The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast

S4 Ep. 20: Awakening the Spiritual Body: Ascension Symptoms: Signs of Spiritual Evolution

Lynna K Teer Season 4 Episode 20

Welcome to another enlightening episode of The Manifestation Journey with Lynna K Teer. In this episode, "Ascension Symptoms: Signs of Spiritual Evolution," we delve into the profound and often perplexing experiences accompanying spiritual growth and transformation.

As a spiritual teacher and conscious manifestation coach, Lynna guides you through the subtle and not-so-subtle signs that indicate you're on a path of ascension. These symptoms can be fascinating and challenging, from physical sensations to emotional shifts and even changes in your perception of reality.

Join Lynna as she shares her insights and practical advice on navigating these transformative experiences. Discover how to recognize the signs of spiritual evolution, understand their significance, and embrace them as part of your journey toward higher consciousness.

Tune in to better understand your spiritual path and learn how to support your ascension process with grace and ease. Whether you're just beginning your spiritual journey or are well along your path, this episode offers valuable insights to help you thrive during these times of rapid transformation.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Mindset and Manifesting Podcast. I am your host, my name is Lena and in today's episode I'm going to be talking about Ascension Symptoms. This is Episode 8 in a 10-part series on Awakening the Spiritual Body. So what are Asc? Are ascension symptoms exactly? And what is the connection between ascension symptoms and our spiritual growth? Well, simply put, ascension symptoms are the byproducts of profound energetic shifts that occur as we ascend to higher states of consciousness. So ascension symptoms are often indicators of energetic upgrades within our spiritual body. So as we ascend, our perception of reality expands. So these symptoms are markers of our spiritual awakening and they signal a shift in our understanding of self and the world around us. They can manifest in various forms which affect our energy, affect our intuition, which affect our energy, affect our intuition and especially our physical bodies. All right, so you may experience energy shifts. For instance, you may experience heightened sensitivity to energy, fluctuations in mood and increased awareness of vibrational frequencies, etc. So these shifts are indicative of the evolving energy within and around us. And ascension symptoms also include heightened intuition that enhances the connection to our inner wisdom and our intuitive abilities. And then, of course, physical changes also occur, so changes in the physical body, including heightened sensory perceptions, altered sleep patterns, which I am currently experiencing Excuse me, it is almost 3 am and I was having difficulty sleeping. So I thought, you know, let me go ahead and just record the episode, all right? So, and this is nothing new for me, the sleep disturbances have been happening for years now. I'm quite used to them by now. Have been happening for years now. I'm quite used to them. By now. It gets really challenging around full moons, eclipses, things like that, and then Mercury retrograde. If there is a new moon or an eclipse during Mercury retrograde, sometimes I will barely sleep for a few days. Disturbances are definitely part of the journey.

Speaker 1:

Um, and ascension symptoms. So, all right, uh, let's see. So the um, and then again heightened sensory perception, right? So one thing that I've noticed lately for me, not only just being really sensitive to energy, but my sense wow, my sense of smell is really, um, is really heightened. Um, yeah, interesting, but anyway. Uh, so there are, there are really a host of physical changes that occur, changes that could be mistaken for ailments, actually. So I mean, I'm not a doctor, so always consult with a physician if you feel that you need to, if you need to, but use your discernment, okay. So there are quite a few of these symptoms that I'm going to mention and I think I've probably experienced most, if not all of these at different times. So I may elaborate as I go through the list.

Speaker 1:

All right, so clumsy behaviors, maybe one of them, like dropping or forgetting things, acting before thinking, but I have noticed that sometimes I'll feel like a bit of a disassociation in my physical body, almost as if, like I'm floating, like I'm not fully grounded in my physical body, like I'm not fully grounded in my physical body. Sometimes it feels kind of like a floating or like a wobbling type of sensation. Or maybe I'll go to, like I'll go to pick something up, or I might be writing and I don't know, I don't feel completely grounded in my body and there's a disassociation between like with what I'm doing, almost like my like I'm physically writing or I'm physically grasping at something, but it almost feels as though it's not really my hand doing the writing or the grasping right. It's like my hand is not part of my physical body, almost. It's really strange, but anyway, and then forgetting things. So that's happened quite often for me. But what I've come to realize is it's because we're shifting our state and we're essentially shifting timelines all throughout the day, that if I forget something, I've momentarily shifted into a different timeline, a timeline in which that thing wasn't where it was a moment before, right, so, uh, so, yeah, so these are some of the things that you may experience uh, changes in body temperature, including hot flashes and, um, even sweating, uh, without any real like reason.

