The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast

S4 Ep. 12: Understanding the Time Delay in Manifestation

Lynna K Teer Season 4 Episode 12

Welcome to "The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast," where we explore the depths of conscious manifestation and spiritual growth. I'm Lynna K Teer, your spiritual guide and conscious manifestation coach, here to illuminate the intricate facets of the manifestation process. In today's episode, we delve into a topic that often perplexes individuals – the time delay in manifesting.

Episode Description:

In this enlightening episode titled "Understanding the Time Delay in Manifestation," we unravel the mysteries surrounding the temporal aspect of conscious manifestation. As a spiritual teacher and manifestation coach, I've encountered countless individuals grappling with impatience and frustration as they await the fruition of their desires. Join me as we navigate the nuances of the time delay phenomenon and uncover its wisdom.

We begin by exploring the fundamental principles underlying the manifestation process, shedding light on the intricate interplay between thoughts, emotions, and the quantum field. Understanding the mechanics of manifestation allows us to comprehend why there is often a perceived delay between setting our intentions and witnessing their manifestation in physical reality.

Throughout the episode, we'll delve into the various factors that influence the timing of manifestation, including vibrational alignment, subconscious beliefs, and divine timing. By gaining insight into these dynamics, we empower ourselves to navigate the manifestation journey with patience, trust, and unwavering faith.

Drawing upon spiritual teachings, personal anecdotes, and practical wisdom, I'll share strategies to cultivate patience and surrender in the face of the time delay. Embracing the present moment, releasing attachment to outcomes, and aligning with the natural flow of the universe are key practices that facilitate the manifestation process.

As we explore the intricacies of the time delay in manifestation, we'll also delve into the concept of divine timing – the notion that certain manifestations unfold perfectly with the highest good of all involved. Trusting in divine timing allows us to relinquish control and surrender to the universe's wisdom, knowing that our desires will manifest at the most opportune moment.

Whether you're experiencing impatience on your manifestation journey or seeking deeper insights into the temporal dynamics of manifestation, this episode offers guidance, clarity, and reassurance. By embracing the time delay as an inherent aspect of the manifestation process, we cultivate patience, trust, and a profound sense of alignment with the universe.

Tune in to "Understanding the Time Delay in Manifestation" on "The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast" and embark on a journey of illumination, empowerment, and spiritual growth.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Mindset and Manifesting podcast. My name is Lena, I am your host, I'm a spiritual teacher and a conscious manifestation coach, and in today's episode I want to talk about the time delay and manifestation, or time really in general. Now I was going to move into the next series on awakening the spiritual body, a holistic approach to balance and alignment. However, on I think it was my last episode somebody commented that I never talk about the time delay, and I have talked about it before on my YouTube channel in a couple of videos. I've mentioned it, but I couldn't remember exactly which video, so I decided to do a podcast episode before I move into the next 10 part series. So let me bring up my notes on time and time delays when manifesting. The first thing I want to mention is on a on a third dimensional, physical level, okay, and even a fourth dimensional perspective, understanding time and understanding the time delay, okay, is not something, in my personal opinion, that I believe we can ever fully understand. Okay, from a spiritual level, once you've learned to transcend time, and it doesn't, it doesn't happen all the time. I'm not able to do it all the time. I'm able to suspend time. I've done it on occasions, but like fully understanding it on this level, again, I don't believe it's something that we can ever fully comprehend, okay. So, that being said, your soul, my soul, our individual souls, okay, chose to experience the concept of time in order to transcend the illusion of it, to master it, to master ourselves, okay, and to realize eventually that time does not exist. It is an illusion that we have created. Okay, for the experience of it, okay. And I also believe that it creates structure while we are here in this physical body, right, it gives us a sense of where we're at, where we've been and where we are moving to, all right, even though essentially, all things exist now, okay, multi-dimensionally, right. However, from this, from the perception of a third dimensional and, I would say, lower fourth dimensional perspective, because again, there are planes of existence within each dimension and again, it's the, these dimensions, these timelines are not outside of us, they're all within us and we are moving through them. Okay, and an upwards spiral motion, all right, we are moving through these dimensions, these planes of existence within each dimension. We are doing it all internally. This is the awakening process and essentially, okay. So, from this, from a third dimensional and a fourth dimensional perspective on certain levels of planes of existence within the fourth dimension, time gives us a construct of which to gauge where we are at right in our lives on this journey. So I wanted to make that clear Because, just to hop into time, delay when manifesting, I didn't I mean a lot of people in the manifesting community, coaches, you know, I'm sure, have talked about this before. I talked about it a couple of times from my level of perception at a different point on my journey. Okay, now I'm able to add more insight to it. So that's, that's what my goal is to do today.

