Steamy Stories

Snow Bro

April 12, 2023 JC Calciano & Casey Alcoser Season 5 Episode 36
Snow Bro
Steamy Stories
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Steamy Stories
Snow Bro
Apr 12, 2023 Season 5 Episode 36
JC Calciano & Casey Alcoser

Snow Bro
Season 5  - Episode #36

Briggs Barlow was flattered by his supervisor’s invitation to spend a ski weekend at his law-firm’s luxury chalet in the nearby mountains. His boss confessed that his invitation included the request to be his “wing-man” as he attempted to seduce the sexy local ski instructor. Why not hit the slopes and cruise snow bros this weekend? Skiing and hot guys? Seems like a great time! But when fate stepped in and caused him to tumble off a step-stool, a newly twisted ankle seemed to indicate it would be a “sprained time” for all. Who could have guessed that Briggs’s bruise would be just the thing that helps him score the mountain’s most strapping stud!

*  Steamy Stories Official Website:

Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!

STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Casey Alcoster.

#podcast #lgbtq #gaystories #gayshorts #gaykiss #mmromance #ski instructor #snowbro #skichalet #snowboard #skiing

Steam Room Confidential is a collection of all the stories you love from your favorite podcast. STEAMY STORIES. Steam Room Confidential comes in several volumes and you can find them on - Collect them all. Your support goes to help us make more stories and podcast episodes for you!

REVENGE OF THE BROBOT is a hilariously sexy, silly male-male romance novel. If you love campy sci-fi romance novels, then don't miss this sweet, sultry story about a rogue robot named R.O.B.
It's available on and our website

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Snow Bro
Season 5  - Episode #36

Briggs Barlow was flattered by his supervisor’s invitation to spend a ski weekend at his law-firm’s luxury chalet in the nearby mountains. His boss confessed that his invitation included the request to be his “wing-man” as he attempted to seduce the sexy local ski instructor. Why not hit the slopes and cruise snow bros this weekend? Skiing and hot guys? Seems like a great time! But when fate stepped in and caused him to tumble off a step-stool, a newly twisted ankle seemed to indicate it would be a “sprained time” for all. Who could have guessed that Briggs’s bruise would be just the thing that helps him score the mountain’s most strapping stud!

*  Steamy Stories Official Website:

Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!

STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Casey Alcoster.

#podcast #lgbtq #gaystories #gayshorts #gaykiss #mmromance #ski instructor #snowbro #skichalet #snowboard #skiing

Steam Room Confidential is a collection of all the stories you love from your favorite podcast. STEAMY STORIES. Steam Room Confidential comes in several volumes and you can find them on - Collect them all. Your support goes to help us make more stories and podcast episodes for you!

REVENGE OF THE BROBOT is a hilariously sexy, silly male-male romance novel. If you love campy sci-fi romance novels, then don't miss this sweet, sultry story about a rogue robot named R.O.B.
It's available on and our website

