Steamy Stories

Locker Room Romance

March 13, 2023 JC Calciano, Ben Palacios & Casey Alcoser Season 5 Episode 35
Locker Room Romance
Steamy Stories
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Steamy Stories
Locker Room Romance
Mar 13, 2023 Season 5 Episode 35
JC Calciano, Ben Palacios & Casey Alcoser

Locker Room Romance
Season 5  - Episode #35

Gunner Sampson was not yet sixteen when he discovered that a small spot on the frosted privacy window to the high school men’s locker room had been scraped away, and a peephole now made it possible to see into the showers. He couldn’t resist the urge to look through the transparent spot on the glass to see what the Varsity football players were up to. What he found as he pressed his face to the window was a lean, athletic, muscular guy deep in a thick cloud of steam. He was sweaty, “swole,” and covered in thick, soapy suds. Gunner wasn’t sure which sex he preferred until that moment, but the site of Brad Barham, lathered up, with hot water glistening off his young, tight muscular body, made it clear to Gunner which “team” he now preferred to play on.

*  Steamy Stories Official Website:

Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!

STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Casey Alcoster.

#podcast #lgbtq #gaystories #gayshorts #gaykiss #mmromance #lockerroom #peepingtom

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Locker Room Romance
Season 5  - Episode #35

Gunner Sampson was not yet sixteen when he discovered that a small spot on the frosted privacy window to the high school men’s locker room had been scraped away, and a peephole now made it possible to see into the showers. He couldn’t resist the urge to look through the transparent spot on the glass to see what the Varsity football players were up to. What he found as he pressed his face to the window was a lean, athletic, muscular guy deep in a thick cloud of steam. He was sweaty, “swole,” and covered in thick, soapy suds. Gunner wasn’t sure which sex he preferred until that moment, but the site of Brad Barham, lathered up, with hot water glistening off his young, tight muscular body, made it clear to Gunner which “team” he now preferred to play on.

*  Steamy Stories Official Website:

Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!

STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Casey Alcoster.

#podcast #lgbtq #gaystories #gayshorts #gaykiss #mmromance #lockerroom #peepingtom

Support the Show.