Speaker 1:

I personally think that what I experienced through, like perimenopause, prior to my awakening, was a foreshadowing, if you will, of sort of what was to come, you know, with the experiences, the changes in my uh, in my body, et cetera, um, because everything is energetic, everything, even menopause, it's energetic, okay, um, but for women it's energetic, okay, um, but for women, I I'm of the belief now that it's it, um, it's significant in a spiritual sense, um, for women on their spiritual journey, if that makes any sense. I'm not going to go too far into detail into that, but it's just my thoughts on it. Since I'm in post-menopausal, I have been for many, uh, many years now, but anyway, uh, I know a lot of women who are, you know, uh, going through menopause have not had a spiritual awakening. I'm just kind of injecting my um, my two cents, based on my own experiences. But, yeah, the symptoms definitely energetic in nature, flu-like symptoms that come and go seemingly out of nowhere, right, never last for long, sometimes just really briefly. And this, I think, has a lot to do with, of course, the energetic shifts in our body as we are purging the denser energies that really no longer have room in our body, right, we're no longer resonating at the frequency of these lower, of these denser energies. So we have to, they have to be purged out.

Speaker 1:

Fluttering heart, increased pulse and a warm feeling that spreads through the chest, I, the heart palpitations, especially around the new moon, around eclipses, etc. Um, are, I experience them a lot, um, and they can, I mean they can be a little bit on, like uncomfortable when you're feeling, um, like, uh, these flutters right in your, in your heart and your chest, um, a little bit unnerving, um, but yeah, that I mean, that's been going on for me for many, many, uh, many years, um, even prior to my awakening. But again, a lot of physical symptoms I was experiencing prior to my awakening were still ascension symptoms, a precursor, if you will. I believe in my opinion, um, and then you know, when I was tested, I had I went to the doctor, I had my heart tested, everything. Everything was always fine, um, and I'm used to it now so it doesn't bother me. But uh, some other things, uh, overhe, you know, is a common ascension symptom, especially through like hot flashes and night sweats, and that can be, it can be sporadic and irregular, um, or it can be constant and very regular, right, in equal regard, and that's why when I mentioned um menopause, so hot flashes are um, pretty consistent when I mentioned menopause, so hot flashes are pretty consistent with with menopause, right. So this is where you really have to use your discernment on, and kind of knowing where you are energetically and being able to discern what may be, and being able to discern what may be medical in nature, even though, again, everything is energetic, right, but things still manifest physically. So you really have to use your discernment. Now, I don't remember ever really experiencing like hot flashes and night sweats and things like that. All right, coldness, decrease in blood circulation and an inability to get warm may be symptoms, you know, and those could sometimes be accompanied by flu-like symptoms and, again, often temporary and gone pretty much as quick as they kind of come on. So this cold sensation.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to try to describe this feeling. It's not necessarily a cold sensation, but rather, uh, oh, it's so hard to explain Maybe like a cooling kind of sensation, not cold, but like a cooling sensation. I will experience it. I mean, I I experiencing, uh, experiencing a kundalini awakening, so the kundalini energy is still rising in me, like I can still physically feel it. So sometimes what will happen to me and it's happened quite a few times over the past week, which is why I'm mentioning it now is I will feel like this wave of energy in my body, but it's almost like this cooling wave. Um, sometimes it's all over my body, sometimes it's just like one side of my body or maybe just my leg, um, and it's literally like this wave of, like cool energy that I can feel. Excuse me. So yeah, I've been experiencing that, um, recently. Oh, excuse me, I'm yawning. Um, all right, so what else? A sense of smell becomes more sensitive. That's been happening to me. I've noticed it over the past couple of weeks that my sense of smell is becoming way more heightened. Um, there are certain things that I didn't notice before that I'm noticing now, and it's just a stronger sensitivity to certain smells All right.

