Steamy Stories

The Gorgeous Gardener

July 11, 2023 JC Calciano, Jack Turner Season 5 Episode 39
The Gorgeous Gardener
Steamy Stories
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Steamy Stories
The Gorgeous Gardener
Jul 11, 2023 Season 5 Episode 39
JC Calciano, Jack Turner

The Gorgeous Gardener

Season 5  - Episode #39


In the grandeur of a British manor, a young butler named Leo finds unexpected love. Tasked by Lord Carlson to arrange a stunning gala, Leo encounters a novice gardener, more enchanting than the garden itself. In this hidden oasis, a love as forbidden as the secret garden is about to bloom.
 *  Steamy Stories Official Website:
 Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!
STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and guest narrated by Jack Turner.
#podcast #lgbtq #gaystories #gayshorts #gaykiss #mmromance #mm fiction #gayromance #shortstories #fable #butler #bridgerton #oldengland

REVENGE OF THE BROBOT is a hilariously sexy, silly male-male romance novel. If you love campy sci-fi romance novels, then don't miss this sweet, sultry story about a rogue robot named R.O.B.
It's available on and our website

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The Gorgeous Gardener

Season 5  - Episode #39


In the grandeur of a British manor, a young butler named Leo finds unexpected love. Tasked by Lord Carlson to arrange a stunning gala, Leo encounters a novice gardener, more enchanting than the garden itself. In this hidden oasis, a love as forbidden as the secret garden is about to bloom.
 *  Steamy Stories Official Website:
 Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!
STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and guest narrated by Jack Turner.
#podcast #lgbtq #gaystories #gayshorts #gaykiss #mmromance #mm fiction #gayromance #shortstories #fable #butler #bridgerton #oldengland

REVENGE OF THE BROBOT is a hilariously sexy, silly male-male romance novel. If you love campy sci-fi romance novels, then don't miss this sweet, sultry story about a rogue robot named R.O.B.
It's available on and our website