hey all it's Casey before we begin I wanted to let you know that all the steamy stories podcasts are now published as books it's true if you enjoy reading or just want to collect the stories from the podcast for your library go to and look for steam room confidential that's where I've been lovingly collecting all of the steamy stories from the podcast in a collection of books check them out and as always we appreciate your support and hope you enjoy them now on with the show Gunner Sampson was not yet 16 when he discovered that a small spot on the Frosted privacy window to the high school men's locker room had been scraped away and a peephole now made it possible to see into the showers he couldn't resist the urge to look through the transparent spot on the glass to see what the varsity football players were up to what he found as he pressed his face to the window was a cut muscular guy deep in a thick cloud of steam he was sweaty swole and covered in thick soapy suds Gunner wasn't sure which sex he'd preferred until that moment but the sight of Brad Barham lathered up with hot water glistening off his young tight muscular body made it clear to Gunner which team he now played for but one a two a three all right everyone take a knee it's me your host Casey today we're going long with an extra steamy story what makes it extra steamy well you'll find out soon enough come on bring it into a huddle and make yourself comfortable because I'm about to tell you a story about a young man named Gunner and how this young rookie scored a college quarterback and this month's steamy story Gunner Sampson was already developing into a fine young man nearly 16 his boyish fresh face was giving way to the beginnings of facial hair and the Contours of a handsome teenager were already starting to show Gunner loved all sports and was remarkably good at them his favorite athletic Pastime was football and as a freshman at Seaport high school he couldn't wait until he was eligible to try out for the team until then he decided to sit on the bleachers and watch the team scrimmage he believed that by studying the plays they ran and their practice routines he might one day earn his way onto the team Gunner arrived at the football field like clockwork to watch the varsity team play every day the lineup was impressive and the players were all handsome talented and fit Gunner wondered which of the athletes was the most attractive but that question was instantly answered When Brad Barham jogged onto the field Brad had a head of hair like no other player it was wild and full and his piercing blue eyes brilliantly complimented his tan Flawless skin one afternoon just after scrimmaging the team headed into the lockers Gunner gathered his things to return home to study it could have been his mind distracted with the images of how sexy Brad looked in his uniform that day or the adrenaline pumping through his youthful body but as he grasped his phone it fumbled from his fingers and tumbled down through the floorboards of the bleachers he stood on instinctively like a chimpanzee on monkey bars he squeezed himself behind the wooden boards and down underneath the steel structure to where his phone lay on the grass his cell was propped up against the brick wall of the auditorium next to the large Windows of the high school men's showers as he approached the frosted glass he noticed a small area on the window where the white privacy covering was scratched away creating a dime-sized peephole at first Gunner didn't give his geography a second thought but the laughing and merriment he could hear through the window made him curious about what was happening inside the locker room Gunner knew he shouldn't look through the hole but the sound of horseplay inside the room made it impossible for him not to quickly glance at what was going on slowly he pressed his cheek against the glass and focused his eye on what was happening inside much to his surprise and Delight was a pristine and perfect view of the football team showering at first Gunner fell back onto the grass the shock and excitement was too much for him whoa this is insane and so hot uh what am I doing looking at the football team like this Gunner picked up his phone and decided it was best to depart quickly and never give this opportunity another thought but try as he did to leave he couldn't go without another quick peek just another small little peek again Gunner pressed his face against the glass and gazed into the room where the young athletes busied themselves washing this time in the shower closest to him stood Brad Barham the team's quarterback the steaming water obstructed his view slightly but not enough to hide the muscular toned athlete with a perfect physique the young player was lathered up and unabashedly reveling in the hot water that cascaded down his sore exhausted body Gunner studied Brad intently he wondered what it would feel like to run his hand over Brad's tight abs well-defined pecs and perfectly shaped ass the sight of this showering wet stud excited Gunner in a way he had never felt before before he knew it he found himself in a state of total arousal his genes now had an impressive bulge in them that suggested that he was not as young and innocent as his fresh face implied oh my God now look at what I've done I I'm totally turned on I can't let anyone see me like this I I can't come out from one of these bleachers until I calm down the next day Gunner made sure to be there as the team once again practiced he intently watched the team's plays and the coach's strategies try as he did to focus on the sport Gunner kept daydreaming about when the team would finish practice and head to the showers as soon as they're done with the scrimmage I'm leaving there is no way I will duck under the bleachers and peek in the window at Brad and the team showering again wrong as he knew it was Gunner couldn't help himself he was 15 years old and his raging hormones got the best of him as soon as the practice was over he found himself eager to steal another quick peek in the locker room window the team soon barreled into the showers a dozen naked men anxious to rid themselves of the dirt that covered them and eager to treat their fatigued muscles to a blast of hot soothing water again as if it was his shower head of choice Brad arrived in the area nearest the window and began soaping himself up he stood amongst the steam slowly rubbing the hot water and shampoo into his dirt smudged hair then bent over to massage his sore taut muscles he seemed to be in no rush to leave the soothing shower anytime soon oh I've gotta go I can't handle this if I see anymore I'm gonna explode Gunner quickly pulled his eye away from the glass and attempted to calm his heart from beating out of his chest he took long deliberate breaths determined to calm down before he headed home to the safety of his parents house far away from these Torrid temptations that plagued him weeks passed and Gunner never missed attending a practice or a game he also never missed a visit beneath the bleachers to enjoy a few minutes of Brad's showering routine it was like clockwork that Brad was in the same shower stall exactly at the precise time Gunner would arrive to enjoy the show his dream man unknowingly provided him school was soon over and the senior class graduated a prestigious College scouted Brad to play football for them with a full academic scholarship so with a golden opportunity ahead of him he left the state to further his studies and career Gunner was sad to see him go since the times he got to watch this studly hunk in the showers had been the highlight of his year now Gunner was a sophomore he was the proper age to try out for the junior varsity football team and he was excited to play a game he loved Gunner was conflicted at the prospect of showering in the same location where he had been spying on Brad for the last year the thought of being in the same locker room where Brad and the team showered was both exciting and terrifying luckily Brad is not going to be in the shower with me this season if so I'd surely be harder than a college level algebra equation Gunner made the team during the very first tryouts fortunately he was able to navigate changing in the locker room with the guys he learned that if he arrived at the tail end of everyone's showers and got in and out quickly