Speaker 1:

The things that affect me allergy-wise have changed in recent years, things that never used to bother me, like chamomile. Years ago I used to be able to drink chamomile, no problem. I cannot have chamomile. Now it affects me, matter of fact, over, uh, over the holidays, like around christmas and stuff, when I, um, I actually got sick over that time and I'm just going through this energetic purge, um, because I I hadn't gotten sick like that with a cold in years, literally, and I knew I was going through this energetic purge, but I was drinking Olipop and I broke out in this rash around my neck and I didn't know what it was.

Speaker 1:

At first I thought it was because I had been sick and I was literally like sleeping on the couch or I'd moved to my bed or whatever, and, yeah, I didn't shower for a couple days, I could barely move, um, I was having flu-like symptoms and so I thought it was like a heat rash and even after I felt better, it wasn't going away and and I couldn't figure it out, and finally it dawned on me that I had been drinking, uh, olipop, um, for you know, for a little while, for several weeks, and you know I took a look at the list of ingredients and I was like, oh, it's probably the chamomile, because there was something, um, there was something else that I had tried that had chamomile in it. And then, and I have like a slight allergic reaction to it, just like a like it was seasonal allergies, right, I didn't think anything of it at that time because I hadn't broken out in a rash or anything. But after breaking out in this rash, and then I put two and two together and I was like, oh wow, I cannot have chamomile anymore. Um, you know, and there are other things that, uh, that I can't have, that I used to be able to have as well. I'm way more sensitive to oatmeal, like, I used to be able to eat oatmeal with no problem. I can't have oats anymore. I break out. What else? Yeah, just a lot of different things. A lot of different things. Apples oh my goodness, I can't have apples anymore. Apple juice, apples it gives me really bad heartburn now.

Speaker 1:

I know this is too much information, but it's really interesting how your physical body changes and the ascension symptoms that occur, like going through this journey, right, and they can come on suddenly. Right, you can be fine going about your business, eating certain things and then all of a sudden one day you're like, oh, I can't have that anymore, have no clue why. And then again, some it can take you, it can take putting two and two together. Like it took me a while to figure out why I can't have this and why I can't have oh it oh. It's just my body's changing, my spiritual body is changing, my energetic body, it's changing right Going through the ascension process. And, of course, another symptom is upheaval in terms of, like, sleep schedule and quality.

Speaker 1:

You may experience insomnia and fatigue. You know those are pretty likely and you may experience them at the same time or at different times. I've experienced all of it. I wake up some most mornings Now I'm completely exhausted, like my body feels so heavy, and actually this just dawned on me a couple of weeks ago Because we are essentially leaving our physical body, our soul right Is off, gallivanting in the astral plane. Um, this physical body, I realized. Um, there are a lot of mornings I wake up and I'm like I, my body feels so heavy, like so fatigued, and I realized it's because the physical body is so confining, it's so dense. Really, the physical body is dense that my soul, having just been in a state of sleep, right, astral traveling, etc. Coming back into this physical body now feels confined and dense, um, and then, of course, my sleep schedules like, uh, all over the place, um, I get insomnia. Around eclipses, new moons, uh, during Mercury retrograde, my sleep schedule is usually pretty off. Um, it's, it's off most of the time. Who am I kidding? That's been going on for years now. Let's see.

Speaker 1:

Another symptom is being pulled away from civilization and modernity towards nature. Right and wisdom. Right and um, and and wisdom right. You may feel yourself drawn more towards, uh, towards the wisdom of the past, like ancient wisdom and stuff, more so than just kind of modern day things. Right, um, yeah, all right, uh, what else? Uh, withdrawal, right, um, usually to get some time alone and away from the energy of others. So you may feel that you may, that you need more solitude, that, um, it's not as easy to be around a lot of people because the energy affects you differently. Now, okay, your psychic abilities will start to come online, so you may experience an increase in psychic powers. Your clear senses may be activated, telepathic connection and intuitive thinking may become enhanced. So I would say all of my clairs have been activated, except maybe there's the one for taste I can't remember what it's called um, that I haven't really noticed has really been activated yet. There's no difference, don't no difference there in the taste, but, uh, clairvoyant, clairaudient, uh, clairsentient, etc. So all of those clairs have either come online or have begun to come online, and I'm still kind of getting used to them.

