Still Rockin' It - Cheryl Lee

What have John Swan & Dave Gleeson been up to lately? OR A behind the scenes view of the filming of a RiderTV episode

That Radio Chick - Cheryl Lee

Join Cheryl Lee - That Radio Chick on STILL ROCKIN' IT for news, reviews, music and interviews with some of our favourite Australian musicians.

We recently filmed an episode of RiderTV for Channel 44 with two Aussie rock larrikins, I mean, rock Gods.  This podcast is your chance to be a fly on the wall during that shoot!!

What happens when two icons of Australian rock, Dave Gleeson 'Gleeso' and John 'Swanee' Swan, decide to team up for a performance? 

Listen as they recount tales of their past collaborations, including unforgettable AC/DC and Led Zeppelin tributes, and share the serendipitous journey that led them to perform as a duo for the first time. Get the inside scoop on their rehearsal room antics and the special chemistry that makes their partnership truly unique.

In this rare and candid conversation, you'll hear about Swanee's mysterious new album and an exclusive preview of their upcoming collaborative track. Dave also gives us a peek into what’s ahead for The Screaming Jets following the success of last year's album "Professional Misconduct." 

Packed with anecdotes, music insights, and a sneak peek into their upcoming gig, this episode is a must-listen for fans of Aussie rock. Don't miss your chance to hear from these legends as they gear up to rock the stage together!

What have Gleeso & Swanee been up to lately?  Let's find out!!

Get out when you can, support local music and I'll see you down the front!!


Speaker 1:

That Radio Cheek Cheryl Lee here. Welcome to the Still Rocking it podcast, where we'll have music news, reviews and interviews with some of our favourite Australian musicians and artists. Two of Australia's best-loved rockers got together recently for a killer show Dave Gleeson, from the Angels fame and frontman of the Screaming Jets, and John Swanney Swan. We interrupted their one and only rehearsal and were lucky enough to sit down and have a chat with them. So you are a fly on the wall. This is the audio from the interview that we did for the telly. To catch up on podcasts from other favourite artists, simply go to thatradiochickcomau. Welcome to Writer TV. You're with Cheryl Lee, that Radio Chick and we are with two Australian music legends. Today We've hijacked the rehearsal room of Swanee and Gleeso to have a chat about their gig on the weekend. You guys, you're consummate professionals, but you thought you'd better have at least one rehearsal, right.

Speaker 2:

One on the band we were worried about the fact that it was.

Speaker 3:

That's right. We know what we're going to do and it will be whatever we want. They'll just have to follow us if there are some certain junctures.

Speaker 1:

This sounds like it's going to be a good one. So who's the brainchild behind this collaboration? You are. You guys have done something before in the past, right?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we did an ACDC thing, we did a Led Zeppelin thing. The ACDC thing was a tribute to Bond.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's right, it was after it, and Mark Gable and I've got to tell you that's probably it, that band yeah, it was amazing Fun, because we got to go out and nobody extended themselves to try and be like Bond, we just did the songs. Yeah, that's right, and that's really what we want to do now is celebrate Bond. That's why I thought there's only one person I don't know that's him so this is the first time out as a duo.

Speaker 3:

A duet, though, right yeah, certainly, yeah, yeah, it's exciting. I came about firstly because, uh, john's got a new album that he's working on and he asked me to sing on a track on that, and then he called me up a couple weeks later he said why don't we do a show together?

Speaker 2:

so yeah, well, I had this track sitting there and it's one of those tracks that you know you've got to find the right persons for, you know, to suit their range, to have it like that. He put a demo on it and it just nailed it and that was it. You know one or two, one or two vocals, and I was really lucky with most of the guys, because what happened is they actually just did one or two vocals, you know, except for Colin Hay. He did about five vocals After a gig, 250,000 people, and he's come off stage and managed what do you want to do? And he says brought me to the studio. I said when he said no, classic, he did that and said I'm back to me next month.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. Well there goes one of my questions, because I was going to say what's next for you, john swan, after this, can we talk about your secret album? Yet so clearly, the answer is yes or no.

Speaker 2:

I can't really, but we can. We can talk about this because dave and I are doing that track that we did together. We're going to do it this weekend. I thought it's only fair because we get a chance to sing together very rarely and you know, like every time do it's either with my brother or Diesel or something like that. But there's people that you love and being on stage with them you get a vibe of it's all different for each personality. You know being on stage with him is like it's a fun time.

Speaker 1:

So you heard it first. Here, you guys are going to play the song from the new album.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

On Saturday yeah, woo-hoo. Well, I'll ask you, dave, the same question what next for the Screaming Jets, on top of the phenomenal success of the Professional Misconduct album last year?

Speaker 3:

Got something else going on. Yeah, we're just in the process of getting to write some new songs. We haven't been doing many gigs. We've done sporadic gigs over the last little while I had my guts fixed up.

Speaker 1:

What was wrong with you? Do the heavy lifting.

Speaker 3:

All the time, All the heavy lifting for me. So, yeah, we had a good seven weeks off and then we've just kind of started playing again and, as I said, we're working on getting out a new song going on tour. We've just changed agencies, which is a bit of a big thing, Wow. So yeah, it's all happening. It's all happening anew afresh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the good thing is that anything that they do is good, because it's sheer rock and roll and we love to rock.

Speaker 1:

And I get to get a new T-shirt. That's a lot.

Speaker 2:

Because, brock, you've got one for you, that's right.

Speaker 1:

I'm very supportive like that, sorry. On a serious note, coming up to the anniversary of the loss of Paul Wasin, we miss him greatly. So how are you going with the bass player?

Speaker 3:

situation. Yeah, look, we were very fortunate that a lot of people put their hand up to help out and we did want to. You know, it was kind of in honour of Paulie's memory that we wanted to do the tour Absolutely Because there was a very real chance. I thought if we stopped then and called everything off, that we might never kind of get it up and going again. So, yeah, we kind of stayed on the road and it helped us all kind of get through it. We're all with each other and paul elliott from newcastle, a very, very close friend of paul wozien's. He came in and he's been outstanding. He's been so good. You know, paul, his backing vocals are probably one of the main parts of the sound of the jet, so he's been able to kind of come and and accommodate that. And you know it's uh, yeah, it's been a great castle guys are all the same, but they're wonderful.

Speaker 2:

They're utility players in here. Can you do this, yep?

Speaker 3:

so is he the permanent um, yeah, we haven't almost not quite, we haven't really decided on um, on that type of thing. We you know it's a tough decision, big call to make to say someone's permanently replaced. Yeah, I get it you it. You can't be replaced.

Speaker 2:

Paul, but you've just got to fill the spot, Give it time, see how it goes. You know it will take care of itself. Yeah, yeah, that's right.

Speaker 1:

What I want to ask you, two rockers, is when you're at home or in the car or whatever, and you can listen to whatever you like to listen to, because you guys can I know you can sing anything and you can too. You'd sing the spine block and we'd listen. But what do you like to listen to, john, when you can listen to whatever you want?

Speaker 2:

Anything that's played well. I'm enjoying a lot of stuff that I never thought I would enjoy. You know, like some of the younger guys are just great. You know music's what it is and the one thing that keeps you loving it is that every time you hear something new it's like the first time you hear it. You've got that tingle. You know hearing Little Richard or Jerry Lewis or Ray Charles or Nat King Cole or whoever it is. I listen to some of them. I listen to classical music, but I'll always go straight to the sort of rock. Yeah, it's in your blood. You're a rocker through and through, aren't you?

Speaker 1:

It's really hard when you're sober, though have you got a favourite.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, David.

Speaker 1:

You've got a favourite at the moment? Yeah, scotch and Curb. Yeah, where is our Scotch and Cokes? What about you, dave? What do you like to listen to?

Speaker 3:

Well, most recently I've been listening to Charlie Rich.

Speaker 1:

I'm a huge Charlie Rich fan Because you are a little bit country on the inside.

Speaker 2:

I love what country music. I've got a country track for you, mate. There you go, and I'm not kidding you when you say country, I was nearly going to say I've been listening to so much country, it's unbelievable. Yeah, yeah, I love it.

Speaker 3:

I love it.

Speaker 1:

I heard that verse here too. I I heard that verse here too. I think that might be a skilt and favourite.

Speaker 3:

Favourite of his, or love it all Favourite of his. Oh look my Elusive Dream, and Good Time, Charlie's Got the Blues. It just speaks to me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, funny about that. And last time I spoke to you I did ask you about another Dave Gleeson solo album. Yes, how's that going?

