Steamy Stories

Vegas Bachelor Party

February 13, 2023 JC Calciano, Ben Palacios & Casey Alcoser Season 5 Episode 34
Vegas Bachelor Party
Steamy Stories
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Steamy Stories
Vegas Bachelor Party
Feb 13, 2023 Season 5 Episode 34
JC Calciano, Ben Palacios & Casey Alcoser


Las Vegas Bachelor Party

Season 5  - Episode #34

 Branden Stetson knew it was his duty to organize an unforgettable bachelor party for his friend, Matt. He decided on Las Vegas, knowing that the city's motto of "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" meant they could have an unforgettable weekend. However, the group's plans took an unexpected turn when Ashton, the bride's childhood friend, joined the bridal party. Ashton's rugged good looks and disarming smile made it impossible for Branden to focus on anything other than having his own wild time with this hunky stud in the town known as “Sin City.”

*  Steamy Stories Official Website:

Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!

 STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Casey Alcostor.

#podcast #lgbtq #gaystories #gayshorts #gaykiss #mmromance #bachelorparty #lasvegas

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REVENGE OF THE BROBOT is a hilariously sexy, silly male-male romance novel. If you love campy sci-fi romance novels, then don't miss this sweet, sultry story about a rogue robot named R.O.B.
It's available on and our website

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Las Vegas Bachelor Party

Season 5  - Episode #34

 Branden Stetson knew it was his duty to organize an unforgettable bachelor party for his friend, Matt. He decided on Las Vegas, knowing that the city's motto of "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" meant they could have an unforgettable weekend. However, the group's plans took an unexpected turn when Ashton, the bride's childhood friend, joined the bridal party. Ashton's rugged good looks and disarming smile made it impossible for Branden to focus on anything other than having his own wild time with this hunky stud in the town known as “Sin City.”

*  Steamy Stories Official Website:

Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!

 STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Casey Alcostor.

#podcast #lgbtq #gaystories #gayshorts #gaykiss #mmromance #bachelorparty #lasvegas

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REVENGE OF THE BROBOT is a hilariously sexy, silly male-male romance novel. If you love campy sci-fi romance novels, then don't miss this sweet, sultry story about a rogue robot named R.O.B.
It's available on and our website