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hello steamy story devotees we have some thrilling news that you won't want to miss brace yourselves for the grand unveiling of our latest sensation steam room confidential volume Five Yes you heard it right volume Five is here if you haven't caught up on volumes one through four fret not this is your golden opportunity to own all five volumes of steam room confidential available on Amazon treat yourself to steam room confidential today and now back to our regularly scheduled stories in the enduring Splendor of a British Manor an unforeseen love is about to take root for Leo an attentive young Butler as spring Embraces the English Countryside Lord Carlson the stern ruler of the local Township is planning an extraordinary Gala for the local noble people in preparing for this event his man's servant Leo is instructed to notify a novice Gardener to create a stunning floral arrangement for the banquet upon entering the secluded Garden Leo is captivated not by the Roses but by The Gardener himself an innocent lad whose charm far surpasses the Manor's finest Flora in his Beauty Leo's heart is sent to flutter from their very first encounter in this magical Orchard a love is forbidden as The Secret Garden itself is about to Blossom[Music] hello Governor fancy a steamy story excellent I figured who better to tell a tale about the United Kingdom than a proper Brit I'm Jack Turner and today I'm taking you to a small hamlet in Merry Old England mine is a tale about a dutiful Butler who stumbles into a secret garden and discovers a handsome horticulturalist who is unknowingly about to change his as well as the town folks live and hearts forever so put the kettle on settle in for a nice cup of tea while I tell you a steamy story[Music] foreign tucked away in the East Midlands of Britain lies Bakewell a Scenic Village marked by narrow cobblestone streets teeming with townsfolk among them was Leo a humble servant who navigated through these bustling Lanes with skill and ease the embodiment of Youth and vigor Leo was an enchanting figure known for his unwavering morals recently turned 18 his youthful vitality and zest for life were evident Leo's broad shoulders and defined physique reflected his physical prowess and inner spirit every movement he made was purposeful and graceful demonstrating a controlled Authority as Leo navigated the town's Charming thoroughfares his purposeful footsteps resonated he had just delivered a box of important invitations to the town crier and was now returning to his residence though not truly a home for it lacked warmth and family his dwelling was actually a grand manner where he worked slept and lived the impressive Stone structure stood amidst the picturesque Countryside this stately dwelling belonged to a solitary Stern nobleman named Lord Carlson Lord Carlson's Mansion imposing an austere seemed to peer down upon the town with a Stern presence its facade exuded rigidity and formality leaving no room for warmth or joy this had been Leo's residence since his childhood he was an orphan taken in and raised by Lord Carson's staff to serve in the household the cold gray Mansion was destined to be his home for the rest of his life and the Lord for lack of anyone else was his surrogate father although Leo knew kindness from the other servants at the Manor he never felt love as the staff did not seem to share Leo's empathy for Lord Carson finding him a hard rigid man incapable of Joy or emotion however Leo frequently defended the Lord to the others describing him as misunderstood likely a man with a shattered past much like their own he urged them to show compassion and understanding even though the nobleman's harsh words and called demeanor often cut through them on one particularly magnificent spring morning Leo was summons to the Lord's study the Master of the House cleared his throat with an icy crackle before commanding my duties as Lord in these regions require me to host an affair for the local Aristocrats I loathe these individuals and have nothing but disdain for my neighbors and the surrounding nobility still it is my duty to provide an Exquisite Affair at my mansion and an evening that they will remember my roses are among my prized possessions and my garden is my pride I need you to meet with my horticulturist and prepare a magnificent bouquet of roses as the centerpiece of my table also inform him that my private Garden's Gates is to be locked and no one is to gain access during the affair anything less than a spectacular display from Julian will not be tolerated Leo replied it will be done immediately I will meet with Julian now explain your request and inform him of your wish to keep the garden's Gates locked during the gala without wasting a moment Leo carried out the nobleman's instructions and made haste to the Manor's Back Garden Lord Carson's private Orchard was nestled behind a topiary of shrubs shaped like various wild animals Leo felt a thrill at the chance to visit the garden which few had the privilege of stepping into and to meet the gardener referred to as magnificently muscular and spectacularly handsome by the women of the kitchen staff a strange sense of giddiness overwhelmed Leo and his pulse raced was he excited about the opportunity to visit a place that until now remains shrouded in secrecy or about meeting another young man who intrigued the house staff a high stone wall surrounded the garden the only access being a heavy wrought iron gate though the gate was closed the latch was unlocked with Lord Carlson's permission Leo entered the Forbidden place his heart quickening as he stepped through the gate in an instant he was captivated