while keeping his mind focused on the sport he'd be able to keep his libido in check and not get overly aroused around the guys Gunner fit in easily with the team and soon became its star player now it's 16 years old his body developed rapidly vigorous cardio exercises power lifting and good genetics helped him become powerful imposing and Incredibly cut he was admired by his teammates and respected by the coach it was clear to all that even as a junior varsity player he was destined for greatness in the game the school year came and passed as did the year after it before Gunner knew it he was 18 and as Seaport High School senior the awkward caterpillar who had crawled under the bleachers to sneak a peek at the varsity football team was now its Star Quarterback he had indeed transformed into a beautiful butterfly and everyone knew it as Gunner made his way to homeroom one morning coach Sullivan caught up to him in the hall hey son wait up got a minute Gunner stopped and replied sure coach everything okay the slightly plump older man warmly smiled and patted him on the back as he assured him oh great I was just checking in with you are you going to be ready for the big game next week are you getting enough rest do you need me to talk to any of your teachers and tell them to go easy on the homework this week Gunner laughed thanks coach I appreciate you asking but I'm good I'm caught up with school and getting enough rest I'll be in top form next week for the big game don't you worry about me the coach sighed and mumbled as he began his exit I'm gonna miss you kid if I only had a whole team of players like you would be a pro team the coach shuffled down the hall and out of sight as Gunner flinched at the ringing of the Bell I'm late Friday arrived and it was now homecoming weekend the entire School showed up for the game that night the bleachers were full of cheering students and parents alike everyone in town was eager to see their beloved home team be victorious over their rival the opening kickoff came and the team executed every play with precision and enthusiasm there was no question in anyone's mind that Gunner belonged on the field and deserved to be quarterback the game seemed to be over before you could blink the score was 21-14 and Seaport high school was Victorious with thunder supplies from the stands the team took a lap around the field as they waved to the fans showing their appreciation for their support the coach signaled it was time to hit the showers and then head to the bonfire to continue the homecoming celebration Gunner waited to hit the showers as usual once the last of the players were finishing their showers he stripped down grabbed his toiletries and began to rinse himself off from the mud and sweat of the game ah the hot water the intense pressure the clean fresh soap perfection as Gunner relaxed and spread his arms open to capture as much of the delightful hot water as he could he smiled remembering Brad years earlier who showered in the same stall after winning the big game just like he was it took him a moment to realize that the thought of Brad in the shower looking as gorgeous as he did had excited him he looked down whoops I guess um getting turned on Gunner self-consciously looked around the lockers to see if anyone had lingered nope I'm by myself Gunner chuckled at himself as he glanced over at the peephole he had peered through years earlier much to Gunner's surprise there was no light visible through the peephole it wasn't transparent as it should be could it be that there's someone on the other side looking in upon closer inspection Gunner could see an eyeball staring back at him he jumped startled by the leering eye and instinctively covered himself with his hands what the heck someone found my spot and the hole in the windows tinting I guess it's time to go Gunner quickly turned off the hot water and scampered out of the showers and behind a locker door so he could get dressed and private who Could That Be Another freshman discovering his sexuality or a girl looking for a glimpse at her favorite football player Gunner hurriedly slipped on his jeans and shirt before rushing to the exit as he attempted to find out who had gotten a steam show with him as the unwitting star the school was empty homecoming activities had moved all the students fans and families to a nearby bonfire Gunner rushed out the double doors to the auditorium where gym classes were held he hadn't walked 50 feet before a light cough startled him he Whirled around at first Gunner didn't recognize the man standing in the Shaded corner of the room but upon closer inspection his heart raced is that Brad Barham Brad slowly approached him Gunner Drank in his broad shoulders and chiseled face holy smokes he's even hotter than I remember Brad finally spoke the Deep Timber of his voice sounded like the lead singer of a rock band nice game out there today you're quite the player I'm impressed Gunner began sweating his heart pounded in his chest like a jackhammer gee thanks that's quite a compliment coming from you Brad laughed so you remember me you know who I am Gunner was quick to reply of course you graduated three years ago your Brad Barham probably the best quarterback the school has ever produced Gunner paused before continuing playing ball Brad smiled as he answered thanks for that compliment and yes a pro league has scouted me I can't say who yet but uh looks like I'll play for a great team next season Gunner's heart was settling into a steady calm beat as his interest grew in this fantastic athlete's career what brings you back to Seaport obviously you watch today's game Brad made himself comfortable on the bench as he man spread his legs and leaned back against the wall uh I stopped in for homecoming and I figured I'd check out the game once everyone split I figured I'd walk around the school and rekindle some old memories I was curious to see if that old peephole in the window was still there I figured I'd look to see what viewed provided who could have guessed the young man who watched me for a year would take my place in my favorite shower head and that I'd be watching him wash up after a game Gunner was shocked Brad knew he was being watched and who was spying on him without a thought Gunner blurted out well I hope you enjoyed the show I just provided you with Brad didn't miss a beat as he replied actually yes I enjoyed it quite a bit it was very very hot Gunner was stunned since that wasn't the reply he had expected to hear Brad continued with a confident tease well fair is fair you watched me for a year so I watched you today I also have the same reaction you did in the shower just now I hope you were thinking of me when you got excited Gunner took a deep breath and carefully responded as a matter of fact if you really must know yeah I was thinking of you Brad winked as he gave a Sly grin I'm glad to hear it he paused as he looked around well since we both seem to be admirers of the other and both are clearly still in an excited state what do you say we return to the showers and see if we could do something about rinsing away these dirty thoughts we seem to be having before Brad could respond Gunner unbuttoned his shirt with his left hand and grabbed the back of Brad's head with his right hand he pulled him quickly towards him and pressed his lips to his Gunner had dreamed of this kiss for several long years and didn't want another second to pass before he got a piece of this smoldering stud eventually pulled back gasping for air oh quite the lip lock I'm impressed Gunner winked you haven't seen anything yet come on let's get you undressed your favorite shower head is waiting for you I mean us I'll grab you a towel you can share my bar of soap I expect will work up quite a lather ah football I remember all the time spent in the locker with the team oh sweaty and exhausted I mean I never played the game the players were all I was interested in and trust me when we were done in the showers there wasn't a tight end on the team anymore they were all wide receivers you're listening to steamy Stories the podcast where Bromance turns hmm osexual each story is written by JC carciano and narrated by me your favorite All-Star Casey make sure you scrimmage with us next month as I tell you another steaming story later bro

Cold open
Introduction to story
Steamy Story starts