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as the best man Brandon Stetson knew that it was his duty to organize an unforgettable bachelor party for his friend Matt he decided on Las Vegas knowing that the city's motto of what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas meant that they could have an unforgettable and insane weekend free of judgment however the group's plans took an unexpected turn when Ashton the bride's childhood friend joined the bridal party Brandon was immediately wowed by Ashton's rugged good looks and disarming smile and found it difficult to focus on anything other than having his own wild time in the town known as Sin City[Applause] who doesn't love going to Vegas for a bachelor party it's the perfect place for a handsome young buck to blow off some steam before tying the knot I should know I've gotten into a fair bit of trouble in that town but that's another story today it's about Brandon and his buddy Matt heading to Nevada or is it Nevada for a weekend full of frisky fun oh they certainly find it plus a whole lot more it's time to go all in and put your chips down on romance for this month's steamy story Vegas bachelor party at 30 years old Brandon had convinced himself he would be single for the rest of his life this wasn't due to a lack of suitors no his handsome boyish looks and innocent demeanor made him stand out in a crowd Brandon wasn't interested in meeting other men at all since his heart already belonged to someone else his best friend Matt was a rugged gregarious extreme athlete who enjoyed skydiving and white water rafting he loved pushing himself to the Limit and spending time in nature Brandon was happy to join his friend on his crazy adventures and as a result the two men became fit toned and inseparable Brandon and Matt had met years earlier at University where they shared an interest in engineering the two college buddies would spend many evenings locked away together preparing for class and working on their assignments often as the friends huddled on the couch studying their bodies would sometimes innocently touch Matt's arm would casually rest on Brandon's leg or his leg would slightly rub against Brandon's foot and while Matt wouldn't give it a second thought these interactions excited Brandon in a way he dared not reveal to his friend Brandon's heart raced and his breathing became shallow if their flesh nonchalantly made any connection Matt however definitely didn't feel the same way Brandon watched with a heavy heart as Matt fell head over heels for a sexy CrossFit instructor named Sherry Sherry shared the same zest for life and extreme activities that the boys had in addition to being beautiful and clever years had passed school was well behind them and their friendship grew stronger it was spring and love was blossoming all around Matt was excited to share some big news so he invited his buddy for a beer at their favorite Pub after work to talk Brandon already knew what his buddy was about to ask him but he decided to feign ignorance and play along as the two men settled into their favorite Booth Matt beamed with an awkward innocent grin as he chuckled you know what I'm about to ask you don't you It's been a few years since I've been with Sherry and it's time I popped the question while Brandon was pleased to hear his friend was happy hearing Matt plan to marry anyone other than him felt like a billion bee stings to the heart the man he loved was officially going to be someone else's nevertheless he conjured a hearty laugh as he replied dude it's about time you made an honest woman ever the two friends chuckled as Matt reached over and took his buddy's hand Brandon's heart pounded in his chest at the simple contact Matt spoke thoughtfully Brandon you're the most awesome guy I know the brother I never had it would be an honor if you would be my best man at the wedding Brandon became emotional he tried to cover his Tears of Joy by loudly blurting out dude of course I'll be your best bro at the wedding not even a question anything for you what else do you need me to do Matt laughed as he replied nothing else just be a best man Brandon corrected him you mean the best man yes yes Matt chuckled as he continued yes the best man along with Sherry's friend Ashton Sherry asked me if her childhood friend Ashton could also be a best man at the wedding is that cool with you I told her you'd be chill with it do you mind if Sherry's bestie is also a a best man Brandon took a long deep breath he was delighted for his friend and the news he had just shared but the thought of a second best man just seemed wrong Brandon swallowed his pride though and pretended to be happy as he answered Matt we've been tight for over 10 years it's not about me it's your day with your bride if Sherry wants her friend to be a best man too it's cool with me Matt gave his bro a big bear hug as he sincerely replied you're awesome really I love you man thanks for being so accommodating Brandon melted inside as he soaked in the sensation of Matt's muscular arms hugging him adoringly his Embrace felt like a warm blanket making him feel safe and happy how could he ever say no to this man Matt had his heart forever and whether either of them admitted it they both knew it you'll like Ashton I promise I hung with him when I visited Sherry's parents in Denver he's a cool guy trust me you'll think he's great not winked as he released his friend from their hug signaling the