Steamy Stories

First Time

September 12, 2023 JC Calciano, Mark Montgomery Season 6 Episode 41
First Time
Steamy Stories
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Steamy Stories
First Time
Sep 12, 2023 Season 6 Episode 41
JC Calciano, Mark Montgomery



Season 6  - Episode #41


Andy stood across the street from the only gay bar in town. His heart raced as he imagined what he'd find inside. This was not only Andy's first time in a bar but also the first time he'd ever publicly revealed his desires. "What's going on in there? How will they treat me? Will they find me attractive? Will I find them attractive?" He wondered. His heart beat rapidly in his chest, mostly from exhilaration, but partially out of fear. Could he summon the courage to take the first steps toward the door? Would he be able to enter the club?

  *  Steamy Stories Official Website:
 Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!
 STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Mark Montgomery.

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Season 6  - Episode #41


Andy stood across the street from the only gay bar in town. His heart raced as he imagined what he'd find inside. This was not only Andy's first time in a bar but also the first time he'd ever publicly revealed his desires. "What's going on in there? How will they treat me? Will they find me attractive? Will I find them attractive?" He wondered. His heart beat rapidly in his chest, mostly from exhilaration, but partially out of fear. Could he summon the courage to take the first steps toward the door? Would he be able to enter the club?

  *  Steamy Stories Official Website:
 Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!
 STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Mark Montgomery.

Support the Show.

