Embracing Your Mortality Podcast

Welcoming the power of ageing

Sue Brayne Season 5 Episode 6

 I am so delighted to be joined by my birthday sister Alexandra Pope (she's two days older than me).  Alex and I both hit seventy this year, and we relished our gritty conversation about becoming older women who have been round the block more times than we care to remember, and what it means to have death appearing on the horizon.

Alex is the co-founder of the Red School with Sanje Hugo Wurlitzer,  which they set up to educate women (and men) to take responsibility and control of  their natural body rhythms so they can positively attune to their ageing process. Alex and Sanje are also the authors of the best selling Wild Power about the spirituality of menstruation cycles, and Wise Power which talks about the importance of conscious menopause. 

I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as we did! 

Thanks for listening and see you next time.