The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast

S3 Ep.17: The Power of Healing: Lisa Erickson's Energy Work Journey

Lynna K Teer Season 3 Episode 17

Imagine embarking on a transformative journey, shifting from the structured world of technology to the fluid, intriguing realm of energy work and meditation. That's precisely what our esteemed guest, Lisa Erickson, accomplished, and she's here to share her deeply inspirational voyage with us. A health crisis served as the catalyst for Lisa's exploration of chakras and energy work, leading her to specialize in women's energetics. Throughout her journey, Lisa discovered the immense power of holistic healing, where traditional modalities like yoga and physical therapy can work in unison with energy work to stimulate profound healing.

Lisa's mastery of energy work allows her to clear obstacles and reinforce skills within an individual's system, using contemplative guided energy work to release, discover, and forge new patterns in one's energy body. She draws upon her unique repatterning technique, working closely with the root chakra to effectively reprogram the energy body. But Lisa's expertise doesn't stop there. She ventures into the deep spiritual and physiological transformations women face during peri-menopause and menopause.  Lisa connects this phase to the Uranus opposition and Kundalini energy. As men too experience their version of hormonal changes.  Lisa shares insights into managing the ascension symptoms, leveraging diet adjustments and energy work.

The episode concludes on a powerful note with Lisa's reflections on the beauty of aging and the significance of trusting one's journey. We also dive into her prolific work as an author, her workshops, and online resources aimed at assisting people in their path towards embracing energy work. Lisa Erickson's transformative journey from a technology professional to an energy worker, meditation teacher, and author offers valuable lessons in resilience, adaptability, and the potential for profound personal growth. Embark on this enlightening journey and emerge with a renewed understanding of the healing power of energy work.

Please check out Lisa's website Enlightened Energetics.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, welcome to the Mindset and Manifesting podcast. Today I have a special guest. Her name is Lisa Erickson and she is an energy worker and a meditation teacher and the author of Chakra Empowerment for Women and Art and Science of Meditation. And today I want to give Lisa a chance to first start with maybe telling us a little bit about her book I'm trying to fix my notes Chakra Empowerment for Women and then we'll just kind of go with the flow and see how things go. Hi.

Speaker 2:

Lisa. Hi Linda, thank you so much for having me and for covering these topics. I really appreciate it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, of course. So. Do you want to? And actually even before we go into the book, because they're just on dummy, do you want? Because we all have a story, we all have a journey to get us to like this kind of point where we're able to talk about this stuff. So do you want to tell us a little bit about your journey to get started? Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, when I initially came out of college and into my career, I was actually working in technology in New York and this is 35 years ago, so very different field but I started having stomach aches and headaches that the doctors could not help me with. And eventually and this was sort of unusual at the time a doctor suggested a meditation class or a you know, looking into meditation for stress management, and I happened to find a chakra meditation class, energy center meditation, which I knew nothing about at the time but it launched, it did help me with my stress management and some of the experiences that I had really launched my life as a seeker and eventually, my interest not only in the chakras from a spiritual perspective, but also from an energy medicine perspective. Because in all of the world's traditions that work with the energy bodies, we have some that approach it more in terms of spiritual awakening, some more in terms of energy medicine. And then there's kind of an intersection, especially in the West, because we could say, like the psychological work, energy psychology is kind of merges, the two puts the two together. Really, we're a holistic being right, where a spirit, where a body, where a mind, where energy infuses all of that. So that. That's sort of my journey.

Speaker 2:

And then I really specifically got interested in women's energetics after the birth of my first child, when I had a health crisis, and so I got very interested in how does the energy body change? And now I've been through menopause, so that triggered a whole. Nother level of research is how does the energy body change during menopause? All along the way, working with women, I just encountered so many women who had experienced sexual trauma that that became a specialty of mine. I really sought to look at and discover and create tools for working with the chakras specifically around sexual trauma. So all of that really is what led eventually to the book. The book Chakra and Poverty for Women really came out of the workshops I had been running at that point for years on those topics.

Speaker 1:

Nice. Yeah, you know an interesting thing. So we talked a little bit earlier about some of this. You know about sexual trauma I had been through and I don't want to go into that. But what's interesting is I found, so I started meditating after my awakening back in 2019. Right, I was in my prime at first, clearing my thoughts. Now I can literally sit meditation. Everything goes black and it's just like peaceful and everything.

