Steamy Stories

Mysterious Merman

May 09, 2023 JC Calciano & Casey Alcoser Season 5 Episode 37
Mysterious Merman
Steamy Stories
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Steamy Stories
Mysterious Merman
May 09, 2023 Season 5 Episode 37
JC Calciano & Casey Alcoser

Mysterious Merman 
season 5
Episode #37  

Dr. Evan Thompson was excited to immerse himself in his oceanographic research. Now comfortably situated on a secluded Island in the South Pacific, this lone, handsome scientist planned on embarking on his vital marine research in peace. The last thing this solitary young man expected was to find company on the remote deserted island he now called home. Who or … What was on the island with him, and was it friendly? The answer turned out that he and the mysterious stranger he’d encounter would end up being more than just friends!

Steamy Stories Official Website:

Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!

STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Casey Alcoster.

#podcast  #lgbtq  #gaystories #gayshorts #gaykiss #mmromance #mermaid #merman

REVENGE OF THE BROBOT is a hilariously sexy, silly male-male romance novel. If you love campy sci-fi romance novels, then don't miss this sweet, sultry story about a rogue robot named R.O.B.
It's available on and our website

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Mysterious Merman 
season 5
Episode #37  

Dr. Evan Thompson was excited to immerse himself in his oceanographic research. Now comfortably situated on a secluded Island in the South Pacific, this lone, handsome scientist planned on embarking on his vital marine research in peace. The last thing this solitary young man expected was to find company on the remote deserted island he now called home. Who or … What was on the island with him, and was it friendly? The answer turned out that he and the mysterious stranger he’d encounter would end up being more than just friends!

Steamy Stories Official Website:

Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!

STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Casey Alcoster.

#podcast  #lgbtq  #gaystories #gayshorts #gaykiss #mmromance #mermaid #merman

REVENGE OF THE BROBOT is a hilariously sexy, silly male-male romance novel. If you love campy sci-fi romance novels, then don't miss this sweet, sultry story about a rogue robot named R.O.B.
It's available on and our website