Speaker 1:

So what is time? Okay, time? Time, to Webster's dictionary, is defined as the continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in an apparent, irreversible succession from the past through the present and into the future. Again, it gives us a construct to gauge where we're at right and a string or a sequence of existence and events, right, our daily patterns, okay, or even our patterns, month of month over month or year over year, right, these patterns that we go through on this process, on this journey of awakening and ascension, etc. Right. So the patterns that we experience, that we go through, are occurring, so that we can learn from them and eventually break them and move into higher states of consciousness. So, time again, a continued sequence of existence and events. Okay, so, it seems like things are moving in a linear fashion, but they are not Okay.

Speaker 1:

So time is experienced as repetitive patterns and embodied states of consciousness. For instance, if you are in a state of a state of fear about something, right and or a state of doubt, or even a state of joy or happiness, right, and you stay in that state for a period of time consecutively, right, day after day, or month after month, right, that's a sequence, that is a repetitive pattern and an embodied state of consciousness. So you can say, for instance, if you are or let's take anxiety or depression, right, if you for me, so for me 40, what? Seven years dealing with anxiety and depression? I was in that, I was in the state of consciousness of both of those perceptions, right, experiences. And I mean, granted, there were times I was happy, I was joyful, etc. Other states of consciousness, because we're moving through states second by second, by second. Really, okay, it's when we remain in, it's when we remain in a certain state to the point that it becomes natural. Okay, that patterns form and these beliefs and assumptions around certain things form. Okay. So, anyway, time right Is experienced as repetitive patterns and embodied states of consciousness.

Speaker 1:

Now I'll get to the manifesting the time delay here shortly, but before doing that, I wanted to give insight into time itself. Okay, now, what is the definition of delay? Delay means to make something or someone late or slow to make. Okay, it is a period of time by which something is late or postponed. We give definition to everything that we experience. Okay, so if we perceive something as being late or slow, we give that meaning to it. Okay, rather than saying, well, it is perfectly on time, okay, everything is perfectly on time. So if you're having a party and somebody shows up late, rather than giving the meaning to it as this person showed up late, you could choose to say they showed up perfectly on time. Maybe in your eyes, they are late because you have given a specified time, but for them, it is perfectly on time. They are perfectly on time. Okay, you can choose to change your definition of what is late or what is slow. Okay, this is where you start to really manipulate the manipulate time, the energy of time and the way that you perceive it. Right, when you change your definition of it? Okay, all right. So who defines time we do, who assigns the meaning to both time and the delay of something? We do? You do, okay.

Speaker 1:

And then, what is manifestation? So manifestation is defined as an event, or as an event, an action or an object that clearly shows or embodies something, a desire, for example. Right, what is a desire? A desire is a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen. Now, if we are wanting something to happen or wishing for something to happen, there is a different energy of wanting and wishing than there is to knowing that it is right. Okay, because wanting or wishing is really identifying with the state of consciousness of wanting or wishing. If you have something, if it is already here, you no longer want it or wish for it. So, if you are experiencing a time delay and focused on that time delay, okay, then you are. Then that you are affirming essentially that it isn't here yet. Okay, all right.