waiter for another round of beers Brandon couldn't help but sarcastically reply um I can't wait to meet him the bachelor party was upon them and the guys drove to Vegas to go nuts for the next few days Brandon and Matt were the first to arrive at the hotel neither them had been to Vegas before and had no idea what to expect Matt noted how pleasantly surprised he was that the hotel was tasteful and sophisticated rather than garish and tacky as he had expected an eager host greeted them with a pleasant welcome and handed them two room keys here you go gentlemen everyone has been checked in please have a wonderful time thank you for staying with us and choosing our hotel oh and we received a note for the groom the host handed Matt a printed message before turning to attend to the next guest what's up what does it say Brandon asked Matt cleared his throat and read Ashton's memo it says good news I'm now going to be able to come to the bachelor party after all I'll be arriving late tonight but I'll be there don't start the fun without me great let's get Ashton another room Brandon excused himself under the auspices of looking at the rest of the very interesting hotel lobby as Matt dealt with the hotel clerk and getting another room in truth he wasn't entirely sure how he felt about Ashton joining the bachelor party after all but anything to make his friend Happy after a few minutes Matt joined him a bashful expression on his face yeah the hotels sold out it's been sold out for months and another room for Ashton would be impossible would you be cool if I put Ashton in your room for the night you've got double beds there's only one king in my room Brandon had to suppress the urge to blurt out what the hell dude I don't even know the guy but he knew it would be selfish to deny the groom his own room this weekend Brandon swallowed his pride and put on an accommodating face yeah whatever is cool man I'm fine with Ashton crashing in my room tonight if that's what you want we can get this all sorted out tomorrow morning Matt quickly responded you're the best man best man get it uh whatever let's get ready for the party we can meet up with the rest of the guys at the bar at seven with a hearty pat on the back and an excited twinkle in the his eye Matt turned and headed down the opposite hallway towards his own private room as Brandon headed to the elevator he couldn't help but feel like he disliked Ashton more and more after a serious workout at the hotel gym he had returned to his room to freshen up and what a room it was this bathroom is the size of my apartment I could just live in this room and have plenty of space to entertain Brandon Muse to himself as his muscular physique dripped with warm water Brandon stepped out of the shower but it was time to hustle and get ready his workout had taken longer than he had expected he knew that if he rushed he'd barely be in time to meet up with group he quickly wrapped a small towel around his midsection and dashed towards where his clothes were laid out as he unwrapped his towel from around his hips standing naked in the middle of the room a deep voice clearing his throat to Signal his presence scared the[ __ ] out of him um Brandon yelped what the hell holy crap dude instinctively he covered himself with his hands noting an intruder in his room Brandon fumbled to grab the towel off the floor and wrap it around himself again a series of uncontrollable Giggles emitted from The Stranger in the room who kept repeating I'm so sorry I I should be laughing such an [ __ ] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I didn't mean to scare you Brendan's anger dissipated in the absurdity of the situation he knew the person standing there chuckling was likely Ashton try as he did he couldn't stay mad at a guy for just walking into a hotel room he thought was not only his but empty I'm I'm Ashton I I I should have knocked I I seriously my bad Brandon was now awkwardly covered up and joined in the laughter the sight of Ashton came as a shock to Brandon he didn't really think about what he would look like or the kind of guy he'd be but Ashton was a sharp dressed well-groomed and articulate man in his 20s ordinarily sun-kissed California boys weren't Brandon's thing Ashton's big green eyes wavy blonde hair and tanned ripped body oh it was oh so delicious I'm Brandon he said before realizing that his towel suddenly had an unexpected large bulge in it Ashton smiled nice to meet you guess we're roomies for the weekend yeah uh seems like it Brandon stammered Ashton seemed oblivious to Brandon's struggle as he continued Matt said they didn't have enough rooms for everyone so he bunked us up together is that all right yeah all good it's fine sharing a room no biggie now let me get dressed now and we'll go meet the rest of the guys Brandon scurried off behind the dresser out of sight to slip on his boxer briefs and Tuck himself discreetly behind the fly of his jeans seven o'clock came and went fortunately Brandon was only 15 minutes late to their designated meeting spot the bar was bustling and all the guys were dressed sharp yet casually it was good to see all the guys together nothing was going to stand in the way of Matt having a good time tonight branded would make sure of it one of the guys signaled to the waitress to bring another round of tequila shots another round already oh it's gonna be one of those nights Brandon pretended to drink the shot by casually slipping the alcohol