Clarity Cafe Podcast

Simple Ways to Lighten Your Day

July 08, 2022 Clarity Cafe Podcast Season 5 Episode 59
Simple Ways to Lighten Your Day
Clarity Cafe Podcast
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Clarity Cafe Podcast
Simple Ways to Lighten Your Day
Jul 08, 2022 Season 5 Episode 59
Clarity Cafe Podcast

Isn't it fun when little things happen throughout the day that brings a smile to your face? Episode #59 is a fun convo on simple ways to shift the vibe of your day when things are a little rough. It’s the little things, like playing your favorite song, having a laugh with a friend, or putting a flower on your desk that can change the whole vibe of your day if it's not going as planned. So join us in this little giggle fest made with love to lighten your day!

Show Notes Transcript

Isn't it fun when little things happen throughout the day that brings a smile to your face? Episode #59 is a fun convo on simple ways to shift the vibe of your day when things are a little rough. It’s the little things, like playing your favorite song, having a laugh with a friend, or putting a flower on your desk that can change the whole vibe of your day if it's not going as planned. So join us in this little giggle fest made with love to lighten your day!

Barb  0:02  
You know, on days when you feel a little, maybe I look like I didn't get quite enough sleep last night or whatever, if you put on something fun, it can change your vibe right that minute. And then that's what people notice.

Cali  0:17  
Hi, everybody, welcome to the clarity cafe. I'm Callie and I'm here with my clarity sister Barb, we've already got some giggles going on. A little known secret, we're about to share a big reveal, they'll probably do press releases. BB and I try to take turns on who whoever does the intro. One time, then we trade off and try to do the next time be a different person. So it'd be clarity sister Barb, and then clarity sister Callie. And we take turns. And lately we've been kind of forgetting who's been doing what and today we decided to paper rock scissors to find out who would go first. So we paper rock scissors, and I got scissors. And Barb got paper. And she goes, Okay, so you want

does that mean I go first or you go first or? Well, that's a good start. Because today we're going to be talking about easy ways to lighten your day. And living games and fun things with your friends. It's definitely at the top of that

Barb  1:36  
list. 100% like, oh, just the little, the little funny things that happened when you don't even realize it that all of a sudden change the whole vibe of the day such a gift. But there's also intentional ways we can do that. Right? When things are just getting a little heavy. You know, there's the you read the news, you talk to your friend and find out something that's just kind of life stuff happening. And just having a little moment, whether that's just taking a minute to share a giggle with a friend or to put a flower on your desk. So you have something pretty to look at, to put on your favorite pair of feather earrings, all those kinds of things, just little things that can help you lighten your day. And we've talked about a lot of them. We just did that episode on music. But that's another really good one, play your favorite dance song, lots of ways to just kind of change the general vibe. And then notice how that changes the vibe around you and what happens next.

Cali  2:33  
It's so fun. There are many, many different ways that we can lighten our day. And there are certain things that are unique to each of us that lighten our day. And so we're going to share a few of our favorites. But as we go along, I encourage you to just think well, what lightens my day, what changes my mood. And sometimes that can be something that we initiate ourselves or that other people bring into our lives or bring into our days that can quickly change your mood. So let's kick off with clothing. Because clothing can have uses, you know, like specific uses, like sports and work and play and pajamas in lay around lounge clothes. Like there's all different kinds of clothes. But do you have a fun category of clothes? Like maybe those are some fun T shirts or just some types of outfits that make you happy? Clothes can be really fun bar, what about you do you have some clothes that like when you put those on immediately. Super fun?

Barb  3:40  
Absolutely. My new thing. In fact, I put a pair on today are these tights that that look like somebody that was a pretty good artist has just taken their paintbrush and their paint palette and splash some colors on him. And the one I'm wearing today are white with purple and blue paint splashes. That just makes me feel kind of happy and light. And I noticed that other people will compliment them too and kind of get a smile on their face. So they're super comfortable. That's always important. If you're dreading to do something that's fun, make sure it's comfortable. But then you know, color and patterns are for me. Super fun. So, you know, I love to put on a cute pair of leggings and then you know, maybe a cute scarf and some bright colors and find that can really change my outlook. First of all, you kind of look in the mirror and you go there's some bright colors and then you notice other people noticing that and they give you that energy back. That's my one of my favorite things about about something like clothes that's very visible to the outside world. It changes how you feel that it also changes how people react to you.

Cali  4:51  
A little fun idea would be I think I'm going to do this to actually I'm going to look at my closet and I'm going to just make a little section I ended up being big, but this section of clothes, it just makes me happy, and are just fun. Yeah. And I'm going to just, rather than being like, Oh, well, these are pants on. These are shirts. And this is how you categorize things. And this is my fun section of clothing. And I just want to see how big that is. Because if it's not big enough, I need to think about my life choices.

Barb  5:24  
100% 100% Absolutely,

Cali  5:27  
then, doesn't that bring us BB two accessory? Yeah, because they can be different for all of us. And accessories are this like wide of assortment of things, from scarves to jewelry, like bracelets, and rings, and earrings and necklaces and belts? And I mean, there's just so many different types of accessories. Let's dive in a little bit and talk about what are some things that I know we've got one in common? Yes, we do. We should we just lead with that. Why not? The other eggs, we love our feather earrings, so much.