Speaker 1:

But I had to do a lot of work, you know, on my, my system, my chakras, right, and I actually work now with all of the chakras, so just not just the seven chakras that most people are aware of, but at that point where I kind of work with that, you know the other chakras, my system. But I start and you mentioned your pregnancy, right, the birth of your first child I started doing sacral therapy I don't know if you're familiar with that a couple of years ago. It doesn't really have anything to do with the chakras, other than the fact that I realized, because of the trauma that I went through, like my, I had to do a lot of work on, like my root chakra and my sacral chakra and then, and also my solar plexus specifically, right, I really had to start. I really had to start with my root chakra and my sacral chakra, but then the sacral therapy that I did really kind of helped to open, open my body up that flow of energy and stuff. It was fascinating. A lot of things changed for me doing all of that work.

Speaker 1:

And if I could recommend to every woman, especially every woman that has had a child, to not only do the energetic work through meditation right, working with the chakra system, but also incorporate sacral therapy right, it's very subtle to the massage therapist, didn't think it was going to work. My mind was blown away. So I think those two coupled are very, very powerful. But it starts with the energy work right, and it's way more powerful than I think a lot of people believe that it can be, because a lot of people when they start to meditate because I've heard a lot of people tell me this they find it difficult and it takes a while to get to the point where it's like, okay, I'm going to stick with this right, and it really provides that healing and stuff that we need.

Speaker 2:

Well, I love that story because I appreciate you sharing that, because it demonstrates so profoundly the power of working on multiple levels working the physical and the energetic and the spiritual. And that's what holistic means right and that is what really works. And I know other people that, in addition to chakra work, maybe it's yoga that helps, sometimes it's pelvic physical therapy, which is actually a thing right, pelvic ball physical therapy. Sometimes it's chiropractic work. There's different modalities that can work on the physical plane to really support energy work. And it's so interesting that on your own, you just came to working with the root, sacral and third chakra. I use the navel as the focal point for the third, but it still encompasses the higher up solar plexus area. I just prefer to focus at the bottom, but it really doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

But those are the three chakras I'm working on constantly for anyone, especially who has experienced any kind of trauma, not just sexual trauma and really, in a way, so many of us have are just uncomfortable with this lower part of our body. So you may not even have experienced trauma and need that work. So it's always that's the foundation and you're pretty much always working there if you have any history of trauma, because that root chakra is about being able to stay present in your body and if you develop patterns of disassociating or disconnecting, to survive trauma that's usually not anchored and you got to work there first. And then, of course, the sacral has to do with all of the themes related to femininity and our reproductive system and sexuality and navel and third chakra, our personal power, our sense of boundaries. So you have to put the work in there and then the energy can flow in a supported way upward, which is what triggers those meditation states that we all think we're supposed to have.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, exactly and I did it. So I do healing work with a coach right the past life, and so much has changed for me just in the past. This will be the third month doing that work and I've come to the realization that my heart chakra like I've really had to open that up to be able to receive but I don't think I would be able to do that healing work had I not done the other work on my own first right, and it is definitely work. It changed. That work changed really so much about my life, my and from like a physical, like sexual, energetic perspective. It was, it was really kind of life changing for me. Yeah, In that way. And the energy. So since my awakening I'm really in tune to energy. Now, Matter of fact, I just finished getting my Reiki certification, Reiki one and two, yeah, but.

Speaker 1:

I was like what I do with this energy in my body? Because I was all I started feeling this energy in my body, right In my fingertips, my, my feet, like physically feeling it, and it was so strong. So I was like I need to take Reiki to figure out, kind of how to work with this right, not only for myself but to help other people, because now you know my spiritual gifts as they come online I'm able to see things, hear things, etc. But it got me thinking if I, if I had not done that chakra work right and I know we pronounce it you know different people pronounce it different but I don't know if I would have been able to feel that energy like I do now. Right, and everything is so interconnected. Yeah, I think once you like, when you start working in one area and you start healing one area, then all of these other things open up. So it's not like a one stop shop. Okay, I'm going to do the work here and that's it.

Speaker 2:

Like this is continue unfolding, it's continued unfolding and it's really like our physical body has to be capable of sensing, and our consciousness as well, and interpreting energies and you know, kind of just very initial chakra work is usually what opens us up for that, right, and then you're also clearing obstacles. There's the whole sense of the move. The energy needs to move through all the chakras, and so psychological issues, emotional imprints, physical issues, all of these things can sort of past life can be blocking, obstructing, weakening particular parts of our energy body. So as you bring the energy through, you're clearing those obstructions and it opens up skills somewhere else, right, yeah, and in the system I work with. So I also work with a 12 chakra system from Cindy Dale, where some of the chakras are out of the body but the hands and feet are the 11th chakra together. Right, they have to do with action in the world. Our feet are how we get around, our hands are how we do almost everything. Of course they have.