Speaker 1:

Now, what is an intent? Okay, an intent is a resolve or determination to do or experience something. It is showing earnest and eager intention to so. Think about the desires, the things that you want or are wishing for. Okay, these manifestations, these events, these actions or objects, okay, that show or embody something that you wish to have or experience. Okay, if you take those desires and then you intend for them to happen, if you intend for them to manifest, okay, then you change the energy behind that feeling of wanting or wishing for something. So, instead of desiring for something, you set an intention for it to occur, for you to experience it, and it shall be right, it is done. So just give some thought to that, the perception of the way you are thinking about things, the things that you want to manifest. What is, what energy is behind that? What is the? What are your thoughts behind that? Are you wishing and wanting, right? Or have you set the intention and let it go, knowing that you set the intention, it is done, okay, and the only thing that you need to focus on is the fact that you set the intention and it is done, alright. So let's see Now I'm reading off on my notes so I don't frickin anything.

Speaker 1:

So, prior to incarnating into this physical body Now, again, I mean, this has to do with time and the time to lay with manifesting, right? So this is a little bit more. Let's see. What word do I want to use In correlation to the manifestation mastery series that I just did. This is a little bit of a more I don't want to say advanced as you are further along in your journey. If you don't understand this now, as you move further along in your journey of awakening your manifestation, your conscious manifestation process, right, this will begin to make more and more sense. And then, as you move into higher and higher states of consciousness, right, you embody these higher states and you begin to understand manifestation more and that there is more to it than just saying that you, that you want something right and you're intending for it, you're doing your techniques, etc. Right, there's, there's, there's more to this entire journey, because we are awakening and eventually ascending really into these higher and higher states of consciousness, into a fit dimensional state of awareness, really. So, again, if this doesn't make sense now, it will eventually.

Speaker 1:

So, again, prior to incarnating into this physical body, we chose the experiences that we would have in order to learn here on earth. So this earth is essentially a school. So each experience at a given moment in time presents itself as a desire. Okay, so we have free will, so it is up to us if we choose to experience it in the moment it expresses itself. Okay, how do we experience it? By embodying that experience of desire.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so time delay, let me out. I don't know if I wrote this. I may have wrote this down, so let me continue and then, if I haven't covered it, my notes, then I'll make sure to talk about it. Alright, so the things that we chose to experience, or choose to experience, that we do not naturally feel as though we have that thing, it is teaching us right in that moment. Well, why don't I feel as though I have this thing?

Speaker 1:

What belief is behind that, that thought that it isn't here yet? Okay, what am I focusing on? That is an opposition of what I am consciously manifesting. You're consciously if it, if, if you do not believe it is here and you're focusing on the time delay, then you? That is basically affirming that it is not here, it is not unfold. Let's say it is not unfolding, because everything is unfolding at every moment of time.

Speaker 1:

Everything you see in your experience is a manifestation or an unfolding, a sequence of events, a bridge, of a bridge of events to toward a manifestation. Okay, nothing is happening by accident, absolutely nothing. Everything is a manifestation or a sequence of events, a bridge of events working to get working, unfolding towards a manifestation. Everything is coming to fruition. Now, how it comes about, we don't control that right. So I've had thoughts, I've reacted to things and they've manifested. I've seen them manifest maybe not personally happening to me, about happening to others, happening in the world, right. That's why I talk about cultivating awareness a lot and eventually you will on this journey is because you eventually begin to see everything as it is right and you begin to see things that are seemingly you would normally, from a third dimensional perspective, think is random, but they aren't random. You see the manifestation based on a thought or a reaction you had to something, et cetera.