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Hey, it’s me, Casey – and I’ve got a question for ya. Feel like having a little “adult” fun with me?  I hope you said, “Yes,” because the STEAM ROOM guys and I just put out two adult  coloring books! Yup. Sexy illustrations of male-male romance with naughty,  hilarious captions. It’s called BROMANTIC BLISS, and it’s a hoot! Two sexy, silly, sassy coloring books that are sure to entertain  you for hours…You can find them on Amazon or the Steamy stories website.  Check them out and let me know what you think. I hope you love them and start coloring! By the way, they’re for adults only; so kiddies,  you’ll have to wait until you’re eighteen to get in on the fun! Now… on with the show!<SPACE> Dr. Evan Thompson was excited to immerse himself in his oceanographic research.  Now comfortably situated on a secluded Island in the South Pacific, this lone, handsome scientist  planned on embarking on his vital marine research in peace. The last thing this  solitary young man expected was to find company on the remote deserted island he now called home.  Who or … What was on the island with him, and was it friendly? The answer turned out that he  and the mysterious stranger he’d encounter would end up being more than just friends!< MUSIC CUE> Settle in my landlubber friends. The tide’s high,  and I’ve just adjusted my compass for a slightly different Steamy Story today.  I hope you’re ready to set sail for a little island in the South Pacific to meet a striking  young doctor named Evan because he’s about to make a startling discovery you don’t want to miss! Hey, everyone, it’s me, Casey, your host for STEAMY STORIES,  the podcast where Bromance turns Bromosexual. Today’s STEAMY STORIES is about a loner on a tiny,  tropical island who falls in love with… well, you’ll see. So, sit back, relax,  and let your imagination run wild as I tell you a wild, unbelievable, but true - fish tale.< MUSIC CUE> The sun rose over the horizon, casting a golden glow on the serene waters surrounding a remote  island. Dr. Evan Thompson, a marine biologist, stood at the edge of the Pacific Ocean, his eyes  sparkling excitedly. His passion for the sea was palpable, and he couldn't wait to immerse himself  in his research at this faraway place. At 28 years old, Dr. Thompson had already been featured on the  cover of several magazines. He was proud of his accomplishments in oceanographic studies; he was  also aware that the scientific journals featured him as often as they did because of his dark,  stunning good looks. Evan, as he preferred to be called, wasn’t much for the gym,  although you’d never know it by looking at him. His physique resulted from swimming,  snorkeling, and spending time wading through the resistance of the salt water. As celebrated as Evan was, he actively avoided the spotlight. Fame, fortune, and notoriety  weren’t interesting to him. He was a quiet, shy person who wanted nothing more than to be alone  with his research and discover innovative ways to save the planet and its wildlife. Sure, he missed having company and someone to talk to and hold, but most men he met didn’t interest  him. For that reason, he chose to always study in the furthest reaches of the planet in solitude.*** Evan impatiently geared up to go for a quick,  nearby snorkel in the shallow tide pool just outside his door. He slipped out of  his dusty traveling clothes and stood in the middle of his laboratory naked. His hairless,  lean muscular body looked like he was preparing for a centerfold spread in an old hunk magazine.“Should I bother putting on swim trunks? There’s not another person for miles,  perhaps not even on the entire island. Why bother with clothes if they aren’t needed?” Evan chuckled as he bashfully reached for his trunks. “I’m just too modest to swim  au naturel just yet. Maybe in time. For now, I’ll put on the proper snorkeling attire.” He was excited to explore the nearby reef around the bend, hidden off the most secluded  part of Starfish Island. The island was a small tropical paradise not found on any map or Google  Earth search. It was a tiny, pristine ecosystem kept quiet by a select few marine biologists  who were fortunate enough to know about it. The nearby cove was a hidden gem, teeming with life. Evan marveled at the vibrant array of diverse marine creatures that called it  home - from colorful fish darting through the crystal-clear waters to tiny crabs scurrying  along the sandy floor. He was excited to be conducting a study on the impact of  climate change on these fragile ecosystems, determined to find ways to protect them.*** Evan splashed through the crystal-clear water as he strolled down the beach. The  water was warm yet refreshing on his ankles. He couldn't help but smile  as he began observing the marine life scurrying between his legs as he walked. As he moved deeper toward the tidal pool, he spotted something unusual floating in the reef.  His heart skipped a beat as he approached;  something was wrong. Whatever it was, it certainly shouldn't be there! As Evan approached, his  breath quickened. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Could it be? YES! It was a person! Perhaps  a shipwrecked seaman from a boat gone astray? Whomever it was, the man was unconscious and in  distress. Evan hastily dropped his snorkeling gear and ran to help the drowned individual. As he approached the shallow pool of water, his eyes betrayed him. What am I seeing? A handsome,  muscular man intertwined with a giant shark or sea creature? Will this be a gruesome sight and  a terrible reminder that humans may not be as high up on the food chain as we believe?  