Speaker 1:

Telepathy is a big thing, right, I've actually experienced a lot of that is a big thing, right, I've actually experienced a lot of that. Um, and and uh, visions uh, I get a lot of those. And just this, this, this knowing, right, um, I, a lot of times, I just have this knowing about, uh, about things. Uh, dietary changes is another big one. And weight loss, or weight gain Uh, I've experienced those two.

Speaker 1:

Again, there's a lot of things I cannot eat now that I used to be able to eat, um, I'd gained weight, um, and had a very difficult time trying to get that off. Really, over from 2019 up until recently, I'd gained quite a bit of weight, well, quite a bit, probably 15, 15 to 20 pounds, um, which feels like a lot. I'm only five too, so, uh, it feels like a lot to me, and um, especially, you know, just for my height. But, but, no matter what I tried, I wasn't dropping the weight. But again, everything is energetic in nature. I'm starting to drop the weight now. I've been able to drop weight, um, since December uh, a little, a little bit. So whatever was going on energetically that caused me to to gain weight? I'm now starting to lose it, which is nice, but I know there was a purpose to it. So, um, loss of appetite is common, um, again, change in taste even more, so, right, with, uh, perhaps a shift towards healthier foods.

Speaker 1:

Um, there, you may feel upheaval within your life that just kind of comes out of the blue. You know it could be a change of jobs, uh, friends, family relationships, etc. She might get the urge to travel more. Um, yeah, as you shift your frequency, as you ascend to higher states of consciousness and when I say higher, we, we really would. It's all about going deeper within ourselves, um, but you're not going to resonate with certain people, so you may lose friends. You may, um, yeah, distance yourself from family members or friends, or they may distance themselves from you. You may need more solitude, and there's nothing wrong with any of it, right, it just depends on where you are in your own personal journey. You may have periods of very high energy and intense creativity that overrides everything else you're doing, um, or periods of where you just need deep rest.

Speaker 1:

I go through that um periodically. Um, I am so. According to human design, I'm a manifesting generator, so I there. I have periods where I need to recharge anyway, um, combine that with um the energetic shifts. I may go weeks at a time where I don't want to do anything except just rest, and I'll do it as much as possible. I, I will rest.

Speaker 1:

I do what my body needs now for the most part. So I'm still trying to get back into exercising, to be honest. But I got out of that habit of exercising and getting back into it is it's such a pain, um, but I know what I'm doing. So I used to be a personal trainer. Um did a bodybuilding competition years ago. I weight trained for years.

Speaker 1:

So when it comes to physical exercise, like, I know what I'm doing. So it's just that getting back into it right, that first couple of weeks is a little bit challenging. So I'm doing a little bit at a time. But the thing is my body's changed too. So I'm right now I'm trying to figure out what's going to work for me, right, do I necessarily want to get back into heavy lifting? I don't feel like I want to like fully into it. But then there's part of me that's like, oh, I really like the heavy lifting. So where's the balance now? So I'm kind of in the process of trying to figure, um, trying to figure that out, especially now that I'm starting, starting to drop the weight without doing anything.

Speaker 1:

The weight is coming off, right, um, even when I was, even when I was exercising, I was still putting on weight and, uh, I mean, I wasn't training heavily, right, I was, uh, definitely not in the gym, you know, six, seven days a week, like I was before. Um, and I know diet and exercise has a lot to do with it. But on this journey, this spiritual journey, when you begin to go through the ascension process, your body may change and, um, I would say, don't fight it, just really try to be in tune with what you're feeling and let it be. Don't, let yourself go right. Just really try to be in tune with your body and don't be hard on yourself with your body. And don't be hard on yourself if you gain weight. Um for no, um, no real cause, like for me, I couldn't figure out why I was gaining weight. Um, I wasn't eating any different. Um, I was still exercising, not training, like I wasn't training super hard, I wasn't doing Muay Thai and stuff anymore, but, um, it took me a while to realize what was going on energetically and that it was part of my spiritual journey, part of the ascension process. So, um, you should discernment, Okay, only you are going to know what's going on with you. So let's see, um, yeah, these periods of high um energy, you may experience intense creativity and again, other times, you may just want to rest. So, um, do the best you can, um, in resting when your body needs to rest, okay. And then, if you go through periods of time where you just need to be creative, um, and you're able to do that, like, for instance, it's what? Three, 21 now, you know, and I'm recording this podcast um, I could have waited until tomorrow morning, but I was sitting here. I have this creative spurt where I've been working on my web pages, um, adding new pages, etc. So when I have these moments, I just kind of run with it and then I'll go into a period of rest.