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Hey, all, it’s Casey! Before we begin, I wanted to thank you for your comments, reviews and ratings. I love hearing from you in the comments and on the apple reviews page. So,  keep it up–keep writing, commenting and rating us on your favorite platforms like Apple Podcasts  and Spotify. I read all your comments and reviews and appreciate every one of them! Now, with that message of gratitude... on with the show…<SPACE> Briggs Barlow was flattered by his supervisor’s invitation to spend a ski weekend at his  law-firm’s luxury chalet in the nearby mountains. His boss confessed that his invitation included  the request to be his “wing-man” as he attempted to seduce the sexy local ski instructor. Why not  hit the slopes and cruise snow bros this weekend? Skiing and hot guys? Seems like a great time!  But when fate stepped in and caused him to tumble off a step-stool, a newly twisted ankle seemed to  indicate it would be a “sprained time” for all. Who could have guessed that Briggs’s  bruise would be just the thing that helps him score the mountain’s most strapping stud!< MUSIC CUE> Some enjoy maneuvering a mountain on skis, some prefer a snowboard for heading south  on the slippery slopes. Me, I just like “going down on” a sexy ski instructor. Hey, everyone, it’s me, Casey your host for STEAMY STORIES, the podcast where Bromance turns  Bromosexual. Today, we pack our mittens and scarves and head north to a luxurious lodge  in the mountains. Today’s STEAMY STORIES is about a guy who scores  a dude who is even sweeter than the hot cocoa in my mug. So, throw another log on the fire,  and get toasty, because I’m about to tell you a tale about a sexy snow bro….< MUSIC CUE> Briggs hadn't been skiing in years. As a teenager, he loved the sport,  but when he started studying for the state's bar exam in his mid-twenties, time slipped  away. Sadly, other than his regular visits to the gym before work and his four-mile daily jogs, he  didn't have the time to head up to the mountains and ski like he did when he was younger. At thirty years old, Briggs was at the “top of his game” at work. He was tall,  lean, and handsome, making his co-workers swoon with his sharply dressed attire.  The way his striking face complimented a stylish suit made him look more like  a model for a Brooks Brothers ad than an actual attorney. One day, his boss Chad invited him to join him at  his chalet for the weekend. The plan was for the two men to go over a big  case that was up for review soon while partaking in a sport they both enjoyed."Come on, Briggs. You've worked here for six months now– join me. We'll ski, drink,  and cruise guys. There's this hot instructor I eyeballed last time I was up there. I plan to  pretend I'm a beginner and take a lesson from him. Guaranteed, I'll score this stud by Sunday night." Briggs wasn't sure how it would be spending a whole weekend alone with  Chad. He found his boss to be overly confident and brash at times.  Chad was the quintessential hunky gym shark that seduced guys and never called them  again. He embodied everything that Briggs disliked about the way dudes went about  dating and seducing each other, but the fact remained Chad was his boss, and he didn't want  to say "no" to one of the partners of the law firm he had just started working for."Sure. All work and no play make Briggs a dull boy, I guess,"  he joked as he accepted his boss's invitation. "I'd love to join you at your chateau to ski,  but just as long as I can work a bit. These case notes must be completed by Wednesday." Chad waved his hand as he dismissed Briggs, claiming,  "I have every confidence you'll get it done. I hired you not only because you came highly  recommended by your previous boss and are a smart lawyer, but also because you seemed like a cool  guy and a team player. Let's just have a good time this weekend. The work will get done...eventually.  Come to the office tomorrow ready to head out to the slopes after work.  We'll jump in my Range Rover when five o'clock hits and drive up the mountain." Briggs was looking forward to getting back to a sport he loved. That night, he had to dig through  his old clothes and storage boxes which were packed with his gloves, scarves, and a coat.  While reaching up to the top shelf of the closet where his goggles were boxed, he miscalculated  the step down from the small ladder he used to access the top shelves. With a clumsy thump, he  hit the floor hard. The sound of his body smacking against the wooden planks resembled a bag of wet  cement being dropped from the roof. As Briggs lay on the floor feeling silly and clumsy, he  knew that something was amiss with his ankle."Great. The day before we go skiing, I twist my leg.  Perfect." Briggs continued to pack his things, hoping he'd be okay in the morning. The next day, Briggs hobbled into the office carrying a sizeable overnight tote.