Barb  6:06  
Because they're because they're light. They have that quality of lightness. And and people notice them and are like, Oh, I love those. Those are really fun. I get that comment a lot. And I'm like, yes, they are fun. So

Cali  6:19  
yeah, well, that instant signaling, right, Barb, I want to catch that idea. Because it's that instant, outward, signaling that I am not taking myself too seriously. And I like fun, colorful thing. Yes. And of all the things that opens people up to want to share their fun, colorful things.

Barb  6:39  
Yes, absolutely. I think it gives other people permission to also say, Oh, you're fun, oh, I can be fun to let's be fun together. So so in some ways to if you're feeling a little bit, you know, on days, when you feel a little, maybe I look like getting get quiet enough sleep last night or whatever, if you put on something fun, it can change your vibe, right that minute. And then that's what people notice. Right. So that's the feedback that you get back and it becomes sort of a righteous circle.

Cali  7:09  
And then people around us, I know that when we're a little bit loud and fun and creative with our clothing, it can open it up for people to feel they have permission to be loud and fun with their clothing too. And some of us do that naturally, we all we have that and but some of us, you know, might need a little encouragement or prompting to be different. I know school can be really rough for a lot of people. And so kids and teens were trying so hard to assert our individualism, that at the same time pressuring and judging and there's a lot of bullying that goes on in schools, each other to conform to some ever moving target of what is cool.

Barb  7:56  
That's always a tough one, I think I think I think everyone goes through that. But particularly in school, and then the, you know, preteen and teenage years, there's, you know, identities are being formed and groups and how trying to figure out sort of how you interact with the world. So people can be a little bit more sensitive about those things. But one of the things I think it's kind of amazing now and wonderful is it does seem like there's a lot more appreciation of the rainbow of colors and ideas and ways that people can look from hairstyles, right? Because hairstyles can be fun if you've got long hair, and you're usually just wearing it down. But you put it in a ponytail that's on one side and put a little colorful clip on there. That's fun. And people will be like, Oh, hey, look how fun your hair is today. Right? And I feel like there's, there's more as I kind of look around on social media, look around at how you know, people are dressing, I feel like it's kind of wonderful, because there's more variety and, and more appreciation of that. And let's let's do more of that and encourage that, you know,

Cali  8:59  
Barb, I want to really just spend a moment on that point. Because I feel like some of us in school or in work or whatever social environment we're in that has had a lot of pressure to conform. We might be long done with those times of our lives and find that we accidentally or unintentionally carry those rules with us into the future years. And so some of us may be in our adult lives and thinking back to when we were younger. And we don't realize that we're holding ourselves to these boundaries that no longer fit for us because those rules don't apply. And so if you're sitting there and you're listening, and you're like, hey, I want more fun clothes, or I'd like to dress in a different way or whatever that is to say, you know, let's acknowledge that you might have had some rules you were playing by that you're ready to let go of and then it Have you let those go really consciously and intentionally say, I'm ready to let those go? What do I like? And what do I get to do when I let that part go? That's a super fun conversation.

Barb  10:15  
Just funny I was, as we were having this conversation, I was remembering early in my career, feeling really bound by how to dress for work, you know, it was gray suits and blue suits and trying to conform and fit in because I was working at sort of a large, conservative Corporation. And as I look back on that, I remember that I was always the person I remember my boss one time I was walking down the hall, and he was behind me. And he was like BB, and it turned around, and I had an a gray suit with a white blouse or whatever. But then I had these kind of flashy earrings on and he goes, I knew it, I knew you weren't going to be able to wear a completely plain corporate look, I knew there was going to be something and it was the earrings. I thought, Oh, I've always got it done this. But But now, I realize like, I just really want to put on the things that make me feel good. And and that seemed fun. But every once in a while, in the back of my mind, I'll think Oh, but later, I'm going to see somebody I don't know. I wonder what should I do? And then I think I'm not dressing for that person. I'm dressing to be me. And I want that person to know me. That's so freeing. It takes the pressure off.

Cali  11:22  
Oh, yeah. I love that. I love that. Okay, we've talked about things we can adorn ourselves with. But you know, there's some simple little things that we can do. Barb already talked about flowers, which we did a whole episode on. And, you know, putting little flowers here and there in different places of the home or on the office that just brightens our day. That's really fun. Office plants can really brighten our day or plants anywhere, really. We've talked about music in the past, and we've done whole episodes on just changing your vibe with music. So I think we're in the section of now. giggles I love to giggle It's silly stuff.

Barb  12:07  
Me too.

Cali  12:11  
The more ridiculous things get in the day or in my life, I find that I giggle more. It's just a response to like, well, this is how we are now. Okay,

Barb  12:23  
the absurdity of the situation is always good thing to appreciate. Because it's just part of life, right? Wacky stuffs gonna happen that you don't anticipate.