and he stood across the street from the only gay bar in town his heart raced as he imagined what he'd find inside this was not only Andy's first time in a bar but also the first time he'd ever publicly revealed his desires what's going on in there how will they treat me will they find me attractive will I find them attractive he wondered his heart beat rapidly in his chest mostly from exhilaration but partially out of fear could he summon the courage to take the first steps toward the door would he be able to enter the club who remembers their first time I know I do it's a very special and wonderful occasion if you're lucky hi this is Stevie's stories written by JC calciano and I'm your host Mark Montgomery and I'm here today to tell you a tale about Andy and Sam two teens who are about to share their first experiences together it's going to be a hot one so sit back get comfy and join me as we remember what it was like to be young innocent and somewhat naive because we are about to embark on a journey of sexual Discovery in this month's steamy stories foreign the neon sign of a quaint gay bar named the Rainbow's End flickered casting playful multi-colored patterns on the pavement Andy who with his boy next door charm could incite flutters with a bashful smile stood quietly at a distance watching patrons enter and exit the bar tonight however his usual Sparkle was slightly dimmed by a wave of serious thoughts standing a mere 50 feet across the street from a lively gay bar and he tried to muster the courage to step into the vibrant establishment until now he had always kept this part of himself hidden tonight he decided would be the night he socializes with men his own age men who shared his interests no more imagining what the inside of a gay bar was like or fantasizing about the fit fantastic men reveling Within this evening he'd finally engage with the community he now recognized as his family and summoned the courage to accept himself as he was and what his life would soon be a life he had concealed from family and friends for years he yearned to savor the freedom that the patrons within must be experiencing but fear held him rooted firmly in place the universe seemed to be weaving a romantic Symphony around him a flirty dance of possibilities and love for everyone at the same time and he found himself alone an outsider peering into a modest bar but so far this evening Andy had circled the block more times than he could count hoping that with each lap he'd find the nerve to walk through the door he'd passed this bar a hundred times before always dreaming of the day he would finally step inside all he had to do now was cross the street and open the door to a new world it was as daunting as it was exhilarating this was a place Andy knew he had to venture into to embark on the most important journey of his life a flutter of nervous excitement in his stomach signaled an undercurrent of anticipation he knew this Knight could alter his life if he were brave enough to take the first step all he had to do was cross the street and open the door to a new world and so again there he stood his heart pounding a fervent Rhythm against the Silence of his apprehension torn between going inside or wondering if just one more lap around the block would afford him the courage to enter I'll just take one more quick stroll around the block and then I promise to March right in no hesitation once and for all nothing will deter me this time as he was about to set off on another round of his habitual hesitation-fueled Promenade around the block his gaze landed on something or rather someone across the street illuminated by the soft glow of a Street Lamp a young man stood alone reflecting Andy's own anxious anticipation he was of a similar age radiating an Allure that struck a resident cord in Andy's heart his eyes were wide and filled with a tender uncertainty that Andy understood all too well a spark of curiosity flickered within Andy here was someone seemingly caught in the same storm of emotions ensnared in the same dance of fear and longing and almost magnetic connection tugged at Andy's heart as though the universe had orchestrated this serendipitous encounter offering him a Lifeline in the form of this intriguing stranger Guided by this newfound Bond Andy decided to bridge the gap to reach out to this young man who seemed so similar emboldened by his resolve to lend support he wondered perhaps I could help him feel more at ease with his insecurities his fear if he's anything like me I'm sure he'd appreciate knowing he's not alone setting aside his own needs Andy focused solely on providing comfort and refuge to another young man wrestling with the same insecurities he had his heart pounded a fervent Rhythm as he began to approach The Stranger the anxiety that had been a Relentless barrier now morphed into thrilling anticipation infusing the Knight with a Charged energy as Andy crossed the street his only thought was to extend kindness to this kindred spirit to comfort him and soothe the fears that mirrored his own as he approached he could see that the young man roughly his age was attractively awkward in a Charming nerdy way he had clearly aimed for a dress to impress style but missed the mark in an endearingly clumsy fashion his Ensemble was a mismatched blend of skater-style baggy jeans and a slightly too tight shirt that looked like something worn to a fraternity Rush his thick lush hair was awkwardly slipped back in an attempt at hypnis an endearing contrast to his fresh face struggling to sport a manly Scruff intended to make him appear older Andy couldn't help but chuckle at the side of him finding his unconventional Style Both adorable and tantalizingly sexy he's certainly not stereotypical Andy laughed quietly as he found his heart beating faster as he approached the bashful boy as he stepped out of his comfort zone Andy mustered the courage to initiate a conversation his heart is a flutter as he opened his mouth to speak breaking the comfortable Silence of the Starlet night hello he softly stated his voice carrying the sweet charm of hesitant bravery I noticed you standing here alone it's a beautiful night isn't it the young man spoke softly at first as he glanced downward avoiding eye contact yeah it's nice out tonight I was just out for a walk heading nowhere in particular he replied as he then timidly looked up his large inviting blue eyes met Andes as his face revealed a nervous understanding smile Andy involuntarily let out a silent gasp damn the boy is hot I figured he was cute but those eyes lips wow Andy's