“Don’t tell me you’re bailing on me,  Briggs,” Chad called out from his office. “What’s with the limping?”“No, sir. I’m all packed. I’m sure I’ll be able to ski. It’s just a bit  swollen today. I twisted it pretty badly last night, but I’m confident  I’ll be able to hit the moguls hard with you when we get to the mountain.” “That’s the spirit. Push through your obstacles and never say die! Well, let’s get a productive  day in today, and we’ll head up the hill as soon as I can get all these briefings off my desk.” Briggs did his best to stay off his ankle all day.  He was convinced it was nothing to worry about, but still, rest would do it good,  so he kept his foot elevated as much as possible throughout the day. At about five o’clock, Chad called out in his booming voice, “Briggs,  let’s do this! Quitting time. Let’s get out of here!” Briggs quickly packed his suitcase with  his files and assorted paperwork he needed to complete by Monday and grabbed his gear.  Time to head out for a weekend with the boss! men sat quietly trudging up the snow-covered mountain road. Chad played his favorite podcast,  "Story Time with Jack Turner," a collection of classic short stories masterfully told.  Briggs was requested not to “talk shop” over the weekend. “Let’s just ski, drink, and bro-out.  This weekend should be about getting to know each other and shredding some serious slopes.”  In addition to planning on having a good time this weekend, Chad repeatedly bragged about  how he intended to seduce the hot instructor he booked for two days' worth of private lessons. Briggs was taken aback when they pulled up to the snow-covered Swiss-style mountain chateau  Chad owned—first-class everything. Beautiful plush rugs, heavily wooded walls, and an imposing stone  fireplace made this weekend’s accommodations the perfect hideaway for two handsome studs.“I had my caretaker build a fire and stock the bar and fridge. We’ll be  all set for the weekend regarding food and booze. All you’ve got to  do tonight is unpack and join me for a drink by the fire.”“Done!” Briggs replied, excited to be in such a lush and grand space.  He couldn’t deny that a drink and a warm fire sounded great. Chad almost instantly called through the cavernous cabin,  “Don’t dawdle in your room unpacking too long. I’m beat and going to crash  early. This drink will knock me out, so get yourself settled and join me for a cocktail.”“I’ll be right there. Pour me a glass of whatever you’re having, and I’ll join you in a minute,”  Briggs hollered back. Next to the raging fire were two oversized leather chairs. A fur throw blanket thoughtfully  slung across the arm of the chair made it almost comically cozy. Upon Briggs's arrival in the den,  Chad quickly handed him a drink and invited him to unwind by the crackling blaze before them. “Pretty damn nice, huh?” Chad asked, fully knowing the answer to the question.  “These are the kind of perks that making partner in the firm affords you.”  He continued, “I’m only a few years older than you, and I’m making high-six figures. If you’re  as sharp as I think you are, you’ll make partner even earlier than I did.” Briggs was flattered by Chad’s compliment, although he wasn’t sure if he was interested  in the responsibilities of being a partner in a law firm. Sure, having lots of money is great,  and luxuries like this are a treat, but Briggs wanted more from life than work and success.  He desired companionship and valued time spent with family and loved ones. His interest lay more  in finding the perfect man he could enjoy long vacations traveling the world with.  Chad may be impressed with the material things, but  Briggs valued the people in his life above any fancy home, car, or clothes. That night Briggs slept like a log. Before he realized it, it was the following day. Chad called up to Briggs’ room at an ungodly early hour. “Coffee’s up. Let’s power a cup and  get our skis. I’ve got my lesson with that hot stud instructor, and I don’t want to be late.” Briggs rolled over in bed, groaning. "What I wouldn’t give for just ten more minutes of sleep."  He knew asking Chad to chill out for a bit while he caught a few more “z’s”  wasn’t going to happen. Instead, he shouted back, “Let me gear up. I’ll be right down!”  Briggs hopped out of bed, excited to ski, but the piercing pain in his ankle  and the large inflammation around his foot told a different story about his plans for the afternoon.  "Wow. That’s worse than I thought. I’ll never get a ski boot over that ankle! It looks like  I’m stuck in the lodge today!" Briggs didn’t want to dampen Chad’s enthusiasm for skiing,  so he dressed quickly and hobbled down the stairs. As expected, standing near the front door, Chad was fully dressed with two to-go cups  of coffee for them. “The lodge isn’t very far. We can walk it.” With a deep, cautious breath,  Briggs broke the bad news to Chad about his sprain. “Chad, my ankle’s swollen today,  and it’s seriously throbbing. I’ll join you at the lodge now, but I won’t be able to ski today.”  