As Evan got closer, the view became even stranger. Now less than ten feet away from him seemed to be  a mythical creature he had only read about in folklore and seen in his dreams - a merman! What is going on here? Is this an elaborate joke? This can't be real! Whatever the case, one thing was clear; whatever it was, it was in trouble! Evan quickly kneeled by the half-man, half-sea creature.  The being's top half was spectacularly trim and toned; each muscle striation was clearly defined,  and his arms and pectorals bulged with veins. Its tail was a brilliant spectrum of iridescent  colors. It glistened in the clear, tranquil water, half submerged. The creature's masculine face was  unlike any handsome man he had ever seen. His complexion was smooth and flawless; his hair was  a lush, long mane, the color of the dark ember and sand, with a jawline solid and pronounced. Just being in this majestic creature's presence was intimidating. Evan quickly felt for a pulse on  its neck. It was faint. He applied his knowledge of biology to attempt to rescue the creature's  life. Since the top half of the merman was human, CPR seemed like a good option for treatment.  Evan tilted the merman's head back and exhaled powerfully into his mouth while compressing his  chest in a rhythmic pattern. After several stress-filled minutes, the merman let out a  mighty cough. Water spouted from his mouth, and his lungs filled with air. Evan jumped back. He  wasn't sure if he was frightened or surprised that breathing air into an aquatic mammal was  the correct treatment. He was shocked that he could help save its life by giving it oxygen. The creature was weak and disoriented.  Evan knew he had to rescue him from the reef, so he quickly fashioned a makeshift tank in his  nearby laboratory to transport and house it in so that he may attempt to nurse it back to health.*** Each day, Evan tended to the creature’s wounds and bruises. He couldn't help but be amazed by  the merman's beauty and majesty. Although still unconscious, the merman seemed to be  healing remarkably quickly. Every day brought vast improvements in his coloring and strength. Less than two days later, the creature woke up from its unresponsive state.  Evan sat working at his desk, not ten feet from the aquarium  that housed his healing guest, when a deep voice spoke to him.“Don’t be startled. I wanted to properly introduce myself .” He quickly turned to see what was happening. At first, Evan thought he was hallucinating or,  at the very least, someone had entered the lab, saw the creature, and was now attempting to make  a bad joke. Much to his surprise, the beast was awake and leaning on the edge of the tank  where Evan had placed him to heal. The merman had hypnotic, piercing ocean-blue eyes and a curious,  warm, inviting smile. His sultry, eloquent voice said, “I’m Zore. I  wanted to say thank you for helping me. I am indebted to you for your kindness and care.” Evan was first shocked. He sat motionless, then spoke with a silly, obvious response. “You speak?” Zore laughed. “Yes, I speak. I’m fluent in several marine languages and three land languages.” Evan slowly shuffled back in his chair, asking, “How is this possible? I didn’t think mermaids  were real. The fact that you are here and now can speak is blowing my mind!” Zore laughed again. “Just because you’ve never met something …or someone doesn’t mean they  don’t exist. And for the record, in your own language, males of our species are Mermen.” Evan assured him that he knew he was a merman and that his brain  hadn’t processed the information quickly enough to use the proper terminology.  He continued questioning his patient, “Well, how are you feeling,  and am I the only human who has ever seen... rather met a merman?” Evan politely smiled. Zore responded, “I’m feeling much better now. Thank you—almost one hundred percent.  And no, people throughout the ages were made aware of us. Sailors have interacted with us for ages.  More recently, my species worked out a treaty with your land governments so we  may both peacefully co-exist. That said, we stay largely hidden from humans for our protection.”“Honestly, I’m still freaking out,” Evan flatly stated, unable to take his eyes off  the magnificent creature before him. Was it the flowing, opulent hair? The crystal eyes,  the strikingly handsome face, or the rock-hard cut body? Whatever was happening,  Evan could feel himself becoming short of breath and turned on by the merman before him. He clumsily fiddled with his pen stating, “I’m sorry, my brain didn’t record your name.  I was too shocked to remember what you called yourself.” The merman spoke again with his sexy, siren voice. “In your language, I am called Zore.”  He reached out his burly arm to shake Evan’s hand. Evan shook it and stuttered, “I have so many questions, so much I need to learn about you  and the ocean. Are you feeling well enough to talk with me? Can I get you something first?  Maybe something to drink?” Evan said as he readied himself to help his guest. Zore replied, “I’d love a glass of water.” Evan quickly replied, “Sure,” and ran to the sink, where he filled a glass with filtered  water and returned. As soon as he handed it to Zore, Zore poured the water into his tank,  submerged, and smiled. They both laughed at the silly,  sophomoric joke Zore played on him. The two enjoyed an instant chemistry and felt an ease  settle in as they hunkered down to a long night of getting to know each other better.