Speaker 2:

Palms have long been associated with healing, right, energy healing, and so energy gets. When gifts are coming forth around, healing or action in the world, they so often reflect as this heightened energy in your hands and feet. But, yes, you have to learn, like any gift, you have to learn how to use that. Someone can have a musical proclivity, but if no one ever signs them up for a music lesson, it's never going to come forth, right, yeah? So yeah, you have to have the right vehicles for bringing your gifts out and you have to have the right clearing mechanisms to you know kind of move through whatever's impacting your chakras and it's never ending. It's not like a one time thing. There's levels, so you can keep, keep sort of deeper into it, and I'm sure you're already experiencing this. You know subtler and subtler levels of energy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, really, the past couple of weeks, and part of that's because of the healing that I've been doing the path, because I did so much of the work on my own yeah, then I had to find support on somebody who could help me more with the past lifestyle. The Akasha records things like that, yeah, and it has been, it's been profound, but that work still has to be done, right. So, once you get to a certain level, finding somebody who can support you with the additional work that needs to be done, who has the skills in that area that maybe you may be aware of but not really know how to work with them on your own. So what? So? And it is refinement, it is layers, right, because as we work on ourselves and we heal certain aspects, other things will come up right, that energy that's maybe embedded a little bit deeper. Then we have to work with that, and then what happens is it may create energy blocks, right, more energy blocks that we have to clear again, right, right.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, the word refinement has been coming up a lot for me in the past couple of weeks peeling back the layers, right, observing, refining. Something else will come up, right, yeah, and it's kind of like this repeated cycle, but this journey that we're on, it's just part of it, right, yeah, but can you observe, can you do the work? Are you open to that? Yeah, I do so. How do you work with your clients who, yeah, how do you work with them? Because it's not reiki necessarily that you do? Are you certified reiki?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it isn't my primary modality at this point in my practice, what I call my work is contemplative guided energy work and I use a variety of different techniques, some of which are my own, some of which I'm certified in. But really it's really like, together with our awareness, my awareness and whoever I'm working with, we're going into their energy body with our awareness and our intentionality and working to release, discover, release obstructions or imprints as I often call them, and then patterns of behavior associated with them, and then trying to create a new pattern. Now, what I've done in the book is create like 12 simple versions that are the repatterning part, because just activating a new energy in a chakra goes a long way towards releasing whatever is obstructing that. So, for example, if we're working on feeling safe in the body, if someone has a tendency to disassociate whenever they don't feel quite safe and that comes from childhood trauma, right, we're going to work with.

Speaker 2:

Okay, give me an example most recently of when you felt you froze or you disconnected because you felt anxious. It could just be in the grocery store, it could be. Someone said something critical to you. Your mental, conceptual mind knows I'm not in any danger, this person's not going to hurt me, but your energy body, your body still reacts from that old place and you freeze what's going on right, then what's really happening in the energy? The nervous system is triggered but the energy body also is activating this old pattern of kind of leaving the body checking out. So we're trying to rewrite that. We're going to work a lot with the root chakra, activating that sense of being safe in the body, because when we disconnect it's like we float up like a balloon off our root chakra. So it's like we're going to bring them down and we're going to do guided work to do that.

Speaker 2:

We may do some trauma release work around whatever has caused that pattern and then we're going to be working on affirming with a visual and affirmations and root chakra focus, this new energetic default of triggered Instead of leaving. Stay present, stay anchored I call it hooked in at the root chakra, repatterning that over and over. So the actual experience is more like we're doing guided work into that part of your energy body. With my own skills. Right, I'm doing distance healing on that person, but it's not directed as much through the hands. I do have mudras and things that I use, but it is more intentionality and the same thing with all the others. You know, with trauma there's so many different patterns, besides disassociation, that you might work with.

Speaker 1:

So are you able to see the energy or do you primarily feel it? Because we're all different, right, and when those gifts come online, then that how we work with energy. So is it primarily just the intention or have you now are you able to see the energy or just necessarily feel it? Because I think everybody can feel energy, whether they realize that's what's happening or not. But are you able to see it? Because, for me, I'm able to see the energy. I'm able to see the energy now, which is I've just been able to do that probably within the past year, and I just find it fascinating how you can actually not only feel energy but see it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for me it's a combination of ways that I receive the material. You know, and like we talked sometimes about clairvoyance versus clairaudience, versus clear sentience, right, Clear sentience is just like a knowing. I'm asking someone what they want to work about and their history, and it just becomes very clear to me oh, they have this pattern, that pattern, it just appears in your mind, right? Clearvoyance is more like you get a visual, like I'll get a visual of an obstruction in this area of their energy body. Or I may, as we're focusing on a certain part of their energy body, get a visual that I'm not sure what it is and I'll explain it to them and they'll say, oh, yeah, that happened to me when I was this age. So then we're tracing the source of it, right? Or it could be past life. So they may not like know what that is, but they're like, oh, but I've always been fascinated with that time period. Could it be a past life? Right? So that will usually come visually. So it's usually for me a combination of clairvoyance and clair sentience.