Speaker 1:

All right, you also may experience problems with judging the passing of time. That I've experienced a lot. I've literally experienced noticing time stop, like looking at a clock. It'll be a certain time and then it'll feel like minutes go by. I'll look down the clock again. It'll be the exact same time.

Speaker 1:

I've had things like that happen, um, in my car. I'll get in my car and there'll be, uh, a time on the clock and then I'll go. I I remember one time I went in the store I came back out and the exact same time was on, my same time as on my clock. Right, it wasn't because my car had been turned off. It's literally.

Speaker 1:

Time gets so wonky. Sometimes it'll feel like it's speeding up really fast and sometimes it feels so slow and then there are moments where, um it how do I explain this? Um, where it literally feels like time doesn't exist, right, kind of it's almost like being like in an in-between, like an in-between, like an in-between state. Yeah, it's a really weird feeling. I don't know exactly how to explain it. All, right, so you may experience a louder, smarter, more talkative inner voice. Okay, I talk to myself, not like I don't not out loud, but I'm literally having inner conversations with myself all day long and I receive intuitive downloads all day long.

Speaker 1:

I? Um have telepathic communications um quite often with. So I am in a, so I'm in a twin flame, I'm on a in a twin flame, I'm in a twin flame connection. It's a rare connection. It's been so misinterpreted right in the mainstream so I hesitate talking about it. But I've seen the origins of the journey and meditation, the purpose of the journey, et cetera, for me in this connection. So I have telepathic communication in this connection, communication in this um. In this connection I will pick up telepathically um on other people.

Speaker 1:

Uh, happened recently. I had a freezer. I upgraded my freezer and I was going to get rid of it and I kept holding on to it and I was like, why am I holding on to this? And then one day I was like I had this, just this intuitive nudge to get a hold of this individual Hadn't talked to in years to see if he wanted a freezer. Turns out him and his wife had been talking about getting one for, uh, you know, for quite a while, especially since they just moved into their new house. So I was just picking up on that telepathically. So, uh, let's see. Can you tell I'm starting to get tired now, after I record this, I think I'm gonna go to sleep, all right, um, you may experience like a focus, like a foggy head, like clarity, um, and that can lead to forgetfulness and destruction.

Speaker 1:

Uh, disruption to electronics, electrical fittings, lighting you may experience those. I experienced that Sometimes I'll walk into a room in my house and the lights will flicker. I remember one day I can't remember if it was here in my office or in my bedroom, it might've been in my, I can't remember the lights, um, flicker in both uh areas. Sometimes, when I walk into actually, I think it was here in my office that I happened, and you know, and I thought for a second that's weird, why did they flicker? And then I immediately, immediately, heard my inner voice say that was you silly, right, like you did that. That was your energy, you did that, that was your energy, you did that. Yeah, so that was quite interesting.

Speaker 1:

You may feel a buzzing in your chakra centers and like a high energy flow between them. Many of the ascension symptoms that you're experiencing are related to excess energy, right, um, exiting your, your chakra. So, uh, let's see. Uh, you may experience sudden onset of bad reactions to foods. Um, that you, you were fine with before. Uh, we talked about that earlier especially highly processed foods with lots of chemical additives, medications that you could take before you may not be able to take anymore. Let's see changes in the growth rate and appearance of you know, your hair and nails, etc.

Speaker 1:

Difficulty maintaining a healthy sleep cycle. So we talked about sleep, waking up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason on a regular basis. That happened to me for many years, waking up at like 3, 30, 4 o'clock in the morning every single day, literally several years. More vivid and lucid dreams.