by the blooming Allure of the flowers the sweet fragrance permeating the air and the gentle rustle of leaves Whispering the Earth's secrets amid this vibrant tapestry of nature his senses were overwhelmed he realized why the Lord favored this place its fragrant flowers and brilliantly blooming plants all manicured to Perfection with a work of a master who had created the perfect Sanctuary with Divine assistance a deep youthful voice called out from behind a chrysanthemum bush hello can I help you Leo turned to meet his host and then gasped at the sight of the handsome young man it was true what he had heard from the ladies in the manor if anything they had understated The Gardener's appearance sun-kissed skin glowed with Vitality complimenting his mesmerizing green eyes that sparkled with passion his warm smile and trim agile build sculpted by dedication to the Garden embodied a natural charm that captivated all who crossed his path although his clothes were worn and dirt smudged they draped over his perfectly proportioned body like find rapery Leo may not have addressed his sexual preference before but now one thing was abundantly clear this was what he wanted Julian was everything Leo had ever fantasized about in the deepest most secret caverns of his mind and now his dream man stood before him my name Leo did his best to sound articulate but he was far from it the man continued I don't often get visitors here I welcome the company in the sight of fresh face especially one as fetching as yours Julian smiled pleasantly as he reached out his hand in greeting I'm Julian I was told you to arrive and heard Tales of your attractiveness but I admit you're even more dashing than I expected the two men shared a bashful chuckle then Leo continued as if he hadn't received the compliment then I suppose you know why I'm here yes I received a direct message from Lord Carlson earlier with instructions for the bouquet and a directive to keep guests out of the garden I expect he sent you to ensure I understood the urgency of his letter Leo nodded yeah yes that could be it I'm curious that he sent me to convey something he had already put in writing but no matter I'm glad to make the acquaintance of a man my age in this Grand estate I don't know anyone other than aged valids or the women from the kitchen staff yeah same here Julian replied I'm truly pleased to make your acquaintance perhaps since the Lord favors you as he does he intended to send you here to treat you to a tour of his Gardens I'd happily show you our most prized possessions everything is in full bloom and you'd be in for a treat I'd take great pride in my work here nothing would please me more than to share it with you I'd love that burst from Leo's lips almost too enthusiastically he quickly regains his composure and politely stated in a fairly reserved tone what a splendid idea Julian swallillo's appreciation for his garden and his reverence towards the living wonders surrounding them instantly a delicate yet profound connection sparked between the two men within moments of spending time together they knew that each other's company was all they desired and the day is leading up to the grand gala Leo would sneak out of his Chambers each night to be a Julian's side in his garden with Lord Carlson and the staff deep asleep in the distant bedrooms of the Mansion Leo sought the sanctuary Julian's company provided until meeting Julian Leo hadn't considered his own sexuality his tasks kept him occupied most of the day and night he had precious little time to do anything but sleep meeting Julian changed all that his days were spent dreaming of the nights with Julian until this point Leo believed that hard dutiful work brought all the rewards he needed but now it was evident that he was missing out on the very reason to be alive the very thought of Julian's lean tone body short dark shaggy hair and welcoming trusting eyes made Leo weak in the knees strange that another fellow his age would make his heart race and his blood pump what was this urge to kiss him to feel his body pressed against his to be as close to him as humanly possible three nights had passed since their initial encounter in this Sacred Garden each evening since then found him in the garden's most secluded Nook where they laid concealed by Thorn rose bushes that served as Vigilant Guardians as the sweet scent of blooming roses filled the air they lay naked and entwined on a plush bed of moss their bodies warming each other against the chilly damp night air as close as they got to each other it never seemed near enough not because of the cold but because of their desires Julian's breath his touch his taste Leo wanted it all and each morsel made him crave more unclothed and bathed in the soft silvery glove the full moon their innocent intertwined bodies made a solemn promise to each other their whispered words carried that same promise a shared dream of a day when they could rightfully cool each other husband the evening of the grand celebration had arrived casting an enchanting glow upon the nobleman's Mansion its opulent facade was bathed in Golden Candlelight while the properties sparkled with lanterns guiding guests towards the festivities fragrance of roses Julian's masterpieces mingled with the aroma of sumptuous Delicacies served inside amid the bustling home now full of the local Gentry Leo stood at the central entrance dressed to the nines he was the epitome of a diligent servants ensuring every detail was perfect and organizing the seamless flow of the events as the gala raged inside Lord Carson's Grand Ballroom unbeknownst to anyone an intoxicated guest known for his boisterous nature left the party and