Speaker 2:

I don't experience clairaudience that much, meaning you actually get like a voice telling you or a sense of an external guide. Sometimes that's happened. So that's how I receive the information. So when I'm actually working with someone and very often I don't even use video right, which can throw people will do zoom, but we'll turn our video off Because actually I close my eyes anyway and often they want to as well, because we're going deeply into their energy body. So you're seeing at the energy body level and the visual here physical can actually obstruct that Right. So you want to be really tuned into the energy body level and it may appear in any of these different ways as we're working and it's also very collaborative.

Speaker 2:

I'm talking with the person because we're surfacing it together. So they may be like oh, all of a sudden I have this, you know, this discomfort in my navel where, even though we're working on the root and we'll explore that a little bit what is the connection, Right? So it's kind of we're moving back and forth in that way. How does it? How does it manifest for you? I'm curious.

Speaker 1:

So it's different. So I've been I've actually been clear audience since I was a kid and didn't know it Right, so I'm. But within the past couple of years, claire Vines has come online. Claire sent in. So when I do it started, I started realizing that when I would go in to see my massage therapist, she would work on me, right, and I would get this information would come through and I'd be like I have something to share with you, can I share it with you? And then she would validate the information that was coming through for her. And then it's then it started happening more like with other people I didn't necessarily have to be in the same room whatever. So for me it's, and then having that just that knowing sometimes too. So it's all three for me, right. The Claire, the Claire audiences came first and then the Claire sent it.

Speaker 2:

I'm very good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when I do energy and I've just started right, I mean I just got started for a couple of weeks ago but I've done a couple of distance healing sessions on like family and friends and I get that Claire audience or I'll see or I can sit and have like to tell it like do the energy work. But then I get the things telepathic. You know, I see things, I hear things, so it's really. It's really interesting, like when all that comes online. So I haven't done any in person sessions yet, but I was. Yeah, I was told you have to be careful, like when you're when like doing in person set. Not everybody wants to know things right. So, yeah, that's the art of it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's helpful. What is helpful at this time for this person? That is especially with when working with someone who has trauma so important because it's so easy for someone to get overwhelmed yeah, so it's like, how do you paste this work where it really feels collaborative and supportive? Yeah, and I'm always I mean that's my own internal alignment is always what is helpful for this person at this time. That's part of my tune in, right, we all have our way of starting a session. That's one of the most important things for me is tuning into that for both of us.

Speaker 2:

What's helpful today. What's the right thing today? Sometimes you have to table things for later.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, exactly. You have to be careful what I, what I share, because I'll pick up on things and that's not my own and I'm like where did this come from? So it and discernment comes into right. Exactly, yeah, discernment comes in. Let's talk about, let's talk about para menopause and menopause and energy, things like that, and favorite topics, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, my audience, those who've actually watched my YouTube channel, because I did a couple I think I did a couple of videos a while back about menopause and energy, because and we touched on this briefly early earlier about you know we grow up thinking like when you get a certain age, so it's going to be hard to take the weight off and your metabolism slows down, and this happens, and this happens. So, when we develop that mindset and those beliefs, guess what manifests? Right? But I'm of the belief. Now, like anytime, I feel anything, the helmet, anything my first thought is not, oh, what's wrong with me, I need to go the doctor. And my first thought is okay, this is energetic. So what do I need to pay attention to? And I'm working through that with the weight gain and stuff with menopause, because the literally I've gained weight. I'm the heaviest I've ever been. I've gained weight over the really over the past three years, but I, like the last year, it has not budged. No matter what I do Now, granted, I'm not exercising in the gym like I used to, it's pretty sporadic, but I know that it's energetic. Okay, what's going on? Right? So I'm doing the healing work and everything else, but I think it's like a step process. I think that's what it's going to be for me a step process, right, you know this other healing work now and then I believe the weight's gonna start coming off. I'm gonna do whatever spirit wants me to do for the weight to come off, but whatever the energy is right Behind it for me will kind of work itself out because I'm doing the work I need to do. So what is your take on it? And have you worked with other women kind of in this area? And give me the low down, because I'm curious.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, I have so many things to say about para-metapause and metaphase. You know it's so interesting and our body goes through physical changes. You know that's the process of aging. That is so. It does change. We probably won't ever be back to our body in our 20s and that's okay. So there is a level of just self-love and self-acceptance and self-appreciation for our changing body. But there are also things we can do, and weight gain in particular. You know there's often an empathic component to that meaning some part of us is holding weight as a boundary because we are as a buffer, because we are becoming more energetically sensitive. So then as our ability to hold boundaries increases so sometimes that's navel, charcoal work et cetera we don't feel we have to hold that anymore. But there are also just physical changes in our body that are, you know, just natural and it's gonna happen. But para-metapause in general, you know a lot of women don't realize it can be a 10-year phase way before we're having any irregularity in our cycle. We may already be having changes From an energetic perspective.

