The Song House Podcast

Chloe Greenwood

The Song House Season 1 Episode 7

Hello and welcome to another edition of the Song House Podcast. Today I talk with Chloe Greenwood who is an interfaith minister who sees all religious traditions as expressions of humanity’s longing for and relationship with that which is greater than ourselves, Chloe shares with us how each tradition carries centuries of accumulated wisdom and the understanding of which has the power to enrich and deepen our everyday life experiences – even the most ‘supposedly’ mundane tasks such as washing the dishes! Chloe was part of the New Findhorn Association for five years, she is a Taize leader and is involved in the Dances of Universal Peace movement which she talks about in more detail here and she offers song and dance events where groups and individuals can experience the beauty of so many songs and words from many traditions. We at The Song House are delighted to host one such event – an in-person gathering on September 24th – 27th, more details of that included in the conversation and also linked below in the notes.  In this podcast Chloe sings, literally the answers to my queries and questions about her work. We start out by talking about the ‘thing’ that happens when we hit the record button – in the hopes that we diminish its power over us. This was a beautiful and special conversation with Chloe Greenwood - Enjoy

More about Chloe here -
And her Song House Event here - Celebration with Sacred Song - The Song House (
If you have any questions for Chloe please email her at