Cooperatively Speaking

Supplier Diversity Part II: Starting & Improving Your Program is Easier -- and More Important -- Than You Think

E&I Cooperative Services Season 1 Episode 4

E&I Hosts: Saul Alvarado, Vice President, Construction, Energy & Facilities  and David Manz, Category Business Manager, Construction, Energy & Facilities
Guest: Mark Cartwright, Former Director, Supplier Diversity at E&I*

Join us for part two of our discussion on supplier diversity within the education space (check out part one here!). You'll walk away from this episode with practical, tangible tips on how you can establish your program and build on it to make it truly great.

In this episode, we dive deeper into supplier diversity and how it affects your end-users, your procurement staff, and the suppliers with whom you are partnering. We touch on the importance of diversity at its many levels, and why these programs are not only beneficial for all parties, but also not as difficult to implement or improve as you might think. 

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*Please note: Though Mark has moved on from E&I since publishing this episode, we believe the information he shared remains important and relevant for our listeners, which is why it remains published.

Cooperatively Speaking is hosted by E&I Cooperative Services, the only member-owned, non-profit procurement cooperative exclusively focused on serving the needs of education. Visit our website at

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This podcast is for informational purposes only. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host(s) or E&I Cooperative Services.