Speaker 2:

I really traced the start of the para-metapausal spiritual cycle to around 42, 43 for most women. It corresponds in astrology with what's called the Uranus opposition. Uranus is in the exact opposite place. It was from the moment we were born, sometime around then. Uranus is linked to the Kundalini. Kundalini is the energy that moves through the chakras of spiritual awakening and growth and Kundalini, in the women's energy body, runs in cycles, to some extent with our menstrual cycle. So as that starts to shift, even if we haven't noticed it yet, we that's what's happening throughout the para-metapause, right. Some women have like big shifts in their cycle. They don't get it for six months and then they get it 15 days apart, three times. Some women don't experience that, but usually there's some level of irregularity tied to the shifting hormones and that actually represents these kind of bursts of this personal growth energy, this Kundalini spiritual growth energy. So it's actually a huge opportunity and we're usually called in our life at some time in that phase to go through exactly what you've gone through, Like we're called to face things we hadn't faced before.

Speaker 2:

We're called upon to change anything that's holding us back, that we haven't been admitting is holding us back. We're called upon to face fears. We're really called upon to own our power and if we really do that, on the other side of menopause it's our most powerful years energetically. If you think about it, that menstrual cycle keeps us really. We're really tied to this physical body cycle. That's not gone, and so it's really like now you shift your identification to the power of spirit, of energy as it comes through this body, not in a disassociated way, and there's much more freedom. There's all this freedom and play, all that creative energy that went into, like birthing children maybe, or is now free for all this other stuff, right, so that's a lot. I just threw it at you at all levels. So I think there's energy work. Yeah, there's energy work we can do to help with actual physical symptoms like weight gain, night sweats et cetera, anxiety peaks. And there's energy work we can do around the personal transit. That is really what pyramidopause and menopause is.

Speaker 1:

That's as you were talking about the astrological aspect I got chills, like on my back. So when that happens with me, when something resonates with me like it's a because it's not the first time it happened, it's happened happens in my healing sessions, like as my guides come in, or something resonates with me like you know this internal knowing, something that's like okay, the you know there's truth to this. It's resonating with you. There's a part of you, internally, within your DNA, that already has this knowledge. So is this something you need to look into further? Yeah, like my whole body, I got chills as you were talking about that. So that's, I didn't know that, though I didn't know about that you know. So the opposite, I didn't know that. That's so interesting. It applies the spiritual pressure.

Speaker 2:

Now, men are going through this too, and we now know that men actually do go through a kind of pyramidopause. It's different because their physical bodies don't have the same level of hormonal variation as us. But we talked about the midlife crisis. Really, everyone in some way is experiencing this pressure at some level to change something, to face something. Some lean into it, some hide it. You know our recommendation obviously both you and I is lean into it, right? Yeah, what's on the other side is so much growth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you know, coupled with the changes, you know, with pyramidopause, what also happens on this journey of awakening and ascension, we experience ascension symptoms and our body is also changing, right, with the energy that's coming in off of the sun, you know. And so it got that, coupled with everything, you know, everything else going on with our bodies. When I was in pyramidopause, I was experiencing so many different things and I went to the go to the VA. I'm a veteran, so I'd go to the VA and I was diagnosed with everything from high blood pressure to hyperthyroidism, to Meniere's disease. Right, I changed my diet, I cut out gluten and dairy for a while. My symptoms went away within a few months.

Speaker 1:

But I realized now that I was going through pyramidopause years before I was actually diagnosed with it, and not only that, but that was that whole period was really, I think, preparing me in a way for the awakening period, right. And then what was to come after that? Because nothing happens by accident, right, there's an order and a purpose to everything. So, looking back on it now, I can kind of see that whole period in the progression, right. So now I'm in the process with being postmenopausal I don't even know how many years now.

