New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest Podcast

Episode 157 - Mort Gerberg

May 29, 2024 Vin Coca, Beth Lawler, Paul Nesja, Nicole Chrolavicius Season 4 Episode 157

On part 2 of this week's episode, we interview the great Mort Gerberg. Mort talks with us about his career in cartooning and much, much more! A fantastic interview!

You can find Mort's webpage here:

You can also find Mort's 50 year retrospective of his cartoons, Mort Gerber On The Scene, here:

On Part 1 of the episode, we discuss the changes for ranking captions and the current contests:

Winning captions for New Yorker contest #895 (Close Encounters of the T.J. Maxx Kind). 

Finalists for contest #897 (Spiral Ham Inflation). 

Current New Yorker contest #899 (Take two aspirin and call me a cab). 

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Send your contest complaints or suggestions to: