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S3 Episode 27: Building community wherever you go

Lynn Morstead & Kelli Soika Season 3 Episode 27

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In Episode 27 Lynn Morstead and Kelli Soika interview Susan Lieberman, a woman who builds community wherever she goes.... and she's been lots of places! She has "lived in nine cities, written eight books, directed four educational programs, earned three graduate degrees, raised two sons and thinks, one day, she may, perhaps, acquire a partridge in a pear tree".  So she knows something about creating connections. 

The unifying theme in all her work has been a desire to help people find satisfying resolutions to the situations that arise from leading busy, complicated lives and to grow into their best selves.

If you'd like to learn more about Susan, check out her website. Or buy her new book,  In the Country of Old: Nine reflections from a new immigrant to the Country of Old

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