intention was not to flirt with the handsome young man but more to comfort him and offer him friendship since it was evident they were both struggling with the same fears and insecurity about entering a gay bar Andy softly admitted I must have walked around the block a dozen times hoping to gather the courage to walk into that bar funny as it may seem I just can't get myself to go in silly isn't it I've never been in a gay bar before have you Sam's face beamed revealing not only the release of his own secret fears but also in the recognition that he is not alone in his struggle right me too I wasn't going to confess to it but I was totally freaking out about going in I've also passed this place a dozen times but couldn't get myself to pop in for a brew a well-deserved laugh was shared between the two men as Andy added I'm so glad to know I'm not alone I was starting to think I was a freak the young man quickly added you're certainly not a freak but if you are then so am I glad to meet you I'm Sam well since we're both in the same boat it seems neither of us is alone anymore should we muster the courage together and enter Sam not so subtly gave Andy a thorough once over Andy smirked at Sam's lack of finesse it was clear that Sam had quickly recovered from his shyness when he stated you know I have to say I'm not really in the mood for a beer right now and the thought of yelling over loud music doesn't appeal to me at the moment how about we grab a cup of coffee instead there's a great little cafe around the corner and care to join me the first Cup's on me Sam's face brightened at the proposition his lips curling into a warm smile I'd like that I wasn't in the mood for a cocktail anyway he responded what started as a night of fear and apprehension had now turned into a delightful detour the shared journey to a Cozy Cafe promised a positive shift in the evening that was until they reached the cafe only to find the intimate establishment was dark and closed for the evening Andy's heart sank at the site of the see you tomorrow sign in the window it was evident that Sam felt the same way each of them wondered silently what to do next the evening was still young and both men had already expressed their disinterest in the bar scene Sam immediately said my parents are cool with me having company over they'll be in the living room watching TV I've taken over the basement if you'd like we could hang out at my place I know it's lame but it's an idea and he tried to appear as nonchalant as possible as he observed Sam trying to gauge his intentions despite Sam's casual attire Andy couldn't deny his attractiveness and he wondered is it a good idea to go home with a guy I just met I don't really know him Sam's innocent smile sweet eyes and lean muscular physique were too appealing to resist plus the fact that his parents would be in the living room seemed reassuring it was going to be okay sure I can come by for a bit I'd like to get to know you better so let's do it Andy said Sam enthusiastically guided him down the street I'm just two blocks over upon entering Sam's parents modest home Sam called out to his parents who were engrossed in the latest Julia Roberts film I'm home I'm here with a friend we'll be in my room we're going to hang out for a bit Andy observed Sam with Fascination as he confidently navigated his familiar surroundings he lived in a modest traditional split level home brimming with family photos homemade crafts and comfortable furniture Andy couldn't help but notice the Striking similarity to his own parents house this realization brought him comfort Sam's parents briefly turned and waved welcome their eyes sparkling with curiosity they didn't ask any questions simply returning their attention to the movie lovingly acknowledging their son's return their easy acceptance was a quiet relief to Andy who began to relax in the casual and accepting atmosphere of the home the basement was a cozy Den filled with posters of Sam's favorite bands a shelf brimming with books a computer desk skater paraphernalia and a large screen TV space radiated warmth just like Sam himself a few action figures from popular Comic Book Heroes stood on a corner shelf adding a touch of Sam's quirky Style with the barriers of the outside world momentarily forgotten Andy found himself enjoying the company of the charismatic young man his initial fears about the evening seem to be evaporating replaced by an intimate connection he hadn't anticipated Sam excused himself momentarily to fetch them both a drink from the kitchen leaving Andy alone to take in the surroundings as he looked around he noticed a picture frame on a small table it held a picture of Sam younger his arms wrapped around what appeared to be his parents their smiles were warm and welcoming mirroring the same warmth Andy had felt since entering the house Sam returned with drinks and handed one to Andy Sam plunked down on the edge of his bed nonchalantly gesturing for Andy to join him here take a seat since there was an absence of other options Andy joined him the two young men sat awkwardly on the bed each silently hoping the other would be the first to speak however neither of them uttered a word then like a siren piercing a painfully quiet night Sam broke the silence his eyes held a hint of lightness as a slight quiver crept into his voice Andy he began his voice barely above a whisper have you ever been kissed by a man his simple yet profound question sent a ripple through Andy's heart a surprised expression washed over Andy's face his eyes widening it was a moment that stretched out like a sweetly drawn-out note from an epic concerto he breathed deeply and timidly shook his head no Andy's heart now drummed in his chest anticipation and nervous excitement filled him with the Quiet courage that had become His companion through the night he finally voiced the desire rustling in his heart would you he started then paused to breathe his gaze remained firmly on Sam's would you like to be my first his question hung in the air their heartbeats echoing in the uncomfortable Silence of the room it was a moment where fear intertwined with hope uncertainty melded with desire and the sweetness of a potential first kiss loomed on the horizon the universe seemed to hold its breath awaiting Sam's response the moment stretched on impossibly Long teetering on the edge of anticipation Sam's eyes sparkled with surprise then consideration and finally acceptance his lips parted to release a whisper that breathed life into their shared hopes okay slowly hesitantly as if not wanting to shatter