into his water glass the there was no way he was going to get sloppy drunk this early in the evening Matt came over an eager expression on his face as Ashton arrived yet what do you think Brandon simply replied yeah he's here we met for a minute earlier he'll be down in a minute to join us Matt looked at his buddy earnestly please give him a chance get to know him I think you two will really hit it off Brandon quietly thought I doubt it just because the dude's ridiculously hot doesn't mean he's going to get any favors from me a second round of drinks arrived at the table as did Ashton the guys quickly introduced themselves and engaged in friendly conversation the discussion soon devolved from work to sports to women pictures of beer flowed as did stories about the guys straight Adventures Brenda did his best to join in with the groove but as hard as he tried he increasingly felt like the odd man out Ashton sat at the far end of the table with Matt's friends from work he looked at home with those Bros jokes and silly phrases quickly flew back and forth Brandon couldn't help but feel disheartened and how he didn't fit in with the group Ashton frequently looked over to Brandon with an empathetic gaze sweet smile or wink but Brandon wasn't interested in his attempts to be friends what is this guy's game is he mocking me or is he just trying to make some sort of acknowledgment that he's Matt's new best friend and I'm on the way out Brandon cut back on the few drinks he had since they were making him anxious and paranoid no one seemed to notice or care that he wasn't drinking anymore beers and Chaser shots came within minutes of each other everyone was getting smashed Brandon looked at his watch the group had been drinking for three hours now and the bachelor party was settling into the bar for the night uh hey guys I got us all tickets to this fun 80s cover band concert it starts in 20 minutes if you'd like to go it's in this hotel so we don't even have to leave Brandon gave an excited smile an enthusiastic hand gesture to rally the troops but no one at the table seemed to care about Brandon's proposed activity Ashton shouted in response and that's awesome let's do it but he appeared to be alone in his enthusiasm for it Matt quietly turned to Brandon and pulled on his shirt collar in a calculated deep slow slur he interjected dude that would be a blast I do that but I am not exactly feeling so good Matt's face was flush and his eyes glassy he was seriously intoxicated his erratic sway signaled that he was in no shape to continue drinking this evening uh Hey guys Matt's not looking so good I'll bring him upstairs to his room and be right back as if he were a pro at handling inebriated fraternity Brothers Brandon swung Matt's arm over his head and onto his shoulder and helped him stand the two men now somewhat awkwardly made their way towards the hotel elevator once inside the hotel room Matt stumbled around attempting to get undressed as with most drunk guys he had a serious case of the I love you mans Brandon tried to get him to drink water and lay down but Matt insisted on telling him how much he appreciated him and cherished him like a brother Brendan thought his sweet sentiments were cute and enjoyed the loving words he spoke but still the fact remained that Matt was intoxicated and needed to sleep off the booze he had consumed all night fine I'll lay down I'm I'm tired anyway Matt asserted as he staggered across the room trying to remove his shoes careful you'll fall let me do that Brandon insisted as he untied his laces for him as Matt sat on his bed he clumsily unbuttoned his shirt and struggled to peel it over his head as if he were a failed escape artist trapped in an impossible trick with a mighty thump Matt fell back onto the pillows of the bed shirtless wearing only his jeans and socks instinctively Brandon unzipped and removed his friend's pants the room was dim and the flickering neon light seeped in from the street bathing mats pumped chest and chiseled ABS in a warm red glow it wasn't until Brandon had Matt's pants around his ankles that he felt strange about disrobing his friend Brandon's sole intention was to make him comfortable so he could sleep through the night but as Matt late still half naked in his boxer briefs looking ridiculously vulnerable and innocent Brandon wondered if he was wrong to find his friend as appealing as he did fight it as he did the fantasy of reaching out and caressing Matt's gorgeous face consumed him this is the man he loved and desired for the last 10 years now practically naked lying within Arm's Reach how could he not fantasize about cuddling up next to him and feeling his warm muscular body pressed against his what the hell am I thinking this is Matt my best friend I can't think about him like this I can't be getting turned on by seeing my buddy like this Brandon blamed it on the alcohol but he knew he was sober even if he wasn't it didn't excuse him from his wild fantasies about someone who was like a brother to him Brandon quickly covered Matt with a blanket hurried out of the room and returned to the party and the guys waiting for him at the bar Upon returning to the table only Ashton remained it seemed everyone from the group had already disbanded Ashton explained all the guys went to some strip club now I figured I'd wait for you so you didn't return to an empty table I'm up for going to the show you mentioned if you want Brandon forced to smile though