Healthcare Pulse

To Be A Woman in Healthcare: A Ten Year Retrospective

Rich Bluni, Debbie Ritchie Season 1 Episode 4
In 2008, Studer Group was on a mission to better understand how women working in healthcare attempt to blend the multiple roles they assume in their lives. We wanted to know more about the unique issues they face on a daily basis and what their employers could do to ensure that they provide the best possible place for these individuals to work. To answer these questions, we conducted an online survey of 7,000 women working in the healthcare field. The findings of this study led to a number of recommendations to employers regarding ways to assist their female employees in dealing with the work-life balance. Now, ten years later, we felt compelled to ask, “How have things changed for women working in this critical employment sector?” Furthermore, with the worldwide response to recent disclosures of sexual harassment cases, we wondered about the related issues faced by women in healthcare. Expanding upon the work we started a decade ago, our newly completed survey looks into the careers and personal lives of women across the United States. Joined by Studer Group President Debbie Ritchie, in today’s episode, we’ll review some of our findings from the survey and discuss their implications on the future of healthcare and those that work within the field.