Cali  12:32  
It's so true. And you know, Bob, that's the other part is when we can start to giggle with ourselves, we can bring some of that amusement and levity to others like sharing funny stories or anecdotes with others and hearing there's you know, can be a really fun exchange with the people that we are in contact with the most so that could be the work people or the social club people or family and friends. But if we get in a habit of sharing funny stories, then her brain start to go Oh, that was kind of funny. I can't wait to share that with so and so. And it creates an entire culture around giggles and funny stories.

Barb  13:11  
Oh, absolutely. No, I love it. I'll get a text from you. And it'll say like, Hey, I have a funny whenever you have a chance, and I'll be like, Okay, God, I gotta find the time. There's a funny, there's a funny, and then the anticipation of it makes me happy.

Cali  13:27  
It's so true, Barb, and thank you for reminding me of that. Because you know, when I send that I have a funny, that means but you know that means is it's bigger than just a run of the mill funnies that I'm just going to throw in there in our conversation. I mean, it's

Barb  13:41  
especially funny. Yeah. Especially funny. Categories of funny.

Cali  13:51  
What else bar what else we got out there that can lighten the day easily.

Barb  13:55  
One thing that always works for me, even if it's just like a little card, or a little tiny crystal, or a little the other day I was with a person that I wasn't going to see for a while and she was going to be traveling. And I just in a moment of spontaneity. I just gave her a bracelet that I was wearing. And it made me really happy to do it because it had a particular meaning for me. It had been given to me by someone. And I gave it to her. And I felt really good about that. And then later on, she sent me a picture and said, You've totally changed how I'm wearing my bracelets. Now instead of wearing one bracelet. I'm wearing multiple ones. And here's the one that you gave me right here. And I was like, Oh, now the estimator made it happy for her day. Right? And then she sharing that with other people. And so I loved that idea of multiplicative pneus. That was easy for me to say no, I have a little gift. Because you always you know, the act of Purigen or generosity of giving something even if it's a flower or a bracelet or something small a little green drink that You made and you made an extra one for your friend who you know, you knew you were going to see or whatever those a little gift makes me feel better. Because I know like, Oh, I've contributed to something. And I think all of us want to contribute, that's kind of part of our nature is being able to contribute to other people's fun,

Cali  15:17  
absolutely, like surprises can come in all shapes and sizes, or there could be a gift surprise of a thing, or like our time, you know, calling someone we haven't heard from in a long time and just be like, Hey, I, you know, hopefully calling someone you haven't heard from in a long time that wants to hear. Let's clarify that. But you know, sometimes like the gift of just saying, hey, been thinking about, you haven't had a chance to pick up the phone, or a text or an email or saying something on a social thread. So it can be a gift of presence, and being present with someone or, you know, acknowledging them or spending time with them being like, Hey, let's go do this thing. What do you want to do? I don't know, let's go get a milkshake. Let's go take a walk in a park, let's just go spend a little time together. So there's multiple ways we can do surprises and gifts. And giving can really help uplift our mood, just as much as the person that we're doing something for. So I love that example of the green drinker. You know, hey, I made this and I made a little extra for you, or whatever it is. That's super fun. You know, Oh, Anna, and little note, a little card. I don't know what was last time you made a little drawing for someone I draw. Not good. It's amusing when I draw

Barb  16:52  
gingerbread people.

Cali  16:55  
I draw way better in my, in my visualization space than through my hands that is for sure. But um, you know, like, just let them know, like, hey, hey, have a good day. Or I love you. Or, you know, here's a stick figure waving. Hi, that's the best I can do.

Barb  17:18  
Yeah, and even I mean, I'm sharing cute videos or pictures that, you know, you see on social media, you know, we all have our favorite animals or cat videos or whatever. Those can cheer us up. But also can be fun to fun to share with people. I love how much people are putting things to music now and just showing their creativity because really, I think things that are fun are like acts of creativity, right? Particularly like spontaneous, you know, creativity, it's spontaneous giggles those are just arising out of that freedom that we feel to express ourselves, which is really the creative urge, right is how do we express ourselves and share and sharing fun I love all the positivity that's coming out of social media now even though there's always some downsides to every thing. But I feel like a lot of folks are doing a lot of really awesome sharing of fun and, and good vibes on on social media now. So then that gets the the comment I have about that is, you know, pick your social media carefully. And make sure you got some fun in there, because it's a little bit scammy easy to go down the dark hole of all the problems. But the way you solve problems is through through creativity. And one great way to get creative is to keep it light and fun.

Cali  18:35  
That's it. Keep it light and fun clarity, fam, thank you for joining us. Thank you for sharing on our social media channels. And I love to see when people share the artwork that we create with other people and just use it as ways to lighten other people's days that has been really fun to see the shares and the likes and the comments and the engagement. Thank you so much. As always, whenever you listen to anything, or read anything or experience anything, take what works and leave what doesn't. And if something that we're saying or the artwork we're creating on social channels as Biden with you, you know, share that with somebody change the conversation online and with your friends and in your group of, you know, co workers and whatnot. We all have to engage here and take control of some of these conversations and change them so that they become less toxic and more healthy places for us to connect. That's all of our responsibilities. So yeah, have a light. easy, fun day. And until next time,

Barb  19:46  
Leo Oh,