he couldn't help but be peeved at the guys for leaving him the show already started so we'd be late anyway if I'm honest I I'm kind of spent from traveling today and I'd rather just head back to the room and chill Ashton hesitantly inquired I'm kind of feeling the same way do you mind if I join you or do you want to be alone in the room for a while Brandon was impressed at how thoughtful the question was he also realized how considerate it was for him not to make him return to the bar alone with a slight warming smile Brandon replied it's your room too if you're beat feel free to join me upon arriving in the room Ashton reached into his suitcase and pulled out an expensive bottle of Scotch care for a nightcap Brandon was all in for a drink before bed at this point he was now sober and felt like he needed a cocktail to take the edge off the day took two glasses from the bar and poured them drinks a toast to the happy couple as well as you and I meeting and hopefully becoming friends Brandon graciously took the glass from Ashton's hands and toasted back as they clink the glasses to the happy couple Brandon said before turning around to sit in a chair in the corner of the room after an awkward moment Ashton spoke up again um I'm gonna crash if you don't mind uh feel free to watch TV if you want the volume isn't going to bother me I can sleep through anything he unbuttoned his shirt folded it and placed it back into a suitcase Brandon's inquisitive eyes peeked over at him noticing his washboard abs and round ripe ass the dude is built he probably got that rip from surfing the guy checks all the boxes in the sexy Department God damn it Brandon tried desperately not to stare at his new roommate as he dropped his pants and kicked them into the corner huh tidy wise instead of boxers damn I don't hate that Brandon's heart raced at the seemingly unintentional show his roommate was putting on first Matt and how this hot straight hunk why is the universe punishing me tonight Brandon knew he needed some help getting through the evening so he inquired I think I could use another drink if you don't mind can you pass me that bottle I have as much as you like the bottle's yours Ashton answered without a thought Brandon helped himself to another generous poor and situated himself back in the chair Ashton was now in his sweatpants he was wearing them Commando Style with a sleeveless form-fitting tee Brandon couldn't help but notice how clearly and distinctly he could see his roommate's state of arousal through the thin worn fabric of his cotton pants Brandon couldn't help but think any dude working with that size of equipment needs to start an only fans page I mean damn you know on second thought maybe I'll join you for a drink Ashton cleared his throat and gazed upon Brandon with a distressed look he continued hey um not to be rude or weird about things but I'm catching some serious Frost coming my way from you if I did something to piss you off please let me know I'd like to make this a fun weekend for everyone especially Matt so if you're mad at something I did let me know and I'll try to fix it Brandon didn't think that his disdain for Ashton was so obvious he quickly replied no dude I'm fine you're good I don't have any problems with you at all Ashton looked confused Brandon sighed and looked away well if you're anything like me you're struggling with the sweating Brandon choked on his scotch then cleared his throat and inquired what do you have against this wedding do you not like Matt Ashton was quick to reply no no Matt's a great guy he's perfect for Sherry but his eyes suddenly teared up as he choked out the following words oh I'll tell you a secret I've just been kidding myself for all these years Brandon was on the edge of his seat waiting for Ashton's big confession about his friend I've been in love with Sherry for the last 10 years as much as I think your buddy Matt is a great guy and perfect for Sherry I I can't help but be a a bit broken-hearted knowing that she will soon be someone else's bride Brandon was stunned he sat motionless what do you say to something like that is this bro in love with the girl my best friend is about to marry no way Brandon had to ask the obvious question so if you're both so tight and and love each other why are you together then Ashton's Melancholy expression turned into a shy smile I could never marry someone I wasn't sexually attracted to Brandon was baffled dude she's smoking hot She's Every straight guy's dream what's the problem Ashton's smile turned into an outright laugh as he wholeheartedly agreed yes you're right she's every straight guy's fantasy not mine Brandon was stunned he didn't know what to say he was amazed that Ashton was actually gay and that no one had mentioned it to him before Brandon could reply or offer any comfort to him Ashton continued I hope I'm not overstepping when I say this and perhaps it's the two scotches talking but I see how you look at Matt you got the same expression on your face when you're with him that I do with Sherry it's the identical smile I have when she walks into the room if I'm right you've wished for as long as you've known him that he was gay so you could be with him the way you want to be Brandon was speechless Ashton had just said out loud the words he dared not even think for the last decade Ashton looked deep into his eyes and waited for him to say something instead of speaking it was if they knew what the other was