the in the house, which isn't gonna be grounded unless you're plugged into the wall, which is what these grounding bets are. Right? So it's it's a plug. And the only thing that you're putting in the outlet really is that bottom prong. Yes.

That's the wire.

Speaker 1: And there is there is some evidence that you get a little bit of the electric feedback, so some people still won't be able to tolerate grounding mats, but you you get way more benefit from the electrons that come up from the earth and grounding. Mh. I will say this, if you... You have to make sure your your house is actually grounded.

Speaker 2: Yeah. Most companies sell a tester Yeah. I know we've... We're trying different companies up. Yeah I know one of them.

It's earth dot com. We're not affiliated with them in any sense right now. But they will sell you a grown tester. That company by the way, this is the the individual that pioneers this idea Clint Ob. He's been on a few podcasts reit recently.

He's a he's an interesting lesson. He's an old school guy. He actually... Was in telecommunications group up as a ranch I think. Yes.

So he explains it in Lay terms, I think really well.

Speaker 1: Yeah. He's kind of the the fleet fore father with a lot of the stuff. And he he tells a story of of growing up as a rancher and had a friend who was native American and went to fore see, the grandmother was in a tip, and he walked in with shoes on into the tip, and she said get those off, they will make you sick. Yeah. And so that that speaks volumes.

It is fascinating because that's something that they recognized. And and it makes sense because our shoes are literally buffering us from receiving those electrons. Mh. Same with the cement of every building, same with the highways that we have. Yeah.

We're literally the way to say it is, we're like batteries. And a mitochondria needs to be recharged. And we've been focusing for the years on oxygen, sugar, all these different things. But we might have it completely backwards where it's really an electron deficiency and those set up a lot of everything else. Because there's a lot...

There's a great book out there called the invisible rainbow, the history of electricity and life. And he... This medical doctor states an argument. For how it was the beginning of our electric grid that created the mass diabetes and even anxiety and cancers Yeah. And a lot of things in history, we still had them, but they weren't globally starting to increase until...

We started messing with our electric grid.

Speaker 2: Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1: So it's a it's a fasting read. It's kind of a... He's very very... He goes deep it, and there's a lot of... Resources got, like a hundred pages of references.

So it's a... I. Yeah. It's a well referenced document book. So those two resources clint over.

And what's his website again?

Speaker 2: Earth dot com.

Speaker 1: Yep. Earth dot com.

Speaker 2: You to remember? Yep. They have a really fascinating study. I'm not sure. It was them, but it was all about autoimmune inflammation, a couple other chronic diseases like that pain was another one pain sleep in cortisol.

Speaker 1: If it Yeah.

Speaker 2: They were testing individuals, all they did was had them sleep on these grounding mats. And over time, with just the grounding mats compared to people who weren't grounded. They saw improvements in circadian rhythm, cortisol pain improvements, but that alone. Nothing else. Yeah.

So to your point, what we're trying to do for some of our patients now is is to save you can start grounding at night or other points during the day for sure. That may be the key to slowly turning around and some of this chronic inflammation.

Speaker 1: Yeah. Absolutely. And if we if we get those electrons, you're might mitochondria stop, start up, your mitochondria first job before it's to actually power up your cell is to protect the cell. So against intra cellular pathogens, which are viruses, lyme and parasites. Yeah.

So you don't get viruses, lyme and parasites, when your mitochondria are fully functioning properly. You just don't get sick.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: So and that... What's funny is, like, early in my twenties when I was diagnosed with a mitochondria, My problem was mitochondria majorly and everything I did was to help my mitochondria with what we knew at the time. Yep. And then I've never been sick since. Mh Like, not even like a bug or anything that missed yeah.

Speaker 2: Exact.

Speaker 1: Day of at work. Yeah. So bad sushi maybe once.

Speaker 2: It's still Yeah Might of kinder key.

Speaker 1: Yeah. Absolutely.

Speaker 2: Yeah. So with the people that... Then are getting the ver go in the Dizziness. This is one of the tools we've been trial just to get them over that. But you mentioned Parasites it's interesting that...

I saw it two weeks ago. Patient or is the dizziness and it was a parasite protocol that ended up getting out of?

Speaker 1: Yes. Same same with one might too. Or no. Too. Yeah.

So that we kinda lump them all together because I really think it's a mitochondria issue and bacteria or lime. Parasites viruses can all trigger the mechanism and that's causing the ultimate dizziness. And the one thing I will say is when you have any type of sinus, pressure, it refers to your scaling, which are the muscles on the front of the neck. And so it's a chicken in and neck scenario where is it the neck tension causing the vertical or is what's happening internally in the brain or the sciences from an infection that wasn't properly dealt with triggering the neck tension.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: And I... Come landing on the fact that it's more the the latter. So the neck is a is a symptom even though everyone's got it. Yeah. We also see intestinal inflammation caused neck tension like that and then regular stress, of course.

But but I'm finding most of it's coming from the head itself. Yeah.

