Mastering the World, and other mindful ideas
The Wake Up Call for Lawyers
The Wake Up Call for Lawyers
Mastering the World, and other mindful ideas
Jul 22, 2021 Season 5 Episode 310
Judi Cohen

Should  lawyers try to master the world? Yes! Or, in a way.

But not in a "Tom Wolfe, Bonfire of the Vanities," Master of the Universe, kind of way. In a way that's about becoming aware of the perfectly ordinary, grasping, anxious, need-to-be-right, mind.

And then in a way that's about cultivating counterweights like generosity, kindness, patience, and compassion. 

As we do that, maybe we will master the world, in a positive way. Maybe we will become true servant leaders, using our enormous influence to be abundantly kind, generous, and patient. True servant leaders, listening for and responding to the cries of our clients, our colleagues, our friends, our families, and the world.

Explore, on today's podcast.