Speaker 1:

But with the weight gain, the energy, all of that is like undoing some of the beliefs and stuff that I had. So I can do the, I can kind of shift my mindset and continue on this healing path. I've read about like the Buddha belly right oh, like I don't want a Buddha belly right Like if you don't have to stay in a certain specific weight or area of your life mindset, you can shift anything because it's all energetic. Yeah. So what are some? What are some of the work that you? So do you, I would assume, but I could be wrong incorporating the chakra work with that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely yeah, and it's interesting because a lot of the symptoms that we sometimes associate with paramantopausal which is night sweats, hot flashes, anxiety, kind of random anxiety, doesn't seem tied to specific things, right. Sleep disturbances, these are all very common. When you read up on Kundalini or the spiritual energy, you read up on ancient texts that would talk about it really across all traditions and Christian traditions may not have used the word Kundalini, but it is mentioned, especially in a lot of Catholic writings, right this kind of energy moving through you as part of the spiritual process. Those symptoms are mentioned as part of spiritual processes for people who aren't menopausal, right, yeah, so it's interesting that physical menopausal symptoms are so similar to the symptoms associated with the energy of spiritual awakening and ascension across traditions. So it really points to this idea of okay, these symptoms are not just physical, hormonal, and there is also it's interesting to note the chakras in energy medicine traditions are linked to our hormonal system very strongly and our nervous system. So there's also that link going on, that when one thing shifts, your spiritual energy shifts, it's gonna impact your hormones. When your hormone shifts, it's gonna impact your spiritual energy. So they're all connected, right. So that's the first thing I wanted to mention. So for symptoms that are like night sweats, anxiety, hot flashes, that's like surging energy that needs to be cooled and grounded. So we do a lot of work with just charging that.

Speaker 2:

A lot of times I find women who experience that those particular symptoms as their main symptoms and a lot of discomfort around it do have unresolved trauma that needs to be worked with. So there's issues with the root chakra perhaps that need to be worked with so they can't discharge that energy. On the other hand, weight gain or depression that's the other thing that can happen, et cetera. That's more like a stagnancy sometimes or a boundary buffer, right, like I said, like someone's becoming more sensitive. So they actually it looks like your navel chakra and your sacral chakra are trying to create a boundary to protect themselves, right. So there's some shifts that need to occur to build up the boundary to be tighter. So I work with a lot then with navel chakra activations that maybe pumping the stomach in and out, which also activates the muscles, while you're activating the navel and the sacral. That's something that comes from yogic traditions that's very powerful for kind of loosening that energy and all of that. So that's just some some of the many tools available to us.

Speaker 1:

You know it's interesting because it's something just on the issue we're talking. I've really protecting my energy has been really important to me over the past couple years. Yeah, so perhaps for me it has to do with boundaries.

Speaker 2:

I had it thought about that when you're going through a big awakening or energy gifts, like you've been doing the key training you've had all these energy gifts come forward. You're getting more energetically sensitive to the world. Yeah, and maybe the rest, some parts of you haven't quite caught up to that yet.

Speaker 2:

So the way that it is like trying to create that, but as you catch up and get better at the energetic boundary work, you'll be able to let that go to an extent. I always, you know, there is physical changes in our body that are just, but maybe not to the same degree.

Speaker 1:

Because the physical changes are just manifestations, right?

Speaker 2:

Yes, Well, I do subscribe to that and I'm always a little tentative because everyone still ages.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 2:

Like the body. This is so. I don't want it to be. I don't want to go into that like feeling of like it's like if you're aging, something's wrong.

Speaker 1:

No, that's not true, oh yeah. Yeah, You're right, Our bodies do change. I tend to so. For me, I tend to, because I deal with anxiety and depression for like 40, almost 47 years, 42 years. I tend now, for me, I tend to lead more towards the spiritual and not so much towards it. But I totally get it right. Your body changes, we age and things like that. I mean we could see it looking in the mirror. We can see. You know that.

Speaker 2:

And women just receive so many negative things about their body in terms of what they should be like. So I feel like it's this balance of yes, take charge and co-create what you want, but also recognize some changes are going to happen and you're beautiful no matter what. It's a balance of the two.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly yeah. We are in this physical form, so it's got to change. You can't stay that way forever. And I like what you said about the energy, like the like, the not being able to sleep, or, like the nice words, anxiety, because I have.

