New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest Podcast

Episode 159 - Lawrence Wood (Author)

June 12, 2024 Vin Coca, Beth Lawler, Paul Nesja, Nicole Chrolavicius Season 4 Episode 159

Larry Wood, the All Time New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest winner,  joins us to talk about his new book, "Your Caption Has Been Selected: More Than Anyone Could Possibly Want to Know About The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest". The podcast hosts all received their copies last week and we all agree that it's a great book and we wish it had been around when we first started entering the contest (we'd have surpassed Larry by now if we had). 
We also talk about the current New Yorker contests, our favorite cartoons from this week’s issue of the New Yorker and the latest CartoonStock contest.

You can order Larry's book here:

We discuss the winning entry for Contest #897 (Pig an' a banker).

Finalists for Contest #899 (You're having a Grand Central Seizure).

Current Contest #901 (The Toastinator: Dawn of a New Breakfast).

Finalists for the last CartoonStock contest (Heavy-Weight Class Clown).

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