New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest Podcast

Episode 160 - Maddie Dai

Vin Coca, Beth Lawler, Paul Nesja, Nicole Chrolavicius Season 4 Episode 160

On part 2 of this week's episode, we interview Cartoonist/Screenwriter/Director, Maddie Dai. Maddie talks with us about her career as a cartoonist and becoming a screenwriter and director. 
She wrote the screenplay for the movie, "We Were Dangerous" which is being produced by Piki Films (Jojo Rabbit & Hunt For The Wilderpeople) and will be out in August.
You can see a trailer for it here:

Maddie also wrote and directed the short film, "Ministry of Jingle". You can see the trailer for it here: 

You can find more about Maddie (and see her cartoons) at her website:

On Part 1 of the episode, we discuss the current contests:

Winning captions for New Yorker contest #898 (Can I talk to you a moment about a rope and lifesaver?). 

Finalists for contest #900 (Let a simian be your umbrella). 

Current New Yorker contest #902 (A small step can lead to a life changing experience). 

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Send your contest complaints or suggestions to: