Still Rockin' It - Cheryl Lee
Still Rockin' It - Cheryl Lee
What has Dellacoma Rio been up to lately? OR From Rackets to Rock, a mystifying musical adventure!!
Join Cheryl Lee - That Radio Chick on STILL ROCKIN' IT for news, reviews, music and interviews with some of our favourite Australian musicians.
Have you ever wondered how a junior tennis prodigy, who once had dreams of sports stardom, finds himself captivating audiences worldwide as the frontman of an INXS tribute band? Meet Dellacoma Rio, whose journey from the tennis courts of the US to embodying the legendary Michael Hutchence is a tale of resilience and passion.
I had the pleasure of chatting with Dellacoma, who shared the unexpected twists of his career, including a detour into acting, a corporate stint as an operations manager, and the eventual call of music that he couldn't resist. Known for his striking resemblance to Michael, Dellacoma embraced this uncanny likeness, turning it into a tribute show that transcends mere imitation, offering fans an authentic INXS experience.
From the unique video productions that recreate the grandeur of a Wembley-style concert, to the band's global performances in places like Dubai, India, and Japan, Del brings us into the heart of the incredible Australian INXS Tribute Show.
We also touched on his band, Dellacoma, and their acoustic cover of Audioslave's "Like a Stone," giving us a glimpse of exciting new music slated for 2025.
Wrapping up, we reflected on the deeper theme of striving for more than just survival, inspired by the powerful messages in his music. Join us for an inspiring episode that reminds us to chase our passions and embrace life's unexpected paths.
What has Dellacoma Rio been up to lately? Let's find out!!
Get out when you can, support local music and I'll see you down the front!!
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That Radio Chick, Cheryl Lee here. Welcome to the Still Rockin' it podcast, where we'll have music news, reviews and interviews with some of our favourite Australian musicians and artists. Today we're excited to catch up in the Zoom room with Dellacoma Rio. Not only does he front INXS Australian tribute show with an uncanny portrayal of Michael Hutchence that captivated audiences worldwide, but his own band, Dellacoma, is also releasing more new music Just a genuine nice young man. Hope you enjoy getting to know Dellacoma Rio. To catch up on podcasts from other favourite artists, simply go to that radiochick. com. au. You're with Cheryl Lee, that Radio Chick, and I'd like to welcome into the Zoom room today. Dellacoma, or, as we know him, Del from now what is the official name? We don't want to confuse you with anybody else. You are from INXS Australian Tribute Show.
Dellacoma Rio:That is correct, yes.
CheryL Lee:That's always good, isn't it? The first and, I think, last time I've ever only seen you guys was actually on Rock the Boat, not last year, the year before.
Dellacoma Rio:Wow, yes, yeah, that was us.
CheryL Lee:Yeah, that was awesome. We went with quite a posse, as we quite often do, and they all said we have to have these guys come to Adelaide. It didn't happen overnight, but you're coming, yeah, we're coming.
Dellacoma Rio:We're coming to the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. So they say go big or go home. So we're finally coming to Adelaide and it's a big one, yay.
CheryL Lee:I'm hoping that we might be able to just backtrack a little bit before we go forward, because we don't actually know much about you. Del Like is music in your DNA? When did you realize that music was going to be your passion, your life?
Dellacoma Rio:Actually it happened fairly late in life, I think, for me, because my parents have always been singers just around the home and everything, and I grew up in an acapella church, so singing was always something that, as long as I can remember, you know everybody sings, you know that was just something that was just kind of normal. I guess, if you will, I was a junior tennis player and I actually went to the US on a tennis scholarship. Long story short, I had some physical issues and had to take a bit of a left turn and got into acting and that led me to LA. I did a few things in LA and then, when I was 25, I kind of I thought I was too old for the entertainment industry and I moved back to Australia. After a couple of years of doing a quote, unquote, normal job, I was like man, I got to get back into performing. That bug was just still there. So that's when I decided to give music a go as a more of a professional, professional thing, Cause it's always been.
Dellacoma Rio:When I was younger, music was just something you did in my head. You know everybody did music, you know, Um, and then you had what you did for a career. So, yeah, I joined a band who was produced by Anton Haggap, who's worked with Powderfinger Um, and we did an EP and um, then it just kind of snowballed from there. And ever since I've been performing with my own music, people have always said I look and move like Michael when I'm on stage. I'd always said that I wasn't going to do a tribute and I've said no to a few tributes and then this one came along and we kind of sat down and had a chat. It was just one of those things where it's like, well, if you're going to do it, then go all the way and do it big right, Exactly.
CheryL Lee:What was your plan B? Temporary career.
Dellacoma Rio:So I've done almost every job under the sun. But when I was in Sydney I was operations manager for a eco-friendly household cleaning products company called Murchison Hume. I mean, they're still going today. They're in David Jones and Meyer and I'm sure, and all that sort of stuff. I was one of the. Well, I was the first employee of the company and then the company kind of expanded while I was there and ended up in sort of a more of a management role. My bosses who was the creators of the company they'd always fully supported me doing music and everything. But the company had grown to the point after a couple of years to where they were like we need you to be, you know, our right hand man. You've been right hand man all the way along and now we've got a bunch of employees and we need you here more often.
Dellacoma Rio:And I was like but I want to tour, I want to do yeah so I made a promise to myself I would follow this path until I didn't want to do it anymore, because I think, no matter what it is you do in life, I think you know regret only kicks in when you really want to do something and you believe you can, but you choose not to because either you're scared, or or something holds you back, or Something holds you back.
Dellacoma Rio:Yeah, something holds you back, and I was like at the time, you know, I was like there's no reason why I can't do this, it's just my own fear that's holding me back. And so I decided that I was going to do this, was going to be my main career focus until I didn't want to do it anymore.
CheryL Lee:You could always go back and be a hot shot CEO later, if you want.
Dellacoma Rio:Yeah, that's right right.
Speaker 3:You are listening to Still Rocking it. The podcast with Cheryl Lee.
CheryL Lee:Time for an INXS song. I reckon Never tear us apart, but let's hear Delta Goodrum and Josh Teske's version, and then we're back to speak some more. To Del I'm hearing an accent there. Did you pick that up in America or are you actually from? Where are you from?
Dellacoma Rio:I was homeschooled in Tasmania. My mum is from Brisbane and my dad's from Dallas. People often do attribute my accent. They go oh you spent time in America, you went to university over there. I've kind of always had this mottled hodgepodge accent and I think it does come from having parents in the home that had different accents and being homeschooled. That's who I'm spending the majority of my time around.
CheryL Lee:Exactly. So a bit from mom and a bit from dad, and not so much from the schoolyard. Exactly, you actually are quite a late bloomer, but there's no going back now, right.
Dellacoma Rio:Absolutely no. Going back now. No, this course is set. This path before me is definitely there and there's been definitely been times along this journey where I've thought, oh man, like you know, the gigs aren't coming in or you're not quite making enough. But I've kind of gotten to a point in my life where you know everybody well, not everybody, I guess, I should say, but like there's a lot of people at times in life you know they need a secondary job to bring in a little bit of extra income and I've definitely had those, those points in my life. You know, where you have a secondary, part-time income or whatever.
Dellacoma Rio:But this, this is my. This is my main passion and my main focus. I'm, at heart, a storyteller, you know. This is the way that I've. I guess I've chosen to tell stories. And one of the most beautiful things about the In Excess Tribute Show which I guess I didn't expect when I started doing it, because I've always done my own music right, in doing the tribute show, when you look out on the audience, you can actually see people's faces when they a song that you play or something you do on stage triggers a memory, and you can actually see people's faces when they a song that you play or something you do on stage triggers a memory and you can actually see that on their face. You have no idea what the memory is it could be good, it could be bad, you have no idea, right but you can see that trigger and it's pretty cool to be able to be a part of remembering and that part of their life that they may or may not have interacted with in a very long time.
CheryL Lee:Yeah, that nostalgia, it is really powerful and, as I said, we've, you know, there are a few in excess bands around. I've seen a couple of them, but for some reason there's something different about you guys and if I had to try and put my finger on it, I would say that it is the, you know, the absolute energy that you bring to the show, not trying to be Michael, but being Michael-esque, with energy and vitality. And that stage presence Were you always a fan of Michael? Why do you ask that question?
Dellacoma Rio:Because I was asked that. Sbs actually did a special on nostalgia. They actually called me up. I was part of that special and it was all aspects of nostalgia. I was kind of, I guess, representing the music part of it. They asked me that exact question, you know, were you always a fan? My honest answer was I was, but in excess, wasn't a part of my growing up because I was I'm dating myself now, but that's fine. I was 15 when Michael passed away.
Dellacoma Rio:Their peak was sort of, you know, late 80s, early 90s, and that's when I was kind of, you know, between 7 and 11, and my parents weren't really into it in excess. So I knew who they were, but they didn't really influence me growing up. It was something that I retrospectively looked into because I used to have shorter hair and then I grew my hair out a little bit and people go, oh, you know who you look like If I had a bit of stubble, you know people go, oh, with the stubble, you know who you look like. Or you know, if I put my hair back in a ponytail, people go, oh, you know who you look like. I knew that they had impacted a lot of people and I knew, you know, they were kind of one of those bands for me growing up.
Dellacoma Rio:I kind of missed Bon Jovi as well they were. They're another band that I kind of retrospectively got into. I knew who they were, but because I kind of was too young for their heyday and my parents weren't really into them, they were just kind of one of those bands that anywhere you go, there's a, there's a song like oh yeah, I know that song still rocking that podcast With that radio chick Cheryl Lee.
CheryL Lee:Time INXS an song, I'd say. How about Need you Tonight? Apart from on their album 1987's Kick, it was also featured On the Coyote Ugly album. Then we're back to speak to Del. This is Andrew Farris and you're with that radio chick Cheryl Lee. I've got to let you know.
Dellacoma Rio:You touched on the energy part and I think something that has helped me, without really realizing it, stand out in this space is the fact that I initially came on as a fill-in, so the band was around. They were one of the I don't know four or five that are doing Melbourne. You know, I think there's 10 or 12 that are kicking around Australia at any given time. I'd gotten to a point where I was like, oh, maybe I will do a tribute or a cover or, like you know, my music never really took off in Australia, so I've got to go overseas, right, which is awesome, but it's also very taxing on family. Yeah, so I was trying to find a way to play in Australia more regularly, so I auditioned and it didn't really work out. Maybe nine months later they called me up again and they said, hey, our singer's just pulled out of a show and it's next month. Do you reckon you could fill in, because we've already got contracts signed and yada, yada, and I was like man, like what's the set like? And they gave me, you know, 20 songs or something. I was like far out. I don't know if I can learn all of these and the moves and all that kind of stuff.
Dellacoma Rio:So I made the choice back then. I was like, okay, people have always said, and this is like across the world us, uk, belgium, you know, when I go and play my music I'll have some random come up and say, you know who you remind me of? And it's either Michael Hutchence or it's Mark Wahlberg from Rockstar. I said, okay, I don't have the time to learn all the moves. In my head, you know a tribute, you know it's kind of like an acting role In my head. I was like what I'm going to do is I'm going to learn the music and I'm just going to let the music do to me what it does to me. Naturally. And it makes sense to me that if me, playing my music, people say I'd look and move a bit like Michael, if I'm singing Michael's music, it makes sense that it would move me in a similar way that would move him.
CheryL Lee:And naturally not choreographed, just naturally.
Dellacoma Rio:Yeah, exactly, exactly. So that's something that I think is a point of difference. I mean, I haven't spoken to any of the other singers of other tributes, so I don't know their process, and I make a real point during the show of saying you know, I know that we are not in excess and I'm not trying to be mild, but I hope that through the performance I can help you feel. The way that Michael made you feel or in excess, made you feel. That's my goal, and I've had a lot of positive feedback from people going. Oh, you know I was trying to pick you apart. You know Michael didn't have a nose ring and he didn't have tattoos, and you know there's this and there's that and everything, but there's still something about the way that you do it that makes me feel the same way and I go well then, I've done my job.
CheryL Lee:Then Exactly yeah. When we were on Rock the Boat we were like where is he? You were running up and down beside the pool. I thought you're going in any minute up the stairs.
Dellacoma Rio:I actually put the net over the pool because I made a joke. Halfway through. I was like, oh, maybe I'll jump in the pool. And sure enough, 10 minutes later they put the net across the pool.
CheryL Lee:It's so true. We just love and thank you for doing it. We just love the opportunity to hear that fabulous music played live again by a great band. It's a six-piece band. You've got a great video show that goes with it to bring us even more memories. And is this right that you guys have toured this to Dubai, india, hawaii, tahiti, new Zealand, hong Kong, benamati, singapore, japan, china, bonaparte, new Caledonia, taipei and South Korea? Yeah, yeah, wow.
Dellacoma Rio:And all of that happened in a very short space of time, just pre-COVID, and that's why it was like when we kind of came out of the COVID era, we had all of this. We were like, do we just? Do we go to pubs? Like how do we do this in a pub, Like even on Rock the Boat, right, because that was kind of like a pub gig in a way. We've got the video show.
Dellacoma Rio:We created the show like something that we thought would be a point of difference is if we created what we thought possibly in excess would have done if they were still around today and making use of modern technology, the whole video show. That's something we've created. That's not copyrighted material, it's we've created unique, original videos for all the songs because we felt like if in excess was still playing stadiums and the like today, they would make use of modern technology. Oh, they would, in the same way that you know acdc and def leppard and all the bands from that era, like you two, when they play in stadiums. Now they've got all the videos and all of that.
Dellacoma Rio:So, and gummies like you mentioned, yeah, and we've tried to recreate. We call it a wembly style experience. The set list is not the wembly set list. Right, we have some songs that weren't in the wembly set list, but we use that wording specifically because when people think of in excess and kind of the I guess, if you will, the pinnacle, it's them selling out Wembley twice. So if you were, in 2025, seeing in excess in Wembley, what would it be like? We've allowed our imagination to run and the guys have been absolutely amazing. I mean, they've learned everything note for note. That gives me a platform to be able to do what I do, you know, because I know they're going to be bang on every single time.
Speaker 3:Stay up. You are listening to Still Rocking it the podcast with Cheryl Lee.
CheryL Lee:Well, I can't wait any longer to play you some music from Del. At the end of last year, his band Dellacoma released their cover of Audioslave's track Like a Stone from their studio album to be released in 2025. It's a beautifully haunting acoustic version. I hope you enjoy it. And then we're back to speak Some more to the man himself, del Rio.
CheryL Lee:Is it right that it's an 18-month tour?
Dellacoma Rio:It's longer now. So we started this end of February 2023.
CheryL Lee:Wow.
Dellacoma Rio:We just booked our first show in Devonport in Tasmania and we booked a return to Hobart in January of 2026. That's going to be entering the fourth year Now. We've taken a couple of breaks in there because I've released some of my own music so we've kind of had to slot that in. But aside from that it's pretty much just been going out, yeah, and we've been back to a couple of places. But we're still going to new places. I mean Adelaide is one of those We've been to about. I can't remember what the name of it was, but it's about an hour outside of Adelaide but we haven't actually been to Adelaide proper until April. Last year was the first time we'd gotten to Darwin. We got to Alice Springs. We're getting to Kalgoorlie and Esperance out in WA. For the first time this year we're getting to a bunch of places in New South Wales that we haven't been to.
Dellacoma Rio:It's been absolutely mental, like the response and kind of sitting there going man, this was something we're sitting there going, man, this was something we're sitting there in 2022 going there's not a whole lot of gigs. What do we do? And we just decided to take a punt and here we are in February 2025. I'm looking at my calendar for mid-2026.
CheryL Lee:Still going so, so strong. Get onto the Googleometer. People Find out when they're coming near you. Where will they find all those dates?
Dellacoma Rio:So we're the Australian In featuring Tribute Show featuring Dellacoma Rio, which is me. So there is, as we've said before, there's plenty out there and they're all doing it in their own way. This is the way that we do it. So if you want to see the way we do it, look for me, I'll be there.
CheryL Lee:They can also keep up with what's going on on the Facebook page and is there an Insta as well.
Dellacoma Rio:Yes, there is. And both of INXS Australian . Tribute show featuring Dellacoma Rio.
CheryL Lee:And if you look me up, I also noticed that you're doing Rockfest in July in the.
Dellacoma Rio:US. Yes, yes, so that's with my original band. We're releasing a new album this year and we've done festivals in the US before and that was all pre-COVID and everything and that kind of. I focused on the In Excess show for sort of two years before COVID and then since COVID, but I finally got it back off the ground my original show. So we're releasing songs all the way through this year, releasing a new album towards the end of the year and we're playing a festival in July in the US with a bunch of big name acts, Rob Zombie being one of those, a five-figure death punch, Sick Puppies, which are actually an Australian band as well. It's a massive festival. Last count, I think it was like 78,000 people, so that's going to be a lot of fun.
CheryL Lee:Do you need an assistant?
Dellacoma Rio:My wife is tagging along this time. She's agreed to run merch for me Awesome.
CheryL Lee:I could be her assistant, exactly.
Dellacoma Rio:Exactly Right you can be her assistant. I'll get my people to talk to your people and we could just create a big entourage. The Australian Invasion.
CheryL Lee:That sounds good and I must say, if you ever need a tambourine, I'm your woman.
Dellacoma Rio:Oh, you were right there. I do have tambourine in a couple of songs, so you never know it might be in for a dig. I knew it.
CheryL Lee:Still rocking that, podcast with Podcast with that radio chick, cheryl Lee. INXS quick song, this time with one of my other favourites, Jimmy Barnes Good Times, and this is from the Lost Boys original motion picture soundtrack from 1987. Then we're back to Say Goodbye to Del. I'm glad you started talking about your solo projects as well. There's just been recently a couple of singles come out so you can go and see the videos on the YouTube channel. Yes, they're very cool and you can buy them from all the usual suspects.
Dellacoma Rio:Yep, Yep. So I've got vinyl of my last album available. I had Tracy Guns from Guns N' Roses actually play the solo on one of the first single off of my last album, and I've got a few surprises in store for this, this next record. But we've dropped the first single, which is More Than Survival, and then we just dropped Like A Stone Christmas. And then we've got Heard it here.
Dellacoma Rio:First, our next single is going to come out 28th of Feb, so we haven't actually announced that yet, but that'll be the next one that's coming out In Talks to Come to Adelaide. We actually got an offer to come to Adelaide. I think it was this week or next week. I couldn't make it work with my schedule. So it's on the cards to come to Adelaide. We've got Delacombe has done Queensland, new South Wales Well, we're about to do New South Wales. We've done Victoria and Tasmania, so Adelaide's next on the cards.
CheryL Lee:I was going to ask that Any sign of Dellacomba on their way here. So that's the scoop. You did hear that first, that is the scoop.
Dellacoma Rio:We're on X Music label and one of our label mates is a band called Audio Reign. They're actually based out of Adelaide, so we're kind of just working out details to try and come over and play a show with them over there in Adelaide With Jake and the boys. Yes, yes, with Jake and the boys.
CheryL Lee:There you go I interviewed Jake for the telly like a couple of weeks ago. Oh, that'll be so exciting. Yeah, maybe if you guys have got half an hour when you are here, I could interview you for the telly too.
Dellacoma Rio:Absolutely yeah, we need to line that up.
CheryL Lee:Yeah, again, your people speak to my people. Tee that up.
Dellacoma Rio:Make sure that we've got plenty of tambourines available.
CheryL Lee:Exactly. It sounds like there's exciting things coming on the horizon. We really thank you for spending some of your precious time today. Just looking here, how busy you are. We are grateful that you spent a bit of time with us in the Zoom room today and we are counting off the days on our calendar for when we get to see you here in our entertainment center. One more quick question for you, because you're such big rock stars what is it that is a non-negotiable, honestly it sounds super lame, but it's literally just a steamer.
CheryL Lee:A steamer.
Dellacoma Rio:I haven't had that one before Because we wear full whites, like this sounds really silly. But the amount of times you know you'll be backstage getting ready and you grab the iron talking to somebody and you put the iron down and then you're like, oh my goodness, now there's a black mark on my white and then you're in a mad panic an hour before the show trying to get something to replace that or get the stain out or turn it inside, what you know. It's one of those things that I try not to be too rock star-y about it, but I'm always like, oh, I don't have a steamer, I'm not going on Steamer available.
Dellacoma Rio:It'd be great if there was one. Yeah, yeah, it's okay if there's not, but like can you do it?
CheryL Lee:Steamers are a girl's best friend.
Dellacoma Rio:I've just learned today that they're also a rock star's best friend. They are a rock star's best friend, can I tell you, for vocalists out there as well super dangerous. So don't try this at home, kids. But if you are having some vocal issues, you turn it on and you can't get too close because you want to burn yourself. But you can breathe in the steam as well and it helps with warming up.
CheryL Lee:Awesome. Again, thank you for your time today. I'm going to let you get back to your busy schedule. Can't wait to see you with audio reign, Dellacoma well as , because I haven't seen you guys before, so that's something to look forward to.
Dellacoma Rio:Well, thank you so much for your time as well and for having us, and looking forward to seeing you at the Entertainment Center in April.
CheryL Lee:I'll see you down the front. When you came, I was just trying to get the number for my ticket. I think it's because I think I mean I booked the second. I saw it. So I think Hubby and I are in the front row, so we'll give you a wave.
Dellacoma Rio:Yes, yes, amazing.
CheryL Lee:We'll talk to you a little bit about the TV as well, prior to then.
Dellacoma Rio:That'd be great. That'd be great, alrighty great.
Speaker 3:Alrighty, thanks, gail, take care you are listening to Still Rocking it the podcast with Cheryl Lee.
CheryL Lee:Let's go out with the other single, more Than Survival. With its huge vocal harmonies, driving riffs and emotive guitar fills, more Than Survival harks back to a time when songs like this were all over the radio. The band says the song is about recognising that you've spent a long time in survival mode and are wanting more than that wanting to actually thrive. Sometimes life can get hard, but we're resilient as humans and if you hang in long enough, the sun starts to shine again. This song is about deciding that you want more from life than just getting by. You're with Cheryl Lee, that radio chick. Thank you so much for joining me on the Still Rocking it podcast. Hope to catch you again next time.