Speaker 1:

So, when it comes to the time delay, recognize that if you are focused on the time it is taking for something to manifest in a way that you can tangibly experience it, feel it, have it, see it, et cetera, there will be a delay because you are focusing on the time delay. Okay, this is where faith comes in faith and trust and being bold, never called it brazen impudence. Know that it is done, no matter what you see, no matter what you hear, until you actually experience to actually have, see, feel, whatever, but you are consciously manifesting what you are intending for. Ignore it, neutralize it, give no credence to it, just observe it. Okay, this thing is happening. But that is not relevant to me now. It's not relevant to shadow of a former thought, a former belief, something I formerly manifested unknowingly. All right, so? So where was I? Okay?

Speaker 1:

So, for instance, if you desire money, okay, and you set the intention to be someone who has money, yet you are constantly seeking it and noticing a time delay. That it that you have been doing your affirmations, you have been doing your journaling or whatever tech, you're visualizing for money to show up in your bank account, but you're constantly checking your account and noticing it's not there and you're wondering why it isn't here yet. You're focusing on the time delay. You are manifesting the delay. You're manifesting the delay, okay, ah, let's see. So where was I? Um, all right, that's gonna teach you something.

Speaker 1:

If you're focused on the delay, what is that showing you? Do you have a certain belief around money, certain belief around love or whatever it is? You're manifesting and noticing the delay, more so than having faith and knowing that it exists. It exists, all right, and it is essentially accessible. Okay, and it's not hard, it's not difficult. It seems difficult because we are here to have an experience, okay. So we unknowingly make it difficult for the sake of the experience, of transcending that difficulty and moving into the state of consciousness of knowing that everything exists now. Right, okay, now everything exists now.

Speaker 1:

But we don't see everything. We see it when we focus on it consistently and we do not divert our focus or we do not subtly put our energy behind the opposition of what we are manifesting. You can say I have a million dollars in my bank all day long. You can visualize having million dollars in your bank account all day long and a million dollars is possible. The million dollars exist, okay. But if you are checking your bank account every day and not saying a million dollars in your account, and you are wondering why isn't it here yet? That is what you are manifesting it not being here, okay. Oftentimes it's so subtle. Now, let's see, I want to go. I'll just check my notes real quick when I was. Let's real quick, hold on one sec, all right, all right, everything is an experience, excuse me, everything is an experience, okay.

Speaker 1:

Whatever limiting beliefs we have about something, we must work through them for the sake of the experience and learning to embody higher states of consciousness, higher frequency of being the person who has the money or whatever it is that we want a new job, love, a new car, etc. Everything is an experience. Everything is teaching us about ourselves. Okay, Keep in mind that what you focus on is what will manifest. If you continue to focus on something being delayed, then it will be delayed. So realize that whatever you are manifesting contains within itself, okay, a sequence of events that must unfold. Okay, let things unfold. All right now, everything right. Every thing that we want to experience, that we want to have, that, we want to do that, we want to be okay.

Speaker 1:

Every manifestation is essentially something that is created. It is, um, so it's like a seed, trying to figure how to word this. So it's like a seed, right, and it contains everything within it. Right, and it contains everything within it. Right, and it contains everything within it. Right, it contains everything within it. Right, the within that seed. I'm trying to think if there's a way I can. I can talk about it from an energetic perspective, but I might butcher that. So think of each manifestation as a seed, and within that seed contains everything that needs to happen for that manifestation, that thing, that event, that experience to unfold, right, because there are things in this world that need to move right. Um, the money in your bank account, chances are it's not going to just drop out of the sky, right? There are other things, other people involved, other things, other experiences within your life that may need to unfold for that money to hit your bank account. So everything that needs to happen for that money to hit your bank account is contained within a seed, a seed of creation of that manifestation, of that event or experience. You must let it unfold.