the delicate beauty of the moment Andy Linden he was close enough to catch the faint scent of Sam's cologne a subtle spicy Aroma that made his pulse Quicken the two young men were so close that their breaths intermingled in the small distance separating them then with a gentleness that made Sam's breath quiver Andy pressed his lips against Sam's it was a sweet simple kiss a delicate brush of lips that sent warmth flooding through him the world seemed to spin on a different axis as they shared their first intimate moment together a moment Amplified by the feverish beating of their hearts Andy pulled back slightly his eyes fluttering open to meet Sam's gaze and the soft Cellar light his eyes Shone with tender understanding a silent promise echoing through their shared gaze this was a significant milestone their first shared kiss marking the beginning of an intimate journey together bashfully Sam looked down at the floor his cheeks flushing as he murmured wow that was nice you're really good at this Andy modestly chuckled I don't think so it's my first time I don't know if I did it right but with your permission I'd like to try it again and see if I can do it better Sam met Andy's gaze a playful Wink in his eyes yeah maybe you do need a bit more practice let's give it another go and see if you improve taking Sam's hand Andy leaned in closer the two boys closed their eyes and once again their lips met this time Andy's mouth wasn't tightly shut as before instead it was slightly open as if he wanted to save her as much of Sam as possible Sam seemed to instinctually understand Andy's intention clearly sharing the same desire his mouth moved in sync with Andes as they found a perfect harmony between them Sam's hand found its way to the back of Andy's head ensuring that the pressure between their mouths was strong and powerful time seemed to stand still for both of them lost in a kiss they wished would never end finally they separated Sam sheepishly looked around the bedroom wondering if anyone had entered while they weren't paying attention nope still alone still just us Andy couldn't help but notice the discomfort now binding him below the waist ah damn these skinny jeans his excitement had gotten the best of him putting his manhood in a tight spot dare he adjust himself would it be too obvious or awkward as Andy's male member battled Against The Snug denim eager to be released from its cotton constraints Sam couldn't help but laugh sympathetically need to adjust yourself me too I didn't expect to be so turned on he confessed clearly they were both suffering from the same affliction sharing a laugh they both reached into the front of their genes making whatever adjustments needed to be made to continue their evening comfortably then in a swift move Sam reached over his head and grabbed the collar of his shirt with one Fell Swoop he lifted it off and tossed it to the side of the room as Andy suspected Sam's hairless trim body was tight and sculpted there wasn't an ounce of body fat on the young skater genetics had been kind to him he fought to catch his breath as Sam eagerly reached over and took hold of Andy's shirt mind if I unbuttoned this he asked nervously hoping desperately the answer would be affirmative Andy couldn't utter a word too choked up to speak instead he nodded signaling to Sam that he was okay with him removing his shirt slowly with remarkable restraint Sam unfastened Andy's shirt button by button once the top three buttons were undone he reached inside Andy's shirt and ran the back of his hand along his chest unknowingly or knowingly Sam brushed Andy's nipple a shiver shot down Andy's spine as he could feel himself readying to explode Once Again Sam leaned in for a kiss the silky soft warm touch against Andy's mouth made his head spin suddenly he felt dizzy what's happening to me he wondered is it because my blood is rushing elsewhere don't pass out don't pass out Andy silently urged himself hoping not to let this moment be interrupted Sam a pleasant but firm voice called from the top of the stairs punctuated by a knock on the door your father and I are going to bed it might be time for your friend to go home Andy wasn't sure if what he felt was profound disappointment or relief at the sound of Sam's mother beckoning his return to his senses okay Mom be right up Sam answered sweetly quickly buttoning Andy shirt I'm so sorry Sam whispered you're going to have to leave he swiftly got off the couch to retrieve his own shirt and slipped it over his head yeah I totally get it no worries Andy quickly assured as he continued my folks aren't cool with having people they don't know over when they're not home thanks for being cool Sam smiled giving a mischievous wink the next few minutes were a blur as Sam and Andy dashed up the stairs and out of the basement swiftly navigating past his parents and to the front door on the front porch Sam quietly stated tonight was fun I really enjoyed it can I have your cell number maybe call you sometime without hesitation Andy recited it to him ensuring he articulated each digit to avoid any risk of confusion awesome thanks talk to you soon good night Sam quickly planted a surprise kiss on Andy's lips and retreated behind the front door shocked surprised and excited by the Whirlwind of events Andy knew one thing for sure it was time for him to head home walking towards his parents house Andy felt he had conquered the evening and his biggest fear as he confidently strolled down the street with his head high and a mischievous smile his phone buzzed interrupting his thoughts and self-assured stride it was a text from Sam that simply read thanks again for tonight see you again soon Andy's fingers flew over his screen to reply immediately sure as a goofy smirk appeared on his face a follow-up message from Sam arrived thank you for being my first kiss I'm glad I was yours too maybe on our next date we could be each other's first something else Andy's heart pounded with excitement swiftly he replied with a heart emoji and several thumbs up symbols ah young love I hope that reminded you of your first kiss I know it did mine I wonder whatever did become of that Cirque du Soleil performer I met behind the big top as a teenager that boy could easily fold himself up like a pretzel now he gave me a performance to remember that night well maybe one day I'll share that steamy story with you but for now steamy stories is written by JC calciano and narrated by me Mark Montgomery I certainly hope you join us again next month when I tell you another steamy story later bro

Steamy Story starts