helped himself to a tour of the grand estate after a self-guided tour of the cavernous and intricately adorned Halls he wandered through the animal-shaped bushes along the path towards the mansion's private Garden spotting Julian manicuring the topiaries the nobleman waddled up to the gardener with a Swagger and a stumble young man I would like to see the garden that has produced this evening's Flora having seen the Roses it's produced I want to witness the Garden in all its glory in person now be quick and Lead Me To This Magnificent Arboretum Julian stood tall ing himself clean of the dirt and twigs that clung to his clothes he was aware he should present himself properly to the so-called dignitary yes sir the garden is indeed a sight to behold it is the source of all my pride I'd be thrilled to share it with you however as Lord Carlson's humble servant I was instructed to keep the gates locked and plightly decline any requests for entry I apologize profusely for this inconvenience but allowing admission is simply out of my control hogwash the rotund Aristocrat Bart how dare you refuse me once again Julian apologize trembling slightly as the Ruddy obese man jammed a finger into his chest I am Barren myself the new Emily a servant you're in no position to deny anything I request open the gates to the Garden at once before I report your influence to Lord Carlson refuse me again and I assure you you'll no longer have a place in this house or any other manner in Britain the man's intolerance and belligerence escalated and despite his better judgment fear of the man's wrath pushed Julian to unlock the imposing iron gates granting him Passage Julian watched in silent horror as the vulgar man carelessly trampled through the garden destroying several of Julian's prized rose bushes and an array of shrubs adorned with Crimson blooms tears welled up in Julian's eyes as he cradled the broken stems to him these were not mere plants they were living embodiment of his passion and dedication each Blossom a testament to his love for his craft his heartache was soon eclipsed by fear as he contemplated Lord Carlson's impending wrath upon discovering the state of his beloved Garden the Lord's notorious temper especially with regard to his roses haunted Julian's thoughts would his master blame him for yielding to this terrible man's demands was he at fault for not maintaining his post as instructed hidden in the garden Julian agonized over the possibility of losing his position under Lord Carlson and worse being separated from Leo the party ended and Lord Carlson looked around at the success of the evening praise was lavished upon him by the other Nobles in the area despite his claims of indifference to their criticism the twinkle in his eye revealed that their Acceptance in fact meant the world to him Lord Carlson gathered his staff of 11 servants and lined them up before retiring for the evening he wished to address them everyone was present but Julian his absence wasn't a surprise to anyone truthfully no one ever thought to include him the meeting was primarily for house staff Julian was rarely if ever involved in matters of the house once assembled the Lord briefly addressed the group this evening was quite spectacular you all excelled at your jobs tonight I'm grateful for your efforts and talents good night as quickly as his remarks of gratitude were stated so did the servants dissipate everyone was tired and eager for sleep that is everyone but Leo who couldn't wait to slip away to reunite with Julian Leo found Julian in the garden his usually vibrant Spirit was replaced by fearful apprehension something was Gravely wrong and Leo was quick to take Julian into his arms to comfort him what has gotten you so upset what happens tonight that I need to know about Julian put on a brave face and took a deep breath the sadness in his eyes told Leo the whole story but it was the details he provided Julian recounted the terrible incident tonight as the grand celebration unfolded within the mansion's walls an unthinkable Calamity befell my beloved Garden an intoxicated guest oblivious to the consequences of his actions forced his way into the Lord's Sanctuary even after I forbade him to do so I fear that Lord Carlson in his disappointment and his anger he cast me aside dismissing my years of service and my devotion this Garden is my Haven my refuge and the thought of losing both you and my roses just breaks my heart the gravity of this situation laid heavy on Leo's heart he couldn't bear the thought of Julian's suffering Lord Carlson's anger for a mistake he couldn't help making with a brave and stoic face Leo proclaimed tomorrow I will make this okay you needn't worry trust me he'll be fine and as of now your only thought should be of this evening's success and the joy of being in my arms nothing else should concern you attend a kiss between the two young men turned into a warm and comforting Embrace as Julian nestled closely into Leo's chest eager to hear the reassuring thump of his heartbeat Echo through the Tranquil silence the following day Leo mustered the courage to request a private audience with Lord Carlson even as the nobleman enjoyed his breakfast this was an uncommon request one that had never been made before and it peaked the Lord's curiosity intrigued he granted Leo an audience in the grand library after his meal in the opulent Library beside an already roaring Fire Lord Carson settled into a plush leather chair he lit a pipe leaning back to consider what his young servant wanted to discuss as the woodsy aroma of the tobacco filled the room Leo entered taking a deep breath his voice steady yet infused with raw emotion confessed his