Speaker 1:

If you are continually focused on the time delay, you are going to experience delay. Okay, now, it is really not up to us to focus on or decide how long something is going to take. We can send an intention for something to happen tomorrow, right, but we created everything that we're going to experience before we even incarnated into this physical experience. So some things are going to take longer than others, right, unless you're able to transcend your physical experience and begin to remember some of your soul contracts, some of the things that you chose to experience in this lifetime, right, but that is a far more advanced level state of consciousness than many of us are in at this moment, right Now. So for me, I, there are a couple of things that I've been able to see and remember about this lifetime, that I chose to experience in this lifetime, but not everything, right, not everything, not most things. I have desires that I know that I will experience, that I am here to experience that haven't yet come to fruition. Now, I am partly responsible for that delay.

Speaker 1:

As I move through, as I have moved through doubts right, as I have overcome old belief systems, etc. Do I still know they're going to happen? Of course I do, right, am I focused on when they're going to happen? For most of the things? No, there are a couple of things that I'm like it would be nice if they were here. But for many of the things you know, I think about them and because I've visualized them, they seem like memories now, even though I know that they haven't. They haven't like I haven't experienced them yet in this physical reality, but I've experienced them in my mind. So essentially, I know that they've manifested right On a different timeline. Really, I have not fully moved into either that state of consciousness, into that timeline, or because I've wavered, sometimes because of doubts and beliefs, but there have been times where I've focused on the time delays, right. So I'm at a point in my journey now where I don't focus on that as much and I'm able to see time as being more fluid. Right, but I've been there and I understand why people can get caught up in that because I've been there.

Speaker 1:

But the more you focus on the time delay, the longer it will take because you keep manifesting the delay. Don't worry about when something is going to come to fruition, when it's going to manifest. Know that you've already created that. You created the experience, you created the event, the thing prior to incarnating in this lifetime. Right, and it will come to fruition if you allow it, if you allow it. But remember that the experiences that you are having, the things that are holding you up, serve a purpose. They are your creation for the sake of the experience, so that you can awaken and move through the ascension process. Okay, there is more to this life, more to this experience than just the law, as scripture teaches, as Neville talked about in his lectures, the law, and there's the promise, the awakening, the ascension portion right, of our entire journey. So, when it comes to time delays, okay, do not focus on the delay. Know what you want to experience and have faith that it will unfold, that it will manifest as a tangible thing, as a tangible experience in your life, if you allow it. Stop getting in your own way. I've been there. It could be painful, I know. It can be frustrating, I know, but get out of your own way, just allow it to be okay.

Speaker 1:

Any time you find yourself focusing on the time delay, you can tell yourself it is always on time. My manifestations are always on time. They always arrive on time. They are here for me to experience right now and they are always on time. Eventually, you will learn to see beyond your physical senses, to know that whatever you are manifesting exists now. It is here now, okay, it is simply unfolding for you to actually tangibly experience. You can experience it in your mind Anytime that you want. You can go there in your mind and experience it. It is there Now. It is here now For you to experience it tangibly in the physical. You must believe that it is possible for it to exist in the physical because you can see it and experience it in your mind, in your imagination, and then get out of your way and let it unfold. Okay, all right, so that is it for today's episode.

Speaker 1:

If you, if you want to understand more, like based on your own experiences and circumstances, if you're not exactly sure, kind of where you're caught up at, and caught up meaning where you're not getting out of your own way, because sometimes we think we're doing all the right things and then subtly we are focusing on the opposite or thinking the opposite, etc. If you need help with that, I do have coaching available. I have limited slots and if you are a very if you are a beginner, if you are new to the manifestation process, I am not the coach for you. If you are a little bit further along in your journey but you're still kind of stuck, or if you want to gain a deeper understanding, then I can work with you and I mean, if I could work with everybody, I would, but from an energetic perspective. That is not something that I am able to do just again from an energetic perspective, but I can refer you to somebody. Actually, there are several people that do different you know that, that I've worked with that do things like past life healing, astral therapy, manifestation coaching, etc. So I have a couple of people that if I'm not able to refer you to. I can refer you to and then you can choose whether or not you know that individual or those individuals resonate with you.

