Robert Yoho, retired cosmetic surgeon

His familial sensitivity to metals made his body violently reject vaccines, dental work, and orthopedic implants. 

To improve his health, Mr. Kennard studied metal toxicity by networking with international experts. Although he is far more affected than other people, he has lessons for us all. 

Dr. Schroeder, a podiatrist, became an authority when he saw patients with issues like Mark’s. He faces the orthopedists and tells them that the ways they use implanted metals is careless. 

Since few doctors in medicine or dentistry are interested in these issues, you cannot find this material in one place elsewhere. 

Horse doctors look in their patients' mouths first, and if you have any health problems, this is your best first step to solving them. Oral bacteria have been found in the majority of coronary artery blockages and have also been studied inside Alzheimer's disease brain structures. Mercury dental amalgams are another huge problem. These are still placed into 100 million Americans each year. 

If you read my three dental posts (the references are below), you recall that I described four issues:

  • Infections of root canals, implanted teeth and other dental work. These are almost universal and frequently asymptomatic. The treatment is most often removal without replacement.
  • Battery or current effects between different metals in the body, such as orthopedic titanium alloys and mercury and aluminum in dental work. This causes toxic metal shedding into the body.
  • Allergies or special sensitivities to metals, which can be much worse. Mark has this.
  • Mercury extrusion from dental amalgams happens even in the absence of the above. It is the most toxic non-radioactive metal; half US dentists use it anyway. Allowing these ignorant, careless fools to continue this is an atrocity. 

Mr. Kennard says that any surgeon or dentist placing metals inside the human body must be aware of all these problems and test their patients before they operate. None of them do this now, and many do not even inquire about metal allergies. When asked, many people (17 percent for nickel alone) say, for example, “Yes, I get a rash on my wrist where my watch touches,” or “Cheap jewelry and I do not get along.” 

Even titanium, generally regarded as biologically inert, has a reported allergy rate between .6 and 2.3 percent. Orthopedic and dental implants manufactured with this are alloyed with other metals, including aluminum, the second most toxic metal after mercury.

Implants for sensitive people are commercially available. These include nitride coating or ceramics.

Mark also tells us how to detox safely and what the pitfalls are. Vitamin C is a wonder for health if you have no metals in your body, but it can speed up metal disintegration and toxicity if you are highly sensitive. Another medical marvel, chelation, must be used cautiously and only by experienced practitioners. EDTA chelation should not be used for mercury.

I have 17 amalgams that are scheduled for removal in August. My dentist drew blood to see if I would have problems with various composite filings. The report says I am reacting to mercury, aluminum, and several other metals. Although there are thousands of dental materials, Mark Kennard and Teresa Franklin (the co-author of Mercury Free) said Saremco composite fillings are the least reactive type because these are supposedly metal-free. 

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