*** The following morning, Evan woke to find Zore insisting on taking him for a swim with him.  “Time for me to repay you for your kindness and care. If you suit up in your scuba gear,  I’ll show you treasures of the ocean that no human has ever seen before.” Evan shuddered with excitement as he quickly disrobed from his T-shirt  and jeans and squeezed into a wetsuit, grabbing his air tanks and rebreather. The laboratory was oceanside,  so transporting Zore into the water just outside the door wasn't challenging. Once he was in his home environment, Zore splashed with delight. His opalescent tail reflected the  sun into the water like a mirrored ball at a discotheque. Zore’s toned body moved through  the water like a razor cutting through jelly. He was a marvel in every sense of the word. As Evan watched breathlessly, Zore smiled and reached out his hand.  “Time to go for a swim. Hold on tight; I go fast,” Zore grasped Evan’s hand and,  with a quick burst of energy, easily glided through the water with Evan. They skimmed over brightly colored reefs, schools of small fish, and kelp forests. The blue ocean  turned a brilliant turquoise as they approached a deep aquifer in an uncharted part of the sea.  Zore spoke to Evan underwater as clearly as he did on land.  “Let me tell you what you’re seeing and where we are.  If you need anything or need to go to the surface, just signal me–I’ll take good care of you.”  Evan nodded, then attempted to focus on the marine animals Zore enthusiastically showed him.  Ancient coral reefs teemed with life, but no matter what was pointed out to  him under the sea, nothing was nearly as magnificent as the merman before him. Evan kept repeating to himself, “Calm down. Slow your breath, and don’t use up all your oxygen.  Getting turned on by this sexy creature will only make you use up your tank quicker.”*** Evan’s gratitude for what he was experiencing grew. He thought,  “In one day, I’ve learned more than in ten years of study. This information is  priceless and invaluable in helping me save the oceans and prepare my plea for conservation.” The two teased and tumbled through the giant kelp forests on the ocean floor, laughing and flirting  with each other. Neither was paying attention or aware of any impending threat to their safety.  As the nearby fish scattered, the waters grew eerily silent. Without warning, the seas started  churning, the current shifted instantly, and like a wall of bricks, the seafloor came up between  them. Evan tumbled without any sense of up or down, thrashing through the mighty kelp like a  rag doll in a storm, unaware of which direction he should swim or where the ocean’s surface was.  Zore too, was caught in the powerful stream, each pulled apart and unable to save the other. What seemed an eternity was merely a matter of minutes. The water settled as quickly as  it started, but this time, unlike before, Evan was alone. Zore was nowhere in sight.“Where am I? How far out to sea am I? If Zore doesn’t return, how will I return to the land?”  Panic struck Evan as he instantly feared for his life in the dark,  far-out waters of the Pacific Ocean. Evan surfaced and pulled off his gear, knowing that the first thing necessary  for survival was to conserve oxygen and find his bearings.  The water spread out vast and as far as he could see. Nothing was in sight. Evan was fortunate in that he could see the sun’s position in the sky.  He knew it would help him identify his location. Was Zore going to be all right? Evan feared he  couldn’t help his friend. He knew that he couldn’t search the waters below for him. He’s a merman, Evan thought; if either of us has the advantage, it’s him. I’m sure he’ll be fine. With that comforting thought, he was careful not to waste any more time;  he started swimming to shore with whatever oxygen and strength he had left. Once back on the beach, Evan collapsed from exhaustion.  He was grateful to be alive but physically spent from the swim back. Evan could feel  the warm tropical air on his weary body. The wet sand felt comforting as it cradled his tired back."I need to close my eyes and rest.  I’m too exhausted even to stand," he thought as he slipped into a deep sleep.*** The following morning found Evan still asleep on the beach. The bright sun  and the warmth from its rays signaled to him it was time to get up and get home.  Evan dusted himself off from the salt and sand and hurried back to his laboratory,  where his French roast awaited him. "Nothing sounds better than a hot cup of coffee right now." The day dragged on and on, with his mind wondering if his friend was okay.  Did he drown? What strange aquatic anomaly separated the two in the kelp forest? Evan tried to focus on his work, but negative thoughts of Zore plagued him.  Why did his mind keep returning to his friend? Was it because he was concerned for his safety,  did he miss having someone to talk to, or did he develop deeper feelings for the merman?*** Each night that week, Evan would walk down to the tidal pool and looked into the sunset.  He knew it was a futile gesture, but maybe, just maybe, if his friend was alive and okay,  he’d return to him. Evan quietly sat as the dusk turned from orange to purple  and finally to black. He was reluctant to leave as the night grew late, knowing that as soon as he  returned to his laboratory, the evening, and all hope to see Zore again would be over for the day.