Chad didn’t miss a beat. “That’s okay. I’ve got my lessons. I wasn’t going to ski with you anyway.  If you’re cool with working in the lodge, that’s fine by me. Now, if you can walk to the lodge,  let’s get ourselves out the door. I don’t want to be late for my lesson.” The lodge was nearby, and Briggs was able to walk there. A short trudge through the  fresh powdered snow put them directly in front of the ski rental window.  “I’ll grab my skis and meet my instructor. Why don’t you make yourself comfortable by  the fire inside? When I take my lunch break, I’ll join you,” Chad told him. Briggs was happy to comply.  Even though he’d prefer skiing, getting caught up on all his work sounded like a better idea. The inside of the lodge was toasty and inviting. It was constructed of heavy oak wood and decorated  with heavy draperies. A large stone hearth with a roaring fire was the perfect place to set  up shop for the day. A small table between the fireplace and a sizeable double-pane window was  just the spot to make it the ideal location for today’s office. Briggs could see the “SKI SCHOOL”  entrance outside the large window. Beneath the sign stood a dashing, exuberant ski instructor.  All Briggs could make out in the snow and glare was a gleaming smile,  tight-fitting winter jacket, and ski pants that gave this young man a spectacular ass.“Well, I guess that’s Chad’s instructor. I’ll give him one thing; he has excellent taste in men.” It was barely a moment later when Chad skied up to the young man,  boosting a toothy smile and a flirty gaze. Briggs could tell that Chad was behaving like a schoolboy  at a high school dance, nervously trying to gain favor with someone he had a crush on. Briggs giggled at the silliness of the situation outside the window as he wrapped his  hands around his hot coffee and settled into the paperwork to be sorted. Time flew as Briggs trudged through the stack of legal documents before him. Before he realized  how late it had become, a voice behind him startled him. “Getting a lot done? It’s lunch.  Care to join me for a sandwich and soup?” Food sounded great now, as did a break from work.“I’d love it. I could use a rest. I’d love to hear about how your lesson is going.” Chad gave a bashful smile as he replied, “I think it’s going well, but all the guy  wants to do is teach me how to ski. He’s not picking up on any of my subtle propositions.  This dude may be straight after all.” Chad said in a disappointed tone. Briggs laughed. “Well, you probably should have found out if he was into guys before  you booked two days’ worth of ski lessons you didn’t need with him.” Chad was quick to reply. “Hey, I’m not done yet. Even the straightest of guys  get curious under the right conditions. I hope to provide those conditions later.” Briggs never understood the idea of trying to sleep with a straight man.  He knew that some guys were into it. But not him.  There were so many hot gay men. Why bother trying to convince a straight bro into experimenting? Too much work. I’m too old to teach someone how to have gay sex.  I want someone who’s already good at it. Briggs chuckled to himself. Lunch ended, and Chad announced, “Round two with my little “snow bro.” Let’s see how I  do this afternoon!” Chad zipped up his coat, fastened his ski boots, and with a loud clunk,  clunk clunk of his boots, made his way out of the lodge doors and back into the snow. Briggs settled by the fire once again. He casually gazed out the window as Chad waved at him.  Chad’s instructor was now by his side. This time the sexy skier wasn’t wearing goggles or a hat.  Briggs could now clearly see why Chad was so taken with this man. His piercing eyes and  unruly hair complemented a strong yet youthful handsome face. Nothing wrong with that stud. Briggs laughed as his mind raced, and this opinion about sleeping with straight men was rethought. I think I’m about to change my mind about straight boys now. I  may actually put the work in to see if I could get that man into my bed. As Briggs found himself getting lost in the hunky instructor's big, beautiful eyes,  he was surprised when the instructor looked back at him and waved. BUSTED. How could he even see me sitting in here? I guess I was looking a few seconds too long. Briggs awkwardly waved back and then bashfully returned to his  work, careful not to continue making eye contact with the handsome ski instructor. Several hours again passed, and soon it was late afternoon. The familiar clunking of ski  boots clattering on the boots approaching tipped Briggs off that Chad was finished for the day.  “Well, still no answers. I invited him for a drink with me later, and he declined."What's up with that guy? I guess I'll have one more shot at him tomorrow–then  I'll know if he's straight, gay, bi, or whatever."  