OnRoute to Wealth

Wealthy Education with Dr. Faith Okpotor

Kristy Runzer Season 2 Episode 5

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Building wealth starts from the financial planning that you make early on in your life. For many of us, that starts from the day we decide to attend college. Student debt in the United States is now at a 1.6 trillion dollars. This sets many people back from buying homes, starting families, getting married, or even reinvesting back into the economy in a meaningful way. 

Dr. Faith Okpotor is a college professor and college admissions coach that helps students find the funding they need to fully get their college experience. She was an international student from Nigeria, and learned how to be creative in fully funding her education, receiving $355,000 towards her graduate and undergraduate degrees. Now she works to help others do the same in her program, College Fully Funded. Her work is extremely important in the road to build wealth. 

Listen to the full episode as she shares about her experience finding funding for her own schooling, how students struggle today with paying for college, what are some of the ways they can find the funding they need, and the things students need to consider before applying for school. 

You can find Dr. Faith Okpotor here:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CollegeFullyFunded

Website: https://collegefullyfunded.ck.page/