Speaker 1:

So I dealt with anxiety for like years, looking back, and now that you mentioned that it makes so much sense and not just like the impairmental puzzle, right, and the things that we experienced with that not being able to sleep, perhaps anxiety, like with the hyperthyroidism I literally felt like I was shaking from the inside. Physically I wasn't shaking, but it felt like my whole body on the inside was shaking. So now that you mentioned that it makes so much sense, that energy, right, what do you do with the energy? And I didn't know about grounding at the time or really what to do with it. I wasn't meditating, things like that that's really helpful. That was really helpful for people to know that, experiencing that If you can get into a practice of meditation or find someone like yourself to help you work through like the trauma, help you work with your shocker system and just work with that energy, it would be so helpful and you wouldn't have to suffer.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and physical too, like you discovered, the sacral work. For other people it may be massage or chirole, maybe it's just exercise, but some way of getting it working, it through your physical body too, most people need that combination is magical. And then there are women who really do benefit from allopathic methods of hormone, biomedical hormones et cetera. I've had the whole gamut. I didn't use any of those, but I do work with clients who do very successfully, whether HRT from a doctor or biomedical from a holistic practitioner or herbs that can stimulate estrogen. You have to be careful, but find what works for you and that's for some women. That's very helpful, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Wow, unlike fascinates when I learn stuff. Right, if it fascinates me on a certain level, because then I'm like, then it just kind of reaffirms the fact that there's always something to learn, right About the self, right, so now I can go and meditate myself and think internally okay, so now what do I do with this information? Yeah, Right. And help aid them on.

Speaker 2:

Well, especially this topic menopause we don't talk about it enough. That's why I'm so glad that you are willing and want to go into it with your audience, because I think a lot of women get caught by surprise right, sort of they haven't heard or read a lot about it. It's getting better, but it was one of those things that just it wasn't talked about. All these different sides of it, you know.

Speaker 1:

And you know you brought up the other modalities and stuff. One of the best things I ever did was I started getting massage therapy regularly, weekly, right, and then now it's a couple of times it's twice a month, and then chiropractic care once a week, I became. And then the sacred work, right, and then I've done Reiki sessions. When you're able to incorporate a variety of different methods, find what resonates with you, right, it really assists you in getting to know your physical body, and not just your physical body, but really from a spiritual perspective as well. Whether you may realize it, depending on where you are on your journey, but at some point, right, you reach a different point on your journey, things will resonate with you differently. So, getting to know your body, really being in tune with your body, so all, if I get an ache now, like ache in my shoulder that I've had for a couple weeks, I'm like, where's that coming from? Like yeah, then I'm able to. I'm able to think, okay, where's that coming from? And I know it's not just, it's not my shoulder, it's radiating from somewhere else. Or if I'm doing physical work and it's not going away, okay, on an energetic level, now, where is this coming from?

Speaker 1:

And you're able to put the pieces together right. Yeah, like when you're meditating information and you're doing the, the shock or work on your system. Right, you're clearing this energy and allowing it to move You'll start to receive bits and pieces of information and it's like puzzle pieces. It doesn't all come at once, which is why you don't just go to a massage therapist once, or just do one Reiki session or just do one meditation session. Yeah, it's an ongoing process because you'll receive different bits of information at different times. Yeah, and then, over time, you can start putting the pieces together and really figure, figuring out what's going on. Yeah, with you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly that's. That's. I love that, yeah, and sometimes it's like with a physical pain when did it start? And you get a clue from that. But you just get more and more sophisticated at you know what's coming in, when you know a certain spiritual message, because it isn't just receiving the messages, it's also being able to interpret them right. So that capacity grows too as you study more and more and you get different perspectives. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly yeah, because at first, like things may not make sense, right, Like you'll be information, it'll come through. You're like where'd that come from? That doesn't make any sense. And then you keep at it and your ability to discern, your ability to understand, your ability to know yourself right, it's clearer Comes together. Yeah, exactly, All right, so we have a few minutes left. Is there anything? Is there anything that you want to add or talk about?

Speaker 2:

Well, I think I always like to say, you know, if someone has not worked with the chakras at all, not to be afraid of it. It's not so intimidating. There's so many different ways to work with your chakras. You know I do these simple visualizations and affirmations which most people find accessible. Other people, you know they will. Then they like to work with colors, they like to work with crystals. You know there's a lot of different ways to work with them. So, really finding the modality that works for you and not getting sort of discouraged if you don't feel them right away or if your mind is busy, that's natural for everybody and you're eventually.

Speaker 2:

Usually people end up having like one chakra. That's the first one they really feel. They feel a warmth or a tingle, you know, in their heart or their navel or their third eye those would be the most common, but it could be anywhere and then that's your starting point. You're starting to sense something beyond your physical and that will just grow and grow and grow, right. So it's really just let yourself start from where you are and don't be intimidated.