Chad chuckled to himself as he pondered the mystery of this hot instructor's sexuality. Briggs gathered his things and packed his bags. "Your timing is perfect. I finished my work for  the weekend. Now, it's time to relax and kick back. Let's do it then. I could use a drink,"  Chad loudly proclaimed as he headed for the lodge's front door. The two men were no sooner at the Chalet before Chad took a flask out and started  filling it with bourbon. "Nothing like a good twenty-year-old bourbon while  hot tubbing to melt away the day's stress. Give me five minutes to slip into my trunks,  and we'll head back to the lodge and hit the hot tub near the ski lift. It's a private jacuzzi that  only a few people know about. There's never anyone in it. It's my favorite place on the mountain.""Sounds like a plan to me," Briggs replied."This weekend is turning out better than expected–time to kick back and unwind,"  he thought to himself as he put on his bathing  suit and covered his legs with warm clothes for the trek to the hot tub. Chad's phone rang just as they prepared to walk out the door.  "Hold on, it's the office. Let me see what's up." Briggs feared this call wouldn't be a short  conversation, and he was right. Chad's call droned on and on. It was apparent that a visit to the hot  tub was becoming less and less of a reality. Chad decided he needed privacy for his call,  so he quickly asked the caller to hold as he addressed Briggs. "Hey, this is going to take a  while. Why don't you just head to the jacuzzi without me? I'll meet you there in a bit." Briggs quickly nodded his head yes and gave a thumbs up. He didn't need to be told twice to  enjoy a relaxing jacuzzi in the snow. With a quick zip of his jacket and a flask of bourbon  in his pocket, he made his way through the snow to the hot tub behind the lodge. The snow was piled high. White glimmering walls surrounded a large wooden tub. Tall pine trees  created a picturesque backdrop for his quaint oasis. "It's curious how no one is here to enjoy  this beautiful spot," Briggs thought. "I'd be in this tub every night if I lived around here." As Briggs approached the steaming hot water of the jacuzzi,  he could see someone already enjoying the hot tub."I hope they don't mind a little company since this place is too damn inviting not to enjoy." Briggs opened his coat and removed his jeans, revealing his swimsuit underneath.  As he lowered himself into the steamy water, he recognized the other participant in the tub."Could it be Chad's ski instructor? Be cool. Don't act like a silly teenager around a hot hunk.""Hey. You look familiar," was the first words from the studly stranger's mouth. "Are you  Chad's friend? The sexy lawyer who works for him who sprained his ankle and didn't ski today?""Hi. I'm Briggs. Yes, I'm Chad's friend. You must be the hot ski instructor he's taking  lessons from?" Briggs decided to have a little fun with him. Hey, fair's fair, he called me sexy; I'll return the favor and call him hot."I guess so," he bashfully answered.” Chad spoke highly of you today during our lesson.""Well, that's good to hear since he's my boss,"  Briggs replied with a smile. "I'm glad he likes my work." The instructor realized he hadn't properly  introduced himself yet as he reached out to shake Briggs's hand. "Hi, I'm Quinton.""I'm Briggs. Nice to meet you," he quickly replied before continuing, "I'm sorry I couldn't  ski today. I would have enjoyed taking a lesson with my friend Chad, but yes, I sprained my ankle  the other day. It's not too bad, but I didn't think it was a good idea to ski on it either.  It looks like I'll need to skip the slopes this weekend." Quinton lifted himself out of the water, so his bare, defined chest was now visible.  Briggs could tell he was a big man, most likely six  feet three plus inches. His chest had the perfect smattering of chest hair, and the water cascading  down between his cut six-pack abs made Briggs gasp at the sight of his flawless specimen of manhood."I really wish I could hang out and get to know you better,  but unfortunately, I've got dinner plans in town in about a half-hour.  I guess you'll be nursing your ankle in the lodge tomorrow as I instruct your buddy?" Briggs caught his breath as his eyes fought to stay above the waistband of Quinton's wet,  clingy swimsuit. "Ah. Yes. I guess I'll return to my usual spot in front of the fireplace tomorrow.  