*** The following week, Evan kept busy with his work.  He couldn’t leave his desk to visit the tidal pool anymore. In truth, he felt silly about going.  Not because he didn’t miss having a friend, but because, as a scientist, he wondered if Zore was  real at all. He wondered if he had been alone too long and became so desperate for human contact,  so his mind fabricated a mythical companion for him to talk to."Well, hopefully, I’ve returned to rational thought and sanity," he told himself.  "It's scary what tricks the human mind can do when left alone too long." Evan immersed himself once again in a life of studying, reading,  and exploring the ocean’s mysteries. He again settled into his work and solitude. Shortly after that, Evan was preparing a late lunch for himself when the kettle’s whistle  shrieked. The steam from the boiling water tried to let Evan know that his tea was ready. Evan  often left the kettle on the fire for several minutes. Why interrupt a vital thought or  discovery for a poorly managed cup of tea? Besides, the whistle wasn’t bothering anyone.  He was miles and miles from civilization. If he didn’t mind the sound, who else would?  Finally, he got up from his desk to lower the flame.  The kettle quieted, but the piercing whistling sound kept wailing."What could it be? Where is that sound coming from?"  It certainly wasn’t inside the small facility he called home anymore.  Perhaps a generator had gone haywire outside? An alarm of some form was sounding? Evan left his tea and shuffled to the front door to investigate. His facility was waterfront,  so bright, reflective sand started a few steps down from the humble porch. A silhouetted  figure was evident in the breaking waves in the water fifty feet away.  The glare from the beach and ocean made it difficult to see, but the sound was unmistakable.  A loud siren was emitting from the water...from an imposing figure in the sea. Evan cautiously  walked towards the dark, human-like shape. As he got closer, he saw it resembled a man."Could it be? Was he, in fact, saner than he thought? Was last week’s discovery real?  Did he actually meet a merman? Could this be Zore singing a siren song?!" Yes… yes, it was! Evan’s trepidatious walk turned into a jubilant run as he jogged down the beach and into the  shallow seawater. It was Zore, calling out to him–eager to take Evan into his arms. Nothing was said between the two of them. Zore instantly scooped Evan up in his tremendous arms  and kissed him fully, deeply, passionately, as his wild, wet hair whipped around them.  Evan squeezed his body against Zore's bare, rock-hard chest. Neither of the two men  relented in their embrace. Zore’s mighty tail swooped around and pulled Evan closer to him.  Both playfully tumbling in shallow crashing waves on the beach. Evan didn’t hesitate as  he pulled off his clothes so that he could feel his entire body pressed against Zore’s. Why bother with these restrictive shorts and shirt? Time to be free! He thought."Let’s go for a swim!?" Evan insisted as he pulled his friend even closer. Zore smiled sweetly as he agreed to take Evan out in the sea again for some fun and frolic.  Evan turned somber as his voice cracked with concern for his friend,  "I was worried you were hurt, possibly killed. That water cyclone was terrible.  I don’t know what happened! Are you okay now?" Evan stated in a desperate gasp. Zore looked slightly uncomfortable as he answered, "Yes, that was terrible,  but I need to tell you, that wasn't a natural phenomenon. That was a school of other mermen.  They thought I was in jeopardy and attempted to save me from you. They took me home,  where I needed to convene with our elders and explain what happened between us last week.  I finally convinced them of what a wonderful man you were and persuaded them to let me return  to you. They initially denied my request, but when I told them about my feelings towards you,  they agreed to let me return." Evan smiled sheepishly, "You have feelings for me?" he asked, almost bashful at his silliness. Zore laughed deeply as he answered,  "I thought that kiss may have given you an indication of how I felt about you." Evan wondered out loud, "A man and a merman?  How could this work? …I guess there’s more to a relationship than sex, huh?" Zore belly laughed. "We both have the same parts; only mine is cleverly tucked in my tail.  It's alright, though; I'm familiar with the male human anatomy–small as it may be." It was then that Evan knew he was in for a treat later that night when Zore would show  him the prize he had won. Soon after the sun set and they lay in each other’s arms,  Evan realized that he would have to switch out his old mattress in his cabin …for a water bed.< MUSIC CUE> Shiver me timbers, matey. Now that was quite a yarn! I hope you enjoyed it! I know it’s a  bit different than our other Steamy Stories, but we like to keep things exciting here and try new  things. Let me know in your comments if you enjoyed today’s …FISH TALE.< MUSIC CUE> Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance turns bromosexual.  Each story is written by JC Calciano and narrated by me, Casey.  So, be sure to tune in next week when we tell you another STEAMY STORY, but until then…  later bro!

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