love for Julian recounting their secret meetings under the pale Moonlight in the garden their stolen kisses concealed behind fragrant rose bushes and their shared dreams of Breaking Free from societal constraints he held nothing back revealing every intimate detail in the hope that Lord Carson's sense of justice would appreciate the sincerity of his honesty time Stood Still as Leo awaited Lord Carlson's response his heart racing with anticipation the suffocating weight of Silence in the room grew with each passing moment every second feeling like an eternity when Lord Carlson finally Rose from his seat his features were cast starkly against the glow of the fire Leo prepared himself for the worst expecting a torrent of anger and disappointment to be Unleashed upon him however to his surprise Lord Carlson walks towards the tall Windows his Gaze fixated on the garden obscured by Darkness his eyes held a contemplative calmness devoid of the rage Leo had feared he turns to face Leo who steeled himself against the unknown I have known you for many years Leo he began his voice a delicate blend of softness and sternness your unwavering loyalty and honesty have been Pillars of Strength In My Life Lord Carson then spoke of the transformation Julian had brought to the estate Theo listened intently his heart still pounding the nobleman's words were not laced with condemnation but rather with deep understanding and appreciation for the love that had blossomed within his cherished grounds his voice carried the weight of acceptance and he continued I may not comprehend the nature of your love but I respect it I respect both of you Leo felt as if a boulder had been lifted from his chest his eyes welled up with tears of relief and gratitude Lord Carlson's acceptance surpassed even his wildest hopes overwhelmed by the nobleman's immense generosity Leo managed to express his heartfelt thanks through choked words Lord Carlson raised his hand signaling for silence love knows no boundaries Leo your connection with Julian has been made evident as has your unwavering dedication to this estate and to each other this is and will always be your home although you are both men I consider you both my children my home is your home and the garden that Julian created is his please apologize to Julian for my guests to rudeness the other evening I will address that issue from now on I will treat everyone in my employer's family not her servants I thank you for bringing this matter to me directly and honestly and from this point forward I promise to make this a state a worthy home for all of you the days that followed through a remarkable transformation within the manner an unspoken understanding filled the Halls an acceptance of Leo and Julian's love blossomed among the staff and other household workers laughter echoed more freely warmth infused the air and their love became a beacon of joy in what was once a solemn abode with lighter Hearts Leo and Julian continued their service liberated from the shackles of secrecy their love was no longer hidden in fleeting glances and Stolen Moments now it's Shone freely under the sun's gaze their faces bore constant smiles and their hands were frequently entwined and they exchained Tender Kisses openly the garden reflected their Joy flourishing as vibrantly as their love the private midnight Rendezvous between Leo and Julian continued in the garden enveloped by the sweet fragrance of the prized roses each night at midnight bathed in the blue hue of the Moon their bodies Drew close their lips met and their fingers traced the Contours of each other's forms one night soon after the incident in the garden Julian whispered to his beloved never have I met a man with more character and bravery as you I am truly lucky to call you my one true love Leo held Julian close a smile lighting up his face my bravery is only matched by your passion hard and warmth it is me who is the luckier of the two of us his hands traced a path down Julian's lean toned body sparking a thrilling shiver of anticipation now in this paradise that we've been fortunate enough to cultivate on this perfect warm Summer's evening I can think of no better time to make love to the man who's already everything I've ever dreamed a man could be Leo looks deeply into Julian's sweet loving eyes as he softly caressed his face and replied together we will experience the gifts of intimacy for the first time in my wildest fantasies no evening no place no person could have ever captured my heart like this it couldn't be more perfect and with that their clothes fell away piece by piece each article dropped carelessly on the grass that disrobing was unhurried each revealed skin Awakening with a new surge of desire and soon they stood bare before each other the cool night air caused Goosebumps on their tender skin a stark contrast to the fiery passion igniting within them yes Julian was known for his roses but in this moment it was his two lips Leo yearned for seems like Leo and Julian taught Lord Carson a thing or two about love and acceptance often the family we find is stronger than the ones we're born into I hope you enjoyed today's steamy story I know I personally had a blast being your guest host as always steamy stories is written by JC calciano one of my dearest friends and today it was hosted by me Jack Turner I hope you'll join us next month for another toward retail I've been told it's a sexy story about two astronauts who embark on a crucial mission to save the Earth it's definitely not one you want to miss so let the countdown begin T minus 30 days till we tell you our next team is Timmy still then Cheerio bro

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