Better by the Day

How to Envision a Fitter Future, with The Vision Twins

WayBetter Season 1 Episode 1

Kalvin and Angelo, aka “The Vision Twins,” are beloved by their 2.3 million social media followers for high-energy, incredibly fun HIIT workouts. 

But before they rose to internet fame (and WayBetter popularity) with their infectious positive energy, the twin brothers struggled with obesity for most of their young lives. Their father was incarcerated when Kalvin and Angelo were  young, and they distinctly remember turning to emotional eating to cope with his absence. 

Since the “aha” moment in their senior year of high school that finally sparked a change, Kalvin and Angelo have lost a combined 290 pounds. In this episode, we’ll hear what it’s like to become the person you’ve always wanted to be...and more importantly, what it actually takes to get there.

Better by the Day is produced by WayBetter, the app that makes health and fitness fun with new group challenges starting each week.

To join a challenge, download WayBetter in the App store. 

Follow along with Kalvin and Angelo (@VisionTwins) on Instagram or TikTok