Speaker 2: I wanted to to provide a warning click on the grounding? Yes. So just a lot of people have heard of a detox reaction or hertz Right. And that usually happens when you give a compound antibiotic or herb or something else. That's going to get the immune system kicked into gear to clear up junk.

Right. You could have the same thing with the grounding map. Absolutely. I've heard of this before where all of a sudden your body gets that free flow of electrons. That's not...

Able to get previously and Sudden the body says, hey, I'm gonna clean house and I'm gonna clear this thing out. You check it out. I've told a few people know, if that happens and you wake up in the middle of the night, unplug that thing. You know. Unplug the your running pad start slower if you need to.

Speaker 1: I had that exact scenario. They're they're actually a patient clean. Coming in later today. So I have that exact... That's the conversation we're gonna have.

Speaker 2: Yes. Yeah.

Speaker 1: It's a good sign. It tells us it's working. It's powering up your mitochondria, which is great. But you've gotta also... If it's really sick.

Yeah. It's gotta you gotta slowly push it through. So

Speaker 2: mh you

Speaker 1: gotta just ease yourself into it. Some... Many people... Can't go right away into an all night thing. Whole thing.


Speaker 2: I do know that this is where having of either at this time of you're going out. Side in doing some of. Yeah. But then also having a variety of different ways that you can do the grounding at home. Yep.

To ease into some people can't do eight hours right away. Yes. That's a good way to do it.

Speaker 1: Yeah. For most people though, eight hours, it's, like, recharging every night, It'll improve your sleep and pain and sleep were the two first things ever found to be alleviate from just grounding alone.

Speaker 2: Yeah. Right. Alone. Yeah. This is why here in Minnesota winter can stink for everybody.

It's not a whole cold and we don't have any sunshine. We can't step on the ground.

Speaker 1: Yeah. Yep. And same thing with Canada. Alaska... You know, for the north you get.

Absolutely. Yeah. Alright. So I hope that was helpful everyone. We will be back into our normal schedule soon.

And I know I'm supposed to make an announcement and something marquis. What was that about?

Speaker 2: Our five k?

Speaker 1: Yes. That's coming up. Right? We are at at this current error date, we are two days away from our five k, Saturday, July eighth. We encourage...

Anyone and everyone, if you can make it just come sign up, we we need runners. This is for a good causes for the profit. State of Grace Foundation, which helps to pay for people who can't afford functional medicine in healthcare care. And so it's very, very important. It's a funny event.

We're gonna have jump house barbecue, We have a bus coming This bus will have our m equipment on it, which is our m sculpt and ci, and you'll talk about M face. You can get some complimentary treatments to get an idea of what that looks. Like and it is... I'm just gonna say this. We have one patient who was diagnosed with Ms, been using the m equipment, like and she was told she'd never be able to walk again without support to help.

And her goal was to walk two miles because she's doing a tour in Israel. And so that was her goal. And she is now well on her way to reaching that goal and currently walk able to walk one point two miles, which was She told you she's never gonna walk again. Yeah. So so very, very exciting.

A lot of good stuff. We hope to see you there. Even if you're not gonna Run, come hang out and check out the the the bus. That's this Saturday, July eighth, and we start at Bak ten Am.

Speaker 2: Am. Okay.

Speaker 1: For the race, and then we hang out for a little bit, and we've got the bus coming at noon. So it's just a fun day and the weather looks good does does not to not too hot.

Speaker 2: Worried about. Yeah.

Speaker 1: Yeah. That's been like a heat wave here. So so, yeah. If you wanna run barefoot, you can, but this not necessary for this one,

Speaker 2: I might... Yeah. Yeah. I'll look at my yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. We got my coach shoes on right now.

Speaker 1: So, yeah. We look forward to it. We do this every year. If you can't make it this year and even if you can't make it, you can go to our website, official synapse dot com, set the pace. So five k, and you can make a donation.

So we have people who are just donating to the cause. Just got a very generous gift yesterday. For someone who couldn't make it who wanted to come. And then we also, for those that are listening, if you've experienced synapse or you just like what we do please go to Google and leave us a review. We have someone that is willing to donate fifty dollars per Google review.

Up until the five k event. So if you can't make it, and you wanna make a difference, leave a Google review for preferably five stars. Yeah. Not one. But leave a Google review just about even if these podcasts have helped you or anything about synapse, we appreciate all of you who are listening and Yeah.

That's that's it. I'm looking forward to Saturday.

Speaker 2: Yeah. Do.

Speaker 1: It's it's a good event. It's fine. That's it's good to. Yeah Alright. Until next time, this is Duck Troy.

Marquis, Doctor Josh sign off.

Speaker 0: Thank you for listening to the Sam Snip podcast. If you like what you heard, subscribe to the podcast and share the podcast. To learn more, check out our website at w w w dot official synapse dot dot com. Until next time, this has been Ci snips podcast. We'll see you on the next episode.

This pot gases for information purposes only and should under no circumstances be considered medical advice or substitute for medical care. Any information given in this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. And is at the user's own risk, please first consult a licensed health professional.