thinking what the other needed the two men slowly leaned forward and softly pressed their lips against each other's Brandon realized how long it had been since he'd been intimate with someone he had waited so long for Matt to return his affection that he never physically or emotionally reached out to another man and here suddenly with Ashton he was excited in a way he'd never been before he felt comfortable form and wonderful how was this feeling it was delightful and almost euphoric similar to a drug that had only good effects and nothing bad his heart raced as his body tingled he reached up and Drew Ashton closer kissing him more passionately than he'd ever kissed anyone the two men wanted the other out of their clothes desperately each reached over to the other and impatiently helped them strip from their wardrobes Ashton worked over Brandon's dress shirt button by button excited at the prospect of the tight muscular torso that awaited him underneath and once shirtless Brandon's pants were next Ashton cavalierly whipped his belt through the loops as he impatiently unfastened his genes Brandon's breathing was shallow as he desperately desired to have Ashton in his bed between gasps Brandon confided I I haven't been with many men please be patient if I'm not very good at this Ashton chuckled as he nibbled on Brandon's neck replying me neither but I can't help but think that um whatever we're doing now even if it's incorrect pretty damn fantastic Brandon knew where this was going and he was all in Brandon then pulled his lips from Ashton's mouth and with a heavy gasp suggested I'm not sure if you've seen the bathroom we have yet but it's pretty spectacular what do you say we move this into the shower Ashton greedily pulled off his tea and slipped out of his sweatpants a shower sounds perfect right now since all I'm having are filthy thoughts Brendan laughed as he followed Ashton's firm naked bubble butt into the Next Room the next day all the bachelor party guys met up for brunch at the pool Ashton asked Brandon to apologize for his delay in joining them a long table was set up next to a series of Cabanas everyone had arrived early and some were on their second Mimosa by the time Branson showed up Matt saved a special seat for him Brandon was pleased that Matt thought about holding him a place next to him Matt couldn't wait to apologize oh dude sorry about getting so drunk last night I passed out I I have no memory of of even getting back to the room Brandon simply stated no worries after the group disbanded I headed back upstairs myself so how did you do with Ashton sharing a room I figured you too would either get along famously or kill each other since he's not here this morning maybe I should grab my shovel and dig a hole to help you dispose of the body Brandon chuckled as he confided quietly he ended up being a good roommate he's on his way down shortly it turns out that Ashton's pretty cool after all I get why you like him so much and why you wanted him to be your other best man Matt put his Mimosa down and asked why would Ashton be my best man you're my best man Ashton is going to be Sherry's best man Matt could see that Brandon was baffled by his statement he clarified Sherry doesn't have a lot of female friends she thought rather than asking someone she wasn't very close with to be her maid of honor she'd rather have Ashton be your best man Brandon was embarrassed for making such a silly mistake even more so by being threatened by Ashton for replacing him and his friendship with Matt before Branson could explain himself Matt confided but he'll always be not only my best man but my best friend no title or person could ever take away how I feel about you you're my dude forever I love you man and I always will Brandon's eyes teared up at the sweet words being spoken to him however knowing Matt as well as he did he quickly clocked his impish grin Brandon shoved his friend away I know that expression what gifts what did you do that you need to confess Matt laughed don't be mad but I pretended that I couldn't get a room for Ashton at the hotel just so you two would have to Bunk together and get to know each other better I knew that if you gave him a chance you'd like him and become friends maybe more Matt confessed with a wink and a Sly smile upset I'm thrilled Brandon exclaimed I had an amazing night last night and I know Ashton did too in fact we decided not to go home with the rest of you tomorrow we plan to spend a few more nights here in the same room in that amazing shower Matt fist bump Branson as he boasted go get him tiger I knew you two would hit it off I'm super psyched for you too you know what they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas Brandon was quick to reply forget that [ __ ] I want the world to know that I met an awesome guy and had the best sex of my life here ah that story reminds me of a nudist wedding I went to recently where I was the best man by two inches hey I don't write the scripts I just read them in scripts if you enjoy this podcast please share it a nice comment or two or rating on Apple podcasts or Spotify is also appreciated honestly I keep all the fun to yourself go tell a friend[Music] steamy stories is the podcast where Bromance turns um bromosexual written by JC cassiano and narrated by me Casey I hope you enjoyed hearing about today's tryst and make sure to join us next month for another later bro

cold open
Steamy Story starts
Outro - credits