Patience is the Stronger Position
The Wake Up Call for Lawyers
The Wake Up Call for Lawyers
Patience is the Stronger Position
Feb 21, 2025 Season 9 Episode 479
Judi Cohen

I’m wondering about patience these days:
accepting that things are what they are.
I’ve studied and tried to practice that kind of patience
with friends and family and colleagues and students
and the everyday vicissitudes of life, 
and even with myself.
And all of that’s one thing.  

But then there’s the news.
And Anthony Romero’s suggestion (he runs the ACLU)
that if all else fails, “we may have to shut down the country.”

If patience is about accepting how things are,
is it also about waiting to see if all else fails?
And about shutting down the country if it does?
The Dalai Lama says patience puts us in a stronger position
 to judge an appropriately nonviolent response.
 That sounds so wise, to me. But so does Mr. Romero.