If you get a chance, stop in and say hi. Perhaps you could join us  for lunch? I know Chad would enjoy the company." Quinton laughed as he simply replied,  "Let me see what I can do. Nice meeting you today. I'll see you tomorrow." Briggs quickly answered, "Yeah. I hope to see you tomorrow." Quinton turned and stepped out of the hot tub. Briggs could feel himself get dizzy at  the sight of this hunk's rock-hard glutes and muscular hairy legs. Quinton quickly wrapped  a plush towel around himself, then disappeared with a wink and smile behind a mound of snow. Briggs caught his breath and opened the flask of bourbon. He enjoyed a long, drawn sip as  he sank lower in the hot tub and closed his eyes, savoring the view he had just enjoyed. The next morning came quickly. Briggs slept like a log after his cocktails in the jacuzzi. The dry,  crisp mountain air did wonders for his slumber. Like clockwork, Chad again called up from  downstairs. "I'm heading to the mountain for my lesson. Care to walk over with me?  If your ankle is better, you can take a lesson with me."  Briggs stopped dead in his tracks. A lesson? Quinton in his tight ski pants and that killer  smile? Dare I say yes? Briggs looked at his ankle. It looked better. The swelling went down, but  could he fit his foot in a boot? Was a hot hunk worth further aggravating a sore tendon?  Briggs laughed at his own silliness."Why chance hurting myself more over a cute boy? What am I thinking?" He called down to Chad, "I'll walk over with you,  but I'm afraid I'm still not able to join you to ski today." Once at the lodge, Briggs sat in his favorite fireside chair next to the large window facing  the slopes. He cozied himself to the crackling mantel and sipped his coffee while preparing  his work for the day. Out the window, he could see Chad awaiting Quinton's arrival.  He was blissfully ignorant that he and Briggs had met the evening prior. Should I have mentioned I met his instructor in the hot tub last night? Would he be jealous? As Briggs pondered whether there was any wrongdoing in his activities in the hot tub,  he could see a different instructor greeting Chat outside. Chad looked into the lodge at  Briggs and shrugged. Both Chad and Briggs wondered what had happened to Quinton today. Why was another instructor skiing with him? The answer to Briggs's question came soon enough when he looked up to see Quinton  standing before him on crutches. “Oh my gosh! What happened? Are you okay?” Briggs quickly asked. Quinton hobbled over and sat fireside. He had a sly grin on his face as he quietly answered. “Nah. I’m fine–between you and me. I’m just pretending to have twisted my leg  so I didn't have to work. I couldn’t stand the thought of spending another day with  your boss shamelessly flirting with me today. I thought it would be much more fun to take  the day playing hooky and come in here so that I could shamelessly flirt with you instead.” Briggs laughed as he casually proclaimed, “Hey, they say all’s fair in love and war.”  Quinton wholeheartedly agreed. The two men couldn’t help but spend a long, smoldering moment  staring into each other’s eyes. They didn’t speak, but volumes were said between them in the silence. Finally, Quinton asked, “Hey, feel like jumping in the hot tub again? I  feel cheated that we only spent a few minutes together last night.” Briggs hastily answered, “Now?!” Quinton replied instantly. “Yes, now. Why not?” Briggs happily conceded, “Sure. Let’s do it. I’ll  grab my swim trunks at the chateau and meet you there in 15 minutes.” Quinton had a better idea. “Well, actually, I’m staying in my uncle’s house right around  the corner. He’s got an even nicer hot tub than the one behind the lodge that we could  use. You’re welcome to go change into your swim trunks if you’d like, but it seems like a waste  of time since I’m only going to be taking them off you when we get in the water.” Briggs liked the sound of that but wondered what to say to Chad. Quinton could see Briggs was deep in thought.  “Wondering what your boss is going to think about us leaving together now?” Briggs's voice slightly cracked as he meekly answered. “The thought did cross my mind.” Quinton leaned forward and kissed Briggs deeply, passionately. He leaned into his  hungry mouth as Briggs closed his eyes and focused all senses on the smell,  taste, and feelings of this stud’s soft lips pressed on his. Briggs desperately  didn’t want this kiss to end. Both Briggs and Quinton chuckled  as they could see Chad out the window with his mouth agape and a stunned expression on his face. Quinton playfully chuckled,  “Tell him that, unfortunately, he couldn’t score the sexy ski instructor this weekend–but you did!”< MUSIC CUE> Looks like the ICEMAN CAME’TH that weekend… I guess you could say, it was love at FROST  sight between those two men; they were indeed up to “snow good” in the hot tub on Sunday!  I apologize for all the puns I’m making; it’s just that they’re “Snow brainers.” Hey,don’t blame me. I’m just the voice talent.< MUSIC CUE> Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance turns SNOW-mosexual. Okay, really, I’m done now. Each  story and bad pun is written by JC Calciano and narrated the best I can by me, Casey.  So, be sure to tune in next week when we tell you another STEAMY STORY, but until then… later bro!

Steamy Story Starts