's 3 for Thursday

Top 3 reasons why even strong candidates should prepare for an interview Season 2 Episode 41

In today's episode of "3 for Thursday" with Niti Jain, Director at Fmi Online, we welcome Neha Parashar, a seasoned professional coach with over 20 years of experience in HR roles and coaching in top companies like GE Capital, DuPont, Cisco, and Axiom. Neha, now an independent executive and career coach, shares with us the importance of preparing for an interview, even for strong candidates.

According to Neha, preparation is key in delivering a stellar performance, not just to do a better job but also to secure a better deal. Strong candidates who invest time in preparing for an interview are memorable, and organizations will remember them, potentially calling them back in the future for other opportunities. Furthermore, preparing for an interview can significantly improve the chances of getting referred within the interview network, which expands one's reach and opportunities.

In conclusion, Neha emphasizes that preparing for an interview is not just for those who are struggling to find a job, but for all candidates, including those who are already established in their careers. Investing time in preparation will not only increase the chances of landing a job but also lead to a more memorable and impactful interview experience. Don't miss out on this valuable insight and tune in every Thursday to Fmi's Global Podcast, "3 for Thursday."

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