Speaker 1:

You may experience an extra sensitivity to sound, which can often cause a bit of anxiety, as our ears can be very important to our states of mind and this can often be accompanied by a change in music taste as well. So I can no longer tolerate, uh, really loud noises and my hearing really started being affected, like prior to my awakening right within a couple years. I'm part of my oh, my awakening experience. What I am consciously aware of was my uh awakening experience. I think it was kind of gradually uh occurring prior to, like me, realizing what was going on. I'm clear audience. Never realized that, I didn't realize that until a few years ago, but I will.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it'll be difficult for me to fall asleep because I hear. Sometimes it's like static, it sounds like static, sometimes it sounds like angelic tones and frequencies, sometimes it sounds like chatter, right, Um, so I have a lot of stuff, um that goes on sometimes with um, with that particular um, claire, uh, with the clairaudience, so, um, so I would say I'm pretty sensitive to, I'm pretty sensitive to sound, and sometimes that affects my sleep. So, um, you may, you know, experience just an increase in epiphanies, right, original thought, revelations, et cetera, um, mood swing, short temper that may seem to be unpredictable, right to anyone around you, but also to yourself, you know. It may just come out of the blue for no apparent reason. It may maybe unlike you, so again, and that can be kind of a purging of excess energy, right Of negative energies, et cetera.

Speaker 1:

You may start to feel high emotional sensitivity, right Bouts of extreme happiness, or emotional sensitivity, right Bouts of extreme happiness, or even upset, right, feeling unable to regulate your own emotional state. There's a lot going on energetically with the body. Just give yourself some grace. You know, during this process you may feel this distinct and unavoidable need to find your true self. Okay, um, let's see, uh, let's see, let's see um you may experience uh channeling, either spoken or written. Right, you may get an intuitive download. Um you may find that you're able to do automatic writing. Um you may be able um to start speaking or write, uh writing a light language. Um you may have start feeling an overwhelming sense of unconditional love and peace and oneness uh with the universe, with all, that is, other people, etc.

Speaker 1:

Um you may start to feel um the energy and your different uh chakras. Like I feel the energy a lot. I feel all throughout my body, but a lot of times I'll feel it especially in my hands, my hand chakra, so palm on my hands so get really warm, and I can feel like the electrical, like a lot electrical pulses, and I can feel it in my crown chakra sometimes and then, like in my third eye chakra, so the middle of my forehead, literally like a throbbing or pulsing. I've got some clear audience going on. Now I'm going to be real silent, real quick. Yeah, there's um, so I'm trying to speak and I've got these sounds um in my right ear too.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, um, uh, let's see, you may experience aches and pains, right, for no apparent reason. I feel that quite often now, just again, this heaviness in my body and my muscles and I get regular massage work done too, and I still feel it. You know muscle twitching, tingling, smasming, et cetera. You know I mean that could be caused by physical. You know physical things too Dehydration, et cetera. So, again, use your own discernment, like when I experience these things.

Speaker 1:

Now, um, I will literally think to myself, okay, is there, is there a legitimate, is there a reason? Uh, this is happening? Have I uh, you know, did I, uh, did I do something, uh, that would cause my muscles to spasm, right? Or did I? Am I not drinking enough water? Am I dehydrated, right? Um, so I'll ask myself certain questions and then, um, and then I'll use, uh, I'll use my disarmament. So let's see.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you may be able to start to see auras, you may get visions or flashes of, like telepathic power, and then you may also experience like visual, like changes in your eyesight. Okay, that could be your vision getting better or worse. You may start to see things out of your peripheral vision, etc. So, yeah, all kinds of different types of symptoms that you may uh start to experience on this journey of, on this ascension journey. So, anyway, that's just, that's a handful of them. But again, you know you can do your own research. Uh, use your own disarmament, see a doctor if you feel that you need to see a doctor, et cetera.

Speaker 1:

You know, experiencing these symptoms can be both exhilarating and challenging, to say the least. It's very helpful to find ways to manage the symptoms right. Grounding is very helpful. I don't you're not going to find me outside in the snow in the winter trying to ground, so I bought grounding mats for my bed and then, you know, for underneath my feet when I'm meditating or sitting here at my desk. You know self-care rituals, meditating, are very helpful. You know, being mindful, being easy on yourself, is a big one. Being mindful, being easy on yourself, is a big one. And then you know other types of energetic practices. You know, if you want to incorporate things like yoga, breath work, etc. Just find what works for you, all right, so that is it for today's episode. Yeah, I'm going to. I'm trying to rush now to cut it short because this, the sound coming in on my right ear is really distracting. So, all right. So that's it for today's episode on Ascension symptoms. Thank you so much for joining me and I will see you guys in the next episode. All right, bye now.