Speaker 1:

So feel free to reach out to me. You can email me. Sorry, my papers were full and off the desk so I grabbed them via the rust link. You can email me. My email is lena at lenaqtrcom. You can go to my website and there'sa contact page on there. Okay, you can DM me on Instagram, on although I get a lot of spam via my DMs on Instagram, but you can still go there, reach out to me or leave a comment under one of my YouTube channels. Or if you want to book coaching with me, then you can do that through my website.

Speaker 1:

And again, if I'm not able to work with you, okay, if, if, for whatever reason, like, if I don't resonate with, like, if we get into you know, conversation and coaching and we just aren't a match, then or I can refer you to someone else. Right, it's kind of a some it's a trial and error process sometimes. Right, I don't work with people that I don't resonate with, so but I'd be happy to help you, right? It's why I'm here is to really now that I've been through many of these experiences is to really assist others and just kind of navigating the manifestation process, the, this journey of awakening, right, this journey through this life, even, you know, helping to understand the patterns and dreams, things like that right, um, twin flame coaching there are a lot of twin flames out there, this kind of off the subject of manifestation. But because I brought up coaching on the twin flame journey right, a lot of people and because I am on that journey myself I've seen it, meditation I know that I'm on a twin flame journey, 100% zeroed out. Um, it is unlike anything I've ever experienced. But what I've noticed and part of the reason why I decided to offer the twin flame coaching and I'm just mentioning in this, in case any of you guys are on this journey as well and trying to manifest sp into your life, someone you think is your twin flame, etc.

Speaker 1:

Um, where was I at? I lost my train of thought for a second Is because the so much of what is talked about out there on the twin flame journey does not bring in the law of assumption. Right, we have so much power as individuals, okay, but the journey that we are on, right, we chose this journey, okay, but we have free will so we can choose at any given moment what definition we're going to assign to something, what beliefs we're going to have, etc. So when it comes to that, that type of the coaching for twin flames, I am able because I've been on the journey myself, I understand manifestation and I am, and because of where I am in my awakening journey and ascension process really journey is really what it is I'm able to marry that marry really kind of two worlds together, right, the understanding of years of that, the twin flame journey with manifestation, the law of assumption. So you know, and the same goes for dreams too. I have a deeper understanding and the patterns of dreams and things like that.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, because I mentioned the coaching, I thought I would kind of go into a little bit more detail about what I offer from that perspective. So, yeah, if you have any other questions about time, delays or time and trying to get past the illusion of time, part of it is just in the experience, right, as you have more and more experiences and you work on the shadows and you really work on the shadow self and removing these layers and layers of ourselves to kind of really awaken to who we truly are. It's a process. It's a process, but as you do that, things like stopping time, manipulating time, really, because it's energy, you're alchemizing energy. Right, it gets easier over time. So, all right, now I'm going to end today's episode.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for joining me as we talked about time and the time delay and manifestation today. If you want a simpler explanation, I know there are coaches out there that have taught and a manifesting community that have talked about it. You can't think of any of the. Well, I can't think of some off the top of my head, but who would I recommend Really, depending on what you're looking for? There is like Joseph Allied, if you're more into self-concept and manifesting money, or an SP Kim Vales, shelley Bullard I don't know that Kim has ever talked about the time delay before. I think Shelley has. I think Joseph has mentioned it a few times.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, if this hasn't resonated with you, I do hope you find the answers that help you on your journey, but I do hope that you will continue to tune into these episodes. Subscribe to my YouTube channel if you are not already subscribed and would like more information and insight on the different things that we encounter and experience on this journey. All right, thank you so much for joining me and I will see you guys in the next episode. We will. I will be moving into or starting the series on Awakening the Spiritual Body. Yeah, we'll always have probably some manifestation talk. Maybe not always, but this won't be the last manifestation talk. Our series probably All right. So, guys, have a great day or evening, morning, depending on where you are in the world and I'll see you next time. Bye now.