Speaker 2:

I think that's always my message, because I feel a lot of people like they'll try it once and they'll be like I didn't feel anything. It's not for me, you know, and you got to give it a little bit more time sometimes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I, that's how I feel about crystals. I never thought I would be a person who would own crystals, right? So there are some. I'm like, oh, I'm really drawn to this and have a whole bunch because I thought, well, one day, because I know from experience, informational come online and I'll start working with them. Right, it's inevitable. Or like tarot cards, or like I have a pendulum thing now because my, my coach uses it and I know that everything comes from within. So any information you're receiving back is just a reflection. So that's how I use any tool, right? So now, experiment with all these different things. But yeah, I'll hold some crystals, I'll give you anything back. I'm like that's okay, you know eventually, right? So I'm just set it aside and then, and then come back to it.

Speaker 1:

Now, as far as the, the shocker system, most people are only familiar with the seven and most people think from because I was this way, so I'm assuming there are many people out there. Okay, there is. You know they run through the center of your body. A lot of people don't know that they extend out with you know, energy extends outward, front and the back. We have shockers above the seventh chakra, right, I work with those now meditation or hands or feet, our ears, right. So it's not so like one dimensional as just having. You know that, that seven, yeah, just the seven, that you know that, that particular system of energies that most people are familiar with, right. So once you work with those, you know there's plenty of others, there's plenty of others to work with. So you mentioned that you do turning off the screen to work with people. So that means you do distance.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So you do online workshops as well.

Speaker 2:

Yes. For example, it might be like a boundary workshop. So then I'm guiding people through tools, chakra, tools for boundary, for empowering your boundaries and work, and talking about the different kinds of obstructions that you might be holding to doing boundaries right. So that's group work.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, perfect, okay, and the reason I ask that is because you know people will know so when I put their your information, your link right and podcast description and then the YouTube channel, and they they'll know what you know, some of the things that you do. You know whether or not it's something they, they want to do before they even go to your site. They have an idea of you know kind of what you do. I didn't, so I did not buy your book yet and normally what I do is before I have somebody on the podcast I'll purchase their book. So I will be purchasing that because, yeah, I will, I definitely do that and I'm actually in the process.

Speaker 1:

So, like 200 spiritual, metaphysical books. So I'm actually in the process of, or I will be in the process after I'm done with this course is putting those resources on my website. Oh, that's why I'm looking forward to actually ordering your book, because I'm assuming it's on Amazon, correct? I just didn't get or I've been working on this course, I didn't even get a chance to order it yet, but so that's something I have in the works is putting all of the resources, starting with the people that I've had on the podcast, because I think most of the books, actually all of the books I have some people have several books and I may only have one or two of them is putting those resources on my website as well, so would you be okay with me doing that?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, and that's such a beautiful offering, right, because I know books have played such a huge role in my own path as well. So, sharing those resources that you have found helpful, I think that's a beautiful offering and I'd be honored to be on there for sure. Okay, it's a discussion that you're really going to resonate with the approach in the book. Yeah, it's helpful to you and anyone listening. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Well, the resource page is a work in progress. I'm working on that and then I have a way in my shop to link with products as well that will take people right to to Amazon. So, whether I actually put it in like a physical type shop so they can click and then go and immediately purchase it, or, and then, you know, link to your website and things like that so people will be able to find you. Yeah, wonderful, and that's really nice. Yeah, and this is prompted me to do another video at some point in the very near future on my own channel to engage in discussion right about menopause and perma menopause, specifically because now that I've talked to you, I can revisit that right. Probably I would you know probably months from now. Yeah, because it'll be interesting doing the meditating on the information, what comes to mind and the experiences that I may have in the coming months, right With my you get guided to for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, integrate this. Yeah, yeah, exactly, to hear that too, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I would love to and I can make a note of it Perhaps sometime in the future have a follow up interview with you. Absolutely, read back out anytime. Yeah, because everybody's journey changes, right, you know, six months a year or whatever. And I just started having people like interviewing people not too long ago, right, at first it was me just talking. Right Now I love engaging in comp. It took me a while to get comfortable I'm still trying to get comfortable, right, interviewing people and and things like that, but I think it's so fascinating or it will be to have people back on right Six months time You're at, yeah, exactly right, how things have advanced, how things have possibly changed in your work.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that is my plan is not great On once but really follow up and say, oh yeah, like how things have advanced with you. What are you doing now? Have you written another book? Yeah, yeah, that's great, Awesome. It was so great talking to you. Thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you too, lana, and I really honor your work and the work you're doing to help people as well. So thank you for having me on All right, thank you.

Speaker 1:

All right, everybody. That is it for today's episode. I will have Lisa's information linked so that you can find her both in the description box for this podcast episode and then over on my YouTube channel. All right, I'll see you guys in the next episode. Bye now. Yay, thank you so much. Thank you, lana.