B.O.S.S. (Build, Optimize, Sell, Scale) Marketing

002 Jesus Campa Leading Through Adversity

April 01, 2021 Jaimi Season 1 Episode 2

In this Boss Marketing episode, we have invited Jesus Campa, a speaker, author, and CEO of Leading Through Adversity, LLC and America’s Best Strategic Security Group, LLC. Jesus has many things on his plate, but he managed to handle everything through his impeccable leadership knowledge and skills. He is a retired law enforcer: appointed as a police chief twice and an Executive Director of a state law enforcement agency. Jesus now focuses on his companies to provide education and strategic planning to current and aspiring leaders. Today, Jesus dives into the significance of strategic planning, culture-diversity, leadership training, and the programs he pioneered for the community.

Leading through adversity


It provides leadership development through mentoring and coaching for CEOs or anyone in the leadership realm. Jesus discovered that schools and universities do not prepare you for leadership in an actual career path. Leadership through adversity prepares you for that. 

Why leaders are made, not born


You may be born with the characteristics and abilities of a leader, but Jesus thinks it depends on the nurturing that has been placed into you. Leaders are taught and nurtured to lead. If you ask any great leader out there, they always had a mentor who guided and helped them become the person they had become.


Anyone can be a leader. If you are a parent, you are a leader. If you influence a person or a group of people, you are a leader. There are horrific, bad, good, and great leaders. If you wanted to be in a business world and dreamed of becoming a great business person, you would need a mentor that knows the business. You go out there and find somebody that aligns with your vision, understands what you are doing, and can help you prepare to move forward and make it a reality.

No Color, No Label Program


Jesus was hired as a police chief in a small city in Texas, where he was tasked to change the organization’s culture and diversity. He found it ironic that tension between African-Americans and Caucasians was mediated by a “brown Mexican, caramel guy.” He created the no colors, no labels initiative designed to remove the preconceived notion that the police were racially motivated—show people that inclusion and diversity make the community better.


They proved that it worked by lowering the crime rate by 20%, being fully staffed for the first time, and moved forward by including predictive policing, procedural justice, and highlighting cultural awareness of meals.

Culture, vision, and planning


Jesus emphasizes that your first hire is your most important hire. Hire someone with the same vision, mission, goals, and ethics for your company. Do a background check, know and contact their former employer, ask their references, and spend time with them making sure they align with you—one bad hire can ruin you.


Once you made a mistake, learn from it, and try not to do it again. Have a vision and a strategic plan for your organization. Be accountable as the owner to blame any culture changes because you are the one who introduced them.


As the leader, do not be afraid to hold people accountable. You set the standards, and if someone you entrusted failed, don’t be scared to hold them accountable. Don’t be afraid to cut ties with them and start all over. Don’t be scared to make the change.


You might get a little backlash, but as long as you do the right thing, it will help you propel your business. Jesus thinks that leaders nowadays are more afraid of hurting people’s feelings, which you should not do in today’s business world.

Strategic Planning


For Jesus, everyone should have a strategic plan in their life. It helps you realize where you have been, the mistakes you made, your current situation, and where you will go for the next few years. A strategic plan is equivalent to a business plan for businesses and government entities.


Stick with your plan and keep moving forward with it. But if it does not work, change your plan—doing the same thing is a definition of insanity. Jesus highlighted that once reality punched you in the face, make adjustments.


You can never say a plan needs to change if you do not have a plan in the first place. A good entrepreneur knows that the market constantly changes.

Plan vs. Vision


Jesus advises that your vision needs to be bigger than your sight. You cannot say the plan is to start a business today and be worth hundreds of millions tomorrow. It’s a vision and not a plan—a strategy helps you how to achieve that vision.



Jesus got an award for Martin Luther King Humanitarian of the Year by NAACP for his No Color, No Labels. It was the most significant honor he had, but he failed to enforce it to his people. He struggled to change the culture for years. It only brought positivity because the 26,000 people changed the way they view law enforcement.


It was one of Jesus’ most significant failures. He believes that for him to succeed, he needs to fail—and he learned from it.


Jesus succeeded in leading 26,000 for unity and diversity, but he failed to get the 60 officers to buy into the idea. In the grand scheme of things, the thousands mattered more than the 60, and that is something that made Jesus realize and appreciated the influence he made.

Jesus’ Book


Jesus has a book called Unmasking Leadership made to remove all the misconceptions about leadership. It is for any new leader, aspiring leader, or someone who’s burned out questioning their leadership ability.

Learn more about Jesus Campa and his book on:

Website: https://jesuseddiecampa.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesuseddiecampa/

Learn more about Leading Through Adversity on:

Website: https://leadingthroughadversity.com/

Learn more about J’aimi Saunders and Keystone Ad Agency and on:

Website: https://keystoneadagency.com/schedule-strategy-call/

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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaimi-saunders-939426205/

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