Speaker 3:

Look, there's a lot of stuff going on. I've got the fabulous Capretto. It starts in September, october, early October, so yeah. And then there's a Jets tour being lined up, so probably 2025, if I get a chance to do it. I keep writing all the songs. I could probably do a double or triple album. Yeah that's it, but it's just a matter of getting the time.

Speaker 2:

You know the Capertos could be the album band, because it just is yeah yeah, the Capertos is the best fun ever. They're all good guys.

Speaker 3:

You're fitting absolutely perfect, because they're going to look at you and just think Well, I just had a stint with them earlier this year and gave myself a big bruise on the leg. I play tambourine, that's my job.

Speaker 1:

I shall see you down the front on Saturday. I'll see you down the front for the fabulous Capredos. Got my ticket.

Speaker 3:

That's soon, isn't it? Yeah, October 4th.

Speaker 1:

Come on, partner, and I'm interviewing a great mate of yours tomorrow.

Speaker 3:

Who would that be? Crafty, crafty. I love that guy. Oh, he can do anything. He can do anything, play with his head.

Speaker 1:

He could, yeah, so I'm really pleased to be able to have a chat with him on the Zoom tomorrow. Anyway, gentlemen, I know that we've interrupted a very important. Yeah, we're dying to get back to rehearsal so is there anything else that you'd like to add, john?

Speaker 2:

it's just an absolute pleasure to be on stage with us.

Speaker 1:

Please, I'll let it go right back at you the question we'd like to ask everybody on rider tv, of course, is and I particularly want to ask it of these old rock and rollers what is the non-negotiable on your rider dave, your first?

Speaker 3:

uh well, it would have been up to about three or four months ago. I would have said fireball was um a non-negotiable, and then there was an unfortunate fire. Can you tell? Us the 44 gallon drum went up.

Speaker 1:

Feels bad what goes on in the green room stays in the green room.

Speaker 3:

I'm not thinking about it, I feel guilty.

Speaker 1:

You'll have to tell me later.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, off you Now. It's just a nice sparkling Shiraz is what I'll have.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you are a bit posh now.

Speaker 3:

It's a bit crisp. It's all getting rid of the old guts. Not too much beer.

Speaker 1:

Ooh la la, You're a bit fancy. So Ooh la la, You're a bit fancy.

Speaker 3:

So what I do is have some cheese and baguettes. Oh that's good Wine, of course, good.

Speaker 1:

I don't believe that for a minute. John. What about you? Well, you know.

Speaker 2:

I sort of feed off the other people in the band. You know like I get nervous to stop drinking, but my rider is just those Vs and Red Bulls and something to get you out of the bed. Yeah, it's funny to have, you know, something in my hand. I'm useless without. If I'm walking around on the stage with nothing in my hands, I'm up to try. Somebody's going to suffer.

Speaker 1:

Quite different to the 80s then.

Speaker 2:

Yeah well, that was a whole different ballgame. I mean, I had two guys who I employed and all they did was they'd come in and set the room up like this and they would have the fridge, the dartboard, the daiquiri. The daiquiris were famous because it was like a daiquiri Paul Christie. And those guys just said, hey, I'll have a daiquiri before we go on. I said I don't think you're better, but you know, you know half a peruse inside the bakery, you know, and they'd be up there and he'd be playing drums. All of a sudden he walks off stage and he just went uh-oh, one guy's job was to get through. Didn't matter where we were. If he didn't get through, he got the old oh, no, it's if he doesn't get my Red Bull.

Speaker 1:

I do want to congratulate you, John, because you've been sober now. For how long?

Speaker 2:

25 minutes. No, it's 25 years yeah congratulations. No mean thing, but you know like what he's doing is one of the hardest things. I've been 25 years doing it. But what you're doing, that cutting it down and getting it to the finesse it brings a better part of you. When we did that interview with you at your other job it was great talking to you because, like you, were really sharp, you know. Oh, thanks, mate, cheers, because normally you can hardly talk.

Speaker 1:

Oh, shut up, you two lovebirds. Well that's enough of this, love bet. Thank you so much for joining us on Rider TV. See you same time, same channel next week. Cut You're with Cheryl Lee, that radio chick. Thank you so much for joining me on the Still Rocking it podcast. Hope to catch you again next time. Get out when you can support Aussie music and I'll see you down the front.